1.0.3 (2023-10-09)
1.0.2 (2023-09-29)
1.0.1 (2023-09-15)
- baseURL-config: remove baseURL configuration (#106) (13ffc51)
- button: fix internal links (#39) (c1b210d)
- components: hide dev (#44) (ac3e759)
- components: hydration mismatch warnings (#19) (7a8d60c)
- dependencies: update fsxa dependencies (4a0b404)
- dependencies: update fsxa dependencies (#88) (c7b02ae)
- dependencies: update to latest content-api version (#100) (230085e)
- devcomponents: hide if not preview mode (#59) (38e399d)
- dev: fix dev component (#53) (ba74bb2)
- error.vue: exclamation mark style issue (#64) (cb22090)
- footer component: legal links in footer now react to language switch (de9fe56)
- footer: fix links on footer (563c1ba)
- languageswitch: resolve language switch mismatch (#86) (511bb3c)
- package.json: repository url config semantic release (7fae7a9)
- post-endpoint: remove attribute mapping from request body (10a0cbe)
- richtext: add support for nested texts (#20) (e2b4c42)
- richtextelement: render content as html (#37) (6373736)
- routing: correctly handle content projection (#32) (8117380)
- routing: differentiate between 404 and 500 (#76) (d16927c)
- routing: redirect to new route after locale changed (#22) (20e398a)
- slug: use showError instead of createError in useAsyncData (#35) (588e021)
- style improvements (#50) (4c85903)
- todos in code (#73) (ac0d188)
- components: product category section (#36) (7f5114c)
- components: setup component wireframes (#8) (8e882c2)
- content: add caching layer to content (#18) (9c0e50f)
- content: fetch and store dataset in content cache (#33) (72cf484)
- dev: add syntax highlighting (#69) (97f516d)
- dev: display products data (#40) (729b67a)
- endpoint: create an endpoint to check for the health of server (1430d75)
- featuredProducts: add component (2c2f331)
- featuredproductsection: add 2 new components: FeaturedProducts and FeaturedProductItem (bdaa19c)
- locale: change default lang via env (#67) (454ca7b)
- locales: get available locales (#83) (d36ad50)
- logger: add logger plugin (#56) (b569b30)
- logger: import Logger class from fsxa-api (a4a0739)
- logger: import Logger class from fsxa-api (61f71ef)
- product: style product section (#34) (96e23aa)
- projectProperties: fetch pp on app start (#15) (a61f151)
- richtext: add u element component (f20dcb1)
- setup basic navigation (#7) (97c9cd5)
- setup fsxa (#6) (2f10a0b)
- sitemap: add sitemap (#47) (5b18af6)
- style layout components (#25) (a379a98)
- tpp: add editing functionality (#51) (69a8159)