Releases: nhmkdev/cardmaker
Releases · nhmkdev/cardmaker
This is a legacy version of the application and numerous aspects may not function correctly (Google Sheets for example).
Functionality/Version Note
This version is essentially v. without the beta tags and the unstable popup.
- Added limit to the number of loops of translation within Incept (should protect against typos)
- Added pixel (px) tag to allow exact pixel location to be specified for drawing with FormattedText
- Added alignment tags to override the horizontal alignment of FormattedText (useful in some situations)
- Added line spacing tag (ls) for FormattedText. This with store and override the existing line spacing.
- Significant changes to order and general translation functionality with if/switch (Incept specific)
- Changed the issues window to indicate the layout, not the layout index
- Added option to log steps when performing an Incept translation (see settings)
- Overhaul of float/decimal parsing to allow for cross region support (well hopefully). Both ',' and '.' should be usable as a decimal separator. Thanks to kek444!
- Add override for the Google project wide defines (project level setting)
- Adjusted handling of newlines from Google Spreadsheets and CSVs (converted to \n)
- Added middle-mouse panning functionality for the canvas
- Added on canvas rotation mode (can be toggled with 'r')
- Added ability to resize layouts (keeping the relative location of the elements centered)
- Added Triangle shape
- Added ability to translate primitives (quotes/commas) in the definitions dialog
- Added ability to duplicate a layout to a new size and resize layouts (includes options for maintaining relative element positions)
- Added element edge guides (optional)
- Added ability to copy element settings (customizable so you can copy only the settings you need)
- Added bounds drawing for rotated elements (optional)
- Switched line drawing to fix the long standing issue with font spikes (fallout is fonts may be slightly rounded when drawn)
- Overhaul of the export code (primarily to fix an issue with layout file name overrides)
- Mono specific hack for the settings dialog
- Mono fixes related to PDF export
- Fix for Element dialog state on project load
- Various fixes (thanks to shdwcat on github for a null reference fix)
- Uhm probably a few in there.
This is a legacy version of the application and numerous aspects may not function correctly (Google Sheets for example).
- First open source release (and a massive code refactor)
- Removed Printing
- Removed Preview Dialog
- Added rendered message if no layout is selected in the Project window
- Changed Layout Template storage to create individual files (easy sharing/backup)
- Added translate functionality to overrides (should match definition translation functionality)
- Critical -- Fixed the issue with the font size not matching when an outline is specifed (previously it was much smaller)
-- This means your previous projects that used outline+text may need to be revisited for font size if you used outline - Fixed Bottom aligned FormattedText elements (they were being cut off in most cases)
- Added option/ability to cache Google Spreadsheet data locally
- The element window is not disabled if an element is selected and you create a new project (this is minor as the moment another element is selected everything switches as expected)