- GUI!!!
- compact ALL objects (objects should be mostly DATA), create mostly pure functions, make them friend functions if they need to modify private data (or make all public)
- add testing directory 'lib/t/' with scripts and .cc files
- create (regression) test suite using cmake CTEST
- improve code quality with gcov and valgrind
- design bug: overwrite of option (e.g. modules = ... \n modules = ...) is not caught (disabled due to pre-population on command line)
- connectors: allow simultaneous reading of input if multiple modules connect to the same output
- binary data dump: record/replay generic data dumps (no need to write a recorder/reader for all kinds of input data)
- cmake: add options to set -fno-exceptions and -fno-rtti (rtti needs some code changes)
- cmake: separate toolbox into its own repository
- config: feature request -> meta modules [not yet]
- control: move modules between master, thread and pool [GUI required]
- control: automagic module pooling [too much effort needed, requires deeper dependency understanding]
- control: async mode [not needed/requested so far]
- control: add mapping of thread/pool to cpu (pthread_setaffinity_np)