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ontology ID label editor preferred term has curation status alternative term definition definition source example of usage term editor editor note curator note ontology term requester term tracker item logical type logical note parent class material processing technique detection technique evaluant measurand analyte device reagent molecular label input output target entity objective associated axioms
ID A rdfs:label A editor preferred term AI has curation status A alternative term SPLIT=| A definition SPLIT=| A definition source SPLIT=| A example of usage SPLIT=| A term editor SPLIT=| A editor note SPLIT=| A curator note SPLIT=| A ontology term requester A term tracker item CLASS_TYPE C % SPLIT=| C 'has part' some % SPLIT=| C 'has part' some % SPLIT=| C (has_specified_input some (% and 'has role' some 'evaluant role')) and (realizes some ('evaluant role' and ('role of' some %))) SPLIT=| C (has_specified_input some %) and (realizes some ('measurand role' and ('inheres in' some %))) C (has_specified_input some %) and (realizes some ('analyte role' and ('inheres in' some %))) C (has_specified_input some %) and (realizes some (function and ('inheres in' some %))) SPLIT=| C (has_specified_input some %) and (realizes some ('reagent role' and ('inheres in' some %))) C (has_specified_input some %) and (realizes some ('molecular label role' and ('inheres in' some %))) C has_specified_input some % C has_specified_output some % C has_specified_output some ('is about' some %) C achieves_planned_objective some % C %
CHMO:0000087 fluorescence microscopy fluorescence imaging|fluorescence microscopic imaging|FM Any type of microscopy where the specimen can be made to fluoresce (emit energy as visible light) by illuminating it with light of specific wavelengths. These specimens are called fluorophores. CHMO subclass microscopy assay
CHMO:0000089 confocal fluorescence microscopy CLSM|confocal fluorescence imaging|confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy|confocal laser scanning microscopy|confocal-laser scanning microscopy|fluorescence confocal microscopy|fluorescence confocal scanning laser microscopy|LSCM|scanning confocal fluorescence microscopy Microscopy where the specimen can be made to fluoresce (emit energy as visible light) by scanning a gas (Ar or Kr) laser spot of specific wavelength over its surface and using a spatial pinhole to eliminate out-of-focus fluorescence. CHMO subclass microscopy assay
CHMO:0000102 light microscopy light microscopy|OM|optical microscopy Microscopy where the specimen is illuminated with visible light and a system of lenses is used to produce an image. CHMO subclass microscopy assay
OBI:0000117 Bernoulli trial An assay where the output data is a datum with one of two values denoting success and failure. OBI branch derived PlanAndPlannedProcess Branch subclass assay
OBI:0000182 nuclear magnetic resonance 3D structure determination assay A 3D structure determination assay that uses magnetic properties of atomic nuclei to determine the 3D structure and dynamics of molecules in the input sample. IEDB Determining the binding of epitope-specific nanobody cAb-HuL5 to wild type human lysozyme by chemical shift perturbations in NMR spectra (Erwin De Genst, J Phys Chem B 2013). PlanAndPlannedProcess Branch|IEDB equivalent 3D structure determination assay NMR instrument 3D structural organization datum
OBI:0000185 imaging assay An assay that produces a picture of an entity. OBI branch derived PlanAndPlannedProcess Branch subclass assay image
OBI:0000201 radioactivity detection An assay that measures the amount of radiation in the radioactive spectrum (alpha, beta or gamma rays) emitted from an input material. IEDB Placing the evaluant input material close to a scintillation counter which emits light upon being hit with alpha/beta/gamma radiation and counting the frequency of light blasts to determine the radioactivity of the input material. PlanAndPlannedProcess Branch|IEDB equivalent assay ('material entity' and ('bearer of' some radioactive)) ('material entity' and ('bearer of' some radioactive))
OBI:0000288 protein-protein interaction detection assay An assay that determines interactions between proteins, such as protein-protein binding. subclass assay
OBI:0000291 transcription factor binding site assay TF binding An assay tthat determines DNA regions specifically recognized by proteins that function as transcription factors OBI Transcription factor binding site identification in yeast: a comparison of high-density oligonucleotide and PCR-based microarray platforms. Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass binding assay information content entity transcription factor binding site
OBI:0000366 metabolite profiling assay metabolite assay|metabolomic assay An assay that detects and identifies chemical entities resulting from biochemical and cellular metabolism OBI Metabolite profiling of human colon carcinoma - deregulation of TCA cycle and amino acid turnover. Mol Cancer. 2008 Sep 18;7(1):72. PMID: 18799019 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass assay specimen
OBI:0000418 measuring glucose concentration in blood serum assay An assay that determines the concentration of glucose molecules in a blood serum sample OBI Measuring glucose concentration in blood from a mouse. See Figure 2 of the 2016 OBI paper, PMID: 27128319. Bjoern Peters subclass analyte assay blood serum specimen glucose
OBI:0000424 transcription profiling assay gene expression profiling|transcription profiling An assay that determines gene expression and transcription activity using ribonucleic acids collected from a material entity. OBI Whole genome transcription profiling of Anaplasma phagocytophilum in human and tick host cells by tiling array analysis. BMC Genomics. 2008 Jul 31;9:364. PMID: 18671858 Philippe Rocca-Serra This term should encompass transcription and post-transcription, but before translation into protein. So 'gene expression' itself is too broad, and we use 'transcription profiling identification objective' to constrain the scope of this term. equivalent assay RNA extract ribonucleic acid (specimen and ('has part' some 'ribonucleic acid')) measurement datum gene expression transcription profiling identification objective
OBI:0000433 DNA sequence feature detection assay An assay with the objective to determine a sequence feature of DNA OBI genotyping using an Affymetrix chip Philippe Rocca-Serra|Bjoern Peters subclass assay DNA extract sequence feature identification objective
OBI:0000435 genotyping assay genotype profiling|SNP analysis An assay which generates data about a genotype from a specimen of genomic DNA. A variety of techniques and instruments can be used to produce information about sequence variation at particular genomic positions. OBI Biomaterial High-throughput genotyping of oncogenic human papilloma viruses with MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Clin Chem. 2008 Jan;54(1):86-92. Epub 2007 Nov 2.PMID: 17981923 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass analyte assay DNA extract (specimen and ('has part' some 'deoxyribonucleic acid')) genotype information sequence feature identification objective
OBI:0000438 DNA sequence variation detection assay An assay that measures changes (expansion, amplification, deletion, mutation) in the sequence of a DNA molecule. OBI Biomaterial Capturing genomic signatures of DNA sequence variation using a standard anonymous microarray platform. Nucleic Acids Res. 2006;34(18):e121. PMID: 17000641 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass assay DNA extract measurement datum sequence feature identification objective
OBI:0000443 analyte assay An assay with the objective to capture information about the presence, concentration, or amount of an analyte in an evaluant. Bjoern Peters|Helen Parkinson|Philippe Rocca-Serra|Alan Ruttenberg|OBI Planned process branch example of usage: In lab test for blood glucose, the test is the assay, the blood bears evaluant_role and glucose bears the analyte role. The evaluant is considered an input to the assay and the information entity that records the measurement of glucose concentration the output Bjoern Peters|Helen Parkinson|Philippe Rocca-Serra|Alan Ruttenberg subclass assay measurement datum analyte measurement objective
OBI:0000445 mass measurement assay An assay that determines the mass of an evaluant OBI The patients was weighed and mass was determined to be 47 kilograms Helen Parkinson subclass assay material entity mass measurement datum
OBI:0000447 intra cellular electrophysiology recording assay An electrophysiology recording assay where the recording location of the electrode is intracellular Frank Gibson Frank Gibson subclass assay mass measurement datum ion channel activity
OBI:0000454 extracellular electrophysiology recording assay An electrophysiology recording assay where the recording location of the electrode is extracellular Frank Gibson The recording of a spike train in the caudate nucleus of a monkey where the electrodes are extra cellular, i.e. not in the neuron Frank Gibson|Helen Parkinson subclass assay mass measurement datum ion channel activity
OBI:0000470 mass spectrometry assay An assay that identifies the amount and type of material entities present in a sample by fragmenting the sample and measuring the mass-to-charge ratio of the resulting particles. Philippe Rocca-Serra Identification of a proteins cut out from a 2D gel by cleaving it into peptides using trypsin digestion using electrospray ionizatino to ensure the peptides are charged, and accelerating them with an electro magnetic field in which the flight path is determined by the mass / charge ratio of the peptides. Comparing the mass/charge ratio of peptides in the proteins with databases of protein sequences allows to identify which protein gave rise to the peptides. Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass assay mass spectrometer
OBI:0000520 clinical chemistry assay detection of analyte in blood sample|chemical pathology An analyte assay which uses analytical methods to produce measurements and data on the concentration of chemical parameters (analytes) present in a bodily fluid collected from an organism. url: Influence of hydroxyethyl starch (6% HES 130/0.4) administration on hematology and clinical chemistry parameters. Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass analyte assay bodily fluid specimen scattered molecular aggregate
OBI:0000537 copy number variation profiling assay CNV analysis An assay that determines lost or amplified genomic regions of DNA by comparing genomic DNA originating from tissues from the same or different individuals using specific techniques such as CGH, array CGH, SNP genotyping Profiling of copy number variations (CNVs) in healthy individuals from three ethnic groups using a human genome 32 K BAC-clone-based array. PMID:18058796 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass assay measurement datum genetic characteristics information
OBI:0000615 protein expression profiling assay proteomic analysis An assay that determines protein expression and translation activity using protein extracts collected from a material entity. OBI branch derived Protein Expression Profiling During Chick Retinal Maturation: A Proteomics-based approach. PMID:19077203 Phlippe Rocca-Serra subclass assay (specimen and ('has part' some protein))
OBI:0000623 NMR spectroscopy assay Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy An assay that exploits the magnetic properties of certain nuclei (those with a spin) to resonate when placed in particular magnetic field conditions. Instruments recording NMR spectrum and sets of analysis can be used to deduce identity of chemical as well as composition of complex chemical mixtures. url: Metabolic profiling studies on the toxicological effects of realgar in rats by (1)H NMR spectroscopy. Wei L, Liao P, Wu H, Li X, Pei F, Li W, Wu Y. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2008 Nov 25. PMID: 19073202 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass assay
OBI:0000626 DNA sequencing assay nucleotide sequencing A sequencing assay which determines information on the sequence of a DNA molecule. url: Illumina (Solexa) sequencing is an example of DNA sequencing Philippe Rocca-Serra equivalent sequencing assay DNA extract DNA sequencer DNA sequence data
OBI:0000630 hematology assay blood analysis|haematology An assay that studies blood and blood producing organs using a variety of techniques and instruments OBI branch derived Co-associations between insulin sensitivity and measures of liver function, subclinical inflammation, and hematology._PMID:18702943 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass assay ('information content entity' and ('is about' some hemopoiesis))
OBI:0000634 DNA methylation profiling assay DNA methylation profiling An assay that measures the state of methylation of DNA molecules using genomic DNA collected from a material entity using a range of techniques and instrument such as DNA sequencers and often relying on treatment with bisulfites to ensure cytosine conversion. OBI branch derived Genome-wide, high-resolution DNA methylation profiling using bisulfite-mediated cytosine conversion. Reinders J, Delucinge Vivier C, Theiler G, Chollet D, Descombes P, Paszkowski J._PMID:18218979 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass epigenetic modification assay DNA extract (specimen and ('has part' some 'deoxyribonucleic acid')) data item DNA methylation epigenetic modification identification objective
OBI:0000661 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ELISA An analyte assay where binding of an enzyme linked antibody to a material entity that is immobilized on solid support is detected utilizing a chemiluminescent reaction. Depending on the setup, the enzyme-linked antibody could be binding directly to the analyte, or it serves as a secondary antibody detecting binding of the primary antibody to the analyte. IEDB 1) Detection of IL-2 (analyte) in a cell supernatant (evaluant), using plate bound anti IL-2 antibodies, and a reporter enzyme-linked reporter antibody. 2) Measurement of IgG antibody (analyte) titer in a serum sample (evaluant) using plate bound antigen and a reporter anti-IgG antibody. IEDB subclass logical definition does not capture details of processing analyte assay immunoglobulin complex, circulating
OBI:0000664 BrdU incorporation assay A cell proliferation assay in which cells are cultured in the presence of BrdU which is incorporated into newly synthesized DNA of replicating cells (during the S phase of the cell cycle), substituting for thymidine during DNA replication, which can be quantified by BrdU specific antibodies. IEDB The measurement of T cell proliferation as a response to a viral peptide by culturing T cells stimulated with APCs and peptide in the presence of BrdU. IEDB subclass logical definition does not capture how exactly BRDU is utilized cell proliferation assay ""5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine""
OBI:0000669 tritiated thymidine incorporation assay A cell proliferation assay in which cells are cultured in the presence of tritiated thymidine which is incorporated into newly synthesized DNA of replicating cells (during the S phase of the cell cycle). The radioactivity of tritiated thymidine in a cell is a proxy for cells that were actively replicating. IEDB The measurement of T cell proliferation as a response to a viral peptide by culturing T cells stimulated with APCs and peptide in the presence of tritiated thymidine, and using a scintillation counter to detect the radioactivity. IEDB subclass logical definition does not capture how exactly thymidine is utilized cell proliferation assay radioactivity detection tritiated thymidine
OBI:0000693 MeDIP-seq assay Methylated DNA immunoprecipitation sequencing assay A DNA methylation profiling assay that identifies methylated sites in genomic DNA and determines the methylation pattern that affect gene transcription using immunoprecipitation of methylated genomic DNA, creation of a library of corresponding DNA fragments (either single or paired-end fragments) and subsequent sequencing using parallelized sequencing methods. url: PMID: 18612301. A Bayesian deconvolution strategy for immunoprecipitation-based DNA methylome analysis. Down TA, Rakyan VK, Turner DJ, Flicek P, Li H, Kulesha E, Gr�_f S, Johnson N, Herrero J, Tomazou EM, Thorne NP, B�_ckdahl L, Herberth M, Howe KL, Jackson DK, Miretti MM, Marioni JC, Birney E, Hubbard TJ, Durbin R, Tavar�� S, Beck S. Nat Biotechnol. 2008 Jul;26(7):779-85. Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass infer chip & sequecing assays DNA methylation profiling assay chromatin immunoprecipitation|library preparation sequencing assay DNA extract|('has part' some chromatin) DNA sequencer DNA extract sequence data regulation of DNA methylation epigenetic modification identification objective
OBI:0000695 chain termination sequencing assay Sanger sequencing|dye terminator sequencing A DNA sequencing assay which rely on the use of dideoxynucleotides used in 4 distinct sequencing reaction on the same DNA sample. The dideoxynucleotides, once incorporated in the complementary DNA strand being synthesized by the DNA polymerase prevent any further chain elongation. The newly generated sequences are resolved on a polyacrylamide gel using electrophoresis and labels (either fluorochrome or radioactivity) are used to determine the nucleotide present at a given position url: PMID: 271968. DNA sequencing with chain-terminating inhibitors. Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass DNA sequencing by synthesis assay ('ABI 377 automated sequencer' or 'Li-Cor 4300 DNA Analysis System') PCR product
OBI:0000697 Helicos sequencing assay true single molecule sequencing A DNA sequencing by synthesis assay that identifiies the sequnece of billions of DNA molecules immobilized to a surface using DNA polymerase and fluorescently labeled nucleotides added one at a time. The sequencing process does not require an amplification step and is typically able to produce reads of 25 base pair length. url: PMID: 18388294. Single-molecule DNA sequencing of a viral genome. Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass DNA sequencing by synthesis assay HeliScope Single Molecule Sequencer
OBI:0000699 survival assessment assay An assay that measures the occurrence of death events in one or more organisms over time subclass assay organism survival rate organism
OBI:0000705 Edman degradation A sequencing assay in which the amino acid sequence of input peptides or proteins is determined by iteratively cleaving of the amino-terminal (N-terminal) residue without disrupting the peptide bonds and identifying it by e.g. chromatography or electropheresis. IEDB Determination of the amino acid sequence of a peptide eluted from HLA-DRB1*04:01 to be VYPEVTVYPAKT. IEDB subclass logical definition does not capture iterative cleaving sequencing assay material entity information content entity polypeptide
OBI:0000706 SOLiD sequencing assay A DNA sequencing by ligation assay that identifies sequence information using primers to hybridize to the P1 adapter sequence within the library template, fluorescently labeled di-base probes to compete for ligation to the sequencing primer, multiple cycles of ligation, detection and cleavage to determine the eventual read length, following a series of ligation cycles, the extension product is removed and the template is reset with a primer complementary to the n-1 position for a second round of ligation cycles. url: PMID: 19119315. High-resolution analysis of the 5'-end transcriptome using a next generation DNA sequencer. Hashimoto S, Qu W, Ahsan B, Ogoshi K, Sasaki A, Nakatani Y, Lee Y, Ogawa M, Ametani A, Suzuki Y, Sugano S, Lee CC, Nutter RC, Morishita S, Matsushima K. PLoS One. 2009;4(1):e4108. Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass DNA sequencing by ligation assay AB SOLiD System ('DNA ligase' or 'paired-end library' or 'single fragment library')
OBI:0000716 ChIP-seq assay chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing assay An assay in which chromatin is immunoprecipitated and subsequently analyzed using a DNA sequencing step to identify which parts of DNA are part of the isolated chromatin url: PMID: 19275939 Philippe Rocca-Serra|Bjoern Peters equivalent ChIP assay DNA sequencing assay DNA sequencer
OBI:0000721 glucose tolerance test An assay that measures glucose clearance from blood over time by repeated glucose measurement in blood serum or plasma after the administration of a glucose bolus in-vivo. This assay can be used to evaluate the severity of insulin resistance or the efficiency of glucose clearance. NuGO OBI plan branch PMID: 19527607 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass assay administering substance in vivo measuring glucose concentration in blood serum assay blood serum specimen Insulin resistance biological feature identification objective
OBI:0000723 DNA sequencing by ligation assay A DNA sequencing assay that performs chain extension during the sequencing reaction step using DNA ligase url: ABI Solid Sequencing uses the ligation-based DNA sequencing technology ( Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass DNA sequencing assay DNA ligase
OBI:0000724 Solexa sequencing assay reversible terminator sequencing A DNA sequencing by synthesis assay that identifies sequence information using DNA polymerase and reversible terminator, requiring immobilization of genomic DNA fragments onto a surface and a specific clonal amplification step known as bridge PCR. Reliance on a reversible terminator allows cycles of DNA chain extension by DNA polymerase and imaging without the need of electrophoretic separation of newly synthesized DNA fragment as with Sanger sequencing. Solexa web site (SS_DNAsequencing.pdf document available on july 2009) PMID: 18987734 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass DNA sequencing by synthesis assay Illumina Genome Analyzer II ('paired-end library' or 'single fragment library')
OBI:0000730 pyrosequencing assay A DNA sequencing by synthesis assay which sequences a single strand of DNA by synthesizing the complementary strand along it, one base pair at a time, and detecting which base was actually added at each step. The template DNA is immobilized, and solutions of A, C, G, and T nucleotides are added and removed after the reaction, sequentially. Light is produced only when the nucleotide solution complements the first unpaired base of the template. The sequence of solutions which produce chemiluminescent signals allows the determination of the sequence of the template. ssDNA template is hybridized to a sequencing primer and incubated with the enzymes DNA polymerase, ATP sulfurylase, luciferase and apyrase, and with the substrates adenosine 5-prime phosphosulfate (APS) and luciferin. url: Pyrosequencing sheds light on DNA sequencing. PMID:1115661 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass DNA sequencing by synthesis assay ('454 Genome Sequence 20' or '454 Genome Sequencer FLX')
OBI:0000734 DNA sequencing by synthesis assay A DNA sequencing assay that relies on DNA polymerase activity to perform chain extension during the sequencing reaction step. url: Roche-454 pyrosequencing and Illumina (Solexa) sequencing use synthesis-based method for DNA sequencing Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass DNA sequencing assay DNA polymerase complex
OBI:0000743 immune response assay An assay that determines information about an immune response IEDB Measuring if a Hepacivirus C (HCV) infected patient has an antibody response to HCV core protein by ELISA. Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita subclass assay measurement datum immune response
OBI:0000748 bisulfite sequencing assay A DNA methylation profiling assay which determines the methylation status of genomic DNA using DNA sequencing techniques preceded by a bisulfite based chemical modification of genomic DNA at CpG island location. url: PMID: 19581485. High definition profiling of mammalian DNA methylation by array capture and single molecule bisulfite sequencing. Hodges E, Smith A, Kendall J, Xuan Z, Ravi K, Rooks M, Zhang M, Ye K, Battacharjee A, Brizuela L, McCombie WR, Wigler M, Hannon GJ, Hicks J. Philippe Rocca-Serra|Sagar Jain subclass DNA meth profiling is a epigenetic mod assay, does not need inference DNA methylation profiling assay DNA sequencing assay DNA extract DNA sequencer DNA extract ('measurement datum' and 'DNA sequence data') regulation of DNA methylation epigenetic modification identification objective
OBI:0000787 human antithrombin-III in blood assay AT-III assay An assay that measures the amount of antithrombin III in blood. url: PMID:19696660#The antithrombin-III (AT-III) was determined using a Berichrom(r) Antithrombin-III (A) kit. Alan Ruttenberg subclass analyte assay ('scattered molecular aggregate' and ('has grain' some antithrombin-III)) scalar measurement datum blood coagulation
OBI:0000802 prothrombin time assay An assay that measures the prothrombin ratio, which is the prothrombin time for a patient, divided by the result for control plasma. Most commonly the test is preformed using blood plasma. Blood is drawn into a test tube containing liquid citrate, which acts as an anticoagulant. An excess of calcium is added to enable the blood to clot again.Tissue factor (also known as factor III or thromboplastin) is added, and the time the sample takes to clot is measured optically as the prothrombin time, which is compared to a control sample. url: PMID:19696660#The prothrombin time (PT) was quantitatively determined using RecombiPlasTin (Instrumentation Laboratory Company, Lexington, Massachusetts, USA). Alan Ruttenberg subclass assay scalar measurement datum blood coagulation
OBI:0000805 antithrombin-III berichrome assay AT-III assay An antithrombin-III (AT-III) assay in which exogenous bovine thrombin and heparin are added to test plasma to form a thrombin-heparin-AT complex. The residual thrombin not bound then hydrolyzes the p-nitroalanine substrate to produce a yellow color, which is read at 405 nm. The intensity of color produced is inversely proportional to the AT present. A calibration is done with standard human plasma reagent and results for a given specimen are reported as a percentage relative to the standard url: subclass human antithrombin-III in blood assay (has_specified_output some 'scalar measurement datum') and ('has participant' some 'Berichrom(r) Antithrombin III (A) Kit') and (has_specified_output exactly 1 Thing)
OBI:0000808 spectrolyse heparin antifactor-Xa assay An assay that quantitatively measures heparin in human plasma using Factor Xa and Antithrombin III in excess, where the rate of Factor Xa inhibition is directly proportional to the heparin concentration. The residual Factor Xa activity, measured with a Factor Xa-specific chromogenic substrate, is inversely proportional to the heparin concentration. url: PMID:19696660#Antifactor-Xa (anti-Xa) was determined using spectrolyse heparin (Xa) (Trinity Biotech plc, Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland). Alan Ruttenberg subclass assay scalar measurement datum blood coagulation
OBI:0000812 measuring neural activity in the caudate nucleus assay An assay that measures neural activity in the caudate nucleus Jessica Turner, NIF|Dirk Derom, OBI An SU micro-electrode was used to measure neural activity in the form of spike trains in the caudate nucleus of monkeys in response to a flashing light stimulus Helen Parkinson subclass extracellular electrophysiology recording assay
OBI:0000820 activated partial thromboplastin time assay aPTT assay An assay that evaluates blood coagulation by measuring the time required for the appearance of fibrin strands following the mixing blood or plasma with phospholipid platelet substitute (e.g., crude cephalins, soybean phosphatides). It is a test of the intrinsic pathway (factors VIII, IX, XI, and XII) and the common pathway (fibrinogen, prothrombin, factors V and X) of blood coaguation . It is used as a screening test and to monitor heparin therapy. url: The activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) was determined using Dade Actin FSL activated PTT reagent (PMID:19696660) Alan Ruttenberg|OBI call There is also the 'partial thromboplastin assay', which some people use synonymously to aPPT, but historically was done slightly differently (without adding a coagulant). subclass assay ('blood specimen' or 'blood plasma specimen') time measurement datum blood coagulation
OBI:0000823 thrombin time assay An assay that measures the time between the addition of the thrombin and the clot formation in plasma. url: PMID:19696660#The thrombin time was determined using thromboclotin assay kit. Alan Ruttenberg subclass assay scalar measurement datum blood coagulation
OBI:0000854 western blot analysis An analyte assay that detects specific peptides in an input material by separating it using gel electrophoresis, transfering the separated molecules to a membrane, and staining them with_ antibodies specific to the analyte molecules. Philippe Rocca-Serra|IEDB Running a cell lysate on an acrylamide gel in a western blot aparatus to separate the constituent proteins, followed by transfer of the proteins from the gel to a nitrocellulose membrane. Staining this membrane with specific antibodies to detect the presence of specific proteins of interest. Philippe Rocca-Serra|IEDB subclass logical definition does not capture details of processing immunoblot assay peptide
OBI:0000860 northern blot assay northern blot An assay that determines the presence of gene transcripts by hybridizing labeled RNA or DNA probes against messenger RNAs isolated from tissue or cell cultures, resolved on denaturing gel, transfered by a blotting procedure to a solid support. Detection of hybridization signals is carried out by immunofluorescence or radioactivity measurements using photographic films or digital imaging devices such as Phosphor Imager. The level of actin mRNA levels in normal and diseased tiisue was measured using a northern blot assay. Philippe Rocca-Serra|Richard Scheuermann subclass analyte assay ribonucleic acid measurement datum
OBI:0000865 96-well neutralization assay microneutralization assay A serum neutralization of viral infectivity assay which is performed in a 96-well plate. Bjoern Peters|Melanie Courtot subclass serum neutralization of viral infectivity assay multi-well plate
OBI:0000870 single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay An assay that provides information about the secondary structure of nucleic acids using chemical or enzymatic probing to establish the extent of base-pairing or solvent accessiblity. RNAO Philippe Rocca-Serra equivalent assay secondary structure of sequence macromolecule
OBI:0000871 viral hemagglutination assay viral haemagglutinin assay|HI|HA An assay that quantifies viruses by their hemagglutination activity. url: Determining the viral titer of a virus infected human by measuring the presence of hemagglutination when dilutions of serum samples are added to a known quantity of red blood cells. Bjoern Peters|Melanie Courtot|Randi Vita subclass analyte assay induced hemagglutination measurement datum
OBI:0000872 serum neutralization of viral infectivity assay influenza neutralization assay An analyte assay that measures virus-neutralizing abilities of different sera. Different dilutions of serum are mixed with virus and used to infect cells. At the lower dilutions, antibodies will block infection, but at higher dilutions, there will be too few antibodies to have an effect.The neutralization titer is expressed as the reciprocal of the highest dilution at which virus infection is blocked. url: Bjoern Peters|Melanie Courtot subclass analyte assay blood serum specimen Viruses immunoglobulin-mediated neutralization
OBI:0000874 detection of specific nucleic acid polymers with complementary probes An analyte assay in which a specified input material (the evaluant) is examined for the presence or quantity of specified nucleic acid polymers, which are identified based on the use of complementary nucleic acid probes. IEDB Primer based PCR assay, Norther blot, Southern Blot, and RNAse protection assays. IEDB equivalent analyte assay nucleic acid ('nucleic acid' and ('has role' some 'complementary nucleotide probe role'))
OBI:0000875 viral hemagglutination inhibition assay viral haemagglutinin inhibition assay|HIA|HAI|hemagglutination inhibition|biological activity An assay that measures the ability of an evaluant to inhibit hemagglutination by a virus. Hemagglutinin is a viral protein which binds to sialic acid receptors on cells or to erythrocytes, causing the cells to clump. Loss of clumping indicates hemagglutination inhibition by the evaluant. OBI branch derived Examining the ability of a monoclonal antibody to inhibit hemagglutination by Influenza A virus by comparing the levels of hemagglutination with and without the presence of the antibody. Bjoern Peters|Melanie Courtot|Randi Vita subclass assay induced hemagglutination Viruses
OBI:0000882 cell-cell killing assay A cytometry assay that monitors a cell population to track how many are killed by other cells. IEDB Autologous EBV-transformed B-LCL were used as target cells for the influenza virus-specific CTL assays. Equal volumes of target and effector cells were added to tissue culture plates, and 1:2 serial dilutions of effectors were made. After a 4-h incubation of the effector cells with the target cells, supernatants were collected and counted with the LKB 1272 Clinigamma counter. Percent specific killing was determined with the following equation: (experimental 51Cr release - spontaneous 51Cr release)/(maximum 51Cr release - spontaneous 51Cr release) x 100. IEDB equivalent cytometry assay cell cell killing
OBI:0000883 in vivo cell killing assay A cell killing assay that measures if and how many target cells are killed within an organism. IEDB Labeling two populations of cells with different levels of CFSE, pusling one population with an influenza peptide, injecting the cells into a mouse, and recoving cells 24 hours later. By comparing the recovery rate of cells with different CFSE labeling, it is possible to determine if there was specific killing of peptide pulsed target cells. IEDB equivalent cell-cell killing assay organism
OBI:0000891 cell proliferation assay A cytometry assay which measures the degreee to which input cells are replicating. IEDB Measuring the amount of tritiated thymidine incorporated by dividing cells as a proxy for cell proliferation. IEDB equivalent cytometry assay cell cell population proliferation
OBI:0000892 Southern blot assay Southern blot An analyte assay that detects the presence of a specific sequence in a DNA sample, which has been digested by restriction enzymes, resolved by gel electrophoresis, and blotted to a solid support, followed by hybridization of a probe raised against a specific sequence and detected with fluorescence or radioactivity. OBI PMID: 9452032. Germline mutations detected in the von Hippel-Lindau disease tumor suppressor gene by Southern blot and direct genomic DNA sequencing. Philippe Rocca-Serra|Marcus Chibucos subclass analyte assay nucleic acid hybridization detection of specific nucleic acid polymers with complementary probes DNA extract deoxyribonucleic acid measurement datum site
OBI:0000893 real time polymerase chain reaction assay Q-PCR|quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction|kinetic polymerase chain reaction|qPCR An assay, based on the PCR, that amplifies and simultaneously quantifies a specific DNA molecule based on the use of complementary probes/primers. It enables both detection and quantification (as absolute number of copies or relative amount when normalized to DNA input or additional normalizing genes) of one or more specific sequences in a DNA sample. url: Bjoern Peters|Melanie Courtot subclass assay polymerase chain reaction
OBI:0000897 DEPC structure mapping assay A single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay which determines nucleic acid secondary structure at a nucleotide resolution scale using DEPC as reagent and chemical probe RNA ontology PMID:2446263. Probing the structure of RNAs in solution. Nucleic Acids Res. 1987 Nov 25;15(22):9109-28. Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using chemical probing ('deoxyribonucleic acid' or 'ribonucleic acid') measurement datum secondary structure of sequence macromolecule
OBI:0000903 in vitro cell killing assay A cell killing assay that measures if and how many target cells are actively killed by other cells in a cell culture. IEDB Autologous EBV-transformed B-LCL were used as target cells for the influenza virus-specific CTL assays. Equal volumes of target and effector cells were added to tissue culture plates, and 1:2 serial dilutions of effectors were made. After a 4-h incubation of the effector cells with the target cells, supernatants were collected and counted with the LKB 1272 Clinigamma counter. Percent specific killing was determined with the following equation: (experimental 51Cr release - spontaneous 51Cr release)/(maximum 51Cr release - spontaneous 51Cr release) x 100. IEDB equivalent cell-cell killing assay cultured cell population
OBI:0000904 reporter cell line analyte detection bioassay An analyte assay in which a cell line whose growth is known to be affected by the presence of a specific type of material (the anlyte) is cultured in the presence of an input material (the evaluant) in order to detect presence of the analyte in the evaluant. IEDB CTLL-2 cells were grown in the presence of hybridoma supernatants and their growth was monitored by a 3H-thymidine incorporation cell proliferation assay in order to detect IL-2 in the hybridoma supernatant. IEDB subclass logical definition does not specify how the cell line is used as a reporter analyte assay maintaining cell culture cell line
OBI:0000910 radio immuno assay An assay in which a radioactive labeled antigen or antibody is used to determine the interaction between an antigen and its receptor. This can be used to detect the presence of an antigen of interest in an input sample or determine the specificity of an input antibody. IEDB To evaluate the specificity of antibody binding to 35S-labeled IA-2(256-760) in comparison with 35S-labeled IA-2IC construct, the mutual inhibition activity of different concentrations of unlabeled IA-2IC and/or IA-2(256-760) fragments were tested. Unlabeled recombinant IA-2(256-760) and/or IA-2IC (0.5-, 1-, 2-, and 4-fold the amount of 35S-labeled protein) were added to each tube and incubated overnight at 4C with patient sera. The following day, after incubation with radiolabeled 35 IA-2(256-760) or 35S IA-2IC proteins, samples were processed with the usual radioimmunoprecipitation assay. IEDB subclass logical definition does not capture the interaction aspect assay ('material entity' and ('bearer of' some radioactive))
OBI:0000911 real time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction assay RRT-PCR|qRT-PCR|RT-rt PCR An assay that uses a reverse transcription step (an RNA strand is reverse transcribed into its DNA complement using the enzyme reverse transcriptase) before a PCR assay. Melanie Courtot|Bjoern Peters subclass assay artificially induced reverse transcription real time polymerase chain reaction assay information content entity gene expression
OBI:0000912 X-ray crystallography assay A 3D structure determination assay in which the diffraction of pattern of X-ray beams in a crystal of purified material entities is used to resolve the 3-dimensional structure of the material entity of interest. IEDB Crystallizing an antibody:antigen complex, and recording the diffraction pattern of a synchrotron beam, and assembling the 3d complex structure based on homologous complexes. IEDB subclass logical definition does not capture diffraction pattern 3D structure determination assay X-ray source
OBI:0000913 promoter activity detection by reporter gene assay An assay in which the activity of a promoter in a cell is monitored by using a reporter gene that was inserted in a genomic location under control of the promoter and whose expression can be easily detected based on qualities or functions of the gene. IEDB A T cell hybridoma in which the beta-galactosidase gene (lacZ) was inserted under the control of the IL-2 promoter, is detected by adding the X-gal substrate which when cleaved by lacZ results in detectable blue color. IEDB subclass logical definition does not capture gene insertion assay cell core promoter sequence-specific DNA binding
OBI:0000916 flow cytometry assay A cytometry assay in which an input cell population is put in solution, is passed by a laser, and optical sensors are used to detect scattering of the laser light and/or fluorescence of specific markers to count and characterize the particles in solution. IEDB Using a flow cytometer to quantitate the percent of CD3 positive cells in a population by labeling them with a FITC tagged anti-CD3 antibody. IEDB equivalent cytometry assay fluorescence detection assay flow cytometer
OBI:0000920 cytometric bead array assay Luminex assay An analyte assay in which a series of beads coated with antibodies specific for different analytes and marked with discrete fluorescent labels are used to simultaneously capture and quantitate soluble analytes. IEDB Using a Luminex machine to detect IFN-gamma and IL-10 in the supernatant of a cell culture. IEDB equivalent analyte assay fluorescence detection assay assay bead
OBI:0000923 surface plasmon resonance binding assay A binding assay that uses the detection of electromagnetic waves in a surface to detect material entities adsorbed to the surface, which change the local optical index of refraction. IEDB Running a Biacore instrument to measure the affinity, on and off rates of binding of a plate bound antibody to a antigen passing by in flow. IEDB subclass logical definition does not capture details of processing binding assay surface plasmon resonance instrument
OBI:0000944 handedness assay handedness test An assay that measures the unequal distribution of fine motor skill between the left and right hands typically in human subjects by means of some questionnaire and scoring procedure. url: The Edinburgh handedness assay is a specific method of determing handedness Helen Parkinson subclass assay measurement datum handedness
OBI:0000957 self reported handedness assessment An assay where a person makes a statement that indicates what handedness he has from a choice of different categories. subclass handedness assay categorical measurement datum handedness
OBI:0000964 in live cell assay An assay in which a measurement is made by observing entities located in a live cell. subclass assay
OBI:0000966 in live organism assay in vivo assay An assay in which a measurement is made by observing entities located in an organism. Measuring the rate in which cells that are pulsed with a peptide are killed inside a mouse by peptide specific cytotoxic T cells. Bjoern Peters subclass assay ('has participant' some ('material entity' and ('located in' some (organism and ('has quality' some alive)))))
OBI:0000975 cell-cell binding detection by flow cytometry assay A binding assay which uses a flow cytometer to detect pairs of cells that are bound to each other by staining them with different fluorescent labels. IEDB Staining a B cell with PE and staining a T cell with FITC, incubating them together with a peptide, and counting the number of co-stained conjugates. IEDB equivalent cytometry assay flow cytometry assay binding
OBI:0000978 in container assay An assay in which a measurement is made by observing entities located in a container. subclass assay
OBI:0001001 Edinburgh handedness assay An assay that uses a set of questions (the Edinburgh Handedness inventory) to generate a score that can be used to assess the dominance of a person's right or left hand in everyday activities. The inventory can be used by an observer assessing the person, or by a person self-reporting hand use. The latter method tends to be less reliable due to a person over-attributing tasks to the dominant hand. url:|PMID:5146491 Verdino (1998) Perceptual and Motor Skills. 86 (2): 476_8. (PMID: 9638746) uses this measure in an experimental study: ""Individuals of extreme handedness based on the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (laterality Quotients of +90 to +100 and -100 and +54; 50 each)"" Alan Ruttenberg|Jessica Turner|Gully Burns (orcid:0000-0003-1493-865X) subclass handedness assay Homo sapiens Edinburgh score (has_specified_input value 'Edingburgh handedness inventory')
OBI:0001005 RNASE CL3 structure mapping assay single nucleotide resolution mapping assay using RNAse CL3 A single-nucleotide-resolution ribonucleic acid structure mapping assay that determines nucleic acid secondary structure at a nucleotide resolution scale using RNAse CL3 as reagent and enzymatic probe. RNA ontology PMID:16453415 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using enzymatic probing RNA extract ribonuclease CL3 (chicken) secondary structure of RNA molecule
OBI:0001006 CMCT structure mapping assay single nucleotide resolution mapping assay using CMCT probe A single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay which uses CMCT as reagent and chemical probe to generate data and information at nucleotide resolution scale contributing to the determination of nucleic acid secondary structure RNA ontology PMID:2422386 and PMID:2446263 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using chemical probing ('deoxyribonucleic acid' or 'ribonucleic acid') measurement datum secondary structure of sequence macromolecule
OBI:0001008 MPE-Fe(II) structure mapping assay single nucleotide resolution mapping assay using Fe-MP probe A single-nucleotide-resolution ribonucleic acid structure mapping assay that determines nucleic acid secondary structure at the nucleotide resolution scale using Fe-MP as reagent and chemical probe. RNA ontology PMID:6209709 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using chemical probing RNA extract measurement datum secondary structure of RNA molecule
OBI:0001011 ENU structure mapping assay single nucleotide resolution mapping assay using ENU probe A single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay that determines the secondary structure of a nucleic acid at the nucleotide resolution scale which uses ENU as reagent and chemical probe RNA ontology PMID:7002606 and PMID:2446263 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using chemical probing ('deoxyribonucleic acid' or 'ribonucleic acid') measurement datum secondary structure of RNA molecule
OBI:0001012 RNASE V1 structure mapping assay single nucleotide resolution mapping assay using RNAse V1 A single-nucleotide-resolution ribonucleic acid structure mapping assay that determines nucleic acid secondary structure at a nucleotide resolution scale using RNAse V1 as reagent and enzymatic probe RNA ontology PMID:7031604 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using enzymatic probing RNA extract ribonuclease V1 (cobra) secondary structure of RNA molecule
OBI:0001013 kethoxal structure mapping assay A single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay that determines nucleic acid secondary structure at nucleotide resolution scale using kethoxal as reagent and chemical probe RNA ontology single nucleotide resolution mapping assay using Kethoxal probe Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using chemical probing ('deoxyribonucleic acid' or 'ribonucleic acid') measurement datum secondary structure of sequence macromolecule
OBI:0001014 single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using enzymatic probing A single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay that determines structural information about the RNA species under study using proteins acting as enzymatic probes. RNAO and OBI Philippe Rocca-Serra equivalent single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay enzyme secondary structure of sequence macromolecule
OBI:0001015 DMS structure mapping assay single nucleotide resolution mapping assay using DMS probe A single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay which determins nucleic acid secondary structure at a nucleotide resolution scale using DMS as reagent and chemical probe RNA Ontology PMID:6159633 and PMID:2446263 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using chemical probing ('deoxyribonucleic acid' or 'ribonucleic acid') measurement datum secondary structure of sequence macromolecule
OBI:0001016 DNASE 1 structure mapping assay single nucleotide resolution mapping assay using DNAse I|DNAse footprinting assay A single-nucleotide-resolution deoxyribonucleic acid structure mapping assay which uses DNAse 1 as reagent and enzymatic probe to generate data and information at nucleotide resolution scale contributing to the determination of nucleic acid secondary structure RNA ontology PMID:3773731 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using enzymatic probing RNA extract deoxyribonuclease-1 secondary structure of sequence macromolecule
OBI:0001017 single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using chemical probing A single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay that determines structural information about the RNA species under study using small chemical compounds acting as chemical probes. RNAO and OBI Philippe Rocca-Serra equivalent single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay ('molecular entity' and not enzyme) secondary structure of sequence macromolecule
OBI:0001018 Rhodium DNA structure mapping assay single nucleotide resolution mapping assay using Rhodium probe A single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay that determines nucleic acid secondary structure at a nucleotide resolution scale using Rhodium as reagent and chemical probe. RNA ontology PMID:2843807 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using chemical probing ('deoxyribonucleic acid' or 'ribonucleic acid') measurement datum secondary structure of sequence macromolecule
OBI:0001019 RNA ADA I RNA structure mapping assay single nucleotide resolution mapping assay using RNA adenosine deaminase I A single-nucleotide-resolution ribonucleic acid structure mapping assay that determines nucleic acid secondary structure at a nucleotide resolution scale using RNA adenosine deaminase I as reagent and enzymatic probe. RNA ontology PMID:7527340 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using enzymatic probing RNA extract double-stranded RNA-specific adenosine deaminase secondary structure of RNA molecule
OBI:0001020 Lead structure mapping assay single nucleotide resolution mapping assay using Lead probe A single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay that determines nucleic acid secondary structure at nucleotide resolution scale using lead as reagent and chemical probe RNA ontology PMID:2686708 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using chemical probing ('deoxyribonucleic acid' or 'ribonucleic acid') measurement datum secondary structure of sequence macromolecule
OBI:0001021 RNASE T2 structure mapping assay single nucleotide resolution mapping assay using RNAse T2 A single-nucleotide-resolution ribonucleic acid structure mapping assay that determines nucleic acid secondary structure at a nucleotide resolution scale using RNAse T2 as reagent and enzymatic probe RNA ontology PMID:6207483 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using enzymatic probing RNA extract ribonuclease T2 secondary structure of RNA molecule
OBI:0001022 gene dosage assay An assay that measures changes in phenotype due to increased or decreased dosage of a single allele of a gene. David Osumi Sutherland Bjoern Peters subclass assay
OBI:0001023 Fe-BABE RNA structure mapping assay single nucleotide resolution mapping assay using Fe-BABE probe A single-nucleotide-resolution ribonucleic acid structure mapping assay that determines nucleic secondary structure at a nucleotide resolution scale using Fe-BABE as reagent and chemical probe. RNA ontology PMID: 7862644 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using chemical probing RNA extract measurement datum secondary structure of RNA molecule
OBI:0001024 RNASE U2 structure mapping assay single nucleotide resolution mapping assay using RNAse U2 A single-nucleotide-resolution ribonucleic acid structure mapping assay that determines nucleic acid secondary structure at a nucleotide resolution scale using RNAase U2 as reagent and enzymatic probe RNA ontology PMID:409999 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using enzymatic probing RNA extract ribonuclease U2 secondary structure of RNA molecule
OBI:0001025 binding constant determination assay A binding assay where the specified output is a binding constant IEDB Determination of KD value for an antibody binding a protein using a BIACORE assay. Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita|Jason Greenbaum subclass binding assay binding constant
OBI:0001026 NMIA RNA structure mapping assay single nucleotide resolution mapping assay using NMIA probe|SHAPE mapping assay A single-nucleotide-resolution ribonucleic acid structure mapping assay that determines nucleic acid secondary structure at the nucleotide resolution scale using NMIA as reagent and chemical probe RNA ontology PMID: 15796531 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using chemical probing RNA extract measurement datum secondary structure of RNA molecule
OBI:0001027 Terbium RNA structure mapping assay single nucleotide resolution mapping assay using Terbium probe A single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay that determines nucleic acid secondary structure at a nucleotide resolution scale using Terbium as reagent and chemical probe RNA ontology PMID:10772868 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using chemical probing RNA extract measurement datum secondary structure of RNA molecule
OBI:0001029 OH-radical structure mapping assay single nucleotide resolution mapping assay using OH-radical probe|MOHCA assay|OH footprinting assay A single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay hat determines nucleic acid secondary structure at a nucleotide resolution scale using hydroxyl radical as reagent and chemical probe RNA ontology PMID:2501870 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using chemical probing ('deoxyribonucleic acid' or 'ribonucleic acid') measurement datum secondary structure of sequence macromolecule
OBI:0001030 RNASE T1 structure mapping assay single nucleotide resolution mapping assay using RNAse T1 A single-nucleotide-resolution ribonucleic acid structure mapping assay that determines nucleic acid secondary structure at a nucleotide resolution scale uses RNAse T1 as reagent and enzymatic probe. RNA ontology PMID:114514 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using enzymatic probing RNA extract guanyl-specific ribonuclease T1 secondary structure of RNA molecule
OBI:0001035 Nuclease S1 structure mapping assay single nucleotide resolution mapping assay using Nuclease S1 A single-nucleotide-resolution deoxyribonucleic acid structure mapping assay that determines nucleic acid secondary structure at a nucleotide resolution scale using DNAse 1 as reagent and enzymatic probe. RNA ontology PMID:363143 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using enzymatic probing RNA extract nuclease S1 secondary structure of sequence macromolecule
OBI:0001038 Ruthenium structure mapping assay A single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay that determines nucleic acid secondary structure at a nucleotide resolution scale using Rhutenium as reagent and chemical probe RNA Ontology PMID:3016894 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using chemical probing ('deoxyribonucleic acid' or 'ribonucleic acid') measurement datum secondary structure of RNA molecule
OBI:0001039 inline probing RNA structure mapping assay A single-nucleotide-resolution ribonucleic acid structure mapping assay that determines nucleic acid secondary structure at nucleotide resolution scale using intromolecular reactivity RNA ontology PMID:10573122 and PMID: 18369975 Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using chemical probing RNA extract measurement datum secondary structure of RNA molecule
OBI:0001145 3D structure determination of bound complex assay A 3D structure determination assay in which a complex of 2 or more material enties is characterized which provides information on their binding configuration. IEDB Determination of a 3D structure of an antibody binding a protein by X-Ray crystallography, which identifies the specific binding site of the antibody. IEDB equivalent 3D structure determination assay binding
OBI:0001146 binding assay An assay with the objective to characterize the disposition of two or more material entities to form a complex. Determination of KD value for an antibody binding a protein using a BIACORE assay. Using plate bound antigen in an ELISA to determine if a mixture of serum antibodies bind the antigen. The following are NOT binding assays, as the desired output is not binding data: RNA microarray experiments to determine levels of gene expression. ChIP experiments to determine where in DNA a transcription factor binds. Using an IL-2 antibody on an ELISA plate to determine presence of IL-2 after stimulating a T cell culture. Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita|Jason Greenbaum subclass assay binding datum binding
OBI:0001158 age determination assay age measurement assay An assay that determines the duration of part of the life of an organism, where the initial time point is the beginning of some transitional state (such as birth or when planted). OBI group Alan Ruttenberg This assay measures time not developmental stage. we recognize that development takes different time periods under different conditions such as media / temperature. For example, age measurement assay of fly age, the output likes 28 days but not mid-life of age at room temperature. subclass assay organism age measurement datum
OBI:0001170 reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assay An assay that determines the concentration of RNA in a sample in which an RNA strand is first reverse transcribed into its DNA complement (complementary DNA, or cDNA) using the enzyme reverse transcriptase, and the resulting cDNA is amplified using traditional or real-time PCR. Penn Group Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass assay reverse transcribed polymerase chain reaction RNA extract RNA extract information content entity gene expression
OBI:0001177 RNA sequencing assay An assay that determines the sequence of an RNA molecule. Bjoern Peters Bjoern Peters equivalent sequencing assay artificially induced reverse transcription RNA extract DNA sequencer RNA extract sequence data primary structure of RNA molecule
OBI:0001178 efficacy of epitope intervention experiment efficacy of in vivo intervention An assay that tests if inducing an epitope specific immune response in an organism has an effect, such as the ability to prevent, treat or excarbate diseases in the organism. Bjoern Peters subclass assay epitope specific immune intervention ('measurement datum' and ('is about' some epitope))
OBI:0001179 epitope protection from infectious challenge experiment protection from infectious challenge An epitope protection experiment in which the ability of the epitope to protect the host from an infection is assessed. Bjoern Peters subclass epitope protection experiment
OBI:0001183 epitope protection from tumor challenge experiment tumor burden after challenge An epitope protection experiment in which the ability of the epitope to protect the host from developing tumors is assessed. Bjoern Peters subclass epitope protection experiment
OBI:0001184 epitope protection experiment protection from challenge An efficacy of epitope intervention experiment that tests the efficacy of inducing an immune epitope response to prevent disease in a host. Bjoern Peters subclass efficacy of epitope intervention experiment
OBI:0001186 epitope protection from infectious challenge experiment based on pathogen burden pathogen urden after infectious challenge An epitope protection from infectious challenge experiment in which the readout is a reduction in the presence of pathogens in the host compared to controls. Bjoern Peters subclass epitope protection from infectious challenge experiment
OBI:0001187 infectious agent detection assay An assay that measures the presence or amount of an infectious agent in an evaluant Culturing a sputum sample on agar medium to detect bacterial growth; Stain slices of liver from a mouse to count presence of infectious centers; PCR amplification using primers specific for influenza virus. Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita|Jason Greenbaum|Richard Scheuermann subclass assay infection
OBI:0001188 epitope disease exacerbation experiment exacerbation assay An efficacy of epitope intervention experiment that tests the ability of inducing an epitope immune response to increase the severity of an existing disease in the host. Bjoern Peters subclass efficacy of epitope intervention experiment
OBI:0001189 epitope protection experiment based on survival host survival after challenge An epitope protection experiment that determines the success of the epitope intervention based on increased survival of the host. Bjoern Peters subclass epitope protection experiment
OBI:0001190 epitope treatment experiment decreased disease symptoms after treatment An epitope intervention experiment that tests the ability of inducing an epitope immune response to treat an existing disease in the host. Bjoern Peters subclass efficacy of epitope intervention experiment
OBI:0001221 ChIP-chip by SNP array assay A ChIP-ChIP assay in which immunoprecipitated chromatin is run on a SNP array to detect polymorphism specific DNA elements in the isolated chromatin EFO:0002764 ArrayExpress production team subclass ChIP-chip assay SNP microarray
OBI:0001235 transcription profiling by tiling array assay A transcription profiling by array assay that uses a tiling path array. EFO:0002769 James Malone subclass transcription profiling by array assay tiling microarray
OBI:0001247 genotyping by high throughput sequencing assay A genotyping assay that uses a high througput sequencer EFO:0002771 James Malone subclass genotyping assay DNA sequencer
OBI:0001248 ChIP-chip assay ChIP-on-chip assay An assay in which chromatin is immunoprecipitated and subsequently analyzed using a DNA microarray to identify which parts of DNA are part of the isolated chromatin url: James Malone|Bjoern Petesr equivalent ChIP assay microarray assay DNA microarray
OBI:0001266 DNA methylation profiling by high throughput sequencing assay A DNA methylation profiling assay in which the methylation state of DNA is determined and can be compared between samples using sequencing based technology EFO:0002761 ArrayExpress production team|James Malone|Helen Parkinson subclass DNA methylation profiling assay DNA sequencer
OBI:0001271 RNA-seq assay transcription profiling by high throughput sequencing An RNA sequencing assay that determines an RNA sequence by analyzing the transcibed regions of the genome and or to quantitate transcript abundance. EFO:0002770 James Malone subclass RNA sequencing assay gene expression
OBI:0001274 genotyping by array assay A genotyping assay that uses an array EFO:0002767 ArrayExpress production team subclass genotyping assay DNA microarray
OBI:0001282 translation profiling assay An assay in which surface-bound, translationally competent ribosome complexes are used to generate a translation profile for mRNA, which mRNA may be a single molecular species, or a combination of species, including complex mixtures such as those found in the set of mRNAs isolated from a cell or tissue. One or more components of the surface-bound ribosome complex may be labeled at specific positions to permit analysis of multiple or single molecules for determination of ribosomal conformational changes and translation kinetics. Translation profiles are used as the basis for comparison of an mRNA or set of mRNA species. The translation profile can be used to determine such characteristics as kinetics of initiation, kinetic of elongation, identity of the polypeptide product, and the like. Analysis of translation profiles may be used to determine differential gene expression, optimization of mRNA sequences for expression, screening drug candidates for an effect on translation. EFO:0001033 James Malone subclass analyte assay molecular feature identification objective
OBI:0001304 RNAi profiling by array assay An assay in which double stranded RNA is synthesized with a sequence complementary to a gene(s) of interest and introduced into a cell or organism, where it is recognized as exogenous genetic material and activates the RNAi pathway resulting in knockdown of the transcripts and providing a means to study downstream changes in gene expression. EFO:0001030 James Malone subclass analyte assay ribonucleic acid DNA microarray molecular feature identification objective
OBI:0001318 proteomic profiling by array assay An assay that detects proteins in a sample (quantified or otherwise analyzed), e.g. antibody profiling using an array based technology. EFO:0002765 James Malone subclass analyte assay protein protein microarray (specimen and ('has part' some protein)) molecular feature identification objective
OBI:0001332 DNA methylation profiling by array assay A DNA methylation profiling assay in which the methylation state of DNA is determined and can be compared between samples using array technology EFO:0002759 James Malone subclass DNA methylation profiling assay DNA microarray
OBI:0001335 microRNA profiling by array assay An assay that analyses the microRNA component of the transcriptome using a microRNA array. EFO:0000753 James Malone subclass microRNA profiling assay ribonucleic acid DNA microarray (specimen and ('has part' some 'ribonucleic acid')) measured expression level miRNA transcription profiling identification objective
OBI:0001361 transcription profiling by RT-PCR assay A transcription profiling assay that uses reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR). EFO:0002943 Anna Farne subclass transcription profiling assay reverse transcribed polymerase chain reaction PCR instrument
OBI:0001393 comparative genomic hybridization by array assay array CGH An assay that measures changes in DNA sequence copy number using a microarray. For example the analysis of LOH in tumor cells vs a non diseased sample or the comparison of clinical isolated of disease causing bacteria. EFO:0000749 James Malone subclass genotyping assay deoxyribonucleic acid DNA microarray (specimen and ('has part' some 'deoxyribonucleic acid')) genotype information molecular feature identification objective
OBI:0001419 ChIP-chip by tiling array assay A ChIP-ChIP assay in which immunoprecipitated chromatin is run on a tiling array that covers stretches of DNA to to detect which elements in those stretches are present in the isolated chromatin EFO:0002762 ArrayExpress production team subclass ChIP-chip assay tiling microarray
OBI:0001463 transcription profiling by array assay RNA profiling by array assay A transcription profiling assay that uses array technology. EFO:0002768 James Malone subclass transcription profiling assay DNA microarray
OBI:0001476 phage display binding assay A binding assay in which a collection of phages expressing a library of different peptides or protein fragnments is used to infect cells, followed by screening for cells that bind a protein of interest, and identifiying the sequence of infecting phages to determine a suitable binding partner. IEDB Using a commercial library of phages that produce random peptide sequences to infect E coli cells, and screening them for binding to a selecting antibody of unknown specificity. By iteratively using phages from selected E coli cells and repeating this process, phages encoding high affinity peptides for the antibody are selected, sequenced, and thereby the specificity of the antibody is elucidated. IEDB equivalent binding assay phage display library panning sequencing assay phage display library
OBI:0001488 epitope tolerance induction experiment tolerance induction An efficacy of epitope intervention experiment that tests the ability of the intervention to decrease an existing immune response IEDB IEDB subclass efficacy of epitope intervention experiment
OBI:0001491 radioactivity detection binding assay A binding assay that uses radioactivity detection as an indicator of binding. IEDB Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita subclass binding assay radioactivity detection
OBI:0001499 fluorescence detection binding assay A binding assay that uses fluorescence detection as an indicator of binding IEDB Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita subclass binding assay radioactivity detection
OBI:0001501 fluorescence detection assay An assay in which a material's fluorescence is determined. IEDB Using a laser to stimulate a cell culture that was previously labeled with fluorescent antibodies to detect light emmission at a different wavelength in order to determine the presence of surface markers the antibodies are specific for. IEDB equivalent assay ('material entity' and ('bearer of' some fluorescence)) ('material entity' and ('bearer of' some fluorescence))
OBI:0001591 direct binding assay A binding assay that measures the formation or disassociation of a complex of 2 material entities directly without use of a competitve ligand. IEDB Detecting the binding of a fluorescently labeled antibody to a peptide bound to the bottom of an ELISA plate, by incubating the antibody in the well, washing the plate, and detecing fluorescence which is a proxy for the presence of the bound antibody._ Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita subclass binding assay
OBI:0001593 competitive inhibition of binding assay A binding assay that detects the inhibition of binding between 2 material entities known to form a complex by the addition of a third material entity of interest. Inhibition of binding between the 2 materials reflects binding by the third material. IEDB Detecting the inhibition of binding of a fluorescently labeled antibody to its known protein ligand bound to the bottom of an ELISA plate, by incubating the antibody in the presence of a peptide of interest, adding it to the plate, washing the plate, and detecing fluorescence which is a proxy for the presence of the bound antibody. Reduction in binding due to the presence of the peptide indicates that the antibody binds the peptide._ IEDB subclass logical definition does not capture inhibition of binding binding assay ('material entity' and ('has role' some 'competitive binding reference ligand role'))
OBI:0001624 organism identification assay An assay that identifies the organism species in a specimen. NIAID GSCID-BRC metadata working group Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass assay (specimen and ('has part' some organism)) organism organism identification objective
OBI:0001630 analytical chromatography An analyte assay that uses a biomaterial's preferential affinity for either the mobile phase or the stationary phase to separate it from other materials and thereby detect its presence in an input material. IEDB Detection of the presence of blood group A specific antibodies by passing a serum sample through an affinity column containing blood group A carbohydrate, and quantifying the protein content eluted from the column. IEDB equivalent analyte assay chromatography column chromatography consumable
OBI:0001631 electron microscopy imaging assay An imaging assay in which an electrons are used to probe the density, shape and composition of an input material which are detected in an electron microscope and utilized to produce an image of the material. IEDB Using gold labeled antibodies to stain a mouse brain slice and use electron microscopy to generate an image that shows the location of the antibodies within the tissue structure. IEDB equivalent imaging assay electron microscope
OBI:0001632 immuno staining assay A assay detecting a molecular label assay in which the label is attached to an antibody so that substances are marked based on the antibody's binding specificity. IEDB Detection of the presence of VCAM molecules on the surface of cells in a histology slide using an enzyme-linked antibody followed by enzyme activation to release a dye. IEDB subclass logical definition does not capture details of attachment assay detecting a molecular label immunoglobulin complex, circulating
OBI:0001634 calorimetric binding assay A binding assay in which the heat generated or absorbed during a binding event is measured, which allows determination of binding constants, reaction stoichiometry, enthalpy and entropy. IEDB A solution of a proteins is titrated into a solution containing a specific antibody. The heat released upon their interaction (delta H) is monitored over time where each peak represents a heat change associated with the injection of a small volume of sample into the reaction cell. As successive amounts of the ligand are titrated into the cell, the quantity of heat absorbed or released is in direct proportion to the amount of binding. As the system reaches saturation, the heat signal diminishes until only heats of dilution are observed. A binding curve is then obtained from a plot of the heats from each injection against the ratio of protein and antibody in the cell ._ IEDB equivalent binding assay calorimeter
OBI:0001635 antibody binding detection by fluorescence quenching A binding assay in which affinity is measured by detecting a change in fluorescence (usually quenching) that occurs upon binding of the antibody to the ligand. The fluorescent signal that is affected by binding is either from an exogenous fluorophore attached to the ligand, or is the intrisic fluorescence of aromatic (tryptophan) residues on the binding site of the antibody (no conjugated fluorophore necessary) or, less commonly, on the ligand binding region (epitope). IEDB The binding affinity of Fab 4-4-20 for the fluorescein molecule was determined using the fluorescence quenching assay, by placing the Fab and the fluorescein together in a well and measuring the fluorescence after each addition of increasing concentrations of the Fab (PMID: 8637844). IEDB subclass logical definition does not capture quenching fluorescence quenching binding assay fluorescence detection assay immunoglobulin complex, circulating binding
OBI:0001668 split-ubiquitin assay A binding assay that screens membrane soluble proteins by fusion of two integral membrane proteins (bait and prey) to two different ubiquitin moieties. One moiety is also fused to a transcription factor (TF) that can be cleaved off by ubiquitin specific proteases. Upon bait and prey interaction, Nub and Cub-moieties assemble, reconstituting the split-ubiquitin. The reconstituted split-ubiquitin molecule is recognized by ubiquitin specific proteases, which cleave off the reporter protein, allowing it to induce the transcription of reporter genes. url: Split-ubiquitin two-hybrid assay to analyze protein-protein interactions at the endosome: application to Saccharomyces cerevisiae Bro1 interacting with ESCRT complexes, the Doa4 ubiquitin hydrolase, and the Rsp5 ubiquitin ligase. PMID:17513562 Philippe Rocca-Serra|Marcus Chibucos subclass binding assay genetically modified material data item protein domain specific binding protein and DNA interaction identification objective
OBI:0001669 far-Western blot assay An assay that measures protein-protein interactions by separating target proteins on an SDS-PAGE gel, transfering them to a solid substrate, hybridizing with a protein probe and visualizing bound proteins using a probe-directed antibody. This is a adaptation on the western blot assay. PMID:18079728 Studying protein-protein interactions via blot overlay or Far Western blot. PMID:15064457 Philippe Rocca-Serra|Marcus Chibucos subclass binding assay protein-containing complex data item protein domain specific binding
OBI:0001670 RNA protection assay RPA|RNAse protection assay An assay that determines the presence and estimates abundance of transcript species by first creating an homo or heteroduplex by adding a specific, complementary sequence to the sequence of interest and then exposing the mixture of ribonuclease, which will degrade only single stranded molecules. A detection step will reveal if the sample contained a sequence of interest. PMID:16491611 Absolute concentrations of mRNA for type I and type VI collagen in the canine meniscus in normal and ACL-deficient knee joints obtained by RNase protection assay. PMID:11518275 Philippe Rocca-Serra|Marcus Chibucos subclass assay RNA extract data item gene expression
OBI:0001671 electrophoretic mobility shift assay EMSA|gel shift assay|gel mobility shift assay|band shift assay|gel retardation assay An assay that measures information about Protein-DNA or Protein-RNA interactions using gel electrophoresis and relying on the fact the molecular interactions will cause the heterodimer to be retarded on the gel when compared to controls corresponding to protein extract alone and protein extract + neutral nucleic acid. PMID:6269071 Electrophoretic mobility shift assay reveals a novel recognition sequence for Setaria italica NAC protein. PMID:21918373 Philippe Rocca-Serra|Marcus Chibucos subclass binding assay RNA extract data item sequence-specific DNA binding
OBI:0001672 gene knock-down assay An assay which transiently disrupts gene transcripts by expressing antisense RNA constructs or delivering RNA interfering molecules in cells. PMID:17430206 Philippe Rocca-Serra|Marcus Chibucos subclass assay gene knockdown cultured cell population (GO:0003674 or biological_process)
OBI:0001673 nano-cap analysis of gene expression assay nano-CAGE A transcription profiling assay that is performed using a very low amount (nanogram scale) of mRNA samples using Cap analysis gene expression (CAGE). PMID:20543846 Linking promoters to functional transcripts in small samples with nanoCAGE and CAGEscan._PMID:20543846 Philippe Rocca-Serra|Marcus Chibucos subclass transcription profiling assay RNA extract data item gene expression transcription profiling identification objective
OBI:0001674 cap analysis of gene expression assay CAGE A transcription profiling assay which measures RNA transcript abundances in biological samples by extracting 5' ends of capped transcripts, RTPCR and sequence those. Copy numbers of CAGE tags provide a way of quantification and provide a measure of expression of the transcriptome PMID:14663149 5' end-centered expression profiling using cap-analysis gene expression and next-generation sequencing. PMID:22362160 Philippe Rocca-Serra|Marcus Chibucos subclass infer sequencing assay transcription profiling assay reverse transcribed polymerase chain reaction DNA sequencer RNA extract sequence data gene expression transcription profiling identification objective
OBI:0001679 yeast 2-hybrid assay Y2H An assay that detects protein protein interactions and protein DNA interactions by testing for physical interactions (such as binding) between two proteins or a single protein and a DNA molecule, respectively. The premise behind the test is the activation of downstream reporter gene(s) by the binding of a transcription factor onto an upstream activating sequence (UAS). For two-hybrid screening, the transcription factor is split into two separate fragments, called the binding domain (BD) and activating domain (AD). The BD is the domain responsible for binding to the UAS and the AD is the domain responsible for the activation of transcription. The Y2H is thus a protein-fragment complementation assay. url: Strong FANCA/FANCG but weak FANCA/FANCC interaction in the yeast 2-hybrid system. PMID:10627486 Philippe Rocca-Serra|Marcus Chibucos subclass binding assay genetically modified material data item protein domain specific binding protein and DNA interaction identification objective
OBI:0001680 Sos-recruitment assay SRS A binding assay that detects interacting proteins for a targeted domain where mammalian guanyl nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) Sos is recruited to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae plasma membrane harboring a temperature-sensitive Ras GEF, Cdc25-2, allowing growth at the nonpermissive temperature using the Sos recruitment system, a kind of yeast 2 hybrid system. PMID:9154808 The Sos-recruitment system as a tool to analyze cellular localization of plant proteins: membrane localization of Arabidopsis thaliana PEPINO/PASTICCINO2. PMID:20300944 Philippe Rocca-Serra|Marcus Chibucos subclass binding assay genetically modified material data item protein domain specific binding protein and DNA interaction identification objective
OBI:0001681 yeast one-hybrid assay Y1H An assay that determines protein DNA interactions using a single fusion protein in which the activating domain is linked directly to the binding domain. PMID:22218861 Yeast one-hybrid assays for gene-centered human gene regulatory network mapping. PMID:22037702 Philippe Rocca-Serra|Marcus Chibucos subclass binding assay genetically modified material data item sequence-specific DNA binding
OBI:0001682 bacterial one-hybrid assay B1H An assay that identifies the sequence-specific target site of a DNA-binding domain. In this system, a given transcription factor (TF) is expressed as a fusion to a subunit of RNA polymerase. In parallel, a library of randomized oligonucleotides representing potential TF target sequences, is cloned into a separate vector containing the selectable genes HIS3 and URA3. If the DNA-binding domain (bait) binds a potential DNA target site (prey) in vivo, it will recruit RNA polymerase to the promoter and activate transcription of the reporter genes in that clone. The two reporter genes, HIS3 and URA3, allow for positive and negative selections, respectively. At the end of the process, positive clones are sequenced and examined with motif-finding tools in order to resolve the favoured DNA target sequence url: A systematic characterization of factors that regulate Drosophila segmentation via a bacterial one-hybrid system. PMID:18332042 Philippe Rocca-Serra|Marcus Chibucos subclass yeast one-hybrid assay genetically modified material data item sequence-specific DNA binding protein and DNA interaction identification objective
OBI:0001683 chromosome organization assay by fluorescence in-situ hybridization FISH An in-situ hybridization assay that uses fluorescence to detect chromosomal integrity Duplication of intrachromosomal insertion segments 4q32__�q35 confirmed by comparative genomic hybridization and fluorescent in situ hybridization. PMID:22384449 Philippe Rocca-Serra|Marcus Chibucos| subclass in-situ hybridization assay ('has part' some chromosome) molecular label data item chromosome organization biological feature identification objective
OBI:0001684 methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction assay MSP An assay that uses initial modification of DNA by sodium bisulfite, converting all unmethylated, but not methylated, cytosines to uracil, and subsequent amplification with primers specific for methylated versus unmethylated DNA. PMID:8790415 Methylation status of breast cancer resistance protein detected by methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction analysis is correlated inversely with its expression in drug-resistant lung cancer cells. PMID:18219662 Philippe Rocca-Serra|Marcus Chibucos subclass assay data item regulation of DNA methylation
OBI:0001685 amplification of intermethylated sites assay AIMS assay|intermethylated site amplification An assay that estimates genome-wide DNA methylation and measures methylation of DNA sequences. AIMS is based on the differential enzymatic digestion of genomic DNA with methylation-sensitive and methylation-insensitive isoschizomers followed by restrained PCR amplification of methylated sequences. PMID:18987810 Analysis of DNA methylation by amplification of intermethylated sites (AIMS). PMID:18987810 Philippe Rocca-Serra|Marcus Chibucos subclass DNA methylation profiling assay high molecular weight DNA extract data item regulation of DNA methylation epigenetic modification identification objective
OBI:0001686 in-situ hybridization assay ISH|in situ hybridization An assay that localizes a specific DNA or RNA sequence within a portion or section of tissue using artificially induced nucleic hybridization. PMID:9021518 Use of in situ hybridization to examine gene expression in the embryonic, neonatal, and adult urogenital system. PMID:22639265 Philippe Rocca-Serra|Marcus Chibucos subclass assay nucleic acid hybridization labeled nucleic acid extract data item macromolecule localization biological feature identification objective
OBI:0001689 cytochalasin-induced inhibition of actin polymerization assay An assay which uses compound cytochalasin (CHEBI: 23528) to block actin polymerization-dependent cell motility (GO:0070358) and actin filament polymerization (GO:0030041). Philippe Rocca-Serra|Marcus Chibucos subclass assay cytochalasin data item actin filament polymerization biological feature identification objective
OBI:0001699 antibody cross-blocking assay antibody inhibition of antibody binding A competitive inhibition of binding assay in which two antibodies that are known to bind the same antigen are tested for the ability of one antibody to inhibit binding of the other antibody to the antigen, thereby determining if they have overlapping binding sites. IEDB Testing two antibodies that bind the HBV core protein for the ability of one antibody pre-incubated with the protein in solution to inhibit binding to the other antibody which is plate-bound in an ELISA format. IEDB subclass logical definition is not capturing how the different antibodies are used in relation to each other. competitive inhibition of binding assay immunoglobulin complex, circulating ('immunoglobulin complex, circulating' and ('has role' some 'positive reference substance role'))
OBI:0001700 immunoprecipitation assay An analyte assay in which an input material is mixed with antibodies and bound antigen:antibody complexes are separated out using immunoprecipitation. Either the antibody has known specificy, and the antigen mixture is tested for the presence of a specific antigen, or the antigen solution is well defined and the antibody solution is tested for the presence of antigen specific antibodies. IEDB Determining if a cell is producing a protein using a protein specific antibody to immunoprecipitate the cell lysate. Determining if the serum of a patient contains antibodies against HBV core protein by immunoprecipitating purified HBV core protein with the patients serum. IEDB equivalent analyte assay immunoprecipitation immunoglobulin complex, circulating
OBI:0001848 chromatin interaction analysis by paired-end tag sequencing assay ChIA-PET|ChIA-PET assay An assay that incorporates chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-based enrichment, chromatin proximity ligation, Paired-End Tags, and high-throughput sequencing to determine de novo long-range chromatin interactions genome-wide. url: Zhang, et al. ChIA-PET analysis of transcriptional chromatin interactions. Methods. 2012 Nov;58(3):289-99. [PMID:22926262] Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass nuclear ligation assay chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing assay|chromosome conformation capture assay protein-containing complex DNA sequencer DNA sequence data chromosome conformation identification objective
OBI:0001849 structural analysis by paired-end tag sequencing assay DNA-PET|DNA-PET assay An assay that incorporates Paired-End Tags and sequencing technology to determine structural variants. PMID:23029419 Yao, et al. Long Span DNA Paired-End-Tag (DNA-PET) Sequencing Strategy for the Interrogation of Genomic Structural Mutations and Fusion-Point-Guided Reconstruction of Amplicons. PLoS One. 2012;7(9):e46152 [PMID:23029419] Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass DNA sequencing assay
OBI:0001850 transcript analysis by paired-end tag sequencing assay RNA-PET assay|RNA-PET A transcription profiling assay that determines transcripts, gene structures, and gene expressions using Paired-End Tags and sequencing technology. PMID:22113299 Ruan, et al. Genome wide full-length transcript analysis using 5' and 3' paired-end-tag next generation sequencing (RNA-PET). Methods Mol Biol. 2012;809:535-62. [PMID:22113299] Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass infer sequencing assay transcription profiling assay paired-end library preparation RNA sequencing assay RNA extract DNA sequencer DNA sequence data transcription profiling identification objective
OBI:0001853 DNase I hypersensitive sites sequencing assay An assay that identifies the location of regulatory regions, based on the genome-wide sequencing of regions super sensitive to cleavage by DNase I. url: Sabo, et al. Discovery of functional noncoding elements by digital analysis of chromatin structure. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Nov 30;101(48):16837-42. [PMID:15550541] Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass DNA sequencing assay library preparation|non specific enzymatic cleavage DNA sequencing assay DNA extract DNA sequencer DNA sequence data protein and DNA interaction identification objective
OBI:0001857 RNP (ribonuclear particle) immunoprecipitation high- throughput sequencing assay RIP-seq assay|RIP-seq An analyte assay that combines immunoprecipitation of an RNA-binding protein and RNA-seq to identify mRNAs associated with selected RNA binding proteins (RBPs). PMID:21172659 Zhao et al. Genome-wide identification of polycomb-associated RNAs by RIP-seq. Molecular Cell (2010) vol. 40 (6) pp. 939-53 [PMID:21172659] Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass infer sequencing assay analyte assay immunoprecipitation|library preparation|cross linking RNA sequencing assay protein-containing complex DNA sequencer|sonicator DNA sequence data protein and RNA interaction identification objective
OBI:0001858 cross-linking immunoprecipitation high-throughput sequencing assay HITS-CLIP|CLIP-seq|CLIP-seq assay An analyte assay that employs UV-crosslinking between RNA and a protein, followed by immunoprecipitation with antibodies for the protein, fragmentation, and high-throughput screening for RNA sequences that interact with a particular RNA-binding protein. PMID:18978773 Heulga et al. Integrative genome-wide analysis reveals cooperative regulation of alternative splicing by hnRNP proteins. Cell Rep. 2012 Feb 23;1(2):167-78. [PMID:22574288] Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass infer sequencing assay analyte assay immunoprecipitation|library preparation|cross linking RNA sequencing assay protein-containing complex DNA sequencer DNA sequence data protein and RNA interaction identification objective
OBI:0001859 formaldehyde-assisted isolation of regulatory elements assay FAIRE-seq assay|FAIRE-seq An assay to determine the sequences of those DNA regions in the genome associated with regulatory activity. url: Giresi, et al. FAIRE (Formaldehyde-Assisted Isolation of Regulatory Elements) isolates active regulatory elements from human chromatin. Genome Research 17 (6): 877_�_85. [PMID:17179217] Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass DNA sequencing assay library preparation|cross linking DNA sequencing assay DNA extract DNA sequence data protein and DNA interaction identification objective
OBI:0001861 methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme sequencing assay MRE-seq|MRE-seq assay An assay that identifies unmethylated CpGs using methylation sensitive restriction enzymes to fragment DNA. PMID:20613842 Maunakea et al. Conserved role of intragenic DNA methylation in regulating alternative promoters. Nature. 2010 Jul 8;466(7303):253-7. [PMID:20613842] Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass infer DNA sequencing assay DNA methylation profiling by high throughput sequencing assay library preparation|specific enzymatic cleavage DNA sequencing assay DNA extract DNA sequencer DNA sequence data regulation of DNA methylation epigenetic modification identification objective
OBI:0001862 reduced representation bisulfite sequencing assay reduced representation bisulfite-seq|RRBS|RRBS assay A bisulfite sequencing assay that identifies genomic methylation patterns using a bisulfite based protocol that enriches CG-rich parts of the genome. PMC:1258174 Meissner et al. Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing for comparative high-resolution DNA methylation analysis. Nucleic Acids Res. 2005; 33(18): 5868_�_5877. [PMCID: PMC1258174] Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass bisulfite sequencing assay library preparation|specific enzymatic cleavage
OBI:0001863 shotgun bisulfite-seq assay WGBS|Shotgun bisulfite sequencing|whole genome bisulfite sequencing|WGSBS|whole-genome shotgun bisulfite sequencing A bisulfite sequencing assay that identifies methylated cytosines across the genome using high throughput sequencing. PMID:18278030 Cokus et al. Shotgun bisulfite sequencing of the Arabidopsis genome reveals DNA methylation patterning. Nature. 2008 Mar 13;452(7184):215-9. [PMID:18278030]. Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass bisulfite sequencing assay library preparation sonicator
OBI:0001864 RNA Annotation and Mapping of Promoters for the Analysis of Gene Expression assay RAMPAGE An transcription profiling assay that identifies transcription start sites (TSS), the quantification of their expression and the characterization of their transcripts using high throughput sequencing. PMID:22936248 Batut et al. High-fidelity promoter profiling reveals widespread alternative promoter usage and transposon-driven developmental gene expression. Genome Research. 2013 Jan;23(1):169-80. [PMID:22936248] Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass infer sequencing assay transcription profiling assay library preparation|non specific enzymatic cleavage sequencing assay RNA extract DNA sequencer DNA sequence data transcription start site identification objective
OBI:0001915 DNA replication timing by array assay Repli-chip|Repli-chip assay An assay which quantifies the timing of DNA replication as a function of genome position using array technology. PMID:18842067 Hiranti et al. Global reorganization of replication domains during embryonic stem cell differentiation. PLoS Biol. 2008 October 7;6(10):e245 [PMID:18842067] Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass assay immunoprecipitation|library preparation|multiplex ligation-mediated amplification DNA extract flow cytometer sorter|DNA microarray ""5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine"" measurement datum DNA replication DNA replication identification objective
OBI:0001918 RNA-binding protein immunoprecipitation array profiling assay RIP-chip assay|RIP-chip An assay that combines immunoprecipitation of an RNA-binding protein and array technology to identify mRNAs associated with selected RNA binding proteins (RBPs). PMID:21125495 Jain et al. RIP-Chip analysis: RNA-Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation-Microarray (Chip) Profiling. Methods Mol Biol. 2011;703:247-63. [PMID:21125495] Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass analyte assay immunoprecipitation|library preparation protein-containing complex DNA microarray measurement datum protein and RNA interaction identification objective
OBI:0001919 Carbon-copy chromosome conformation capture assay 5C|5C assay An assay that measures the organization of chromosomes at the genome-wide scale. PMID:16954542 van Berkum et al. Determining spatial chromatin organization of large genomic regions using 5C technology. Methods Mol Biol (2009) vol. 567 pp. 189-213 [PMID:19588094] Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass sequencing assay immunoprecipitation|library preparation|multiplex ligation-mediated amplification|specific enzymatic cleavage DNA sequencing assay DNA extract DNA sequencer DNA sequence data chromosome conformation identification objective
OBI:0001920 DNA replication timing by sequencing assay Repli-seq assay|Repli-seq An assay in which timing of DNA replication is quantified as a function of genome position based on genome-wide sequencing. PMID:19966280 Hansen et al. Sequencing newly replicated DNA reveals widespread plasticity in human replication timing. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 January 5; 107(1): 139_�_144. [PMID:19966280] Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass sequencing assay immunoprecipitation DNA sequencing assay DNA extract flow cytometer sorter|DNA microarray ""5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine"" DNA sequence data DNA replication DNA replication identification objective
OBI:0001921 RNA-binding protein immunoprecipitation tiling array profiling assay An RNA-binding protein immunoprecipitation array profiling assay that combines immunoprecipitation of an RNA-binding protein and RNA tiling array to identify mRNAs associated with selected RNA binding proteins (RBPs). PMID:21125495 Jain et al. RIP-Chip analysis: RNA-Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation-Microarray (Chip) Profiling. Methods Mol Biol. 2011;703:247-63. [PMID:21125495] Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass RNA-binding protein immunoprecipitation array profiling assay tiling microarray
OBI:0001922 microRNA profiling by high throughput sequencing assay microRNA-seq assay|microRNA-seq|miRNA-seq|miRNA-HTS A microRNA profiling assay that analyzes the microRNA component of the transcriptome using high throughput sequencing technology. url: Juhlia et al. MicroRNA expression profiling reveals miRNA families regulating_specific biological pathways in mouse frontal cortex and hippocampus. PLoS One. 2011;6(6). PMID: 21731767 Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass infer RNA-seq assay microRNA profiling assay library preparation sequencing assay RNA extract DNA sequencer measured expression level miRNA
OBI:0001923 protein sequencing by tandem mass spectrometry assay A sequencing assay that detremines amino acid sequences of proteins using multiple rounds of mass spectrometry and molecule fragmentation. PMID:3462691 Taylor et al.Implementation and uses of automated de novo peptide sequencing by tandem mass spectrometry. Anal Chem. 2001 Jun;73(11):2594-604. [PMID:11403305] Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass sequencing assay protease cleavage protein tandem mass spectrometer sequence data
OBI:0001924 micrococcal nuclease digestion followed by high throughput sequencing assay MNase-seq assay|MNase-seq An assay that identifies nucleosome positioning by genome wide sequencing of regions sensitive to digestion by micrococal nuclease PMID:17038564 Cui et al.Genome-wide approaches to determining nucleosome occupancy in metazoans using MNase-Seq. Methods Mol Biol. 2012;833:413-9. [PMID:22183607] Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass sequencing assay library preparation|non specific enzymatic cleavage DNA extract DNA sequencer DNA sequence data protein and DNA interaction identification objective
OBI:0001925 chromatin immunoprecipitation with exonuclease sequencing assay ChIP-exo assay A ChIP-seq assay which uses immunoprecipitation to isolate protein bound DNA followed by an exonuclease step to degrade DNA that is not protein bound to provide greater resolution of the DNA binding site PMID:22153082 Rhee et al. Comprehensive Genome-wide Protein-DNA Interactions Detected at Single-Nucleotide Resolution. Cell. 2011 Dec;147(6):1408-19. [PMID:22153082] Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng|Bjoern Peters subclass ChIP-seq assay cross linking|specific enzymatic cleavage sonicator DNA sequence data
OBI:0001926 microRNA profiling assay microRNA expression assay|miRNA expression assay A transcription profiling assay that quantifies the microRNA species within a biological sample. PMID: 23382819 Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass transcription profiling assay RNA extract measured expression level miRNA
OBI:0001954 ChIP assay chromatin immunoprecipitation assay An assay in which portions of chromatin, the ordered and organized complex of DNA and its interaction partners that make up a chormosome, is extracted and purified by immunoprecipitation with antibodies or tags, and subsequently analyzed url: PMID: 6379641 Philippe Rocca-Serra|Bjoern Peters equivalent assay chromatin immunoprecipitation ('has part' some chromatin) ('epigenetic modification identification objective' or 'protein and DNA interaction identification objective')
OBI:0001956 assay using chromatin immunoprecipitation An assay that produces data about protein-DNA interaction or DNA epigenetic modification using immunoprecipitation Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass immunoprecipitation assay chromatin immunoprecipitation ('epigenetic modification identification objective' or 'protein and DNA interaction identification objective')
OBI:0001960 taxonomic diversity assessment by targeted gene survey targeted gene survey DNA barcoding|environmental gene survey|targeted gene survey An assay that dteremines taxonomic and community diversity information by sequencing specific genomic regions used as marker of identity or diversity. OBI PMID:20679230|PMID:25367129 Philippe Rocca-Serra equivalent sequencing assay population biodiversity assessment objective
OBI:0001976 hydrogen/deuterium exchange footprinting assay A footprinting assay that uses a chemical reaction whereby a covalently bonded hydrogen atom is replaced by a deuterium atom, or vice versa in order to gather information about the solvent accessibility of parts of a molecule and thus its tertiary structure. IEDB Performing deuterium exchange on a protein by itself and in the presence of a binding partner, degrading the protein into peptide segments and identifying where deuterium exchange occurred by detecting the peptides in Mass Spectrometry. Peptides that have a modified deuteration pattern when the protein was bound to a partner are expected to be part of the binding interface. IEDB subclass logical definition does not capture the exchange aspect footprinting assay deuterium atom
OBI:0001977 cytometry assay An assay that counts and/or measures characteristics of cells. IEDB An intracellular material detection by flow cytometry assay measuring peforin inside a culture of T cells. IEDB equivalent assay cell
OBI:0001978 immunoblot assay An analyte assay that detects specific molecules in an input material by separating it using gel electrophoresis, transfering the separated molecules to a membrane, and staining them with_ antibodies specific to the analyte molecules. IEDB IEDB subclass logical definition does not capture details of processing analyte assay electrophoresis molecular entity gel electrophoresis system
OBI:0001979 fluorescence quenching binding assay A binding assay in which the proximity of two entities is monitored by measuring a fluorescent signal of one of the entities that gets reduced if the two entities are cliose to each other. IEDB IEDB subclass logical definition does not capture quenching binding assay fluorescence detection assay
OBI:0001980 in vivo intervention experiment An assay in which the effect of a targeted process (the intervention) on an organism is tested. IEDB Comparing the level of allergy symptoms in humans before and post allergy immunotherapy. Testing if injection of a chemical compound into mice will lead to decreased survival. IEDB The intervention in an experiment should be modeled accordingly to the intevention carried out in a human cllinical trial, which is currently modeled as 'study intervention'. This touches the boundaries of study vs. assay. subclass logical definition does not capture intervention assay organism
OBI:0001981 disease exacerbation in vivo intervention experiment An in vivo intervention experiment that tests the ability of the intervention to increase the severity of a disease in the host. IEDB Injecting a set of mice with a peptide and measuring symtoms to determine if their disease course was more severe than the disease course of a set of mice that were not injected with the same peptide. IEDB Should have data about disease severity as readout; could just use disease for now subclass logical definition does not capture disease exacerbation in vivo intervention experiment
OBI:0001982 protection from challenge in vivo intervention experiment An in vivo intervention experiment that tests the ability of the intervention to prevent occurrence of a disease in a host. IEDB Injecting a set of mice with a peptide and measuring symtoms to determine if their disease course was less severe than the disease course of a set of mice that were not injected with the same peptide. IEDB should have challenge as intervention subclass logical definition does not capture challenge in vivo intervention experiment
OBI:0001983 tolerance induction intervention experiment An in vivo intervention experiment that tests the ability of the intervention to decrease an immune response. IEDB Injecting a set of mice with a Der p 2 peptide and measuring the IL-2 response of T cells from those mice when exposed to the Der p 2 protein in vitro to determine if those T cells made less IL-2 than cells taken from mice which were not injected with the same Der p 2 peptide. IEDB should have tolerance induction as intervention subclass logical definition does not capture tolerance induction in vivo intervention experiment
OBI:0001984 treatment intervention experiment An in vivo intervention experiment in which the ability of the intervention to reduce or cure the effects of a disease are tested. IEDB Testing if administering oral histamine-blockers will reduce the number of emergency room visits in severely asthmatic individuals. IEDB should have treatment as intervention subclass logical definition does not capture treatment in vivo intervention experiment
OBI:0001985 microarray assay An analyte assay where binding of the analyte to immobilized matrix is measured. IEDB Measuring if sera from an influenza A virus immunizedmouse binds to Hemagglutinin protein that is immobilized on a microarray. IEDB equivalent analyte assay microarray
OBI:0001986 immunohistochemistry An immunostaining assay to detect and potentially localize antigens within the cells of a tissue section. IEDB Staining a brain tissue sample from an Alzheimer's disease patient with antibodies to amyloid beta to identify amyloid plaques. IEDB equivalent immuno staining assay specimen from organism material entity
OBI:0002014 DNA methylation profiling by ChIP-chip assay DNA methylation ChIP-chip An epigenetic modification assay that identifies sites of DNA methylation using ChIP-chip technologies. Penn group Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass infer chip-chip assay epigenetic modification assay chromatin immunoprecipitation ChIP-chip assay ('has part' some chromatin) DNA microarray epigenetic modification identification objective
OBI:0002015 transcription profiling by MPSS assay expression MPSS A transcription profiling assay that uses Massive Parallel Signature Sequencing (MPSS). url: Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass transcription profiling assay library preparation DNA sequencing assay assay bead
OBI:0002016 histone modification identification by ChIP-chip assay histone modification ChIP-chip An epigenetic modification assay that identifies regions containing specific histones and their modifications using ChIP-chip techniques. Penn group Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass infer chip-chip assay epigenetic modification assay chromatin immunoprecipitation ChIP-chip assay ('has part' some chromatin) DNA microarray information content entity histone modification epigenetic modification identification objective
OBI:0002017 histone modification identification by ChIP-Seq assay histone modification ChIP-Seq An epigenetic modification assay that identifies regions containing specific histones and their modifications using ChIP-Seq techniques. Penn group Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass infer chip-seq assay epigenetic modification assay chromatin immunoprecipitation ChIP-seq assay ('has part' some chromatin) DNA sequencer DNA sequence data histone modification epigenetic modification identification objective
OBI:0002018 transcription factor binding site identification by ChIP-chip assay TF Binding ChIP-chip A transcription factor binding site assay that utilizes ChIP-chip technology. Penn group Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass infer chip-chip assay transcription factor binding site assay chromatin immunoprecipitation ChIP-chip assay ('has part' some chromatin) DNA microarray information content entity transcription factor binding site protein and DNA interaction identification objective
OBI:0002019 transcription factor binding site identification by ChIP-Seq assay TF Binding ChIP-Seq A transcription factor binding site assay that utilizes ChIP-seq technology. Penn group Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass infer chip-seq assay transcription factor binding site assay chromatin immunoprecipitation ChIP-seq assay ('has part' some chromatin) DNA sequencer DNA sequence data transcription factor binding site protein and DNA interaction identification objective
OBI:0002020 epigenetic modification assay An assay that identifies epigenetic modifications including histone modifications, open chromatin, and DNA methylation. Penn group Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng equivalent assay epigenetic modification identification objective
OBI:0002029 serial analysis of gene expression assay SAGE A transcription profiling assay that quantifies RNA through creating short signature tags of the messages and ligating them into a larger molecule than was sequenced. PMID:7570003 PMID:15905473 Janos Demeter|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass transcription profiling assay SAGE ditag library preparation sequencing assay DNA sequencer
OBI:0002030 genotyping by tiling array assay DNA sequence variation detection by tiling array A genotyping by array assay that uses tiling array technology. PMID:19521816 PMID:19521816 Janos Demeter|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass genotyping by array assay tiling microarray
OBI:0002031 genotyping by SNP array assay DNA sequence variation detection by snp array A genotyping by array assay that uses SNP array technology. PMID:20393561 PMID:20080586 Janos Demeter|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass genotyping by array assay SNP microarray
OBI:0002032 parallel analysis of RNA structure assay PARS A single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay that performs simultaneous in vitro profiling of the secondary structure of thousands of RNA species at single nucleotide resolution using enzymatic probing based on deep sequencing fragments of RNAs that were treated with structure-specific enzymes PMID:20811459 pmid:20811459 Janos Demeter|Chris Stoeckert subclass single-nucleotide-resolution nucleic acid structure mapping assay using enzymatic probing RNA extract enzyme
OBI:0002033 translation-associated transcript leader sequencing assay TATL-seq An RNA-seq assay that combines TL-seq with polysome fractionation PMID:23580730 pmid:23580730 Janos Demeter|Chris Stoeckert subclass RNA-seq assay
OBI:0002034 transcript leader sequencing assay TL-seq An RNA-seq assay that combines enzymatic capture of m(7)G-capped mRNA 5' ends with high-throughput sequencing. PMID:23580730 pmid:23580730 Janos Demeter|Chris Stoeckert subclass RNA-seq assay
OBI:0002035 peptide mass fingerprinting assay protein fingerprinting|PMF A mass spectrometry assay that measures the absolute mass of the cleaved peptides derived from an unknown protein of interest. These masses are then compared to values for known protein sequences to identify the unknown protein. ERO:0001668|url: Janos Demeter|Chris Stoeckert subclass mass spectrometry assay
OBI:0002036 array based nucleic acid structure mapping assay An assay which aims to provide information about the in vivo organization/structure of nucleic acids using chemical or enzymatic probes using a microarray. OBI:0000870 pmid:23580730 Janos Demeter|Chris Stoeckert subclass assay
OBI:0002037 micrococcal nuclease digestion followed by tiling array assay An array based nucleic acid structure mapping assay that identifies nucleosome positions genome wide, by detection of regions protected by nucleosomes from digestion by micrococal nuclease using tiling array assays pmid:17873876 Janos Demeter|Chris Stoeckert subclass array based nucleic acid structure mapping assay
OBI:0002038 ribosomal profiling by sequencing assay ribosomal profiling|Ribo-seq|Ribo-seq assay A RNA-seq assay that sequences only mRNA protected by the ribosome during translation. PMID:24468696 Aspden et al., (August 2014). ""Extensive translation of small open reading frames revealed by poly-ribo-seq."" eLIFE 2014;3:e03528 Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass RNA-seq assay
OBI:0002039 assay for transposase-accessible chromatin using sequencing ATAC-seq|ATAC-seq assay An assay to capture the location of open chromatin, DNA-binding proteins, individual nucleosomes and chromatin compaction at nucleotide resolution by Tn5 transposase insertion. PMID:24097267 Kasinathan et al., (February 2014). ""High-resolution mapping of transcription factor binding sites on natitve chromatin."" Nat Methods 11(2):203-9. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.2766. Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass assay
OBI:0002040 chromatin isolation by RNA purification sequencing assay ChIRP-seq|Chromatin Isolation by RNA purification|ChIRP-seq assay A detection of specific nucleic acids with complementary probes assay that measures regions of the genome which are bound by a specific RNA (or a by a ribonucleoprotein containing the RNA of interest) using high-throughput sequencing. PMID:21963238 Csorba et al., (November 2014). ""Antisense COOLAIR mediates the coordinated switching of chromatin states at FLC during vernalization."" Proc Natl Acad Sci 111(45):16160-5. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1419030111. Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass detection of specific nucleic acid polymers with complementary probes DNA sequencing assay
OBI:0002041 self-transcribing active regulatory region sequencing assay self-transcribing active regulatory region sequencing|STARR-seq assay|STARR-seq An RNA-seq assay that identifies the sequences that act as transcriptional enhancers in a direct, quantitative, and genome-wide manner from sheared genomic DNA. PMID:23328393 Bohla et al., (September 2014). ""A functional insulator screen identifies NURF and dREAM components to be required for enhancer-blocking."" PLoS One 9(9):e107765. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0107765. Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass RNA-seq assay
OBI:0002042 carbon-copy chromosome conformation capture assay followed by sequencing assay HiC|Carbon-copy chromosome conformation capture assay followed by sequencing|HiC assay A carbon-copy chromosome conformation capture assay to analyze the organization of chromosomes in an unbiased, genome-wide manner using high throughput sequening following carbon-copy chromosome conformation capture. PMID:19815776 Fudenberg et al., (November 2014). ""High order chromatin architecture shapes the landscape of chromosomal alterations in cancer."" Nat Biotechol 29(12):1109-13. doi: 10.1038/nbt.2049. Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass Carbon-copy chromosome conformation capture assay
OBI:0002043 individual-nucleotide resolution cross-linking and immunoprecipitation sequencing assay iCLIP assay|individual-nucleotide resolution cross-linking and immunoprecipitation|iCLIP A cross-linking immunoprecipitation high-throughput sequencing assay that identifies protein-RNA interactions using UV light to covalently bind proteins and RNA molecules, allowing for a very stringent purification of the linked protein-RNA complexes. doi:10.1016/j.ymeth.2013.10.011 Protein-RNA interactions: new genomic technologies and perspectives. Nature Reviews Genetics 13 (2): 77-83. doi:10.1038/nrg3141 Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass cross-linking immunoprecipitation high-throughput sequencing assay
OBI:0002044 RNA Bind-n-Seq assay RNA Bind-n-Seq|RNBS assay|RBNS An RNA-seq assay that comprehensively characterizes sequence and structural specificity of RNA binding proteins (RBPs). doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2014.04.016 Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass RNA-seq assay
OBI:0002045 polyA-site sequencing assay PAS-seq|PAS-seq assay|Poly(A)-site sequencing|poly(A)-site sequencing assay A RNA-seq assay that quantitatively profiles RNA polyadenylation at the transcriptome level. doi: 10.1261/rna.2581711 Wu et al., (July 2014). ""Genome-wide determination of poly(A) sites in Medicago truncatula: evolutionary conservation of alternative poly(A) site choice. BMC Genomics. 2014 Jul 21;15:615. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-615. Venkat Malladi|Chris Stoeckert|Jie Zheng subclass RNA-seq assay
OBI:0002082 reporter gene assay reporter gene detection assay An assay that detects expression of a reporter gene that was inserted under the control of a regulatory sequence of interest. Paul D. Thomas, Yang Chai; FaceBase Chris Stoeckert|Paul D. Thomas subclass assay
OBI:0002083 enhancer activity detection by reporter gene assay enhancer reporter gene assay A reporter gene assay that detects expression of a reporter gene that was inserted under the control of an enhancer of interest. FaceBase|PMID 24614317 PMID 19268701: ""we experimentally concatenated up to four enhancers from different genes and used a transgenic mouse assay to compare the in vivo activity of these compound elements with that of the single modules"" Paul D. Thomas|Yang Chai subclass reporter gene assay
OBI:0002084 transcription cofactor activity region identification by ChIP-Seq assay chromatin modifier binding site identification by ChIP-Seq assay A ChIP-seq assay that identifies regions of chromatin bound to a chromatin modifying protein, e.g. a histone acetyltransferase. PMID:19212405 PMID 19212405: ""we present the results of chromatin immunoprecipitation with the enhancer-associated protein p300 followed by massively parallel sequencing, and map several thousand in vivo binding sites of p300 in mouse embryonic forebrain, midbrain and limb tissue"" Paul D. Thomas|Yang Chai subclass ChIP-seq assay
OBI:0002085 transcript expression location detection by hybridization chain reaction assay transcript expression location detection by fluorescent HCR. An in situ hybridization assay in which the location (e.g. anatomical/tissue) of a transcript is detected by a multiplexed fluorescent in situ hybridization, based on orthogonal amplification with hybridization chain reactions (HCR). RNA probes complementary to mRNA targets trigger chain reactions in which fluorophore-labeled RNA hairpins self-assemble into tethered fluorescent amplification polymers. PMID:21037591 PMID 25977364: ""Multiplexed imaging of mRNA expression using fluorescent hybridization chain reaction (HCR) quantitatively confirmed the expression profiles of lead cells"" Paul D. Thomas|Yang Chai subclass in-situ hybridization assay
OBI:0002086 Tet-assisted bisulfite sequencing assay TAB-seq|Tet-assisted bisulfite sequencing A bisulfite sequencing assay that identifies genomic methylation patterns by using a bisulfite based protocol with the Tet enzyme to differentiate 5-hydroxylmethylcytosine (5hmC) from 5-methylcytosine (5mC) through a step-wise oxidative demethylation of 5mC, converting it to 5-carboxylcytosine (5caC) while keeping 5hmC protected. PMID:23196972 Jason Hilton|Chris Stoeckert|Bjoern Peters|OBI subclass bisulfite sequencing assay
OBI:0002094 MethylC-Capture sequencing assay Capture Methylome|MCC-Seq|MethylC-Capture Sequencing A bisulfite sequencing assay in which a whole-genome sequencing library is prepared, bisulfite converted and amplified, followed by a capture enriching for targeted bisulfite-converted DNA fragments that are are subsequently identified by DNA sequencing. PMID:26021296 MethylC-Capture Sequencing approach was introduced as a cost-effective and customizable alternative method for large-scale interrogation of functionally-active methylomes while simultaneously providing genetic variation information in a proof-of-concept epigenome-wide association study of 72 obese individuals, identifying novel disease-associated variants. David Bujold|Chris Stoeckert subclass bisulfite sequencing assay
OBI:0002106 carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester staining assay CFSE assay a assay detecting a molecular label assay where the amount of carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester is measured using fluorescence detection. IEDB Measuring T cell proliferation based on the progressive halving of CFSE fluorescence within daughter cells following each cell division. IEDB subclass logical definition does not capture daughter cells assay detecting a molecular label fluorescence detection assay
OBI:0002107 bio-layer interferometry assay biolayer interferometry, BLI A binding assay that detects a shift in the interference pattern reflected from a layer of immobilized material on the biosensor tip to measure binding to- or dissociating from the material on the biosensor. IEDB Detecting the presence of an antibody in a cell culture supernatant by detecting a shift in the interference pattern reflected from a layer of immobilized protein to which the antibody binds. IEDB subclass logical definition does not capture shift in patter binding assay
OBI:0002108 small-angle scattering assay SAXS A 3D structure determination assay in which the scattering pattern of a neutron or x-ray beam targeted at a material entity is recorded at small angles relative to the incident beam to determine the size, shape and structure of the material entity examined. IEDB Targeting a solution of antibody bound to a protein with a neutron beam to determine the binding site of the antibody on the protein IEDB subclass logical definition does not capture neutrino beam 3D structure determination assay
OBI:0002111 enhanced cross-linking immunoprecipitation high-throughput sequencing assay eCLIP An iCLIP assay that is enhanced to robustly identify protein-RNA interactions with high efficiency through improvements in library preparation of RNA fragments. PMID:27018577 Jason Hilton|Chris Stoeckert subclass individual-nucleotide resolution cross-linking and immunoprecipitation sequencing assay
OBI:0002112 small RNA sequencing assay short RNA-seq|small RNA-seq An RNA-seq assay which is targeting small RNA (< 200 bp) sequences such as, but not exclusive to, miRNAs using, for example, small RNA library preparation kits. url:|url: Jason Hilton|Mark A. Miller|Chris Stoeckert subclass RNA-seq assay
OBI:0002113 bromouridine labeling and sequencing assay Bru-seq An RNA-seq assay to identify spans of nascent transcription in the genome through isolation of recent bromouridine (Bru) labelled RNAs. PMC:4009065 Jason Hilton|Chris Stoeckert subclass RNA-seq assay
OBI:0002114 bromouridine pulse-chase and sequencing assay BruChase-seq An RNA-seq assay to identify RNA populations of specific ages through isolation of RNAs first labelled with bromouridine (Bru) followed by chasing in uridine for different periods of time. PMC:4009065 Jason Hilton|Chris Stoeckert subclass RNA-seq assay
OBI:0002115 cytometry time of flight assay CyTOF A cytometry assay in which the presence of molecules of interest on or in cells is indicated by binding of antibodies labeled with rare earth element tags which are detected by time-of-flight mass spectrometry. PMID:26190063 Whole human blood samples were incubated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to examine dose-dependent signaling responses within the toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) pathway. After LPS stimulation, rare earth metal tagged antibodies against phenotypic markers were used to stain the blood sample (Nd143-CD45RA, Nd145-CD4, Er170-CD3, Sm152-TCR__, Pr141-CD7, Nd146-CD8, Nd142-CD19). A Fluidigm CyTOF version 1 instrument equipped with CyTOF software version 5.1.648 was used to measure and analyze the levels of antibody staining refelctive of the level of expression of those surface receptors. ImmPort subclass logical definition does not capture ""time of flight"" part cytometry assay mass spectrometry assay rare earth metal atom
OBI:0002116 high performance liquid chromotography assay HPLC An analytical chromatography assay that utilizes a high performance liquid chromatography instrument for separation of compounts in a solution. PMID:9491555 On-line coupled immunoaffinity chromatography-reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (IAC-HPLC) with detection by quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry using a particle beam interface has been developed for the determination of the steroids, dexamethasone and flumethasone. HEMA (polyhydroxyethylmethacrylate) was evaluated as a support material for the anti-dexamethasone antibodies used in IAC. Antibody cross-reactivity and non-specific binding have been investigated for the HEMA bound anti-dexamethasone IAC column. The on-line IAC-HPLC-MS determination of dexamethasone and flumethasone in post-administration equine urine samples showed precisions (R.S.D.) of 8.0 and 7.1%, respectively, with limits of detection in the range 3-4 ng/ml. ImmPort equivalent analytical chromatography high performance liquid chromatography instrument
OBI:0002117 whole genome sequencing assay WGS A DNA sequencing assay that intends to provide information about the sequence of an entire genome of an organism. PMID:25827230|PMID:23095910 WGS permits comprehensive sequencing of introns and exons, whereas whole exome sequencing (WES) allows deeper sequencing of exonic regions at a lower cost. Due to the large number of genetic variants found in each genome, it is necessary to use filtering approaches to distinguish deleterious from benign variants. WES has been used successfully to identify novel genetic causes of primary immunodeficiency. Complex structural variations and non-Mendelian disorders remain challenges for WGS. ImmPort Genotyping assays should ideally identify which part of the genome the information is about. We do not currently have a good way to do this. That information should be added later. subclass logical definition does not capture what the output is about DNA sequencing assay
OBI:0002118 exome sequencing assay WES A DNA sequencing assay that intends to provide information about the sequence of the protein coding components of a genome (exons). PMID:25827230 DNA was extracted from the Ficoll pellet of blood taken from congenital asplenia patients. Unamplified, high-molecular weight, RNase-treated genomic DNA (4_6 _g) was used for whole exome sequencing (WES) with the use of Agilent 71 Mb (V4 + UTR) singlesample capture and an Illumina HiSeq 2000. Sequencing was carried out so as to obtain 30_ coverage from 2 _ 100-bp paired-end reads. We used the Annovar tool (25) to annotate the resulting highquality (HQ) variants. In the regions targeted by WES capture (81.5% of the consensus coding genome), the mean numbers of single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) and small insertions/deletions (indels) detected per sample were 84,192 and13,325, respectively. After filtering, a mean of 74,398 (95.3%) high-quality (HQ) SNVs and 9,033 (70.6%) HQ indels were called. A mean of 105 coding HQ SNVs and 32 indels was identified. ImmPort subclass logical definition does not capture exons DNA sequencing assay
OBI:0002119 microscopy assay An imaging assay that utilizes a microscope to magnify features of the visualized material of interest that are not visible to naked eye. PMID:21685355 Lung, liver, and spleen tissue samples were collected from female BALB/c mice and fixed in 100% formalin solution, embedded in paraffin, sectioned, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The stained samples were examined for signs of pathological changes under light microscopy. ImmPort equivalent imaging assay microscope
OBI:0002120 mixed lymphocyte reaction assay MLR A cytometry assay where lymphocytes from two individuals are co-cultured with the lymphocytes from one of the allogeneic individuals (Responders) being labeled (with 3H Thymidine or BrdU) and the proliferation of the labeled cells is measured, which is thought to reflect recognition of histocompatibility antigens on the unlabeled cells (stimulators). PMID:14969764 T cells were separated from PBL of laboratory volunteers and used as responder cells (R). Mitomycin C-treated allogeneic mAPC enriched populations were used as stimulators (S), incubated for 5 days, pulsed with 3H-thymidine (3H-TdR) for 16 hours, harvested, and radioactivity counted using a beta scintillation counter to measure proliferation of the 3H-thymidine labeled cells. ImmPort subclass logical definition does not capture culturing cytometry assay molecular label
OBI:0002121 killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor typing assay KIR typing A genotyping assay in which the alleles of genes encoding for killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors are determined. PMID:21239231 DNA was isolated from PBMCs from healthy donors.The single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) assay was performed on an HT7900 Sequence Detection System (Applied Biosystems) following the allelic discrimination assay protocol provided by the manufacturer. Primers for the assay were designed in such a way that they amplified all the alleles of a particular HLA type (HLA-B or HLA-C) as well as the amplicon containing the polymorphic region of interest. Two probes were designed with a single mismatch between them. Each probe bound only one group of alleles and was labeled with either 6FAM or VIC fluorescent dye at its 5_ end. The 3_ end of the probes contained a quencher. For KIR2DL1 functional allele typing, the probe was designed based on a single-nucleotide mismatch at amino acid position 245 in the mature protein. A universal primer was designed that could specifically amplify all the alleles of KIR2DL1.The SNP assay was run on the HT7900 using the same protocol as described for KIR ligand typing. Results showed that 20 individuals had only arginine at amino acid position 245 of KIR2DL1, 5 were heterozygous for arginine and cysteine, and 1 had only cysteine in that position.Thus, this approach was useful not only for the identification of functional groups of KIR alleles, but also for determining the presence of the KIR gene itself. ImmPort Genotyping assays should ideally identify which part of the genome the information is about. We do not currently have a good way to do this. That information should be added later. subclass logical definition does not capture what part of the genome the output is about genotyping assay
OBI:0002122 major histocompatibility typing assay MHC typing, HLA typing A genotyping assay in which the alleles of genes encoding for major histocompatibility complex molecules are determined. PMID:27516207|PMC:2628004 Blood samples from Holstein-Friesian heifer calves were used to isolate white blood cell (WBC) pellets, from which total RNA was extracted using Tri-reagent and cDNA generated using a Reverse Transcription Kit, both_ according to the manufacturers? instructions. An alignment of sequences of known bovine MHCI gene cDNAs, as presented in the IPD-MHC database (May 2014), was used to design a series of 3_ (for) and 5_ (rev) pan-MHCI primers. cDNA from individual animals was subject to PCR amplification in two separate reactions using either the For1/Rev2 or the For3/Rev1 primer pairs. For each sample primers using a unique combination of MID tags were used to allow subsequent de-multiplexing of the sequence data. PCRs were conducted using the Phusion High-Fidelity PCR kit. Following amplification, 5?_l of PCR products from each sample were pooled, purified using Agencourt AMPure XP Beads and run on a 1.5?% agarose gel. Bands of the appropriate size_ were extracted and purified using the Qiagen Gel extraction kit. Libraries were submitted to Edinburgh Genomics where after standard quality control procedures they underwent 300 base paired-end sequencing on an Illumina MiSeq v3. Data were separated into reads generated from For1Rev2 and For3Rev1 primer pairs, generating separate datasets for up to 192 samples. Within each sample, reads were clustered into unique variants which were subsequently compared using BLAST against a database of the previously identified bovine MHCI sequences. This process identified >140 novel classical MHCI genes and defined 62 novel MHCI haplotypes, dramatically expanding the known bovine MHCI repertoire. IEDB Genotyping assays should ideally identify which part of the genome the information is about. We do not currently have a good way to do this. That information should be added later. subclass logical definition does not capture what part of the genome the output is about genotyping assay
OBI:0002132 pulse stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture dynamic SILAC|pulse SILAC|pulsed SILAC An assay that detects differences in protein abundance using samples that have been metabolically labeled in vivo with a stable non-radioactive heavy isotope containing amino acid for a short period of time. After diluting the pulsed cells into growth media without label, high resolution mass spectrometry-based proteomics is used to analyze the time-dependent decay and determine protein stability. PMID:19053139|PMID:18954100 Rob Nash subclass assay
OBI:0002140 temperature measurement assay An assay to determine the temperature of an evaluant. OBI Chris Stoeckert|Bjoern Peters subclass assay ('measurement datum' and ('has value specification' some 'temperature value specification'))
OBI:0002141 volume measurement assay An assay to determine the volume of an evaluant. OBI Chris Stoeckert|Bjoern Peters subclass assay ('measurement datum' and ('has value specification' some 'volume value specification'))
OBI:0002142 Nanostring nCounter miRNA expression assay microRNA counts A microRNA profiling assay using digital molecular barcoding technology to quantify target microRNA molecules without the need for amplification. PMID:26729350|url: Jason Hilton|Chris Stoeckert ENCODE DCC subclass microRNA profiling assay
OBI:0002143 bromouride labeling and sequencing after UV exposure BruUV-seq An RNA-seq assay to identify transcription start sites and active enhancer elements through isolation of bromouridine (Bru) labelled RNAs after UV light exposure introduces transcription-blocking lesions. PMC:4675984 Jason Hilton|Chris Stoeckert ENCODE DCC subclass RNA-seq assay
OBI:0002144 extrachromosomal circular DNA sequencing assay eccDNA-seq|circulome-seq An assay which aims at identifying the endogenous population of extrachromosomal circular DNA originating from a subset of genomic loci and potentially having profound consequences on the regulatory and coding capabilities of these regions. The assay includes creation of a library out of the circular DNA molecules and subsequent sequencing using parallelized sequencing methods. url: Jason Hilton|Chris Stoeckert ENCODE DCC subclass DNA sequencing assay
OBI:0002145 antigen specific antibodies assay An analyte assay that measures the presence or amount of antibodies to a specified antigen. OBI Test performed using antibodies produced by human B-cells that bind with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antigens Chris Stoeckert|Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita|James Overton NCI BBRB subclass analyte assay
OBI:0002146 HIV antibody assay HIV I/II Ab assay An antigen specific antibodies assay that is meant to detect antibodies that bind to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antigens. OBI Chris Stoeckert|Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita|James Overton HIV-1 and HIV-2 are two different viruses ( NCI BBRB subclass antigen specific antibodies assay ('immunoglobulin complex' and ('has disposition to bind' some ('Human immunodeficiency virus 1' or 'Human immunodeficiency virus 2')))
OBI:0002147 HIV group O antibody assay HIV I/II Plus O assay An antigen specific antibodies assay that is meant to detect antibodies that bind to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) group O antigens. OBI Chris Stoeckert|Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita|James Overton NCI BBRB subclass antigen specific antibodies assay ('immunoglobulin complex' and ('has disposition to bind' some ('Human immunodeficiency virus 1' or 'Human immunodeficiency virus 2' or 'HIV-1 group O')))
OBI:0002148 surface HBV antibody assay HBsAb assay An antigen specific antibodies assay that is meant to detect antibodies that bind to hepatitis B virus (HBV) surface antigens. OBI Chris Stoeckert|Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita|James Overton NCI BBRB subclass antigen specific antibodies assay ('immunoglobulin complex' and ('has disposition to bind' some 'Hepatitis B virus'))
OBI:0002149 core HBV antibody assay HBcAb assay An antigen specific antibodies assay that is meant to detect antibodies that bind to hepatitis B virus (HBV) core antigens. OBI Chris Stoeckert|Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita|James Overton NCI BBRB subclass antigen specific antibodies assay ('immunoglobulin complex' and ('has disposition to bind' some 'Hepatitis B virus'))
OBI:0002150 core HBV IgM antibody assay HBcAb-IgM assay An antigen specific antibodies assay that is meant to detectimmunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies that bind to hepatitis B virus (HBV) core antigens. OBI Chris Stoeckert|Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita|James Overton NCI BBRB subclass antigen specific antibodies assay ('immunoglobulin complex' and ('has disposition to bind' some 'Hepatitis B virus'))
OBI:0002151 HCV antibody assay HCV Ab assay An antigen specific antibodies assay that is meant to detect antibodies that bind to Hepacivirus C (HCV) antigens. OBI Chris Stoeckert|Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita|James Overton NCI BBRB subclass antigen specific antibodies assay ('immunoglobulin complex' and ('has disposition to bind' some 'Hepacivirus C'))
OBI:0002152 EBV IgG antibody assay EBV IgG Ab assay An antigen specific antibodies assay that is meant to detect immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies that bind to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) antigens. OBI Chris Stoeckert|Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita|James Overton NCI BBRB subclass antigen specific antibodies assay ('immunoglobulin complex' and ('has disposition to bind' some 'Human gammaherpesvirus 4'))
OBI:0002153 EBV IgM antibody assay EBV IgM Ab assay An antigen specific antibodies assay that is meant to detect immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies that bind to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) antigens. OBI Chris Stoeckert|Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita|James Overton NCI BBRB subclass antigen specific antibodies assay ('immunoglobulin complex' and ('has disposition to bind' some 'Human gammaherpesvirus 4'))
OBI:0002154 CMV antibody assay CMV Ab assay An antigen specific antibodies assay that is meant to detect antibodies that bind to cytomegalovirus (CMV) antigens. OBI Chris Stoeckert|Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita|James Overton NCI BBRB subclass antigen specific antibodies assay ('immunoglobulin complex' and ('has disposition to bind' some 'Cytomegalovirus'))
OBI:0002155 venereal disease research laboratory test VDRL test An analyte assay that is meant to detect general antibodies that react with substances that are produced by cellular damage caused by Treponema pallidum indicating a syphilis infection. VDRL tests require a microscope and can be done on cerebrospinal fluid as well as blood. OBI Chris Stoeckert|Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita|James Overton NCI BBRB subclass analyte assay immunoglobulin complex
OBI:0002156 rapid plasma reagin test RPR assay An analyte assay that is meant to detect with the aid of carbon or charcoal particles general antibodies that react with substances that are produced by cellular damage caused by Treponema pallidum indicating a syphilis infection. RPR tests can be done without a microscope. url: Chris Stoeckert|Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita|James Overton NCI BBRB subclass analyte assay immunoglobulin complex
OBI:0002157 HBV surface antigen assay HBsAg assay An analyte assay that is meant to detect hepatitis B virus (HBV) surface antigens. OBI Chris Stoeckert|Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita|James Overton NCI BBRB subclass analyte assay Hepatitis B virus
OBI:0002158 HIV-1 nucleic acid testing HIV-1 NAT An analyte assay that is meant to detect human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) nucleic acids. OBI Chris Stoeckert|Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita|James Overton NCI BBRB subclass analyte assay ('nucleic acid' and ('part of' some 'Human immunodeficiency virus 1'))
OBI:0002159 HCV nucleic acid testing HCV NAT An analyte assay that is meant to detect hepatitis C virus (HCV) nucleic acids. OBI Chris Stoeckert|Bjoern Peters|Randi Vita|James Overton NCI BBRB subclass analyte assay ('nucleic acid' and ('part of' some 'Hepacivirus C'))
OBI:0002160 multiplexed indexed T7 ChIP-seq assay Mint-ChIP|Mint-ChIP-seq A ChIP-seq assay which leverages T7 promoter amplification to allow low sample input and chromatin barcoding and pool-and-split multiplexing for high-throughput, quantitative profiling of chromatin states. url: Jason Hilton|Chris Stoeckert ENCODE DCC subclass ChIP-seq assay
OBI:0002161 systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment assay SELEX A binding assay that identifies protein-binding sites on nucleic acids by selecting high-affinity target ligands from a randomized pool. The process is repeated in rounds, then the bound nucleic acids are separated from the unbound nucleic acids and amplified by PCR._ PMID:21720957 Rebecca Jackson subclass binding assay
OBI:0002162 footprinting assay An assay that measures ligand binding and conformational changes by the solvent accessibility of the backbone, bases, or side-chain structures of macromolecules through their sensitivity to chemical or enzymatic cleavage or modification reactions. doi:10.1002/3527600906.mcb.200300025 Bjoern Peters subclass assay
OBI:0002163 DNAse footprinting assay An enzymatic footprinting assay that determines protein-binding sites on DNA by identifying bound fragments that are protected from DNAse I-catalyzed hydrolysis OBI development call Rebecca Jackson subclass footprinting assay
OBI:0002164 mammalian 2-hybrid assay A binding assay that increases the expression of a reporter gene in mammalian cells by proteins of interest attached to two portions of the transcriptional activator, bringing those portions closer together. PMID:9043710|ECO:0001095 Rebecca Jackson subclass binding assay
OBI:0002165 protein localization assay An assay that determines the specific location of a protein. Subcellular localization is distinguished from tissue-based localization based on the type of microscopy applied. OBI development call Rebecca Jackson subclass assay
OBI:0002166 tissue-based protein localization assay A protein localization assay that determines the specific location of a protein in a living tissue sample. PMID:14686950 Rebecca Jackson subclass protein localization assay
OBI:0002167 subcellular protein localization assay A protein localization assay that determines the specific subcellular location of a protein. The location is visualized through electron microscopy. ECO Rebecca Jackson subclass protein localization assay electron microscope
OBI:0002168 subcellular protein immunohistochemistry assay An immunohistochemistry assay that uses antibodies to display the specific subcellular location of proteins. ECO Rebecca Jackson subclass immunohistochemistry
OBI:0002169 ChIP-qPCR assay A ChIP assay that uses quantitative PCR to determine levels of specific DNA in immunoprecipitated samples. PMID:18388953 Chris Stoeckert subclass ChIP assay real time polymerase chain reaction assay
OBI:0002170 genomic SELEX A systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment assay that starts with a library derived from genomic DNA instead of synthetically derived random DNA molecules. PMID:20541015 Chris Stoeckert subclass systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment assay
OBI:0002171 dot blot assay dot blot analysis An analyte assay that detects molecules in a mixture dotted on a membrane using DNA probes or antibodies. PMID:10473518 Bjoern Peters subclass analyte assay
OBI:0002172 Northwestern blot assay Northwestern assay|Northwestern analysis A direct binding assay that detects interactions of labeled RNA with immobilized protein on a membrane. PMID:26965261 Bjoern Peters subclass direct binding assay
OBI:0002173 Southwestern blot assay A direct binding assay that detects interactions of labeled DNA with immobilized protein on a membrane. PMID:26404144 Bjoern Peters subclass direct binding assay
OBI:0002174 immunocytochemistry An immuno staining assay in which samples of intact cells are examined that have had most, if not all, of their surrounding extracellular matrix removed Bjoern Peters subclass immuno staining assay cell
OBI:0002175 ATP bioluminescence assay ATP quantitation assay|cell viability ATP quantitation assay An analyte assay that detects ATP concentration through light intensity when luciferase catalyzes the oxidation of luciferin in the presence of ATP, magnesium ions, and molecular oxygen. ECO Rebecca Jackson subclass analyte assay ATP
OBI:0002176 electrophysiology assay An assay that measures the electrical properties of biological cells or tissues. Typically, this assay will generate measurements of voltage changes or electric current (or other associated variables such as impedence or capacitance). url: Gully Burns Note that electrophysiological manipulations also exist which involve processes that alter the electrophysiological properties of cells and tissues. subclass assay
OBI:0002177 patch clamp assay An intracellular electrophysiology assay where a glass micropipette is sealed to the surface of the cell membrane as a recording electrode to study ion channel activity. The key distinction of this technique is the electrical resistance of the seal between the cell membrane and the pipette is of the order 10-100 gigaohms, permitting high-resolution current measurements over the cell membrane in several different standard configurations. url:|url:|ECO:0006012 Gully Burns subclass intra cellular electrophysiology recording assay patch clamp device
OBI:0002178 whole-cell patch clamp assay A patch-clamp assay where the electrode is left in place on the cell, as in cell-attached recordings, but the membrane patch has been perforated, providing access from the interior of the pipette to the intracellular space of the cell. Measurements made with this technique involve recording currents through multiple channels simultaneously, over the membrane of the entire cell. url:|ECO:0006015 Gully Burns subclass patch clamp assay patch clamp device
OBI:0002179 cell-attached patch clamp assay A patch-clamp assay where the electrode is left in place on the cell, and the membrane patch has been left intact been perforated. This maintains the separation of the interior of the pipette to the intracellular space of the cell. Measurements made with this technique involve recording currents through multiple channels simultaneously, over the membrane of the entire cell. url: Gully Burns subclass patch clamp assay patch clamp device
OBI:0002180 inside-out patch clamp assay A patch-clamp assay where a patch of the membrane is attached to the patch pipette, detached from the rest of the cell, and the cytosolic surface of the membrane is exposed to the external media, or bath. This provides the experimenter has access to the intracellular surface of the membrane via the bath and can manipulate the environment at the intracellular surface of single ion channels. For example, channels that are activated by intracellular ligands can then be studied through a range of ligand concentrations. url:|url: Gully Burns subclass patch clamp assay patch clamp device
OBI:0002181 outside-out patch clamp assay A patch-clamp assay where a patch of the membrane is attached to the patch pipette. In this configuration, the external surface of the cell membrane is exposed as the outside of the membrane patch relative to the patch electrode. An outside-out patch starts with a gigaohm seal in a whole-cell recording configuration. The electrode is slowly withdrawn from the cell, until a fragment of membrane bulges away from the cell, which detaches and reforms as a convex membrane on the end of the electrode, with the original external surface of the membrane facing outward from the electrode. This provides the experimenter with access to the extracellular surface of the membrane via the bath and can manipulate the environment at the extracellular surface of single ion channels. url:|url: Gully Burns subclass patch clamp assay patch clamp device
OBI:0002182 voltage clamp assay An cellular electrophysiology assay where the membrane potential of a cell is controlled by the experimentalist. This is accomplished through a feedback mechanism where any change in membrane potential is countered by permitting electrical current to flow into or out of the cell. url: Gully Burns subclass intra cellular electrophysiology recording assay voltage clamp device
OBI:0002183 two electrode voltage clamp assay TEVC The two electrode voltage clamp (TEVC) method utilizes two low-resistance pipettes, one sensing voltage and the other injecting current. The microelectrodes are filled with conductive solution and inserted into the cell to artificially control membrane potential. The membrane acts as a dielectric as well as a resistor, while the fluids on either side of the membrane function as capacitors.[9] The microelectrodes compare the membrane potential against a command voltage, giving an accurate reproduction of the currents flowing across the membrane. Current readings can be used to analyze the electrical response of the cell to different applications. This technique is mainly used in the Oocyte preparation. url: Gully Burns subclass voltage clamp assay voltage clamp device
OBI:0002184 cut open oocyte voltage clamp assay COVG The cut-open oocyte Vaseline gap (COVG) voltage-clamp technique is designed to solve weaknesses in the two elextrode voltage clamp by maximizing the benefits of the Xenopus oocyte expression system by improving on clamp speed, signal-to-noise ratio, and ability to effectively perfuse the oocyte. In this way, it was possible to combine the most popular transient expression system, and the associated benefits of molecular cloning and site-directed mutagenesis, with the superior voltage-clamp properties of cut-open cell techniques. PMID:9711615 Gully Burns subclass voltage clamp assay voltage clamp device
OBI:0002185 current clamp assay The current clamp technique records the membrane potential by injecting current into a cell through the recording electrode. Unlike in the voltage clamp mode, where the membrane potential is held at a level determined by the experimenter, in ""current clamp"" mode the membrane potential is free to vary, and the amplifier records whatever voltage the cell generates on its own or as a result of stimulation. This technique is used to study how a cell responds when electric current enters a cell; this is important for instance for understanding how neurons respond to neurotransmitters that act by opening membrane ion channels. url: Gully Burns subclass intra cellular electrophysiology recording assay
OBI:0002186 electroencephalography EEG An extracellular electrophysiology assay where electrodes are mounted outside the brain (either on the surface of the scalp on onto the brain surface itself during surgery) to measure the electrical field over the external surface. Gully Burns subclass extracellular electrophysiology recording assay
OBI:0002187 single-unit recording An extracellular electrophysiology assay where a single microelectrode is placed in close proximity to a single neuron to measure voltage and current changes over time. This is the technicque used by Hubel and Wiesel to measure firing properties of primary visual cortex neurons in the 1950s in their original Nobel-prize winning study. A classic, old technique. url: Gully Burns Can be used on any cell, not just neurons. subclass extracellular electrophysiology recording assay neuron micro electrode action potential
OBI:0002188 multi-unit recording An extracellular electrophysiology assay where a collection of microelectrodes (often in an 'array' configuration) is placed into neural tissue to measure the distribution of voltage and current changes for a population of cells over time. Gully Burns subclass extracellular electrophysiology recording assay
OBI:0002189 local field potential recording An extracellular electrophysiology assay where a microelectrode is placed in the extracellular space of brain tissue to measure action potential and compared to an electrode either outside or inside that tissue. doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-7320-6_723-1 Gully Burns subclass extracellular electrophysiology recording assay (tissue and ('located in' only brain)) micro electrode action potential
OBI:0002436 RNA interactome capture An assay that identifies RNA binding proteins by cross-linking RNA and proteins with UV light, then purifying the bound complexes by oligo(dT) capture. Finally, the complexes are analyzed by mass spectrometry. PMID:26463381 Rebecca Jackson subclass assay mass spectrometry assay
OBI:0002437 widefield microscopy WFM A fluorescence microscopy technique where the specimen under investigation is fully bathed in light, as opposed to confocal microscopy in which only a small portion of the specimen is illuminated. url:|url: Jie Zheng subclass fluorescence microscopy
OBI:0002438 nuclear ligation assay An assay that detects the proximity of chromosomal DNA through the use of a ligation reaction in isolated nuclei. PMID:8327891 Chris S subclass assay DNA ligase protein and DNA interaction identification objective
OBI:0002439 chromosome conformation capture assay 3C assay A nuclear ligation assay that detects chromosomal interactions between any two genomic loci. Chromatin segments are cross-linked, cut by restriction enzymes, ligated, and finally analyzed by PCR. PMID:11847345|url: Chris S subclass nuclear ligation assay chromosome conformation identification objective
OBI:0002440 Hi-C assay A chromosome conformation capture assay that detects genome-wide chromosomal interactions. High-throughput techniques are used to sequence the ligated fragments after cross-linking and cutting with restriction enzymes. PMID:20461051 Chris S subclass chromosome conformation capture assay
OBI:0002441 physical examination of individual An assay that produces a description of the qualities of an entity that has not been transformed, through observation and physical, non-invasive techniques. subclass assay
OBI:0002442 hydroxyl-radical footprinting assay A footprinting assay that uses the reaction of hydroxyl radicals with side-chain sites in molecules (proteins, DNA, etc)_ with the resultant mass shift demonstrating the site of modification, used to_ to asses the accessibility of that site. PMID:21770468 Jie Zheng subclass footprinting assay molecular entity oxygen radical
OBI:0002443 methidiumpropyl-EDTA-iron(II) footprinting assay MPE-Fe(II) footprinting A footprinting assay that determines protein-binding sites on DNA by partial cleavage of ligand-protected DNA restriction fragments with methidium-propyl-EDTA (MPE). MPE-Fe(II) in the presence of oxygen efficiently catalyzes the non-specific clevage of DNA. PMID:6225070|PMID:6435669 Jie Zheng subclass footprinting assay DNA extract EDTA methidiumpropylamide binding datum
OBI:0002445 transcription start site mapping by primer extension assay A transcription profiling assay in which the transcription start site for a gene is determined by identifying the 5' end of mRNA. A radio-labeled primer is annealed to a complementary mRNA sequence near the 3' end, then cDNA is synthesized until the 5' end is reached. PMID:23378648|url: Rebecca Jackson subclass transcription profiling assay RNA extract sequence data gene expression transcription start site identification objective
OBI:0002457 precision nuclear run-on sequencing assay precision nuclear run-on and sequencing assay|PRO-Seq An RNA-seq assay that maps the genome-wide distribution of transcriptionally-engaged Pol II at base-pair resolution by using biotin-labeled ribonucleotide triphosphate analogs (biotin-NTP) for nuclear run-on reactions, allowing the efficient affinity purification of nascent RNAs for high throughput sequencing from their 3' ends. PMID:23430654 Rebecca Jackson subclass RNA-seq assay reverse transcribed polymerase chain reaction
OBI:0002458 chromosome conformation capture-on-chip assay circularized chromosome conformation capture assay|4C assay A nuclear ligation assay which uses cross-linking of proteins to proteins and DNA, followed by two rounds of digestion and ligation, inverse PCR, and characterization by microarray or DNA sequencing. This enables unbiased genome-wide screens for DNA contacts made by single genomic sites of interest. url: Rebecca Jackson subclass nuclear ligation assay inverse polymerase chain reaction
OBI:0002459 genotype phasing by Hi-C assay haplotype reconstruction by Hi-C assay A genotyping assay in which carbon-copy chromosome conformation is used to detect polymorphism in DNA samples. PMID:19815776|url: Rebecca Jackson subclass genotyping assay Hi-C assay
OBI:0002485 transcript analysis by single-end sequencing assay transcript analysis by single-end sequencing A sequencing assay that incorporates single-end reads and sequencing technology to determine transcripts, gene structures, and gene expressions. url: Stephen A. Fisher|Junhyong Kim|Dan Berrios subclass sequencing assay
OBI:0002489 differential medium assay bacteriological assay an organism identification assay that uses a differential medium to achieve its objective EuPathDB, John Judkins subclass organism identification assay specimen specimen data item organism identification objective
OBI:0002564 histopathology assay A histological assay that is intended to check for the presence or level of a specific disease. OBI subclass histological assay
OBI:0002571 polyA-selected RNA sequencing assay mRNA-seq An RNA-seq assay to study transcriptomes through the enrichment of polyadenylated transcripts or removal of ribosomal RNA prior to high-throughput sequencing. url: Jason Hilton|Mark A. Miller ENCODE subclass RNA-seq assay polyA RNA extract
OBI:0002572 polyA-depleted RNA sequencing assay polyA-depleted RNA-seq An RNA-seq assay to study non-polyadenylated transcripts, such as, but not exclusive to unspliced and circular isoforms, through the depletion of polyadenylated transcripts prior to high-throughput sequencing. url:|url: Jason Hilton|Mark A. Miller ENCODE subclass RNA-seq assay polyA depleted RNA extract
OBI:0002575 isoform sequencing ISO-seq A method for sequencing isoforms by enriching a cDNA library for full-length reads spanning entire transcript isoforms. url: Novel transcript forms were assessed by isoform sequencing. subclass RNA-seq assay
OBI:0002597 chromosome conformation capture sequencing assay 3C-seq assay A chromosome conformation capture-on-chip assay quantitates the products with multiplexed high-throughput sequencing. PMID:23411633 Rebecca Jackson subclass chromosome conformation capture-on-chip assay nucleic acid extract nucleic acid sequencer sequence data region
OBI:0002621 reconstitution assay pending final vetting reconstitution experiment An assay in which a cellular process is replicated from the bottom-up using isolated components in order to observe how the components work together. url: ""In an attempt to define the mechanism of insulin-regulated glucose transporter 4 (Glut4) translocation, we have developed an in vitro reconstitution assay... insulin-induced Glut4 translocation can be reconstituted in vitro to a limited extent by using isolated membranes."" (PMID:10611313) Rebecca Jackson subclass assay ('is about' some 'cellular process') (realizes some (concretizes some ('in vitro design' and 'molecular interaction identification design')))
OBI:0002622 in vitro transcription reconstitution assay pending final vetting A reconstitution assay in which RNA synthesis is investigated using RNA polymerase II transcription systems replicated in vitro from their base components. PMID:9237163 An in vitro reconstituted mouse transcription system helped identify an NF-Y interacting promoter as essential for high-level expression from the R2 promoter. (PMID:11502214) Rebecca Jackson subclass reconstitution assay ('is about' some 'transcription, RNA-templated')
OBI:0002623 whole metagenome sequencing assay pending final vetting WMS A DNA sequencing assay that intends to provide information on the DNA sequences of multiple genomes (a metagenome) from different organisms present in the same input sample. Bjoern Peters|Michelle Giglio Rebecca Jackson Whole metagenome sequencing has been used to explore the composition and metabolic capability of communities of microbes found in the environment (e.g. in soil, water, etc.) and in humans and other species (e.g. in the gut, oral cavity, etc.). subclass DNA sequencing assay
OBI:0002628 RNAi knockdown assay pending final vetting RNA interference knockdown assay|RNAi gene knockdown assay A gene knockdown assay in which RNAi gene knockdown is used to disrupt gene transcripts. Rebecca Jackson ""Here, we described the development of RNAi by micro-injection of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) in the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum. Injection of dsRNA into whole aphid body induced the silencing of two marker genes with different expression patterns: the ubiquitously expressed Ap-crt genes encoding a calreticulin and the gut specific Ap-cath-L gene encoding a cathepsin-L."" (PMID:17903251) Rebecca Jackson subclass gene knock-down assay RNAi gene knockdown
OBI:0002629 direct RNA sequencing assay pending final vetting direct RNA-seq|DRS An assay to study transcription through direct RNA sequence determination, without prior conversion of RNA molecules to cDNA. url: Dan Berrios jahilton subclass RNA-seq assay
OBI:0002631 single-cell RNA sequencing assay pending final vetting scRNA-seq An RNA sequencing assay that uses RNA extracts as input that can be traced to a single cell of origin. Anna Maria Masci Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) assays provide the expression profiles of individual cells. Dan Berrios subclass RNA-seq assay
OBI:0002647 Giemsa stain assay An assay that uses a Giemsa stain to characterize cells. Cytogenetics; the histopathological diagnosis of malaria and other parasites; differentiate nuclear and cytoplasmic morphology of the various blood cells like platelets, RBCs, WBCs Jie Zheng|Chris Stoeckert VEuPathDB subclass assay imaging assay cell microscope
OBI:0002649 blood microbiology assay An organism identification assay that identifies a microorganism in a blood specimen. John Judkins subclass organism identification assay blood specimen organism blood specimen data item organism organism identification objective
OBI:0002675 massively parallel reporter assay MPRA An assay in which multiplexing the construction and interrogation of larger libraries of reporter constructs allows measurement of the transcriptional regulatory activities of thousands to hundreds of thousands of DNA sequences. Damion Dooley subclass reporter gene assay
OBI:0002680 pseudovirus entry assay pseudotyped particle cell entry assay|pseudovirus cell entry| pseudotype entry| pseudotype cell entry An assay that measures the entry in target cells of reporter viral particles that express an envelope protein of a different virus of interest. Figure 1c in or Materials & Method in “Inhibition of MERS-CoV-spike-mediated pseudovirus entry by the HKU4 S1 domain “ (from; “protease treatment did not enhance pseudotype entry in the absence of host receptor “; “bat-derived cell lines derived from other species were infected with VSV-reporter particles pseudotyped with chimeric spikes and luciferase was measured as readout for cell entry” (from ; “teicoplanin could inhibit the entry of HIV-1-2019-nCoV-S pseudoviruses with the IC50 value of 1.66 uM” (from Thomas Lemberger subclass infectious agent detection assay
OBI:0002692 polymerase chain reaction assay An assay that uses polymerase chain reaction technique to amplify DNA. VEuPathDB VEuPathDB VEuPathDB equivalent assay polymerase chain reaction
OBI:0002693 restriction fragment length polymorphism assay restriction fragment length polymorphism | RFLP | restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis An assay that uses digestion of DNA with specific restriction enzymes followed by gel electropheresis to detect differences in the sizes of the generated fragments that are due to genetic differences (polymorphisms) in homologous sequences. VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass assay DNA restriction enzyme digestion DNA extract gel electrophoresis system restriction enzyme
OBI:0002694 DNA fingerprinting assay DNA profiling | DNA fingerprinting | DNA fingerprint | DNA finger printing An assay to identify a specific individual organism from a DNA specimen by looking at unique patterns in their DNA. VEuPathDB VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass assay DNA extract
OBI:0002695 insecticide resistance assay resistance identification/monitoring An assay that aims to detect the presence and/or frequency of resistance to insecticides in an organism or organism population. MIRO:20000001 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB equivalent assay insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002696 insecticide resistance by monitoring known mutations assay monitoring known mutations An insecticide resistance assay that detects, in a population, presence and frequency of mutant alleles for previously characterized mutations with insecticide resistance phenotypes. MIRO:20000096 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance assay insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002697 insecticide resistance by detecting enzyme activity assay metabolic resistance assay An insecticide resistance assay that is based on determination the catalytic activity of an enzyme associated with insecticide resistance phenotypes. MIRO:20000003 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance assay catalytic activity insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002698 insecticide resistance bioassay bioassay An insecticide resistance assay that is typically conducted to measure the effects of a substance on a living organism. MIRO:20000058 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance assay insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002699 insecticide resistance by detecting alpha esterase activity assay alpha esterase activity assay An insecticide resistance by detecting enzyme activity assay that measures activity of alpha esterase. IRO:0000149 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance by detecting enzyme activity assay hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002700 insecticide resistance by detecting beta esterase activity assay beta esterase activity assay An insecticide resistance by detecting enzyme activity assay that measures activity of beta esterase. IRO:0000150 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance by detecting enzyme activity assay hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002701 insecticide resistance by detecting acetylcholinesterase activity assay acetylcholinesterase assay | AChE activity assay|AChE assay An insecticide resistance by detecting enzyme activity assay that measures activity of acetylcholinesterase. MIRO:20000084|MIRO:20000010|MIRO:20000086 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance by detecting enzyme activity assay acetylcholinesterase activity insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002702 insecticide resistance by detecting glutathione S-transferase activity assay GST related assay An insecticide resistance by detecting enzyme activity assay that measures activity of glutathione S-transferase (GST). MIRO:20000083 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance by detecting enzyme activity assay glutathione transferase activity insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002703 insecticide resistance by detecting carboxylic ester hydrolase activity assay pNPA assay An insecticide resistance by detecting enzyme activity assay that measures activity of carboxylic ester hydrolase using p-nitrophenyl acetate as a substrate. MIRO:20000019 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance by detecting enzyme activity assay carboxylic ester hydrolase activity insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002704 insecticide resistance by detecting mixed-function oxidase assay mixed-function oxidase assay An insecticide resistance by detecting enzyme activity assay that measures whether mixed-function oxidase activity present. MIRO:20000062 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance by detecting enzyme activity assay insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002705 direct insecticide resistance bioassay direct bioassay An insecticide resistance bioassay without the use of any synergist. MIRO:20000044 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance bioassay insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002706 topical application insecticide resistance bioassay topical application assay An insecticide resistance bioassay by adding insecticide directly to the thorax of the insect. IRO:0000155 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance bioassay insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002707 direct insecticide resistance diagnostic assay diagnostic test A direct insecticide resistance assay that at preset insecticide dosage scoring mortality to determine resistance of a population. MIRO:20000075 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass direct insecticide resistance bioassay insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002708 insecticide resistance dose response assay dose response test A direct insecticide resistance assay in which an insect population is exposed to a range of insecticide dosage scoring mortality to determine resistance. MIRO:20000076 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass direct insecticide resistance bioassay insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002709 insecticide resistance time response assay time response test A direct insecticide resistance assay to determine resistance as a consequence of the time of exposure to insecticide. MIRO:20000013 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass direct insecticide resistance bioassay insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002710 Centre for Disease Control and Prevention bottle bioassay CDC bottle bioassay A direct insecticide resistance diagnostic assay performs in a glass bottle coated with insecticides for detecting resistance to insecticides in vector populations. MIRO:20000009 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass direct insecticide resistance diagnostic assay glass bottle coated with insecticides insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002711 WHO cone kit diagnostic assay cone DT A direct insecticide resistance diagnostic assay uses WHO cone kit. MIRO:20000039 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass direct insecticide resistance diagnostic assay insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002712 WHO paper kit diagnostic assay WHO paper kit DT A direct insecticide resistance diagnostic assay uses WHO paper kit. MIRO:20000041 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass direct insecticide resistance diagnostic assay insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002713 WHO larvicide diagnostic assay WHO larvicide DT A direct insecticide resistance diagnostic assay tests survival of larvae in a medium supplemented with insecticide. MIRO:20000049 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass direct insecticide resistance diagnostic assay insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002714 insecticide resistance dose response by bottle assay bottle bioassay DR test An insecticide resistance dose response assay that performs in a glass bottle coated with insecticides. MIRO:20000011 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance dose response assay glass bottle coated with insecticides insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002715 insecticide resistance dose response by survival of larvae assay WHO larvicide DR test An insecticide resistance dose response assay that tests survival of larvae in a medium supplemented with insecticide. MIRO:20000050 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance dose response assay insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002716 insecticide resistance dose response by WHO paper kit assay WHO paper kit DR test An insecticide resistance dose response assay using WHO paper kit. MIRO:20000048 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance dose response assay insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002717 insecticide resistance time response by bottle assay bottle bioassay TR test An insecticide resistance time response assay that is performed in a glass bottle coated with insecticides, with the presence of a synergist. MIRO:20000030 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance time response assay glass bottle coated with insecticides insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002718 insecticide resistance time response by WHO paper kit assay WHO paper kit TR test An insecticide resistance time response assay using WHO paper kit, with the presence of a synergist. MIRO:20000036 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance time response assay insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002719 insecticide resistance by amplification refractory mutation system assay Amplification Refractory Mutation System | ARMS An insecticide resistance by monitoring known mutations assay that detects any mutation involving single base changes or small deletions using amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS). The ARMS is based on the use of sequence-specific PCR primers that allow amplification of test DNA only when the target allele is contained within the sample. Following an ARMS reaction the presence or absence of a PCR product is diagnostic for the presence or absence of the target allele. It can be used to analyze human genomic DNA for one or more mutations. PMID: 18428319 |IRO:0000006 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance by monitoring known mutations assay polymerase chain reaction DNA extract insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002720 insecticide resistance by primer introduced restriction analysis PCR assay Primer Introduced Restriction Analysis PCR | PIRA-PCR | polymerase chain reaction-primer-introduced restriction analysis An insecticide resistance by monitoring known mutations assay that detects Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) using PCR technique and mismatched primers that is close to the mutation of interest and digested the PCR productions using restriction enzymes. PMID: 8339229|IRO:0000007 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance by monitoring known mutations assay polymerase chain reaction | specific enzymatic cleavage DNA extract insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002721 insecticide resistance by nested polymerase chain reaction assay gene mutation detection by nested PCR An insecticide resistance by monitoring known mutations assay that detects gene mutation based on nested polymerase chain reaction technique. IRO:0000127 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance by monitoring known mutations assay nested polymerase chain reaction DNA extract insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002722 insecticide resistance by ligase detection reaction assay An insecticide resistance assay that is based on monitoring known mutations using ligase detection reaction exquisitely discriminate between a mismatched and complementary DNA helix. MIRO:20000103 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance by monitoring known mutations assay ligase detection reaction DNA extract insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002723 insecticide resistance by ligase detection reaction-fluorescent microsphere assay gene mutation detection by LDR-FMA | ligase detection reaction-fluorescent microsphere assay An insecticide resistance by ligase detection reaction assay that uses fluorescently labeled conserved probes in ligase detection reaction. IRO:0000151 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance by ligase detection reaction assay ligase detection reaction DNA extract insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002724 insecticide resistance by PCR amplification of specific alleles assay PASA | PCR amplification of specific alleles | allele-specific amplification and amplification refractory mutation system An insecticide resistance assay that is based on monitoring known mutations by PCR amplification of specific alleles to detect polymorphic or mutant alleles. PMID: 1734929 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance by monitoring known mutations assay polymerase chain reaction DNA extract insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002725 insecticide resistance by fluorogenic PCR assay An insecticide resistance assay that is based on monitoring known mutations by PCR technique that uses target specific probes labeled with fluorogenic chromophores to detect gene mutation. MIRO:20000102 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance by monitoring known mutations assay polymerase chain reaction DNA extract insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002726 insecticide resistance by PCR-RELP assay PCR-RFLP An insecticide resistance by monitoring known mutations assay based on restriction fragment length polymorphism assay. MIRO:20000113 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance by monitoring known mutations assay polymerase chain reaction |restriction fragment length polymorphism assay DNA extract insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002727 insecticide resistance by short interspersed elements PCR assay Short Interspersed Elements PCR An insecticide resistance assay that is based on monitoring known mutations by PCR amplification of short interspersed elements (SINEs). IRO:0000013 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass insecticide resistance by monitoring known mutations assay polymerase chain reaction DNA extract insecticide resistance detection objective
OBI:0002728 pathogen detection assay pathogen detection method An assay that aims to detect pathogens. IRO:0000137 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB equivalent assay pathogen detection of pathogenic organisms objective
OBI:0002729 VectorTest assay VectorTest A pathogen detection assay that identifies the presence or absence of specific peptide epitopes of circumsporozoite (CS) protein of the most important Plasmodium falciparum and two strains (variants 210 and 247) of the more widespread Plasmodium vivax using a dipstick wicking test strip. IRO:0000138 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass pathogen detection assay pathogen detection of pathogenic organisms objective
OBI:0002730 pathogen detection by Rapid Analyte Measurement Platform assay Rapid Analyte Measurement Platform A pathogen detection assay that is based on Rapid Analyte Measurement Platform (RAMP) technology to quantify immunologically active substances. IRO:0000164 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass pathogen detection assay pathogen detection of pathogenic organisms objective
OBI:0002731 pathogen detection by loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay Loop-mediated isothermal amplification A pathogen detection assay that is based on loop-mediated isothermal amplification. IRO:0000165 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass pathogen detection assay loop-mediated isothermal amplification pathogen detection of pathogenic organisms objective
OBI:0002732 blood meal assay blood meal analysis An assay that analyzes the specimen taken from blood meal fed organism, such as insect. IRO:0000135 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB equivalent assay arthropod meal of blood specimen
OBI:0002733 blood meal by counter current immunoelectrophoresis assay countercurrent immunoelectrophoresis | CIE A blood meal assay that uses a counter current immunoelectrophoresis technique. IRO:0000136 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass blood meal assay counter current immunoelectrophoresis arthropod meal of blood specimen
OBI:0002734 DNA based blood meal finger printing assay DNA based blood meal finger printing A DNA fingerprinting assay that uses DNA extracted from blood meal fed organism, such as insect. VEuPathDB | VSMO:0001307 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass DNA fingerprinting assay DNA extract arthropod meal of blood specimen
OBI:0002735 organism identification by size assay by size An organism identification assay that is based on the size of organism. IRO:0000145 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass organism identification assay organism identification objective
OBI:0002736 organism identification by cross mating assay cross mating experiment An organism identification assay that is based on genetic crossings between specimens collected in the field to determine whether fertile progeny is produced. MIRO:30000036 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass organism identification assay organism identification objective
OBI:0002737 organism identification by cytological chromosome examination assay cytological chromosome examination An organism identification assay that is based on analysis of polytene chromosomes through cytological examination of the banding pattern of the species. MIRO:30000037 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass organism identification assay organism identification objective
OBI:0002738 organism identification by isoenzyme electrophoresis assay isoenzyme electrophoresis An organism identification assay that is based on electrophoresis to determine the isozymes that are present in a specific population to determine the species. MIRO:30000038 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass organism identification assay electrophoresis organism identification objective
OBI:0002739 organism identification by morphological examination assay morphological examination An organism identification assay that is based on examination of morphology and the use of specific ""taxonomic keys"" to determine the species of the specimen. MIRO:30000039 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass organism identification assay organism identification objective
OBI:0002740 organism identification by PCR assay PCR-based species identification An organism identification assay that is based on PCR. MIRO:30000040 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass organism identification assay polymerase chain reaction organism identification objective
OBI:0002741 organism identification by specific DNA hybridization assay species specific DNA hybridization An organism identification assay that is based on DNA hybrdization. MIRO:30000041 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass organism identification assay nucleic acid hybridization organism identification objective
OBI:0002742 organism identification by salinity tolerance assay salinity tolerance tests An organism identification assay of mosquito species that is on the basis of mosquito survival depending on the salt concentration in the water used to lay their eggs to differentiate between morphologically very similar species. MIRO:30000042 VEuPathDB VEuPathDB subclass organism identification assay organism identification objective
OBI:0002753 PRO-cap PRO-CAP Precision nuclear run-on and sequencing to detect Pol II initiation sites Bonita Lam subclass RNA-seq assay reverse transcribed polymerase chain reaction
OBI:0002759 ribosomal RNA-depleted RNA sequencing assay rRNA-deleted RNA sequencing assay An RNA-seq assay in which highly abundant ribosomal RNAs are removed from total RNA before sequencing, resulting in more efficient transcript/gene detection. PMID:29556074 Michelle Giglio|Suvarna Nadendla|Rebecca Jackson CFDE subclass RNA-seq assay ribosomal RNA-depleted RNA extract transcription profiling identification objective
OBI:0002760 metatranscriptome sequencing assay An RNA-seq assay that determines the RNA sequence of microbial transcripts from a microbioal community of mixed species from a given microbiome. PMID:31450270 Michelle Giglio|Suvarna Nadendla|Rebecca Jackson CFDE subclass RNA-seq assay transcription profiling identification objective
OBI:0002761 lipid profiling assay lipidomic assay An analyte assay assay that detects and identifies lipids resulting from biochemical and cellular metabolism. OBI metabolite profiling assay Michelle Giglio|Suvarna Nadendla|Rebecca Jackson CFDE subclass analyte assay
OBI:0002762 single-nucleus ATAC-seq snATAC-seq An ATAC-seq assay in which single nuclei are isolated from frozen tissue samples, through a protocol designed to maximally preserve nucleus integrity during sample processing and optimize transposase-mediated fragmentation of chromatin in individual nuclei. snATAC-seq can be used to dissect heterogeneity and delineate gene regulatory sequences in complex tissues, and uncover both the cell types and the regulatory elements in each cell type without prior knowledge. Mark Andrew Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 ENCODE subclass assay for transposase-accessible chromatin using sequencing
OBI:0002763 16s ribosomal gene sequencing assay 16S rRNA sequencing assay An amplicon sequencing assay in which the amplicon is derived from universal primers used to amplify the 16S ribosomal RNA gene from isolate bacterial genomic DNA or metagenomic DNA from a microbioal community. Resulting sequences are compared to reference 16S sequence databases to identify or classify bacteria present within a given sample. PMID:31450270 Michelle Giglio|Suvarna Nadendla|Rebecca Jackson CFDE subclass amplicon sequencing assay population biodiversity assessment objective
OBI:0002764 single-cell ATAC-seq scATAC-seq An ATAC assay designed to robustly map the accessible genome of individual cells, using sequencing integrated into a programmable microfluidics platform, in order to provide insights into cell-to-cell variation in accessibility profiles. Mark Andrew Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 ENCODE subclass assay for transposase-accessible chromatin using sequencing
OBI:0002765 microbiome protein expression profiling assay metaproteomic assay A protein expression profiling assay of microbial proteins extracted from a microbioal community of mixed species from a given microbiome. PMID:31450270 Michelle Giglio|Suvarna Nadendla|Rebecca Jackson CFDE subclass protein expression profiling assay (specimen and ('has part' some protein))
OBI:0002766 cytokine assay An analyte assay to study presence, concentration, or amount of cytokines. PMID:23603216 Michelle Giglio|Suvarna Nadendla|Rebecca Jackson CFDE subclass analyte assay
OBI:0002767 amplicon sequencing assay A sequencing assay in which a DNA or RNA input molecule is amplified by PCR and the product sequenced. PMID:29628929|PMID:31450270 Michelle Giglio|Suvarna Nadendla|Rebecca Jackson CFDE subclass sequencing assay nucleic acid extract nucleic acid sequencer
OBI:0002768 whole virome sequencing assay A whole metagenome sequencing assay that intends to provide information on multiple genome sequences from different viruses present in the same input sample. OBI:0002623 Michelle Giglio|Suvarna Nadendla|Rebecca Jackson CFDE subclass whole metagenome sequencing assay
OBI:0002773 single-value binding of antibody with reporter to antigen assay immunoassay|IA An assay that detects the linking of antigens and antibodies via special signaling mechanisms, such as EIA, ELISA, chemiluminescence, etc. that produces one measure (quantitative or qualitative) of the analyte of interest LOINC User's Guide, Version 2.68, PUBLISHED JUNE 2020, page 47 Detection of SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies by an immunoassay method, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. This test is used in conjunction with SARS-CoV-2 IgA and IgM to aid in the diagnosis of COVID-19 and in the identification of individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2. Mark Andrew Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 LOINC indicates that this class would not include flow cytometry or any technique that can determine the localization of an analyte, such as peroxidase immune staining or indirect immunofluorescence (IFA) subclass assay
OBI:0002984 capture Hi-C assay cHi-C A Hi-C assay in which a selection step is performed on ligated fragments in order to enrich for ligation products containing specific regions of interest. PMID:29979818 PMID:29979818 Chromosome conformation capture (3C), coupled with next-generation sequencing (Hi-C), provides a means for deciphering not only the principles underlying genome folding and architecture, but more broadly, the role 3D chromatin structure plays in gene regulation and the replication and repair of DNA. Bonita Lam subclass Hi-C assay
OBI:0002985 magnetic resonance imaging assay MRI An imaging assay in which nuclear magnetic resonance is used to produce information about the interior structure and composition of an input material entity. url: Rebecca Jackson subclass imaging assay NMR instrument
OBI:0002986 computed tomography imaging assay CT scan|CAT scan|computed tomography scan An imaging assay that uses a series of X-ray images to produce information about the interior structure and composition of an input material entity. url: Rebecca Jackson subclass imaging assay computed tomography scanner
OBI:0002987 positron emission tomography imaging assay PET scan|positron emission tomography scan An imaging assay in which positron-emitting radionuclides are used to visualize functional processes of an input material entity. url: Rebecca Jackson subclass imaging assay positron emission tomography scanner
OBI:0002990 T cell receptor repertoire sequencing assay TCR repertoire sequencing assay A sequencing assay that determines the sequences of DNA or RNA molecules that encode the repertoire of T cell receptors within an input sample. doi:10.1186/s12896-017-0379-9 Rebecca Jackson subclass sequencing assay
OBI:0002991 B cell receptor repertoire sequencing assay BCR repertoire sequencing assay|Antibody repertoire sequencing assay A sequencing assay that determines the sequence of a DNA or RNA molecules that encode the repertoire of B cell receptors within an input sample. doi:10.1186/s12896-017-0379-9 Rebecca Jackson subclass sequencing assay
OBI:0003009 ferritin assay An assay that measures ferritin OBI James A. Overton, ORCID:0000-0001-5139-5557 equivalent assay ferritin complex
OBI:0003010 fibrinogen assay An assay that measures fibrinogen OBI James A. Overton, ORCID:0000-0001-5139-5558 equivalent assay fibrinogen complex
OBI:0003011 iron assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of iron OBI James A. Overton, ORCID:0000-0001-5139-5559 equivalent analyte assay iron cation
OBI:0003012 ionized calcium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of ionized calcium OBI James A. Overton, ORCID:0000-0001-5139-5561 equivalent analyte assay calcium cation
OBI:0003013 transferrin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of transferrin OBI James A. Overton, ORCID:0000-0001-5139-5562 equivalent analyte assay serotransferrin
OBI:0003014 uric acid assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of uric acid OBI James A. Overton, ORCID:0000-0001-5139-5563 equivalent analyte assay uric acid
OBI:0003015 globulin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of globulin OBI James A. Overton, ORCID:0000-0001-5139-5564 equivalent analyte assay globulin type
OBI:0003016 myelocyte assay A cytometry assay that measures the abundance and/or characteristics of myelocytes OBI James A. Overton, ORCID:0000-0001-5139-5565 equivalent cytometry assay myelocyte
OBI:0003017 metamyelocyte assay A cytometry assay that measures the abundance and/or characteristics of metamyelocytes OBI James A. Overton, ORCID:0000-0001-5139-5566 equivalent cytometry assay metamyelocyte
OBI:0003018 hematocrit assay A cytometry assay that measures the proportion of red blood cells OBI James A. Overton, ORCID:0000-0001-5139-5567 equivalent cytometry assay erythrocyte
OBI:0003019 promyelocyte assay A cytometry assay that measures the abundance and/or characteristics of promyelocytes OBI James A. Overton, ORCID:0000-0001-5139-5568 equivalent cytometry assay promyelocyte
OBI:0003021 basophil assay A cytometry assay that measures the abundance and/or characteristics of basophils OBI James A. Overton, ORCID:0000-0001-5139-5569 equivalent cytometry assay basophil
OBI:0003022 neutrophil assay A cytometry assay that measures the abundance and/or characteristics of neutrophils OBI James A. Overton, ORCID:0000-0001-5139-5570 equivalent cytometry assay neutrophil
OBI:0003023 eosinophil assay A cytometry assay that measures the abundance and/or characteristics of eosinophils OBI James A. Overton, ORCID:0000-0001-5139-5571 equivalent cytometry assay eosinophil
OBI:0003024 lymphocyte assay A cytometry assay that measures the abundance and/or characteristics of lymphocytes OBI James A. Overton, ORCID:0000-0001-5139-5572 equivalent cytometry assay lymphocyte
OBI:0003025 monocyte assay A cytometry assay that measures the abundance and/or characteristics of monocytes OBI James A. Overton, ORCID:0000-0001-5139-5573 equivalent cytometry assay monocyte
OBI:0003026 reticulocyte assay A cytometry assay that measures the abundance and/or characteristics of reticulocytes OBI James A. Overton, ORCID:0000-0001-5139-5574 equivalent cytometry assay reticulocyte
OBI:0003027 macrophage assay A cytometry assay that measures the abundance and/or characteristics of macrophages OBI James A. Overton, ORCID:0000-0001-5139-5577 equivalent cytometry assay macrophage
OBI:0003028 platelet assay A cytometry assay that measures the abundance and/or characteristics of platelets OBI James A. Overton, ORCID:0000-0001-5139-5578 equivalent cytometry assay platelet
OBI:0003031 fluorogenic PCR assay TaqMan A polymerase chain reaction assay that uses target specific probes labeled with fluorogenic chromophores. MIRO:20000102 John Judkins polymerase chain reaction assay
OBI:0003032 genotyping by PCR assay A genotyping assay that uses polymerase chain reaction. VEuPathDB genotyping by PCR assay to identify microsatellites, chromosomal inversions and targeted assays of known resistance loci. Chris Stoeckert, ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X|Jie Zheng, ORCID:0000-0002-2999-0103 VEuPathDB subclass genotyping assay polymerase chain reaction
OBI:0302736 comet assay single cell gel electrophoresis assay|SCGE assay An assay that measures DNA damage (DNA breakage) in eucaryotic cells exposed to a challenge by determining the size and shape of DNA migration by detecting fluorescently labeled DNA from a cell placed in an electric field using gel electrophoresis PMID:7686265 PMID: 18326531.Mutagenesis. 2008 Mar 6.Recommendations for design of the rat comet assay. Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass assay fluorescence microscopy cell ('material entity' and ('has role' some 'dye role') and ('bearer of' some fluorescence)) agarose gel information content entity cellular response to DNA damage stimulus
OBI:0302737 PCR-SSCP assay polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism assay An assay that identifies DNA sequence variation (mutation, deletion, insertions) in target DNA sequences amplified using polymerase chain reaction using gel electrophoresis and denaturating conditions PMID:18219595 PMID: 17334176.Hum Exp Toxicol. 2007 Jan;26(1):9-18.Is there a role for PCR-SSCP among the methods for missense mutation detection of TP53 gene? Philippe Rocca-Serra subclass genotyping assay polymerase chain reaction|material component separation amplified DNA (image and 'genotype information')
OBI:0600002 tumor grading grading of tumor An assay that determines the grade (severity/stage) of a tumor sample, used in cancer biology to describe abnormalities/qualities of tumor cells or tissues. Values can be described by terms from NCI Thesaurus. OBI branch derived; submitted by MO Compiled by Helen Parkinson for Transcriptomics thanks to Adam Witney subclass assay specimen disease course
OBI:0600017 assay detecting a molecular label An assay that detects the presence or a quality of a molecular label which is a proxy for the detection of the molecular target to which the label is attached OBI developer call, 3-12-12 Determination of the amount of phycoerytherin label present in a cell population stained with anti-CD8-PE in order to determine the percentage of CD8+ T cells present Matthew Brush subclass assay molecular-labeled material measurement datum molecular-labeled material
OBI:0600020 histological assay histology|histopathology An assay that uses visual examination of cells or tissue (or images of them) to make an assessment regarding a quality of the cells or tissue. This assay can include steps of staining, imaging, and judgement. OBI branch derived the counting of the number of cells with fluorescent label at their surface to determine the percentage of the population which was activated Helen Parkinson|Adam Witney subclass assay histological sample preparation imaging assay (cell or 'organ section')
OBI:0600025 substance detection assay An assay that detects a specified substance OBI branch derived the detection of phycoerytherin by means of flow cytometry Kevin Clancy subclass assay material entity measurement datum
OBI:0600026 longitudinal mass measurement assay An assay that measures the mass of a material at two or more time points OBI branch derived The comparison of the weight of vaccinated and non-vaccinated mice after infection with influenza A over 6 weeks post-infection Helen Parkinson subclass assay material entity mass measurement datum
OBI:0600031 enzyme-linked immunospot assay ELISPOT assay A cytometry assay in which cells are cultured on a surface coated with a capture antibody binding a secretory material of interest which subsequently gets stained resulting in a spot for each cell producing the secretory material of interest. IEDB Determination of the frequency of cells producing IFN-gamma in response to viral peptides by placing effector cells on a anti IFN-gamma coated plate, and adding antigen presenting cells pulsed with a peptide. After washing, the bound IFN-gamma is detected with a secondary antibody linked to a dye that visualizes as one spot per cell. IEDB subclass logical definition does not capture details of processing cytometry assay cultured cell population immunoglobulin complex, circulating
OBI:0600045 3D structure determination assay An assay that determines the 3-dimensional configuration of an input material. IEDB The use of X-ray crystallography to determine the 3D coordinates of atoms in a protein. IEDB equivalent assay 3D structural organization datum
OBI:0600047 sequencing assay An assay the uses chemical or biochemical means to infer the sequence of a biomaterial OBI branch derived The use of the Sanger method of DNA sequencing to determine the order of the nucleotides in a DNA template PlanAndPlannedProcess Branch equivalent assay ('nucleic acid extract' or ('has part' some protein)) ('protein sequencer' or 'nucleic acid sequencer' or 'DNA sequencer') sequence data region
OBI:1110207 assay detecting IFN-gamma production IFNg release An assay that determines information about the production of the cytokine interferon gamma IEDB An IFN-g ELISPOT is an assay detecting ifn-gamma production Bjoern Peters equivalent assay ('measurement datum' and ('is about' some 'interferon-gamma production'))
OBI:2100001 carbon dioxide assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of carbon dioxide PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay carbon dioxide
OBI:2100002 sodium(1+) assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of sodium(1+) PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay 'sodium(1+)'
OBI:2100003 creatinine assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of creatinine PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay creatinine
OBI:2100004 potassium(1+) assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of potassium(1+) PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay 'potassium(1+)'
OBI:2100005 basophil count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of basophils PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay basophil
OBI:2100006 neutrophil count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of neutrophils PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay neutrophil
OBI:2100007 eosinophil count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of eosinophils PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay eosinophil
OBI:2100008 lymphocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of lymphocytes PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay lymphocyte
OBI:2100009 monocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of monocytes PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay monocyte
OBI:2100010 chloride assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of chloride PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay chloride
OBI:2100011 erythrocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of erythrocytes PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay erythrocyte
OBI:2100012 platelet count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of platelets PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay platelet
OBI:2100013 leukocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of leukocytes PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay leukocyte
OBI:2100014 hemoglobin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of hemoglobin PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay hemoglobin
OBI:2100015 phosphate ion assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of phosphate ion PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay phosphate ion
OBI:2100016 alanine aminotransferase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of alanine aminotransferase PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay alanine aminotransferase
OBI:2100017 alkaline phosphatase (human) assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of alkaline phosphatase (human) PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay 'alkaline phosphatase (human)'
OBI:2100018 bilirubin IXalpha assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of bilirubin IXalpha PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay bilirubin IXalpha
OBI:2100019 aspartate aminotransferase (human) assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of aspartate aminotransferase (human) PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay 'aspartate aminotransferase (human)'
OBI:2100020 glucose assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of glucose PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay glucose
OBI:2100021 magnesium cation assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of magnesium cation PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay magnesium cation
OBI:2100022 albumin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of albumin PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay albumin
OBI:2100023 protein assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of protein PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay protein
OBI:2100024 calcium cation assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of calcium cation PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay calcium cation
OBI:2100025 creatine kinase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of creatine kinase PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay creatine kinase
OBI:2100026 nucleate erythrocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of nucleate erythrocytes PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay nucleate erythrocyte
OBI:2100027 segmented neutrophil of bone marrow count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of segmented neutrophil of bone marrows PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay segmented neutrophil of bone marrow
OBI:2100028 lactate dehydrogenase complex assay An assay that measures lactate dehydrogenase complex PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent assay lactate dehydrogenase complex
OBI:2100029 triglyceride assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of triglyceride PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay triglyceride
OBI:2100030 high-density lipoprotein cholesterol assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
OBI:2100031 cholesterol assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of cholesterol PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay cholesterol
OBI:2100032 low-density lipoprotein cholesterol assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
OBI:2100033 thyroid stimulating hormone assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of thyroid stimulating hormone PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay thyroid stimulating hormone
OBI:2100034 prostate-specific antigen assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of prostate-specific antigen PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay prostate-specific antigen
OBI:2100035 thyroxine assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of thyroxine PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay thyroxine
OBI:2100036 elemental oxygen assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of elemental oxygen PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay elemental oxygen
OBI:2100037 folic acids assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of folic acids PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay folic acids
OBI:2100038 reticulocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of reticulocytes PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay reticulocyte
OBI:2100039 osmolality assay An assay that measures osmolality PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent assay osmolality
OBI:2100040 methemoglobin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of methemoglobin PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay methemoglobin
OBI:2100041 cytosolic creatine kinase complex, MB-type assay An assay that measures cytosolic creatine kinase complex, MB-type PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent assay cytosolic creatine kinase complex, MB-type
OBI:2100042 rac-lactic acid assay An assay that measures rac-lactic acid PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent assay rac-lactic acid
OBI:2100043 hydrogencarbonate assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of hydrogencarbonate PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay hydrogencarbonate
OBI:2100044 vancomycin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of vancomycin PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay vancomycin
OBI:2100045 tobramycin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of tobramycin PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay tobramycin
OBI:2100046 3,3',5'-triiodothyronine assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of 3,3',5'-triiodothyronine PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay ""3,3',5'-triiodothyronine""
OBI:2100047 C-reactive protein assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of C-reactive protein PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay C-reactive protein
OBI:2100048 megakaryocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of megakaryocytes PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay megakaryocyte
OBI:2100049 mesothelial cell count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of mesothelial cells PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay mesothelial cell
OBI:2100050 macrophage count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of macrophages PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay macrophage
OBI:2100051 3-hydroxybutyric acid assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of 3-hydroxybutyric acid PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X equivalent analyte assay 3-hydroxybutyric acid
OBI:2100052 panel5 venous blood carbon dioxide assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of carbon dioxide in venous blood as part of a panel5 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen carbon dioxide
OBI:2100053 panel5 venous blood sodium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of sodium in venous blood as part of a panel5 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'sodium(1+)'
OBI:2100054 panel5 venous blood creatinine assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of creatinine in venous blood as part of a panel5 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen creatinine
OBI:2100055 panel5 venous blood potassium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of potassium in venous blood as part of a panel5 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'potassium(1+)'
OBI:2100056 automated differential venous blood basophil count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of basophils in venous blood as part of a automated differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen basophil
OBI:2100057 automated differential venous blood neutrophil count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of neutrophils in venous blood as part of a automated differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen neutrophil
OBI:2100058 automated differential venous blood eosinophil count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of eosinophils in venous blood as part of a automated differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen eosinophil
OBI:2100059 automated differential venous blood lymphocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of lymphocytes in venous blood as part of a automated differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen lymphocyte
OBI:2100060 automated differential venous blood monocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of monocytes in venous blood as part of a automated differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen monocyte
OBI:2100061 venous blood chloride assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of chloride in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen chloride
OBI:2100062 CBC with automated differential venous blood RBC count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of RBCs in venous blood as part of a CBC with automated differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen erythrocyte
OBI:2100063 CBC with automated differential venous blood platelet count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of platelets in venous blood as part of a CBC with automated differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen platelet
OBI:2100064 CBC with automated differential venous blood WBC count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of WBCs in venous blood as part of a CBC with automated differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen leukocyte
OBI:2100065 CBC with automated differential venous blood hematocrit assay A cytometry assay that measures the proportion of red blood cells in venous blood as part of a CBC with automated differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen erythrocyte
OBI:2100066 CBC with automated differential venous blood hemoglobin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of hemoglobin in venous blood as part of a CBC with automated differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen hemoglobin
OBI:2100067 venous blood phosphate assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of phosphate in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen phosphate ion
OBI:2100068 liver injury venous blood alanine aminotransferase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of alanine aminotransferase in venous blood as part of a liver injury order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen alanine aminotransferase
OBI:2100069 liver injury venous blood human alkaline phosphatase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of human alkaline phosphatase in venous blood as part of a liver injury order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'alkaline phosphatase (human)'
OBI:2100070 liver injury venous blood bilirubin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of bilirubin in venous blood as part of a liver injury order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen bilirubin IXalpha
OBI:2100071 liver injury venous blood human aspartate aminotransferase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of human aspartate aminotransferase in venous blood as part of a liver injury order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'aspartate aminotransferase (human)'
OBI:2100072 venous blood glucose assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of glucose in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen glucose
OBI:2100073 venous blood magnesium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of magnesium in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen magnesium cation
OBI:2100074 CBC venous blood RBC count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of RBCs in venous blood as part of a CBC order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen erythrocyte
OBI:2100075 CBC venous blood WBC count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of WBCs in venous blood as part of a CBC order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen leukocyte
OBI:2100076 CBC venous blood hematocrit assay A cytometry assay that measures the proportion of red blood cells in venous blood as part of a CBC order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen erythrocyte
OBI:2100077 CBC venous blood platelet count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of platelets in venous blood as part of a CBC order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen platelet
OBI:2100078 CBC venous blood hemoglobin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of hemoglobin in venous blood as part of a CBC order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen hemoglobin
OBI:2100079 corrected venous blood leukocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of leukocytes in venous blood as part of a corrected order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen leukocyte
OBI:2100080 liver evaluation venous blood bilirubin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of bilirubin in venous blood as part of a liver evaluation order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen bilirubin IXalpha
OBI:2100081 liver evaluation venous blood globulin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of globulin in venous blood as part of a liver evaluation order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen globulin type
OBI:2100082 liver evaluation venous blood albumin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of albumin in venous blood as part of a liver evaluation order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen albumin
OBI:2100083 liver evaluation venous blood human aspartate aminotransferase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of human aspartate aminotransferase in venous blood as part of a liver evaluation order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen aspartate aminotransferase (human)
OBI:2100084 liver evaluation venous blood alanine aminotransferase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of alanine aminotransferase in venous blood as part of a liver evaluation order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen alanine aminotransferase
OBI:2100085 liver evaluation venous blood human alkaline phosphatase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of human alkaline phosphatase in venous blood as part of a liver evaluation order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen alkaline phosphatase (human)
OBI:2100086 liver evaluation venous blood protein assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of protein in venous blood as part of a liver evaluation order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen protein
OBI:2100087 basic metabolic panel venous blood chloride assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of chloride in venous blood as part of a basic metabolic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen chloride
OBI:2100088 basic metabolic panel venous blood potassium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of potassium in venous blood as part of a basic metabolic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'potassium(1+)'
OBI:2100089 basic metabolic panel venous blood sodium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of sodium in venous blood as part of a basic metabolic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'sodium(1+)'
OBI:2100090 basic metabolic panel venous blood creatinine assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of creatinine in venous blood as part of a basic metabolic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen creatinine
OBI:2100091 basic metabolic panel venous blood glucose assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of glucose in venous blood as part of a basic metabolic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen glucose
OBI:2100092 basic metabolic panel venous blood calcium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of calcium in venous blood as part of a basic metabolic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen calcium cation
OBI:2100093 basic metabolic panel venous blood carbon dioxide assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of carbon dioxide in venous blood as part of a basic metabolic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen carbon dioxide
OBI:2100094 venous blood creatine kinase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of creatine kinase in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen creatine kinase
OBI:2100095 venous blood calcium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of calcium in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen calcium cation
OBI:2100096 venous blood ferritin assay An assay that measures ferritin in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay venous blood specimen ferritin complex
OBI:2100097 total venous blood calcium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of calcium in venous blood as part of a total order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen calcium cation
OBI:2100098 venous blood iron assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of iron in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen iron cation
OBI:2100099 CBC with manual differential venous blood band neutrophil count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of band neutrophils in venous blood as part of a CBC with manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen band form neutrophil
OBI:2100100 CBC with manual differential venous blood WBC count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of WBCs in venous blood as part of a CBC with manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen leukocyte
OBI:2100101 CBC with manual differential venous blood eosinophil count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of eosinophils in venous blood as part of a CBC with manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen eosinophil
OBI:2100102 CBC with manual differential venous blood lymphocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of lymphocytes in venous blood as part of a CBC with manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen lymphocyte
OBI:2100103 CBC with manual differential venous blood nucleated RBC count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of nucleated RBCs in venous blood as part of a CBC with manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen nucleate erythrocyte
OBI:2100104 CBC with manual differential venous blood monocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of monocytes in venous blood as part of a CBC with manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen monocyte
OBI:2100105 CBC with manual differential venous blood segmented neutrophil count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of segmented neutrophils in venous blood as part of a CBC with manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen segmented neutrophil of bone marrow
OBI:2100106 CBC with manual differential venous blood basophil count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of basophils in venous blood as part of a CBC with manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen basophil
OBI:2100107 venous blood albumin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of albumin in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen albumin
OBI:2100108 cardiac enzymes venous blood creatine kinase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of creatine kinase in venous blood as part of a cardiac enzymes order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen creatine kinase
OBI:2100109 venous blood haptoglobin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of haptoglobin in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen haptoglobin
OBI:2100110 venous blood lactate dehydrogenase assay An assay that measures lactate dehydrogenase in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay venous blood specimen lactate dehydrogenase complex
OBI:2100111 venous blood prealbunin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of prealbunin in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen transthyretin
OBI:2100112 lipid panel venous blood triglyceride assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of triglyceride in venous blood as part of a lipid panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen triglyceride
OBI:2100113 lipid panel venous blood high density lipoprotein assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of high density lipoprotein in venous blood as part of a lipid panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
OBI:2100114 lipid panel venous blood cholesterol assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of cholesterol in venous blood as part of a lipid panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen cholesterol
OBI:2100115 lipid panel venous blood low density lipoprotein assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of low density lipoprotein in venous blood as part of a lipid panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
OBI:2100116 venous blood hemoglobin A1c assay An assay that measures hemoglobin A1c in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay venous blood specimen hemoglobin A1c
OBI:2100117 venous blood uric acid assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of uric acid in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen uric acid
OBI:2100118 total venous blood protein assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of protein in venous blood as part of a total order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen protein
OBI:2100119 venous blood thyroid stimulating hormone assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of thyroid stimulating hormone in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen thyroid stimulating hormone
OBI:2100120 venous blood prostate specific antigen assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of prostate specific antigen in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen prostate-specific antigen
OBI:2100121 24 hour total urine volume assay An assay that measures volume in urine as part of a 24 hour total order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay urine specimen volume
OBI:2100122 T4 uptake venous blood T4 assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of T4 in venous blood as part of a T4 uptake order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen thyroxine
OBI:2100123 arterial blood glucose assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of glucose in arterial blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen glucose
OBI:2100124 CBC with manual differential venous blood cell count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of cells in venous blood as part of a CBC with manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen cell
OBI:2100125 hemoglobin oxygen saturation arterial blood oxygen assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of oxygen in arterial blood as part of a hemoglobin oxygen saturation order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen elemental oxygen
OBI:2100126 hemoglobin oxygen saturation arterial blood hemoglobin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of hemoglobin in arterial blood as part of a hemoglobin oxygen saturation order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen hemoglobin
OBI:2100127 inpatient profile venous blood sodium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of sodium in venous blood as part of a inpatient profile order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'sodium(1+)'
OBI:2100128 inpatient profile venous blood creatinine assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of creatinine in venous blood as part of a inpatient profile order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen creatinine
OBI:2100129 inpatient profile venous blood potassium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of potassium in venous blood as part of a inpatient profile order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'potassium(1+)'
OBI:2100130 inpatient profile venous blood carbon dioxide assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of carbon dioxide in venous blood as part of a inpatient profile order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen carbon dioxide
OBI:2100131 venous blood folic acid assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of folic acid in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen folic acids
OBI:2100132 count venous blood reticulocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of reticulocytes in venous blood as part of a count order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen reticulocyte
OBI:2100133 venous blood potassium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of potassium in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'potassium(1+)'
OBI:2100134 venous blood carbon dioxide assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of carbon dioxide in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen carbon dioxide
OBI:2100135 venous blood transferrin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of transferrin in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen serotransferrin
OBI:2100136 venous blood sodium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of sodium in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'sodium(1+)'
OBI:2100137 random electrolytes urine sodium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of sodium in urine as part of a random electrolytes order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay urine specimen 'sodium(1+)'
OBI:2100138 random electrolytes urine potassium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of potassium in urine as part of a random electrolytes order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay urine specimen 'potassium(1+)'
OBI:2100139 urine creatinine assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of creatinine in urine PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay urine specimen creatinine
OBI:2100140 urine osmolality assay An assay that measures osmolality in urine PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay urine specimen osmolality
OBI:2100141 cooximitery arterial blood oxygen assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of oxygen in arterial blood as part of a cooximitery order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen elemental oxygen
OBI:2100142 cooximitery arterial blood hemoglobin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of hemoglobin in arterial blood as part of a cooximitery order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen hemoglobin
OBI:2100143 cooximitery arterial blood methemoglobin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of methemoglobin in arterial blood as part of a cooximitery order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen methemoglobin
OBI:2100144 electrolytes urine sodium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of sodium in urine as part of a electrolytes order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay urine specimen 'sodium(1+)'
OBI:2100145 electrolytes urine potassium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of potassium in urine as part of a electrolytes order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay urine specimen 'potassium(1+)'
OBI:2100146 Biosite cardiac panel arterial blood creatine kinase MB assay An assay that measures creatine kinase MB in arterial blood as part of a Biosite cardiac panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay arterial blood specimen cytosolic creatine kinase complex, MB-type
OBI:2100147 venous blood fibrinogen assay An assay that measures fibrinogen in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay venous blood specimen fibrinogen complex
OBI:2100148 comprehensive metabolic panel venous blood carbon dioxide assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of carbon dioxide in venous blood as part of a comprehensive metabolic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen carbon dioxide
OBI:2100149 comprehensive metabolic panel venous blood calcium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of calcium in venous blood as part of a comprehensive metabolic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen calcium cation
OBI:2100150 comprehensive metabolic panel venous blood potassium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of potassium in venous blood as part of a comprehensive metabolic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'potassium(1+)'
OBI:2100151 comprehensive metabolic panel venous blood sodium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of sodium in venous blood as part of a comprehensive metabolic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'sodium(1+)'
OBI:2100152 comprehensive metabolic panel venous blood glucose assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of glucose in venous blood as part of a comprehensive metabolic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen glucose
OBI:2100153 comprehensive metabolic panel venous blood albumin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of albumin in venous blood as part of a comprehensive metabolic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen albumin
OBI:2100154 comprehensive metabolic panel venous blood human alkaline phosphatase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of human alkaline phosphatase in venous blood as part of a comprehensive metabolic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'alkaline phosphatase (human)'
OBI:2100155 comprehensive metabolic panel venous blood bilirubin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of bilirubin in venous blood as part of a comprehensive metabolic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen bilirubin IXalpha
OBI:2100156 comprehensive metabolic panel venous blood chloride assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of chloride in venous blood as part of a comprehensive metabolic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen chloride
OBI:2100157 comprehensive metabolic panel venous blood human aspartate aminotransferase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of human aspartate aminotransferase in venous blood as part of a comprehensive metabolic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'aspartate aminotransferase (human)'
OBI:2100158 comprehensive metabolic panel venous blood protein assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of protein in venous blood as part of a comprehensive metabolic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen protein
OBI:2100159 comprehensive metabolic panel venous blood creatinine assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of creatinine in venous blood as part of a comprehensive metabolic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen creatinine
OBI:2100160 comprehensive metabolic panel venous blood alanine aminotransferase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of alanine aminotransferase in venous blood as part of a comprehensive metabolic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen alanine aminotransferase
OBI:2100161 venous blood LDH assay An assay that measures LDH in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay venous blood specimen lactate dehydrogenase complex
OBI:2100162 venous blood creatine kinase MB assay An assay that measures creatine kinase MB in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay venous blood specimen cytosolic creatine kinase complex, MB-type
OBI:2100163 venous blood lactic acid assay An assay that measures lactic acid in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay venous blood specimen rac-lactic acid
OBI:2100164 venous blood hematocrit assay A cytometry assay that measures the proportion of red blood cells in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen erythrocyte
OBI:2100165 venous blood creatinine assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of creatinine in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen creatinine
OBI:2100166 blood gas venous blood oxygen assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of oxygen in venous blood as part of a blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen elemental oxygen
OBI:2100167 ionized venous blood ionized calcium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of ionized calcium in venous blood as part of a ionized order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen calcium cation
OBI:2100168 blood gas venous blood carbon dioxide assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of carbon dioxide in venous blood as part of a blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen carbon dioxide
OBI:2100169 blood gas venous blood bicarbonate assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of bicarbonate in venous blood as part of a blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen hydrogencarbonate
OBI:2100170 arterial blood creatinine assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of creatinine in arterial blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen creatinine
OBI:2100171 venous blood tacrolimus assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of tacrolimus in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen tacrolimus hydrate
OBI:2100172 random venous blood vancomycin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of vancomycin in venous blood as part of a random order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen vancomycin
OBI:2100173 venous blood mycophenolic acid assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of mycophenolic acid in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen mycophenolic acid
OBI:2100174 non-vented blood gas arterial blood carbon dioxide assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of carbon dioxide in arterial blood as part of a non-vented blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen carbon dioxide
OBI:2100175 non-vented blood gas arterial blood oxygen assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of oxygen in arterial blood as part of a non-vented blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen elemental oxygen
OBI:2100176 non-vented blood gas arterial blood bicarbonate assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of bicarbonate in arterial blood as part of a non-vented blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen hydrogencarbonate
OBI:2100177 quantitative venous blood IgG assay An assay that measures IgG in venous blood as part of a quantitative order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay venous blood specimen IgG immunoglobulin complex
OBI:2100178 quantitative venous blood IgM assay An assay that measures IgM in venous blood as part of a quantitative order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay venous blood specimen IgM immunoglobulin complex
OBI:2100179 quantitative venous blood IgA assay An assay that measures IgA in venous blood as part of a quantitative order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay venous blood specimen IgA immunoglobulin complex
OBI:2100180 arterial blood sodium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of sodium in arterial blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen 'sodium(1+)'
OBI:2100181 arterial blood potassium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of potassium in arterial blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen 'potassium(1+)'
OBI:2100182 ionized arterial blood calcium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of calcium in arterial blood as part of a ionized order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen calcium cation
OBI:2100183 vented blood gas arterial blood bicarbonate assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of bicarbonate in arterial blood as part of a vented blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen hydrogencarbonate
OBI:2100184 vented blood gas arterial blood oxygen assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of oxygen in arterial blood as part of a vented blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen elemental oxygen
OBI:2100185 vented blood gas arterial blood carbon dioxide assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of carbon dioxide in arterial blood as part of a vented blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen carbon dioxide
OBI:2100186 arterial blood hematocrit assay A cytometry assay that measures the proportion of red blood cells in arterial blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay arterial blood specimen erythrocyte
OBI:2100187 arterial blood chloride assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of chloride in arterial blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen chloride
OBI:2100188 arterial blood hemoglobin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of hemoglobin in arterial blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen hemoglobin
OBI:2100189 GEM premier blood gas venous blood hematocrit assay A cytometry assay that measures the proportion of red blood cells in venous blood as part of a GEM premier blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen erythrocyte
OBI:2100190 GEM premier blood gas venous blood ionized calcium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of ionized calcium in venous blood as part of a GEM premier blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen calcium cation
OBI:2100191 GEM premier blood gas venous blood potassium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of potassium in venous blood as part of a GEM premier blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'potassium(1+)'
OBI:2100192 GEM premier blood gas venous blood oxygen assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of oxygen in venous blood as part of a GEM premier blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen elemental oxygen
OBI:2100193 GEM premier blood gas venous blood hemoglobin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of hemoglobin in venous blood as part of a GEM premier blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen hemoglobin
OBI:2100194 GEM premier blood gas venous blood bicarbonate assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of bicarbonate in venous blood as part of a GEM premier blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen hydrogencarbonate
OBI:2100195 GEM premier blood gas venous blood glucose assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of glucose in venous blood as part of a GEM premier blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen glucose
OBI:2100196 GEM premier blood gas venous blood sodium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of sodium in venous blood as part of a GEM premier blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'sodium(1+)'
OBI:2100197 GEM premier blood gas venous blood lactic acid assay An assay that measures lactic acid in venous blood as part of a GEM premier blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay venous blood specimen rac-lactic acid
OBI:2100198 GEM premier blood gas venous blood carbon dioxide assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of carbon dioxide in venous blood as part of a GEM premier blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen carbon dioxide
OBI:2100199 trough venous blood tobramycin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of tobramycin in venous blood as part of a trough order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen tobramycin
OBI:2100200 random venous blood tobramycin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of tobramycin in venous blood as part of a random order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen tobramycin
OBI:2100201 CBC with manual differential venous blood metamyelocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of metamyelocytes in venous blood as part of a CBC with manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen metamyelocyte
OBI:2100202 arterial blood lactic acid assay An assay that measures lactic acid in arterial blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay arterial blood specimen rac-lactic acid
OBI:2100203 venous blood 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 25-hydroxyvitamin D2
OBI:2100204 venous blood digoxin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of digoxin in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen digoxin
OBI:2100205 urine protein assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of protein in urine PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay urine specimen protein
OBI:2100206 venous blood tobramycin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of tobramycin in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen tobramycin
OBI:2100207 CBC with manual differential venous blood myelocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of myelocytes in venous blood as part of a CBC with manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen myelocyte
OBI:2100208 SPEP protein electrophoresis venous blood beta-globin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of beta-globin in venous blood as part of a SPEP protein electrophoresis order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen beta-globin
OBI:2100209 SPEP protein electrophoresis venous blood albumin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of albumin in venous blood as part of a SPEP protein electrophoresis order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen albumin
OBI:2100210 SPEP protein electrophoresis venous blood protein assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of protein in venous blood as part of a SPEP protein electrophoresis order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen protein
OBI:2100211 trough venous blood vancomycin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of vancomycin in venous blood as part of a trough order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen vancomycin
OBI:2100212 hepatic panel venous blood protein assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of protein in venous blood as part of a hepatic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen protein
OBI:2100213 hepatic panel venous blood bilirubin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of bilirubin in venous blood as part of a hepatic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen bilirubin IXalpha
OBI:2100214 hepatic panel venous blood alanine aminotransferase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of alanine aminotransferase in venous blood as part of a hepatic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen alanine aminotransferase
OBI:2100215 hepatic panel venous blood human aspartate aminotransferase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of human aspartate aminotransferase in venous blood as part of a hepatic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'aspartate aminotransferase (human)'
OBI:2100216 hepatic panel venous blood albumin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of albumin in venous blood as part of a hepatic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen albumin
OBI:2100217 hepatic panel venous blood human alkaline phosphatase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of human alkaline phosphatase in venous blood as part of a hepatic panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'alkaline phosphatase (human)'
OBI:2100218 estimated venous blood glomerular filtration assay An assay that measures glomerular filtration in venous blood as part of a estimated order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay venous blood specimen glomerular filtration
OBI:2100219 DT60 venous blood creatinine assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of creatinine in venous blood as part of a DT60 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen creatinine
OBI:2100220 fasting venous blood glucose assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of glucose in venous blood as part of a fasting order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen glucose
OBI:2100221 random venous blood amikacin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of amikacin in venous blood as part of a random order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen amikacin
OBI:2100222 venous blood ammonia assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of ammonia in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen ammonia
OBI:2100223 venous blood GGT assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of GGT in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase
OBI:2100224 chem11 venous blood phosphate assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of phosphate in venous blood as part of a chem11 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen phosphate ion
OBI:2100225 chem11 venous blood potassium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of potassium in venous blood as part of a chem11 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'potassium(1+)'
OBI:2100226 chem11 venous blood calcium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of calcium in venous blood as part of a chem11 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen calcium cation
OBI:2100227 chem11 venous blood glucose assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of glucose in venous blood as part of a chem11 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen glucose
OBI:2100228 chem11 venous blood carbon dioxide assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of carbon dioxide in venous blood as part of a chem11 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen carbon dioxide
OBI:2100229 chem11 venous blood albumin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of albumin in venous blood as part of a chem11 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen albumin
OBI:2100230 chem11 venous blood sodium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of sodium in venous blood as part of a chem11 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'sodium(1+)'
OBI:2100231 chem11 venous blood magnesium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of magnesium in venous blood as part of a chem11 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen magnesium cation
OBI:2100232 chem11 venous blood creatinine assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of creatinine in venous blood as part of a chem11 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen creatinine
OBI:2100233 chem11 venous blood chloride assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of chloride in venous blood as part of a chem11 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen chloride
OBI:2100234 total venous blood IgE assay An assay that measures IgE in venous blood as part of a total order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay venous blood specimen IgE immunoglobulin complex
OBI:2100235 chem16 venous blood human aspartate aminotransferase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of human aspartate aminotransferase in venous blood as part of a chem16 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'aspartate aminotransferase (human)'
OBI:2100236 chem16 venous blood creatinine assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of creatinine in venous blood as part of a chem16 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen creatinine
OBI:2100237 chem16 venous blood magnesium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of magnesium in venous blood as part of a chem16 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen magnesium cation
OBI:2100238 chem16 venous blood carbon dioxide assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of carbon dioxide in venous blood as part of a chem16 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen carbon dioxide
OBI:2100239 chem16 venous blood glucose assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of glucose in venous blood as part of a chem16 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen glucose
OBI:2100240 chem16 venous blood calcium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of calcium in venous blood as part of a chem16 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen calcium cation
OBI:2100241 chem16 venous blood triglyceride assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of triglyceride in venous blood as part of a chem16 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen triglyceride
OBI:2100242 chem16 venous blood sodium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of sodium in venous blood as part of a chem16 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'sodium(1+)'
OBI:2100243 chem16 venous blood phosphate assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of phosphate in venous blood as part of a chem16 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen phosphate ion
OBI:2100244 chem16 venous blood human alkaline phosphatase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of human alkaline phosphatase in venous blood as part of a chem16 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'alkaline phosphatase (human)'
OBI:2100245 chem16 venous blood albumin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of albumin in venous blood as part of a chem16 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen albumin
OBI:2100246 chem16 venous blood bilirubin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of bilirubin in venous blood as part of a chem16 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen bilirubin IXalpha
OBI:2100247 chem16 venous blood chloride assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of chloride in venous blood as part of a chem16 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen chloride
OBI:2100248 chem16 venous blood alanine aminotransferase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of alanine aminotransferase in venous blood as part of a chem16 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen alanine aminotransferase
OBI:2100249 chem16 venous blood potassium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of potassium in venous blood as part of a chem16 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'potassium(1+)'
OBI:2100250 POC chem8 arterial blood glucose assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of glucose in arterial blood as part of a POC chem8 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen glucose
OBI:2100251 POC chem8 arterial blood ionized calcium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of ionized calcium in arterial blood as part of a POC chem8 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen calcium cation
OBI:2100252 POC chem8 arterial blood potassium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of potassium in arterial blood as part of a POC chem8 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen 'potassium(1+)'
OBI:2100253 POC chem8 arterial blood sodium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of sodium in arterial blood as part of a POC chem8 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen 'sodium(1+)'
OBI:2100254 POC chem8 arterial blood creatinine assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of creatinine in arterial blood as part of a POC chem8 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen creatinine
OBI:2100255 POC chem8 arterial blood hematocrit assay A cytometry assay that measures the proportion of red blood cells in arterial blood as part of a POC chem8 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay arterial blood specimen erythrocyte
OBI:2100256 POC chem8 arterial blood chloride assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of chloride in arterial blood as part of a POC chem8 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen chloride
OBI:2100257 peak venous blood tobramycin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of tobramycin in venous blood as part of a peak order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen tobramycin
OBI:2100258 24 hour urine creatinine assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of creatinine in urine as part of a 24 hour order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay urine specimen creatinine
OBI:2100259 intact venous blood PTH assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of PTH in venous blood as part of a intact order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen prostate-specific antigen
OBI:2100260 total venous blood PSA assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of PSA in venous blood as part of a total order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen prostate-specific antigen
OBI:2100261 total venous blood T3 assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of T3 in venous blood as part of a total order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen ""3,3',5'-triiodothyronine""
OBI:2100262 24 hour urine protein assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of protein in urine as part of a 24 hour order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay urine specimen protein
OBI:2100263 total venous blood cholesterol assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of cholesterol in venous blood as part of a total order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen cholesterol
OBI:2100264 venous blood triglyceride assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of triglyceride in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen triglyceride
OBI:2100265 tube 4 count cerebrospinal fluid cell count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of cells in cerebrospinal fluid as part of a tube 4 count order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay cerebrospinal fluid specimen cell
OBI:2100266 cerebrospinal fluid protein assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of protein in cerebrospinal fluid PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay cerebrospinal fluid specimen protein
OBI:2100267 cerebrospinal fluid glucose assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of glucose in cerebrospinal fluid PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay cerebrospinal fluid specimen glucose
OBI:2100268 tube 1 count cerebrospinal fluid cell count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of cells in cerebrospinal fluid as part of a tube 1 count order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay cerebrospinal fluid specimen cell
OBI:2100269 venous blood dehydroepiandrosterone assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of dehydroepiandrosterone in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen dehydroepiandrosterone
OBI:2100270 venous blood cortisol assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of cortisol in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen cortisol
OBI:2100271 ABL90 panel arterial blood sodium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of sodium in arterial blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen 'sodium(1+)'
OBI:2100272 ABL90 panel arterial blood oxygen assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of oxygen in arterial blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen elemental oxygen
OBI:2100273 ABL90 panel arterial blood glucose assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of glucose in arterial blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen glucose
OBI:2100274 ABL90 panel arterial blood lactic acid assay An assay that measures lactic acid in arterial blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay arterial blood specimen rac-lactic acid
OBI:2100275 ABL90 panel arterial blood hemoglobin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of hemoglobin in arterial blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen hemoglobin
OBI:2100276 ABL90 panel arterial blood chloride assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of chloride in arterial blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen chloride
OBI:2100277 ABL90 panel arterial blood carbon dioxide assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of carbon dioxide in arterial blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen carbon dioxide
OBI:2100278 ABL90 panel arterial blood hematocrit assay A cytometry assay that measures the proportion of red blood cells in arterial blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay arterial blood specimen erythrocyte
OBI:2100279 ABL90 panel arterial blood calcium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of calcium in arterial blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen calcium cation
OBI:2100280 ABL90 panel arterial blood temperature assay An assay that measures temperature in arterial blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay arterial blood specimen temperature
OBI:2100281 ABL90 panel arterial blood bicarbonate assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of bicarbonate in arterial blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen hydrogencarbonate
OBI:2100282 ABL90 panel arterial blood potassium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of potassium in arterial blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen 'potassium(1+)'
OBI:2100283 CBC with manual differential venous blood promyelocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of promyelocytes in venous blood as part of a CBC with manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen promyelocyte
OBI:2100284 ABL90 panel venous blood glucose assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of glucose in venous blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen glucose
OBI:2100285 ABL90 panel venous blood hemoglobin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of hemoglobin in venous blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen hemoglobin
OBI:2100286 ABL90 panel venous blood ionized calcium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of ionized calcium in venous blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen calcium cation
OBI:2100287 ABL90 panel venous blood carbon dioxide assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of carbon dioxide in venous blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen carbon dioxide
OBI:2100288 ABL90 panel venous blood hematocrit assay A cytometry assay that measures the proportion of red blood cells in venous blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen erythrocyte
OBI:2100289 ABL90 panel venous blood sodium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of sodium in venous blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'sodium(1+)'
OBI:2100290 ABL90 panel venous blood oxygen assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of oxygen in venous blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen elemental oxygen
OBI:2100291 ABL90 panel venous blood bicarbonate assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of bicarbonate in venous blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen hydrogencarbonate
OBI:2100292 ABL90 panel venous blood lactic acid assay An assay that measures lactic acid in venous blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay venous blood specimen rac-lactic acid
OBI:2100293 ABL90 panel venous blood chloride assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of chloride in venous blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen chloride
OBI:2100294 venous blood T4 assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of T4 in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen thyroxine
OBI:2100295 free venous blood T4 assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of T4 in venous blood as part of a free order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen thyroxine
OBI:2100296 ABL90 panel venous blood potassium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of potassium in venous blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'potassium(1+)'
OBI:2100297 urine sodium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of sodium in urine PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay urine specimen 'sodium(1+)'
OBI:2100298 bone profile venous blood albumin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of albumin in venous blood as part of a bone profile order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen albumin
OBI:2100299 bone profile venous blood calcium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of calcium in venous blood as part of a bone profile order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen calcium cation
OBI:2100300 bone profile venous blood human alkaline phosphatase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of human alkaline phosphatase in venous blood as part of a bone profile order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'alkaline phosphatase (human)'
OBI:2100301 bone profile venous blood protein assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of protein in venous blood as part of a bone profile order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen protein
OBI:2100302 bone profile venous blood phosphate assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of phosphate in venous blood as part of a bone profile order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen phosphate ion
OBI:2100303 ABG/electrolytes arterial blood carbon dioxide assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of carbon dioxide in arterial blood as part of a ABG/electrolytes order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen carbon dioxide
OBI:2100304 ABG/electrolytes arterial blood oxygen assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of oxygen in arterial blood as part of a ABG/electrolytes order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen elemental oxygen
OBI:2100305 ABG/electrolytes arterial blood ionized calcium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of ionized calcium in arterial blood as part of a ABG/electrolytes order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen calcium cation
OBI:2100306 CBC with automated differential venous blood nucleated RBC count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of nucleated RBCs in venous blood as part of a CBC with automated differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen nucleate erythrocyte
OBI:2100307 ABL90 panel venous blood methemoglobin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of methemoglobin in venous blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen methemoglobin
OBI:2100308 ABL90 panel arterial blood methemoglobin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of methemoglobin in arterial blood as part of a ABL90 panel order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen methemoglobin
OBI:2100309 venous blood valproic acid assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of valproic acid in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen valproic acid
OBI:2100310 high sensitivity cardiac/neonatal venous blood c-reactive protein assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of c-reactive protein in venous blood as part of a high sensitivity cardiac/neonatal order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen C-reactive protein
OBI:2100311 POC arterial blood creatinine assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of creatinine in arterial blood as part of a POC order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen creatinine
OBI:2100312 GEM4000 ANLCOOX arterial blood bicarbonate assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of bicarbonate in arterial blood as part of a GEM4000 ANLCOOX order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen hydrogencarbonate
OBI:2100313 GEM4000 ANLCOOX arterial blood oxygen assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of oxygen in arterial blood as part of a GEM4000 ANLCOOX order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen elemental oxygen
OBI:2100314 GEM4000 ANLCOOX arterial blood hematocrit assay A cytometry assay that measures the proportion of red blood cells in arterial blood as part of a GEM4000 ANLCOOX order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay arterial blood specimen erythrocyte
OBI:2100315 GEM4000 ANLCOOX arterial blood temperature assay An assay that measures temperature in arterial blood as part of a GEM4000 ANLCOOX order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay arterial blood specimen temperature
OBI:2100316 GEM4000 ANLCOOX arterial blood hemoglobin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of hemoglobin in arterial blood as part of a GEM4000 ANLCOOX order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen hemoglobin
OBI:2100317 GEM4000 ANLCOOX arterial blood potassium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of potassium in arterial blood as part of a GEM4000 ANLCOOX order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen 'potassium(1+)'
OBI:2100318 GEM4000 ANLCOOX arterial blood glucose assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of glucose in arterial blood as part of a GEM4000 ANLCOOX order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen glucose
OBI:2100319 GEM4000 ANLCOOX arterial blood ionized calcium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of ionized calcium in arterial blood as part of a GEM4000 ANLCOOX order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen calcium cation
OBI:2100320 GEM4000 ANLCOOX arterial blood carbon dioxide assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of carbon dioxide in arterial blood as part of a GEM4000 ANLCOOX order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen carbon dioxide
OBI:2100321 GEM4000 ANLCOOX arterial blood sodium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of sodium in arterial blood as part of a GEM4000 ANLCOOX order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen 'sodium(1+)'
OBI:2100322 ionized venous blood calcium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of calcium in venous blood as part of a ionized order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen calcium cation
OBI:2100323 venous blood hemoglobin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of hemoglobin in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen hemoglobin
OBI:2100324 CBC with manual differential venous blood megakaryocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of megakaryocytes in venous blood as part of a CBC with manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen megakaryocyte
OBI:2100325 non-cardiac venous blood c-reactive protein assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of c-reactive protein in venous blood as part of a non-cardiac order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen C-reactive protein
OBI:2100326 intraoperative venous blood PTH assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of PTH in venous blood as part of a intraoperative order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen prostate-specific antigen
OBI:2100327 venous blood parathyroid hormone assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of parathyroid hormone in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen parathyroid hormone
OBI:2100328 total bodily fluid protein assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of protein in bodily fluid as part of a total order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay bodily fluid specimen protein
OBI:2100329 bodily fluid glucose assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of glucose in bodily fluid PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay bodily fluid specimen glucose
OBI:2100330 count bodily fluid cell count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of cells in bodily fluid as part of a count order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay bodily fluid specimen cell
OBI:2100331 manual differential bodily fluid segmented neutrophil count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of segmented neutrophils in bodily fluid as part of a manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay bodily fluid specimen segmented neutrophil of bone marrow
OBI:2100332 manual differential bodily fluid mesothelial cell count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of mesothelial cells in bodily fluid as part of a manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay bodily fluid specimen mesothelial cell
OBI:2100333 manual differential bodily fluid monocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of monocytes in bodily fluid as part of a manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay bodily fluid specimen monocyte
OBI:2100334 manual differential bodily fluid lymphocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of lymphocytes in bodily fluid as part of a manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay bodily fluid specimen lymphocyte
OBI:2100335 manual differential bodily fluid macrophage count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of macrophages in bodily fluid as part of a manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay bodily fluid specimen macrophage
OBI:2100336 manual differential bodily fluid basophil count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of basophils in bodily fluid as part of a manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay bodily fluid specimen basophil
OBI:2100337 manual differential bodily fluid eosinophil count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of eosinophils in bodily fluid as part of a manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay bodily fluid specimen eosinophil
OBI:2100338 liver function venous blood bilirubin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of bilirubin in venous blood as part of a liver function order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen bilirubin IXalpha
OBI:2100339 liver function venous blood alanine aminotransferase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of alanine aminotransferase in venous blood as part of a liver function order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen alanine aminotransferase
OBI:2100340 liver function venous blood human aspartate aminotransferase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of human aspartate aminotransferase in venous blood as part of a liver function order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'aspartate aminotransferase (human)'
OBI:2100341 liver function venous blood albumin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of albumin in venous blood as part of a liver function order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen albumin
OBI:2100342 liver function venous blood protein assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of protein in venous blood as part of a liver function order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen protein
OBI:2100343 liver function venous blood human alkaline phosphatase assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of human alkaline phosphatase in venous blood as part of a liver function order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 'alkaline phosphatase (human)'
OBI:2100344 vitamin B12 and Folate venous blood folic acid assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of folic acid in venous blood as part of a vitamin B12 and Folate order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen folic acids
OBI:2100345 bodily fluid cell count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of cells in bodily fluid PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay bodily fluid specimen cell
OBI:2100346 venous blood reticulocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of reticulocytes in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen reticulocyte
OBI:2100347 bodily fluid cholesterol assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of cholesterol in bodily fluid PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay bodily fluid specimen cholesterol
OBI:2100348 TSH reflex Free T4 venous blood thyroid stimulating hormone assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of thyroid stimulating hormone in venous blood as part of a TSH reflex Free T4 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen thyroid stimulating hormone
OBI:2100349 direct venous blood bilirubin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of bilirubin in venous blood as part of a direct order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen bilirubin IXalpha
OBI:2100350 free venous blood T3 assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of T3 in venous blood as part of a free order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen ""3,3',5'-triiodothyronine""
OBI:2100351 bodily fluid albumin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of albumin in bodily fluid PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay bodily fluid specimen albumin
OBI:2100352 bodily fluid triglyceride assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of triglyceride in bodily fluid PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay bodily fluid specimen triglyceride
OBI:2100353 hemoglobin and hematocrit venous blood hematocrit assay A cytometry assay that measures the proportion of red blood cells in venous blood as part of a hemoglobin and hematocrit order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen erythrocyte
OBI:2100354 hemoglobin and hematocrit venous blood hemoglobin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of hemoglobin in venous blood as part of a hemoglobin and hematocrit order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen hemoglobin
OBI:2100355 venous blood ionized calcium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of ionized calcium in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen calcium cation
OBI:2100356 venous blood temperature assay An assay that measures temperature in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay venous blood specimen temperature
OBI:2100357 venous blood bicarbonate assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of bicarbonate in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen hydrogencarbonate
OBI:2100358 venous blood oxygen assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of oxygen in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen elemental oxygen
OBI:2100359 venous blood osmolality assay An assay that measures osmolality in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay venous blood specimen osmolality
OBI:2100360 liver fibrosis (chronic viral hepatitis) venous blood platelet count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of platelets in venous blood as part of a liver fibrosis (chronic viral hepatitis) order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen platelet
OBI:2100361 venous blood T3 assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of T3 in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen ""3,3',5'-triiodothyronine""
OBI:2100362 CBC with manual differential venous blood neutrophil count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of neutrophils in venous blood as part of a CBC with manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen neutrophil
OBI:2100363 creatinine clearance urine creatinine assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of creatinine in urine as part of a creatinine clearance order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay urine specimen creatinine
OBI:2100364 venous blood beta hydroxybutryic acid assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of beta hydroxybutryic acid in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 3-hydroxybutyric acid
OBI:2100365 venous blood megakaryocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of megakaryocytes in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen megakaryocyte
OBI:2100366 venous blood nucleated RBC count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of nucleated RBCs in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen nucleate erythrocyte
OBI:2100367 venous blood WBC count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of WBCs in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen leukocyte
OBI:2100368 automated count venous blood reticulocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of reticulocytes in venous blood as part of a automated count order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen reticulocyte
OBI:2100369 total venous blood homocysteine assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of homocysteine in venous blood as part of a total order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen homocysteine
OBI:2100370 venous blood Ceruloplasmin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of Ceruloplasmin in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen ceruloplasmin
OBI:2100371 GEM4 arterial blood bicarbonate assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of bicarbonate in arterial blood as part of a GEM4 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen hydrogencarbonate
OBI:2100372 GEM4 arterial blood lactic acid assay An assay that measures lactic acid in arterial blood as part of a GEM4 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay arterial blood specimen rac-lactic acid
OBI:2100373 GEM4 arterial blood hemoglobin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of hemoglobin in arterial blood as part of a GEM4 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen hemoglobin
OBI:2100374 GEM4 arterial blood sodium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of sodium in arterial blood as part of a GEM4 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen 'sodium(1+)'
OBI:2100375 GEM4 arterial blood potassium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of potassium in arterial blood as part of a GEM4 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen 'potassium(1+)'
OBI:2100376 GEM4 arterial blood temperature assay An assay that measures temperature in arterial blood as part of a GEM4 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass assay arterial blood specimen temperature
OBI:2100377 GEM4 arterial blood glucose assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of glucose in arterial blood as part of a GEM4 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen glucose
OBI:2100378 GEM4 arterial blood oxygen assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of oxygen in arterial blood as part of a GEM4 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen elemental oxygen
OBI:2100379 GEM4 arterial blood hematocrit assay A cytometry assay that measures the proportion of red blood cells in arterial blood as part of a GEM4 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay arterial blood specimen erythrocyte
OBI:2100380 GEM4 arterial blood ionized calcium assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of ionized calcium in arterial blood as part of a GEM4 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen calcium cation
OBI:2100381 GEM4 arterial blood carbon dioxide assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of carbon dioxide in arterial blood as part of a GEM4 order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen carbon dioxide
OBI:2100382 liver fibrosis (NAFLD) venous blood platelet count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of platelets in venous blood as part of a liver fibrosis (NAFLD) order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen platelet
OBI:2100383 venous blood beta hydroxybutric acid assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of beta hydroxybutric acid in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen 3-hydroxybutyric acid
OBI:2100384 CBC with manual differential venous blood plasma cell count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of plasma cells in venous blood as part of a CBC with manual differential order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay venous blood specimen plasma cell
OBI:2100385 venous blood erythropoietin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of erythropoietin in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen erythropoietin
OBI:2100386 blood gas arterial blood oxygen assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of oxygen in arterial blood as part of a blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen elemental oxygen
OBI:2100387 blood gas arterial blood bicarbonate assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of bicarbonate in arterial blood as part of a blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen hydrogencarbonate
OBI:2100388 blood gas arterial blood carbon dioxide assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of carbon dioxide in arterial blood as part of a blood gas order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay arterial blood specimen carbon dioxide
OBI:2100389 free/total venous blood PSA assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of PSA in venous blood as part of a free/total order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen prostate-specific antigen
OBI:2100390 cerebrospinal fluid lymphocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of lymphocytes in cerebrospinal fluid PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay cerebrospinal fluid specimen lymphocyte
OBI:2100391 cerebrospinal fluid segmented neutrophil count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of segmented neutrophils in cerebrospinal fluid PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay cerebrospinal fluid specimen segmented neutrophil of bone marrow
OBI:2100392 cerebrospinal fluid mesothelial cell count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of mesothelial cells in cerebrospinal fluid PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay cerebrospinal fluid specimen mesothelial cell
OBI:2100393 cerebrospinal fluid macrophage count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of macrophages in cerebrospinal fluid PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay cerebrospinal fluid specimen macrophage
OBI:2100394 cerebrospinal fluid basophil count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of basophils in cerebrospinal fluid PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay cerebrospinal fluid specimen basophil
OBI:2100395 cerebrospinal fluid monocyte count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of monocytes in cerebrospinal fluid PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay cerebrospinal fluid specimen monocyte
OBI:2100396 cerebrospinal fluid eosinophil count assay A cytometry assay that measures the count of eosinophils in cerebrospinal fluid PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass cytometry assay cerebrospinal fluid specimen eosinophil
OBI:2100397 venous blood beta-2-microglobulin assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of beta-2-microglobulin in venous blood PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen beta-2-microglobulin
OBI:2100398 lipid panel reflex direct venous blood low density lipoprotein assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of low density lipoprotein in venous blood as part of a Lipid panel reflex direct order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
OBI:2100399 lipid panel reflex direct venous blood triglyceride assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of triglyceride in venous blood as part of a Lipid panel reflex direct order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen triglyceride
OBI:2100400 lipid panel reflex direct venous blood cholesterol assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of cholesterol in venous blood as part of a Lipid panel reflex direct order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen cholesterol
OBI:2100401 lipid panel reflex direct venous blood high density lipoprotein assay An analyte assay that measures the abundance of high density lipoprotein in venous blood as part of a Lipid panel reflex direct order PennTURBO team Mark A. Miller, ORCID:0000-0001-9076-6066 & Chris Stoeckert, ORCID ORCID:0000-0002-5714-991X subclass analyte assay venous blood specimen high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
OBI:2100402 pooled clone sequencing assay A DNA sequencing assay in which the DNA input is derived from pooled clones (for example BACs and Fosmids) is sequenced. Although a similar pooled clone sequencing method has recently been described by others for metagenome-derived medium-insert plasmids and large-insert fosmids, to our knowledge, we are the first to report the pooled strategy for sequencing of large-insert metagenomic clones while also critically evaluating the performance of this pooled strategy by comparing the results to barcoded reference sequences of the same clones. Dan Berrios, ORCID: 0000-0003-4312-9552 Bonita Lam subclass DNA sequencing assay DNA extract DNA sequencer DNA sequence data
OBI:9999994 chromium release assay An in vitro cell killing assay in which radioactive chromium is absorbed by cells and released into supernatant when the cells die. The amount of radioactivity measured in the supernatant is a proxy for the number of cells that have died. Autologous EBV-transformed B-LCL were used as target cells for the influenza virus-specific CTL assays. Equal volumes of target and effector cells were added to triplicate wells of 96-well tissue culture plates, and 1:2 serial dilutions of effectors were made, producing effector-to-target (E:T) ratios of 100:1, 50:1, 25:1, and 12.5:1. After a 4-h incubation of the effector cells with the target cells, supernatants were collected following brief centrifugation and transferred to polystyrene tubes to be counted with the LKB 1272 Clinigamma counter (Wallac). Percent specific killing was determined with the following equation: (experimental 51Cr release - spontaneous 51Cr release)/(maximum 51Cr release - spontaneous 51Cr release) x 100. PlanAndPlannedProcess Branch|IEDB subclass logical definition is not capturing how chromium is utilized as a marker of cell death in vitro cell killing assay radioactivity detection chromium-51