Tests in ArmoniK.Core are composed of unit and integration tests that verify the proper functioning of the code and help to validate that the application was correctly deployed.
These are the unit tests that should run independently of ArmoniK.Core deployment:
- ArmoniK.Core.Common.Tests
- ArmoniK.Core.Adapters.Memory.Tests
- ArmoniK.Core.Adapters.MongoDB.Tests
- ArmoniK.Core.Adapters.Redis.Tests (Only Windows)
These tests require a partial deployment in order to work properly:
- ArmoniK.Core.Adapters.Amqp.Tests
- ArmoniK.Core.Adapters.RabbitMQ.Tests
- ArmoniK.Core.Adapters.S3.Tests
- ArmoniK.Core.Adapters.LocalStorage.Tests
By partial deployment we mean that it is not necessary to deploy the full infrastructure, for example to execute the Amqp tests, only a container running either activemqp or rabbimq broker is necessary.
However, the integration tests depend on a full deployment. We are providing, for now, the following integrations tests:
- Htcmock
- Stream
- Bench
You can execute the tests using a code editor, or via the command line. It can help to have an Integrated Development Environment such as Microsoft Visual Studio or JetBrains Rider with the plugin Resharper.
To know how to execute tests, see: How to execute tests in ArmoniK.Core?.