- Authors: Miatto, A., H. Schandl, T. Fishman, and H. Tanikawa
- Year: 2017
- Title: Global Patterns and Trends for Non-Metallic Minerals used for Construction
- Journal: Journal of Industrial Ecology 21(4): 924–937
- DOI: http://doi.wiley.com/10.1111/jiec.12471
- Image source: Screenshot from ca. 400% magnification (y-axis is cut of at 30000). This had a higher resolution than the files offered by the journal.
- Tool: WebPlotDigitizer v4.1 (WPD)
- Dataset contains:
- Steps:
- Automatic "Bar Extraction" algorithm in WPD
- Corrected order of data, because values had to be added manually in WPD
- Subtracted the data of the lower stack, e.g. roads minus buildings & infrastructure, to have the data series' individual value and not cumulated
- Comments
- Yellow dataset (railway) is too small and was for very small numbers too blurry