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Data Source 🛰

Generally, the TOAST UI Grid operates with the local data in the Front End environment. However, with the help of a simple object, dataSource, TOAST UI Grid can be configured to host remote data as well.

Data Source Options

dataSource has the following properties.

  • initialRequest {boolean} : Represents whether or not there has been a request to get the initial data
  • api
    • readData {object} : Represents the url and method needed to request to read data
    • createData {object} : Represents the url and method needed to request to add data
    • updateData {object} : Represents the url and method needed to request to update data
    • deleteData {object} : Represents the url and method needed to request to delete data
    • modifyData {object} : Represents the url and method needed to request to add, update, or remove data
  • hideLoadingBar {boolean} : Represents whether or not to hide the loading bar
  • withCredentials {boolean} : Configures the withCredentials option that will be applied during an ajax request
  • contentType {string} : Configures the content-type that will be used as a standard during an ajax request
  • headers {object} : Configures headers aside from the content-type that will be used during an ajax request
  • serializer {function} : Can be used to customize parameter serialization during an ajax request
  • mimeType {string} : Can be used to configure MIME type

More information regarding each property can be found below.

Read Data

Option Configuration

The api.readData is an option that is required in order to read data from the dataSource, and it can be configured simply as shown below.

import Grid from 'tui-grid';

const dataSource = {
  api: {
    readData: { url: '/api/read', method: 'GET', initParams: { param: 'param' } }

const grid = new Grid({
  // ...,
  data: dataSource

The grid instance refers to the configured url and the method during the instantiation or when the page is being navigated to request according to the specified option. If the initialRequest option is set to false, it just creates an instance without sending a request, so readData API can be used to directly get data in such cases.

const dataSource = {
  api: {
    readData: { url: '/api/read', method: 'GET', initParams: { param: 'param' } }
  initialRequest: false // set to true by default

const grid = new Grid({
  // ...,
  data: dataSource


If you wanted to configure additional initial request parameters during the declaration of api options, use the initParams property to add and request corresponding parameter to the query string. The initParams property is only valid within the GET api.

const dataSource = {
  api: {
    readData: { url: '/api/read', method: 'GET', initParams: { param: 'param' } }

const grid = new Grid({
  // ...,
  data: dataSource

Note initParams option can be used with v4.9.0 and up.

Protocol Used in readData

Let's discuss the protocols used in readData. The following is the string parameter used when the Grid sends requests through the URL and method.

  • page {number}: The current page
  • perPage {number}: The number of rows represented per each page.

If you are using the sort feature, you have to explicitly mention the sorting option in the string parameter.

  • sortColumn {string}: The name of the column that determines the order of rows.
  • sortAscending {boolean}: If it is set to true, it will sort in the ascending order, and when set to false, it will sort in descending order.

The response data must be in JSON string format. When the request has been succeessfully made, you should get a response that resembles the following.

  "result": true,
  "data": {
    "contents": [],
    "pagination": {
      "page": 1,
      "totalCount": 100
  • result {boolean}: It will return true when the request has been successfully made, and false otherwise.
  • data
    • contents {array}: As an array of row data, it is the same as the grid.resetData() method's parameter.
    • pagination {object}: with two properties
      • page {number}: The current page
      • totalCount {number}: The total number of rows.

When an error occurs while processing the request, the result is set to false.

  "result": false,
  "message": "Error message from the server"

Storing Modified Data

When you need to store modified data on a remote server, you can use the following API.

  • createData: Used when only sending newly added data
  • updateData: Used when only sending updated data
  • deleteData: Used when only sending deleted data
  • modifyData: Used when sending all data including newly added, updated, and deleted data
const dataSource = {
  api: {
    readData: { url: '/api/readData', method: 'GET' },
    createData: { url: '/api/createData', method: 'POST' },
    updateData: { url: '/api/updateData', method: 'PUT' },
    modifyData: { url: '/api/modifyData', method: 'PUT' },
    deleteData: { url: '/api/deleteData', method: 'DELETE' }

const grid = new Grid({
  // ...,
  data: dataSource

Then, you can use the request() method to send individual requests. (The example below is a basic use of the request() method, and more information is available in the API documentation.

grid.request('createData'); // Uses the 'POST' method to send a request to '/api/createData'.
grid.request('updateData'); // Uses the 'PUT' method to send a request to '/api/updateData'.

When the request() method is called, the grid instance sends a request using the modified data, and the data is composed of a JSON string of arrays that contain all data from the modified rows. For example, the data string transmitted by calling request('updateData') after having changed two rows is as follows.


(In the real work environment, data is encoded.)

Other API uses the identical data format with different names for its parameters. The createData uses createRows; deleteData uses deletedRows; and modifyData uses createdRows, updatedRows, and deletedRows as its parameter names.

Furthemore, the response from the remote server is also of JSON string format.

  "result": true,
  "data": {}

The data property is optional. If there exists a necessary piece of data in the remote server, it can be retrieved using the data property. If an error occurs during the process, the result is set to false.

  "result": false,
  "message": "Error message from the server"

ajax options

TOAST UI Grid offers variety of different options for ajax communication with a remote server. The options are as follow.

  • withCredentials : It is an option used to send sensitive information like cookies and Authorization header together upon CORS request. It is set to false by default.

  • contentType : Configures the content-type that will be used as a standard during an ajax request. The default value is application/x-www-form-urlencoded and can be set to application/json if so desired.

  • headers : Configures headers aside from the content-type that will be used during an ajax request.

  • serializer : It can be used to customize parameter serialization during an ajax request. It can also be used to change the encoding or the serialization of a particular character. The basic serialization is as follows.

    1. Array format
      • basic
        // before serialization
        { a: [1, 2, 3] } 
        // after serialization
      • nested
        // before serialization
        { a: [1, 2, [3]] }
        // after serialization
    2. Object format
      • basic
        // before serialization
        { a: { b: 1, c: 2 } }
        // after serialization
  • mimeType : Can be configured to reassign the MIME type.

The ajax option can be configured to be the common option by following the example below.

const dataSource = {
  api: {
    readData: { url: '/api/readData/', method: 'GET' },
    createData: { url: '/api/createData', method: 'POST' }
  contentType: 'application/json',
  headers: { 'x-custom-header': 'custom-header' },
  serializer(params) {
    return Qs.stringify(params);

const grid = new Grid({
  // ...,
  data: dataSource

It is possible to use different ajax options for different APIs, and this can be done by assigning options individually. Options configured individually have higher priority than common ajax options.

const dataSource = {
  api: {
    readData: { 
      url: '/api/readData/',
      method: 'GET',
      headers: { 'x-custom-header': 'custom-header' },
      // The serializer option below holds higher priority over the common serializer option. 
      serializer(params) {
        return Qs.stringify(params);
  serializer(params) {
    return params

const grid = new Grid({
  // ...,
  data: dataSource

Note All ajax options except withCredentials can be used from v4.9.0 and up.


Usually when sending a request to a remote server, Pagination is required. Pagination can be defined using the pageOptions like in the example below.

const grid = new Grid({
  // ...,
  data: dataSource,
  pageOptions: {
    perPage: 10

Using Callbacks

You can use the Grid instance's on() method to register different callback functions for different states of the process. The following is a list of possible events.

grid.on('beforeRequest', function(data) {
  // Before sending the request
}).on('response', function(data) {
  // When a response has been received regardless of success.
}).on('successResponse', function(data) {
  // When the result is set to true
}).on('failResponse', function(data) {
  // When the result is set to false
}).on('errorResponse', function(data) {
  // When an error occurs


If you want to declare API's each url options in a RESTful manner, you can use the url option like in the example below.

let shopId = '1000';

const dataSource = {
  api: {
    readData: { url: () => `/company/${shopId}/sales`, method: 'GET' },
    deleteData: { url: () => `/company/${shopId}/sales`, method: 'DELETE' }

Note RESTful URI configurations can be used from v4.9.0 and up.

hideLoadingBar Option

You can use the hideLoadingBar option to hide the basic loading bar. By default, it is set to false.

const grid = new Grid({
  // ...,
  data: {
    api: {
      readData: { url: '/api/readData/', method: 'get' }
    hideLoadingBar: true

Note hideLoadingBar option can be used from v4.9.0 and up.


More examples with using remote data can be found here.