This sample demonstrates how to create a microservice as an OSGi bundle. See also; msf4j fatjar
In this sample we have exposed the StockQuoteService as an OSGi service that implements org.wso2.msf4j.Microservice interface as shown in the following code.
name = "org.wso2.msf4j.stockquote.StockQuoteService",
service = Microservice.class,
immediate = true
public class StockQuoteService implements Microservice {
protected void activate(BundleContext bundleContext){
// Nothing to do
protected void deactivate(BundleContext bundleContext){
// Nothing to do
// resource methods are here..
Note the empty @Activate and @Deactivate methods that are required to properly generate the bundle headers that are required by the framework.
From this directory, run
mvn clean install
First you need to install the MSF4J feature in to carbon kernel. To do go to the resource directory at the bundle level and execute the following command
mvn clean install
This will install the msf4j and other required features to the kernel and build up a product. You can find the product in the resources/target directory
Go to the target/wso2msf4j-/bin directory Then run the following command to start the MSF4J server.
Install the target/stockquote-msf4j-bundle-2.0.0.jar as an OSGi bundle to WSO2 MSF4J product using it's OSGi console with the following command.
install file://<path to target directory>/stockquote-bundle-2.0.0.jar
When the installation of the bundle is successful, use the bundle ID of the installed bundle to start
it. Use the following command in the OSGi console for that.
start <bundle ID>
When the bundle is started, the microservice that is exposed as an OSGi service will be picked by the runtime and will be exposed as a REST service.
Unzip wso2 MSF4J product and copy target/stockquote-msf4j-bundle-2.0.0.jar bundle to the "[SERVER-HOME]/osgi/dropins" directory.
Then navigate to the bin directory and run the following command to start WSO2 MSF4J server.
When the server is being started, the bundle in the dropins directory will be automatically loaded and it's microservices that are there as OSGi services will be exposed as REST services.
Use following cURL commands.
curl http://localhost:9090/stockquote/IBM