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File metadata and controls

194 lines (133 loc) · 5.76 KB

Windows Setup - FutureNHS

Install Git

Git setup instructions Git download page

Uninstall Node (If you don’t already have NVM installed)

(I'm sorry)

Node Removal instructions

Install NVM

NVM setup instructions

Install version 14.18.3 of Node

nvm install v14.18.3
nvm use v14.18.3
nvm alias default v14.18.3

Install Microsft Sql 2019

MS Sql setup instructions

Use the default settings, make a note of the sa password, you will need this for later, you can alternatively create a separate user and use those credentials to connect, these details will need to be added to the shared secrets at the end.

Install MS Sql Management studio

MS Sql setup instructions

Install SqlPackage

SqlPackage setup instructions

In addition to this also add it to your path in the windows environment variables.

To add a directory to the existing PATH in Windows

  1. Launch "Control Panel"
  2. "System"
  3. "Advanced system settings"
  4. Switch to "Advanced" tab
  5. "Environment variables"
  6. Under "System Variables" (for all users), select "Path"
  7. "Edit"
  8. "New"
  9. C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\160\DAC\bin
  10. "Ok"

Install .Net 7.0 sdk

.Net 6 setup instructions

Install gulp

Gulp setup instructions

npm install --global gulp-cli

Git Clone Repo

cd to location you want to pull code down to, eg cd Documents/Source

git clone
cd futurenhs
git reset --hard origin/main

Pull down packages for root and web app

npm i
npm i


Save the config from below (Api Secrets) into an apisecrets.json file and fill in all of the details with the relevant connections strings and credentials, make a note of the location for this file and run the following command: cd ..

type .\apisecrets.json | dotnet user-secrets set --project "futurenhs.api/FutureNHS.Api/FutureNHS.Api.csproj"

Save the config from below (Umbraco Api Secrets) into an umbracosecrets.json file and fill in all of the details with the relevant connections strings and credentials, make a note of the location for this file and run the following command:

type .\umbracosecrets.json | dotnet user-secrets set --project "futurenhs.content.api/Umbraco9ContentApi.Umbraco/Umbraco9ContentApi.Umbraco.csproj"

Save the config from below  (Web app secrets) into a file called .env.local in /

Build front end first time


npm run build

Run the site

cd ..

gulp activate

Config Secrets

Api Secrets:

 "AzureImageBlobStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",

 "AzureImageBlobStorage:queue": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",

 "AzureImageBlobStorage:blob": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",

 "AzurePlatform:AzureFileBlobStorage:ConnectionString": "<BlobConnectionstringHere>"

 "AzurePlatform:AzureFileBlobStorage:PrimaryServiceUrl": "<ServiceUrlHere>",

 "AzurePlatform:AzureFileBlobStorage:GeoRedundantServiceUrl": "<ServiceUrlHere>",

 "AzurePlatform:AzureFileBlobStorage:ContainerName": "files",

 "AzurePlatform:AzureImageBlobStorage:ConnectionString": "<BlobConnectionstringHere>",

 "AzurePlatform:AzureImageBlobStorage:PrimaryServiceUrl": "<ServiceUrlHere>",

 "AzurePlatform:AzureImageBlobStorage:GeoRedundantServiceUrl": "<ServiceUrlHere>",

 "AzurePlatform:AzureImageBlobStorage:ContainerName": "images",

 "AzurePlatform:AzureSql:ReadWriteConnectionString": "SqlConnectionStringHere>",

 "AzurePlatform:AzureSql:ReadOnlyConnectionString": "<ReadOnlySqlConnectionStringHere>",

 "AzureBlobStorage:FilePrimaryConnectionString": "<BlobConnectionstringHere>",

 "AzureBlobStorage:ImagePrimaryConnectionString": "<BlobConnectionstringHere>",

 "SharedSecrets:WebApplication": "<StrongUniqueStringHere>",

 "SharedSecrets:Owner": "FutureNHS",

 "GovNotify:ApiKey": "<keyhere>"

Umbraco Api Secrets

  "APPINSIGHTS_CONNECTIONSTRING": "InstrumentationKey=keyhere",

  "ConnectionStrings:umbracoDbDSN": "SqlConnectionStringHere>",

  "Umbraco:Storage:AzureBlob:Media:ConnectionString": "<BlobConnectionstringHere>",

  "Umbraco:Storage:AzureBlob:Media:ContainerName": "content",

  "Logging:LogLevel:Default": "Error",

  "Logging:LogLevel:Microsoft": "Warning",

  "Logging:LogLevel:Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information",

  "Logging:TableStorageConfiguration:ConnectionString": "<BlobConnectionstringHere>",

  "Logging:TableStorageConfiguration:TableName": "Logs"

Web app secrets

PORT = 5000
APP_URL = http://localhost:$PORT
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_BASE_URL = http://localhost:9999/api
MVC_FORUM_HEALTH_CHECK_URL = http://localhost:8888/api/healthcheck/heartbeat
API_HEALTH_CHECK_URL = http://localhost:9999/health-check
COOKIE_PARSER_SECRET = <StrongUniqueStringHere>
SHAREDSECRETS_APIAPPLICATION = <StrongStringHereFromApiSharedSecret>
NEXTAUTH_SECRET = <StrongUniqueStringHere>