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121a0ca · May 29, 2023




Example for ESP32 with DEEP SLEEP

This is an exemple for ESP32 with arduino framework.

The system send a value, save the LMIC state and go to deep sleep. At wake up if a value was saved the systeme restore the saved state.

This example was tested with HELTEC board.

Only work on EU868.

Specific to ESP32


  • hardware AES for encoding.
  • system random generator.
  • RTC clock for timing.

Go deep sleep.


Work with platformio.

Open with platformio (VSCODE with Platformio extension)

In src directory create a file named lorakeys.h wich contain the keys declared in network (for exemple

Exemple of file:

// Application in string format.
// For TTN issued EUIs the first bytes should be 70B3D5
constexpr char const appEui[] = "70B3D5XXXXXXXXXX";

// Device EUI in string format.
constexpr char const devEui[] = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
// Application key in string format.
constexpr char const appKey[] = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";

In main.cpp replace the content of do_send() with the data you want to send.

Check the pin configuration for your board in lmic_pins structure.