sfdx monorepo using NPM Workspaces to work with multiple sfdx projects eg. packages
The project is structured in the following
This is to provide a monorepo structure to our sfdx packages. The idea being that you can clone one repo, and work across many packages - to help make dependency management easier as well as refactoring.
The goal is to be able to provide a template sfdx-monorepo-workspace - to allow people to follow the same pattern with ease.
//Check prereqs below before starting (npm > 7.0) 'git clone ' 'npm install'
test out below workspace commands that you're familiar with with sfdx: 'npm lint' : run linting across core package, and bonus package
- Create workspace -Completed-
- Create a first package -Completed-
- Create a second package -Completed-
- Link packages to Workspace -Completed-
- Run npm install to generate package-lock -Completed-
- Validate sfdx commands in workspace
Are there any advantages to developing packages in a workspace?
BLOCKED: Cloudbuild and npm workspaces does not seem to be working correctly.
SFDX Command | Workspace Command | Working? |
"lint": "npm run lint:lwc && npm run lint:aura", | npm run lint --ws | N |
"lint:aura": "eslint /aura/", | ||
"lint:lwc": "eslint /lwc/", | ||
"test": "npm run test:unit", | ||
"test:unit": "sfdx-lwc-jest", | ||
"test:unit:watch": "sfdx-lwc-jest --watch", | ||
"test:unit:debug": "sfdx-lwc-jest --debug", | ||
"test:unit:coverage": "sfdx-lwc-jest --coverage", | ||
"prettier": "prettier --write "**/*.{cls,cmp,component,css,html,js,json,md,page,trigger,xml,yaml,yml}"", | npm run prettier --ws | Y |
"prettier:verify": "prettier --list-different "**/*.{cls,cmp,component,css,html,js,json,md,page,trigger,xml,yaml,yml}"", | npm run prettier:verify --ws | Y |
"precommit": "lint-staged", | npm run precommit --ws | Y |
"prepare": "cd ../../ && husky install front/.husky" | npm run prepare --ws | N |