你作为我的 个人职业生涯规划 以及 个人生活规划的经理。我这里每一项提供给你的任务,你都应该帮我 review 下面这些点
- Review ready list monthly in 28th: Update the list in the 28th of each month.z
- Random per month: I will randomly select a item from Ready on this list through the GitHub Action.
- Limit 20 hours: The time of each item should be less than 20 hours, so that it can be completed within a month.
- Measurable goal: There should be a clear goal of "completion" of this event.
- Accessible items: It is best to be things and problems encountered in work and life.
- Progress every week: There should be a little progress every week. It can be a link to share related knowledge points or comments, or reading. Sync to Telegram Channel
# title
Node.js and TypeScript Review Plan | Node.js 和 TypeScript 复习计划
## Summary
Publish one blog post per topic in two week. | 每两周更新一篇关于 Node.js 和 TypeScript 的博客(以自己的理解)
## TODOList
### Step 1: Node.js Basics (1-2 weeks)
- [ ] **Review Node.js Core Modules**:
- Focus on `fs`, `http`, `path`, and `events` modules.
- Create small demo applications using each module.
- [ ] **Node.js Global Objects**:
- Understand global objects like `process` and `Buffer`.
- Experiment with `process` APIs to handle environment variables.
- [ ] **Asynchronous Programming in Node.js**:
- Refresh knowledge on callbacks, Promises, and async/await.
- Refactor a small Node.js project to use async/await.
### Step 2: TypeScript Fundamentals (1-2 weeks)
- [ ] **Basic TypeScript Concepts**:
- Review data types, interfaces, and enums.
- Convert a small JavaScript project to TypeScript.
- [ ] **Advanced TypeScript Features**:
- Understand generics, namespaces, and decorators.
- Create examples demonstrating each of these features.
- [ ] **TypeScript Configuration and Tooling**:
- Learn about `tsconfig.json` options and their effects.
- Set up TypeScript with tools like ESLint and Prettier.
### Step 3: Intersection of Node.js and TypeScript (1-2 weeks)
- [ ] **Building a RESTful API**:
- Use Express with TypeScript to create a simple REST API.
- Focus on type safety and error handling with middleware.
- [ ] **Testing Node.js and TypeScript Code**:
- Use testing frameworks like Mocha or Jest.
- Write unit tests for existing Node.js/TypeScript projects.
- [ ] **Performance and Debugging**:
- Use Node.js built-in Profiler and Chrome DevTools.
- Optimize code for better performance.
### Books & Resources
- [ ] [TypeScript 基础](https://wangdoc.com/typescript/)
- [ ] [Node.js 基础](https://weread.qq.com/web/reader/d1b32290718ff65fd1befcc)
- [ ] more...