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Excavator API Version 0.2.2

WARNING! This document is not complete yet and is still being worked on. Also, during Excavator alpha versions, API may change so make sure you check this page always before updating to next alpha version!


There are two ways to use API. Details are explained below.

  1. Using HTTP API

    You need to launch Excavator with -wp command line parameter being set to local HTTP bind port. Optionally, you may also set -wi to set local bind IP and -wa to set authorization token.

    To issue an API command, use following URL format:


    You may encode URL. List of available JSON commands is listed below in this document. Response is returned as JSON message in HTTP content field.

    To limit access to write-API methods, you can specify HTTP API authorization token. When calling these API methods, you need to set HTTP header with name Authorization and value token. Write-API methods are all methods that alter behaviour of Excavator or cause some system/device changes.

  2. Using TCP stream

    You need to launch Excavator with -p command line parameter being set to local TCP bind port. Optionally, you may also set -i to set local bind IP.

    API is based on TCP-JSON messaging system. Every input JSON message (command) has an output JSON message (response). All commands and response are terminated by newline character \n.

Each command has three mandatory fields:

Name Type Description
id int Identification number for command.
method string Method name.
params array of strings Array of parameters. All parameters are always strings and transformed into other types by Excavator if needed.

Each response has two mandatory fields:

Name Type Description
id int Identification number matching command number.
error string If error happened, this field contains string. If this field is null, no error happened and action was successful.

The response usually has more fields which depends on API method being executed.


Subscribe managing methods

Method Description
subscribe Connects to NiceHash stratum server. Lists subscribe information.
unsubscribe Disconnects from NiceHash stratum server.

Device related get and set methods

Method Description
device.list Queries available devices - GPUs.
device.get Queries particular device - GPU.
devices.get Queries available devices - GPU.
devices.smartfan.exec Executes SmartFan algorithm on all devices.
devices.smartfan.reset Resets SmartFan to automatic (mode = 0) on all devices.
device.set.power_limit Sets device power limit in Watts.
device.set.tdp Sets device TDP.
device.set.tdp.simple Sets device power mode.
device.set.core_delta Sets device core clock (delta +/-).
device.set.core_abs Sets max core clock limit.
device.set.core_uvolt Sets max core clock limit and undervolt in mV.
device.set.core_uvolt.max Sets max core clock and voltage in mV.
device.set.core_uvolt.reset Resets any core clock delta and voltage adjustment.
device.set.memory_delta Sets device memory clock (delta +/-). Sets device fan speed. Resets device fan speed. Sets device fan speed to max (100%) level.
device.set.oc_profile Sets overclocking profile.
device.set.oc_profile2 Sets overclocking profile2. Alternative OC.
device.set.oc_reset Resets overclocking profile.
device.hwerr.get Gets hardware error count.
device.hwerr.reset Resets hardware error count.
device.get.kernel_times Gets device kernel execution times.
device.smartfan.exec Executes SmartFan algorithm.
device.smartfan.set Sets SmartFan mode and parameters.
device.smartfan.reset Resets SmartFan to automatic (mode = 0).
device.smartfan.set.advanced Sets advanced properties for SmartFan algorithm.
device.smartfan.set.level.min Sets SmartFan algorithm fan min level.

Algorithm managing methods

Method Description
algorithm.add Adds new algorithm.
algorithm.remove Removes algorithm.
algorithm.clear Removes all algorithms.
algorithm.list Lists all algorithms.
algorithm.print.speeds Prints speed of all algorithms.

Worker managing methods

Method Description
worker.add Adds new worker. Frees worker.
worker.clear Frees all workers.
worker.reset Resets worker's speed.
worker.reset.device Resets worker's speed for device.
worker.list Lists all workers.
worker.print.speed Prints speed of a worker.
worker.print.speeds Prints speed of all workers.
worker.print.efficiencies Prints efficiencies of all workers.
worker.change_params Change worker's launch parameters.
workers.add Adds multiple new workers. Frees multiple workers.
workers.reset Resets logged speed for multiple workers.

Miner managing methods

Method Description
miner.stop Stops mining without exiting excavator.
miner.alive Check the excavator responsiveness.
state.set Set state of all GPU devices.

Miscellaneous methods

Method Description
info Gets information about Excavator.
quit Quits Excavator.
message Displays message in console.
elevate Try to gain administrative privileges.
restart Restart miner with same command line.
cmdfile.commit Save current command file with updated info.


Establish connection with NiceHash stratum server.

Command parameter # Type Description
1 string Stratum URL (hostname with port).
2 string Username and password (split with :);

NiceHash stratum servers are available at: (LOCATION: eu, usa).

Example usage:

{"id":1,"method":"subscribe","params":["", "34HKWdzLxWBduUfJE9JxaFhoXnfC6gmePG.test2:x"]}

Example response:


Returns subscribe information.

This method does not take in any parameter. If connection to the remote server is established and subscribe was successful or if subscribe has not been called yet, field error is set to null. Otherwise field error contains error message of type string.

Response field Type Description
address string Remote address of the NiceHash stratum.
login string Login credentials.
connected boolean True if connected to the stratum.
server_status string Message from the stratum server.

Example usage:


Example response:



Drops connection to the NiceHash stratum server.

This method does not take in any parameter.

Example usage:


Example response:



Returns list of available CUDA devices. Use this method to get list of available devices and their static (non-changing) details.

This method does not take in any parameter.

Response field Type Description
devices array Array of device objects. If system has no available GPGPU devices, this array is empty.
devices[i]/device_id int Device ID. This is a handle for future API commands related to this device.
devices[i]/uuid int Device UUID.
devices[i]/name string Device name.
devices[i]/gpgpu_type int GPGPU type. 1 means CUDA, 2 means OpenCL.
devices[i]/subvendor string Subvendor id.
devices[i]/display_mode int Display mode. 1 if a display is currently connected to the device, 0 if not.
devices[i]/gpu_memory_total long Total GPU memory in bytes.
devices[i]/details object Device details.
devices[i]/details/cuda_id int Device CUDA ID.
devices[i]/details/sm_major int Device SM major version.
devices[i]/details/sm_minor int Device SM minor version.
devices[i]/details/bus_id int Device bus ID.
devices[i]/details/bus_slot_id int Device bus slot ID.
devices[i]/details/sli boolean True if SLI is enabled on device.

Example usage:


Example response:

         "name":"GeForce GTX 1060 6GB",
         "name":"GeForce GTX 1070",
            "sli": false


Returns details about certain device. Use this method to get static (non-changing) and changing details of device.

Command parameter # Type Description
1 string Device ID or Device UUID.
Response field Type Description
device_id int Device ID. This is a handle for future API commands related to this device.
name string Device name.
gpgpu_type int GPGPU type. 1 means CUDA, 2 means OpenCL.
subvendor string Subvendor id.
devices[i]/details object Device details.
devices[i]/details/cuda_id int Device CUDA ID.
devices[i]/details/sm_major int Device SM major version.
devices[i]/details/sm_minor int Device SM minor version.
devices[i]/details/bus int Device bus ID.
devices[i]/details/sli boolean True if SLI is enabled on device.
uuid string Unique identification of device. Use this to distinguish devices with same name in the system.
gpu_temp int GPU temperature in °C.
gpu_load int GPU core load in %.
gpu_load_memctrl int GPU memory controller load in %.
gpu_power_mode int Current GPU power mode.
gpu_power_usage float GPU power usage in Watts.
gpu_power_limit_current float Current GPU power limit in Watts.
gpu_power_limit_min float Minimal GPU power limit in Watts.
gpu_power_limit_max float Maximal GPU power limit in Watts.
gpu_tdp_current float Current GPU power limit in %.
gpu_clock_core_max int Maximal GPU core clock (non restricted by temperature or power throttling).
gpu_clock_memory int Maximal GPU core clock (non restricted by temperature or power throttling).
gpu_fan_speed int Current fan speed in %.
gpu_fan_speed_rpm int Current fan speed in RPMs.
gpu_memory_free long Free GPU memory in bytes.
gpu_memory_used long Used GPU memory in bytes.
intensity int Current GPU intensity mode.
fans array Information about fans.
hw_errors int Number of shares above target generated by this device.
hw_errors_success int Number of accepted shares generated by this device.
kernel_times/min int Minimal recent kernel run time in microseconds.
kernel_times/max int Maximal recent kernel run time in microseconds.
kernel_times/avg int Average recent kernel run time in microseconds.
oc_data/core_clock_delta int Overclock: core clock delta.
oc_data/memory_clock_delta int Overclock: memory clock delta.
oc_data/power_limit_watts int Overclock: power limit in watts.
oc_data/power_limit_tdp int Overclock: power limit in tdp (%).

Example usage:


Example response:

      "name":"GeForce RTX 3060 Ti",


Returns non-changing and changing details about available devices. See device.get.

This method does not take in any parameter.

Response field Type Description
devices array Array of device.get responses. If system has no available GPGPU devices, this array is empty.

Example usage:


Example response:

         "name":"GeForce RTX 3060 Ti",
         "name":"GeForce RTX 3070",


Sets power limit for certain device. Provided power limit is in Watts and it has to be inside interval gpu_power_limit_min and gpu_power_limit_max provided by method device.get.

Command parameter # Type Description
1 string Device ID or Device UUID.
2 string New power limit in Watts.

Example usage:


Example response:



Similar as device.set.power_limit, this method sets TDP in %. Provided TDP limit is in %. Setting TDP too high or too low may fail.

Command parameter # Type Description
1 string Device ID or Device UUID.
2 string New TDP limit %.

Example usage:


Example response:



Sets power mode for certain device.

Command parameter # Type Description
1 string Device ID or Device UUID.
2 string Power mode (0, 1 or 2).
Power mode Description Remark
0 low min TDP
1 medium (low + high) / 2
2 high 100% TDP

For example, if high is 100 and min is 60, then medium is (60 + 100) / 2 = 80

Example usage:


Example response:



Sets delta of max core clock of GPU. Provided clock delta is in MHz. Note that this clock is not achieved if GPU is TDP limited.

Command parameter # Type Description
1 string Device ID or Device UUID.
2 string Clock delta in MHz.

Example usage:


Example response:



Sets delta of max memory clock of GPU. Provided clock delta is in MHz.

Command parameter # Type Description
1 string Device ID or Device UUID.
2 string Clock delta in MHz.

Example usage:


Example response:


Sets fan speed of device. Provided fan speed is in %.

Command parameter # Type Description
1 string Device ID or Device UUID.
2 string Fan speed in % (from 0 to 100).

Example usage:


Example response:


Resets fan speed to factory's default.

Command parameter # Type Description
1 string Device ID or Device UUID.

Example usage:


Example response:



Sets overclocking profile which is automatically reverted when Excavator exits. You need to run Excavator with admin privileges for this method to work. When device has applied OC profile, memory is reverted back to 0 delta memory clock for the time of DAG generation. This greatly reduces the chance of faulty DAG being generated.

Command parameter # Type Description
1 string Device ID or Device UUID.
2 string Core clock delta in MHz.
3 string Memory clock delta in MHz.
4 string Power limit in Watts.
5 string OPTIONAL Fan speed in percentage of load.

Example usage:


Example response:



Resets previously applied overclocking profile.

Command parameter # Type Description
1 string Device ID or Device UUID.

Example usage:


Example response:



Sets various constants/properties of SmartFan algorithm as explained below. Fan level is always from 0 to 100 (including). Call devices.get or device.get to get current values (defaults).

Command parameter # Type Description
1 string Device ID or Device UUID.
2 string Starting fan level when mode 2 or 3 is used.
3 string Override default min level.
4 string Override default max level.
5 string Decrease multi K constant.
6 string Increase multi K constant.
7 string Increase add n constant (when GPU target is used).
8 string Increase add n constant (when VRAM target is used).

You have to provide ALL parameters or the method would not execute. If in mode 2 or 3, each time algorithm is executed (calling devices.smartfan.exec), it first calculates delta temperature (difference between actual and target temperature) to get Dt. Then if fan speed (F) needs to be reduced, decrease multi K constant is used in formula F = F - (Dt * K * 0.001). If fan speed needs to be increased, increase multi K constant plus n constants are used in formula F = F + (Dt * K * 0.001) + n. Fan speed is adjusted according to min/max levels.


Adds new algorithm instance to the miner. Requests the remote pool to start sending work for the algorithm at hand.

Command parameter # Type Description
1 string Algorithm name (see list of supported algorithms for NVIDIA.


  • If algorithm name is prefixed with "benchmark-" prefix, then no connection to the remote pool is established, but rather benchmark dummy job is used for serving mining work.
  • For dual mining both algorithms have to be added.

Example usage:


Example usage 2 (benchmark):


Example response:



Removes algorithm. Note that this method stops all workers that are linked to that particular algorithm but it does not free them. You should explicitly call or worker.clear to free also the workers.

Command parameter # Type Description
1 string Algorithm name.

This method returns no response fields. If error occured, field error is not null and contains error message of type string.

Example usage:


Example response:



Removes all algorithms. See algorithm.remove.

This method does not take in any parameter.

This method returns no response fields. If error occured, field error is not null and contains error message of type string.

Example usage:


Example response:



List all currently running algorithms.

This method does not take in any parameter.

Response field Type Description
algorithms array Array of algorithms. If no algorithms, this array is empty.
algorithms[i]/algorithm_id int Algorithm ID.
algorithms[i]/name string Algorithm name.
algorithms[i]/speed float Speed in hashes per second.
algorithms[i]/uptime float Uptime in seconds.
algorithms[i]/benchmark boolean True if benchmark.
algorithms[i]/accepted_shares int Total shares accepted by the remote pool.
algorithms[i]/rejected_shares int Total shares rejected by the remote pool.
algorithms[i]/got_job boolean True if remote pool provided valid job.
algorithms[i]/received_jobs int Number of jobs provided by the remote pool.
algorithms[i]/current_job_difficulty float Difficulty for current job.

Example usage:


Example response:

   "algorithms": [
         "algorithm_id": 20,
         "name": "daggerhashimoto",
         "speed": 9198932.692307692,
         "uptime": 19.18597412109375,
         "benchmark": false,
         "accepted_shares": 0,
         "rejected_shares": 0,
         "got_job": true,
         "received_jobs": 4,
         "current_job_difficulty": 0.5
   "id": 1,
   "error": null


Prints total speed of all algorithms to console output.

Example usage:


Example response:



Creates a new worker by linking certain device with an algorithm.

Command parameter # Type Description
1 string Algorithm name.
2 string Device ID or Device UUID.
3+ string OPTIONAL Additional parameters. See details of supported algorithms for NVIDIA.
Response field Type Description
worker_id int Worker ID.


  • If algorithm name is prefixed with "benchmark-" prefix, then a benchmark dummy job will be used for measuring algorithm's performance on the particular device and no share will be sent to the remote pool. Note that the same algorithm (or a pair of algorithms in case of dual mining) with "benchmark-" prefix should be added using algorithm.add command to make the benchmark job available.

Example usage:


Example usage 2 (benchmarking):


Example response:


Unlinks device from algorithm for provided worker. Worker thread with CUDA context stays alive and is ready to be occupied with next worker.add call for that device. This call causes mining to stop on certain device.

Command parameter # Type Description
2 string Worker ID.

This method returns no response fields. If error occured, field error is not null and contains error message of type string.

Example usage:


Example response:



Unlinks device from algorithm for all workers. Effectively the same as calling for each worker.

This method does not take in any parameter.

This method returns no response fields. If error occured, field error is not null and contains error message of type string.

Example usage:


Example response:



Resets logged speed of worker to 0.

Command parameter # Type Description
2 string Worker ID.

Example usage:


Example response:



Resets logged speed of worker on device to 0.

Command parameter # Type Description
2 string Array of Device IDs or Device UUIDs.

Example usage:


Example response:

      { "error":null },
      { "error":null }


Report speed for all workers.

This method does not take in any parameter.

Response field Type Description
workers array Array of workers. If no workers, this array is empty.
workers[i]/device_id int Device ID.
workers[i]/device_uuid int Device UUID.
workers[i]/worker_id int Worker ID.
workers[i]/params array Parameters which were used to start this worker (array of strings).
workers[i]/algorithms array Array of algorithms. Array can have zero, one or two elements.
workers[i]/algorithms[i]/id string Algorithm ID.
workers[i]/algorithms[i]/name string Algorithm name.
workers[i]/algorithms[i]/speed float Algorithm speed.

Example usage:


Example response:

   "workers": [
         "worker_id": 0,
         "device_id": 2,
         "params": [],
         "algorithms": [
               "id": 20,
               "name": "daggerhashimoto",
               "speed": 8513547.199441634
   "id": 1,
   "error": null


Prints speed of worker to console output. Useful for benchmarking.

Command parameter # Type Description
2 string Worker ID.

Example usage:


Example response:



Prints speeds of all workers to console output. Useful for benchmarking.

Example usage:


Example response:



Creates multiple new workers. See worker.add.

Command parameter # Type Description
1 string "alg-" + Algorithm Name.
2 string Device ID or Device UUID.
3+ string OPTIONAL Additional parameters. See details of supported algorithms for NVIDIA.

This method returns array of worker.add responses.

Example usage:


Example response:


Free multiple workers. See

Command parameter # Type Description
1 string Array of input parameters.

This method returns array of responses.

Example usage:


Example response:

      { "error":null },
      { "error":null }


Resets logged speed for multiple workers. See worker.reset.

Command parameter # Type Description
1 string Array of worker.reset input parameters.

This method returns array of worker.reset responses.

Example usage:


Example response:

      { "error":null },
      { "error":null }


Stops mining without exiting excavator. Effectively the same as calling algorithm.clear, worker.clear and unsubscribe.

This method does not take in any parameter.

Example usage:


Example response:

   "id": 1,
   "error": null


Check if excavator is responsive.

This method does not take in any parameter.

Example usage:


Example response:

   "id": 1,
   "error": null


Set state of all GPU devices. This is an alternative method to calling subscribe, algorithm.add, algorithm.remove and worker.add. Its main purpose is to make switching between different algorithms easier.

This method takes one parameter of param object type as input.

Param object:

Field name Type Description
btc_address string Username and password (split with :)
stratum_url string Stratum URL (hostname with port)
devices array of device objects

Device object:

Field name Type Description
device_uuid string Universally unique identifier (UUID) of device
algorithm string Algorithm name (see list of supported algorithms for NVIDIA)
params array of strings Algorithm (optional) parameters

Example usage:

   "id": 1,
   "method": "state.set",
   "params": {
      "btc_address": "34HKWdzLxWBduUfJE9JxaFhoXnfC6gmePG.test2:x",
      "stratum_url": "",
      "devices": [
            "device_uuid": "GPU-fc05ecf6-b928-749b-5089-bcb77fc8db11",
            "algorithm": "daggerhashimoto",
            "params": [

Example response:

   "devices": [
         "device_uuid": "GPU-fc05ecf6-b928-749b-5089-bcb77fc8db11",
         "error": null
   "id": 1,
   "error": null


Returns basic information about Excavator.

This method does not take in any parameter.

Response field Type Description
version string Version.
build_platform string Build platform.
build_time string Build time.
build_number int Build number.
excavator_cuda_ver int Returns the version of CUDA used in excavator.
driver_cuda_ver int Returns the latest version of CUDA supported by the driver.
uptime long Uptime in seconds.
cpu_load double CPU load in percentage.
cpu_usage double CPU usage in percentage.
ram_load double Used memory in percentage.
ram_usage double Used memory in MB.

REMARK: driver_cuda_ver has to be grater than or equal to excavator_cuda_ver.

Example usage:


Example response:

"version": "1.3.7a_nvidia",
"build_platform": "Windows",
"build_time": "2017-11-17 13:26:36",
"build_number": 3456,
"excavator_cuda_version": 9010,
"driver_cuda_version": 10000,
"uptime": 5,
"cpu_load": 3.0168410822665095,
"cpu_usage": 0,
"ram_load": 42,
"ram_usage": 167.91796875,
"id": 1,
"error": null


Exits Excavator.

This method does not take in any parameter.

This method returns no response fields.

Example usage:


Example response:



Displays provided message in console output.

Command parameter # Type Description
1 string Message.

Example usage:


Example response:



Restart Excavator under administrative privileges.

This method does not take in any parameter.

Example usage:


Example response:



Restart Excavator using same command line.

This method does not take in any parameter.

Example usage:


Example response:



Update used command file with latest subscription data (location & username) and overclocking profiles data.

This method does not take in any parameter.

Example usage:


Example response:

