1. Show that the hom-functors map identity morphisms in C to corresponding identity morphisms in Set.
As shown in the text, for the C(a,-) functor, lifting a function f is defined as precomposition:
C(a,f) h = f . h
So for lifting identity: C(a, id) h = id . h = h, and C(a, id) = id.
Similarly for C(-,a), lifting is postcomposition:
C(f,a) h = h . f
So C(id, a) h = h . id = h, and C(id, a) = id.
Since the profunctor C(-,=) is define in terms of the two previous functors, this must also map identity to identity.
A functor is representable if it is isomorphic to the hom-functor C(a,-), for some a.
This means there must be an invertible natural transformation between Maybe
and C(a,-). In other words we need to find these two functions, and their composition must be identity:
tabulate :: (a -> x) -> Maybe x
index :: Maybe x -> (a -> x)
The problem is with index
. For the Just x
case it will be easy to create a function, but for Nothing
we can never construct a function a -> x
, regardless of what a
we chose.
This is the same problem as shown for the list functor in the text, which is not surprising since Maybe
can be seen as a special kind of list with a maximum length of 1.
Still this argument is not completely satisfying. We have shown we cannot write a parametrically polymorph index
, but does that mean we cannot find an index
and tabulate
for any Maybe
For Maybe Integer
, the following implementation would work, with a::()
tabulate f
| f () == 0 = Nothing
| f () < 0 = Just (f ())
| otherwise = Just (f () - 1)
index Nothing = \_ -> 0
index (Just x)
| x < 0 = \_ -> x + 1
| otherwise = \_ -> x
We simply use a function returning 0 to encode Nothing, and shift all the non-negative numbers up by 1.
But this only works for infinite types where we can reserve a value for Nothing
and shift all others without creating an overflow. For Maybe Int
(fixed precision) we would get an overflow encoding MAX_INT
For types x
with a fixed precision and X possible values, it's generally not possible to find a function type a -> x
with exactly X+1 possible functions. Therefore, there can never be an isomorphism, since some values always get collapsed in one direction or the other, which means either tabulate . index /= id
or index . tabulate /= id
Again, a functor is representable if it is isomorphic to the hom-functor C(a,-), for some a.
Since the Reader
functor is the hom-functor, it is isomorphic to itself (using identity natural transformations), and thus representable.
Using the definitions from the text:
class Representable f where
type Rep f :: *
tabulate :: (Rep f -> x) -> f x
index :: f x -> Rep f -> x
data Stream x = Cons x (Stream x)
instance Representable Stream where
type Rep Stream = Integer
tabulate f = Cons (f 0) (tabulate (f . (+1)))
index (Cons b bs) = \n -> if n == 0 then b else index bs (n - 1)
We can memoize the function as follows:
memoized :: Stream Integer
memoized = tabulate (\x -> x * x)
To test:
main :: IO ()
main = do
print (index memoized 1)
print (index memoized 5)
print (index memoized 10)
print (index memoized 32)
will print
as output.
5. Show that tabulate
and index
for Stream
are indeed the inverse of each other. (Hint: use induction.)
First we show index . tabulate = id
For n = 0:
index (tabulate f) 0
= // definition of tabulate
index (Cons (f 0) (tabulate (f . (+1)))) 0
= // definition of index
f 0
Then for n > 0:
index (tabulate f) n
= // definition of tabulate
index (Cons (f 0) (tabulate (f . (+1)))) n
= // definition of index
index (tabulate (f . (+1))) (n - 1)
= // induction: assume (index . tabulate) is identity for n - 1
(f . (+1)) (n - 1)
= // cancel +1 against -1
f n
Then we need to prove the reverse is true and tabulate . index = id
as well.
First the head of the stream:
tabulate (index (Cons b bs))
// definition of tabulate
Cons (index (Cons b bs) 0) (tabulate ((index (Cons b bs)) . (+1)))
// definition of index
Cons ((\n -> if n == 0 then b else index bs (n - 1)) 0) (tabulate ((index (Cons b bs)) . (+1)))
// function application
Cons b (tabulate ((index (Cons b bs)) . (+1)))
So for the head b
, tabulate . index
is indeed identity. Continuing the equational reasoning for the tail:
Cons b (tabulate ((index (Cons b bs)) . (+1)))
// definition of index
Cons b (tabulate ((\n -> if n == 0 then b else index bs (n - 1)) . (+1)))
// remove the if, since we know n > 0
Cons b (tabulate ((\n -> index bs (n - 1)) . (+1)))
// cancel -1 and +1
Cons b (tabulate (\n -> index bs n))
// remove lambda
Cons b (tabulate (index bs))
// induction: assume (tabulate . index) is identity for the tail
Cons b bs
6. The functor Pair a = Pair a a
is representable. Can you guess the type that represents it? Implement tabulate
and index
The function to represent the pair needs to be able to store two a
The Pair
functor is a product of a
and a
, or a^2
. The function to represent this must have an equal number of possible values so it can be a bijection with the functor. The function type is an exponent: return_value ^ argument
. The return value is a
, and from the product in the Pair
functor it is clear the argument type must have a cardinality of 2.
The canonical type for this is Bool
. The implementation of Representable
is then quite straightforward:
data Pair a = Pair a a
instance Representable Pair where
type Rep Pair = Bool
tabulate f = Pair (f True) (f False)
index (Pair x y) True = x
index (Pair x y) False = y