diff --git a/deployments/common/crds-v1beta1/k8s.nginx.org_transportservers.yaml b/deployments/common/crds-v1beta1/k8s.nginx.org_transportservers.yaml
index b2372e0665..cb003c4282 100644
--- a/deployments/common/crds-v1beta1/k8s.nginx.org_transportservers.yaml
+++ b/deployments/common/crds-v1beta1/k8s.nginx.org_transportservers.yaml
@@ -79,6 +79,24 @@ spec:
                     type: string
+                  healthCheck:
+                    description: HealthCheck defines the parameters for active Upstream HealthChecks.
+                    type: object
+                    properties:
+                      enable:
+                        type: boolean
+                      fails:
+                        type: integer
+                      intervals:
+                        type: string
+                      jitter:
+                        type: string
+                      passes:
+                        type: integer
+                      port:
+                        type: integer
+                      timeout:
+                        type: string
                     type: integer
diff --git a/deployments/common/crds/k8s.nginx.org_transportservers.yaml b/deployments/common/crds/k8s.nginx.org_transportservers.yaml
index 472b2447bb..f4e276ad8e 100644
--- a/deployments/common/crds/k8s.nginx.org_transportservers.yaml
+++ b/deployments/common/crds/k8s.nginx.org_transportservers.yaml
@@ -80,6 +80,24 @@ spec:
                         type: string
+                      healthCheck:
+                        description: HealthCheck defines the parameters for active Upstream HealthChecks.
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          enable:
+                            type: boolean
+                          fails:
+                            type: integer
+                          intervals:
+                            type: string
+                          jitter:
+                            type: string
+                          passes:
+                            type: integer
+                          port:
+                            type: integer
+                          timeout:
+                            type: string
                         type: integer
diff --git a/deployments/helm-chart/crds/k8s.nginx.org_transportservers.yaml b/deployments/helm-chart/crds/k8s.nginx.org_transportservers.yaml
index 472b2447bb..f4e276ad8e 100644
--- a/deployments/helm-chart/crds/k8s.nginx.org_transportservers.yaml
+++ b/deployments/helm-chart/crds/k8s.nginx.org_transportservers.yaml
@@ -80,6 +80,24 @@ spec:
                         type: string
+                      healthCheck:
+                        description: HealthCheck defines the parameters for active Upstream HealthChecks.
+                        type: object
+                        properties:
+                          enable:
+                            type: boolean
+                          fails:
+                            type: integer
+                          intervals:
+                            type: string
+                          jitter:
+                            type: string
+                          passes:
+                            type: integer
+                          port:
+                            type: integer
+                          timeout:
+                            type: string
                         type: integer
diff --git a/docs-web/configuration/transportserver-resource.md b/docs-web/configuration/transportserver-resource.md
index 5752f6c354..0b061e8e57 100644
--- a/docs-web/configuration/transportserver-resource.md
+++ b/docs-web/configuration/transportserver-resource.md
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ This document is the reference documentation for the TransportServer resource. T
   - [TransportServer Specification](#transportserver-specification)
     - [Listener](#listener)
     - [Upstream](#upstream)
+      - [Upstream.Healthcheck](#upstream-healthcheck)
     - [UpstreamParameters](#upstreamparameters)
     - [SessionParameters](#sessionparameters)
     - [Action](#action)
@@ -189,7 +190,68 @@ failTimeout: 30s
      - Sets the `time <https://nginx.org/en/docs/stream/ngx_stream_upstream_module.html#fail_timeout>`_ during which the specified number of unsuccessful attempts to communicate with the server should happen to consider the server unavailable and the period of time the server will be considered unavailable. The default is ``10s``.
      - ``string``
      - No
+   * - ``healthCheck``
+     - The health check configuration for the Upstream. See the `health_check <https://nginx.org/en/docs/stream/ngx_stream_upstream_hc_module.html#health_check>`_ directive. Note: this feature is supported only in NGINX Plus.
+     - `healthcheck <#upstream-healthcheck>`_
+     - No
+### Upstream.Healthcheck
+The Healthcheck defines an [active health check](https://nginx.org/en/docs/stream/ngx_stream_upstream_hc_module.html?#health_check). In the example below we enable a health check for an upstream and configure all the available parameters:
+name: secure-app 
+service: secure-app
+port: 8443
+  enable: true
+  interval: 20s
+  timeout: 30s
+  jitter: 3s
+  fails: 5
+  passes: 5
+  port: 8080
+.. list-table::
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Field
+     - Description
+     - Type
+     - Required
+   * - ``enable``
+     - Enables a health check for an upstream server. The default is ``false``.
+     - ``boolean``
+     - No
+   * - ``interval``
+     - The interval between two consecutive health checks. The default is ``5s``.
+     - ``string``
+     - No
+   * - ``timeout``
+     - This overrides the timeout set by `proxy_timeout <http://nginx.org/en/docs/stream/ngx_stream_proxy_module.html#proxy_timeout>`_ which is set in `SessionParameters` for health checks. The default value is ``5s``.
+     - ``string``
+     - No
+   * - ``jitter``
+     - The time within which each health check will be randomly delayed. By default, there is no delay.
+     - ``string``
+     - No
+   * - ``fails``
+     - The number of consecutive failed health checks of a particular upstream server after which this server will be considered unhealthy. The default is ``1``.
+     - ``integer``
+     - No
+   * - ``passes``
+     - The number of consecutive passed health checks of a particular upstream server after which the server will be considered healthy. The default is ``1``.
+     - ``integer``
+     - No
+   * - ``port``
+     - The port used for health check requests. By default, the port of the upstream is used. Note: in contrast with the port of the upstream, this port is not a service port, but a port of a pod.
+     - ``integer``
+     - No
 ### UpstreamParameters
diff --git a/internal/configs/transportserver.go b/internal/configs/transportserver.go
index c1d8e7f873..51b742b6d9 100644
--- a/internal/configs/transportserver.go
+++ b/internal/configs/transportserver.go
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ func generateTransportServerConfig(transportServerEx *TransportServerEx, listene
 	upstreams := generateStreamUpstreams(transportServerEx, upstreamNamer, isPlus)
+	healthCheck := generateTransportServerHealthCheck(transportServerEx.TransportServer.Spec.Action.Pass,
+		transportServerEx.TransportServer.Spec.Upstreams)
 	var proxyRequests, proxyResponses *int
 	var connectTimeout, nextUpstreamTimeout string
 	var nextUpstream bool
@@ -80,6 +82,7 @@ func generateTransportServerConfig(transportServerEx *TransportServerEx, listene
 			ProxyNextUpstream:        nextUpstream,
 			ProxyNextUpstreamTimeout: generateTime(nextUpstreamTimeout, "0"),
 			ProxyNextUpstreamTries:   nextUpstreamTries,
+			HealthCheck:              healthCheck,
 		Upstreams: upstreams,
@@ -115,6 +118,48 @@ func generateStreamUpstreams(transportServerEx *TransportServerEx, upstreamNamer
 	return upstreams
+func generateTransportServerHealthCheck(upstreamHealthCheckName string, upstreams []conf_v1alpha1.Upstream) *version2.StreamHealthCheck {
+	var hc *version2.StreamHealthCheck
+	for _, u := range upstreams {
+		if u.Name == upstreamHealthCheckName {
+			if u.HealthCheck == nil || !u.HealthCheck.Enabled {
+				return nil
+			}
+			hc = generateTransportServerHealthCheckWithDefaults(u)
+			hc.Enabled = u.HealthCheck.Enabled
+			hc.Interval = generateTime(u.HealthCheck.Interval)
+			hc.Jitter = generateTime(u.HealthCheck.Jitter)
+			hc.Timeout = generateTime(u.HealthCheck.Timeout)
+			if u.HealthCheck.Fails > 0 {
+				hc.Fails = u.HealthCheck.Fails
+			}
+			if u.HealthCheck.Passes > 0 {
+				hc.Passes = u.HealthCheck.Passes
+			}
+			if u.HealthCheck.Port > 0 {
+				hc.Port = u.HealthCheck.Port
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return hc
+func generateTransportServerHealthCheckWithDefaults(up conf_v1alpha1.Upstream) *version2.StreamHealthCheck {
+	return &version2.StreamHealthCheck{
+		Enabled:  false,
+		Timeout:  "5s",
+		Jitter:   "0",
+		Port:     up.Port,
+		Interval: "5s",
+		Passes:   1,
+		Fails:    1,
+	}
 func generateStreamUpstream(upstream *conf_v1alpha1.Upstream, upstreamNamer *upstreamNamer, endpoints []string, isPlus bool) version2.StreamUpstream {
 	var upsServers []version2.StreamUpstreamServer
diff --git a/internal/configs/transportserver_test.go b/internal/configs/transportserver_test.go
index 23ade7b3ca..76eacfe026 100644
--- a/internal/configs/transportserver_test.go
+++ b/internal/configs/transportserver_test.go
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
+	"github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp"
 	conf_v1alpha1 "github.com/nginxinc/kubernetes-ingress/pkg/apis/configuration/v1alpha1"
 	meta_v1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
@@ -134,6 +135,7 @@ func TestGenerateTransportServerConfigForTCP(t *testing.T) {
 			ProxyNextUpstreamTries:   0,
 			ProxyNextUpstreamTimeout: "0s",
 			ProxyTimeout:             "50s",
+			HealthCheck:              nil,
@@ -217,6 +219,7 @@ func TestGenerateTransportServerConfigForTLSPasstrhough(t *testing.T) {
 			ProxyNextUpstreamTimeout: "0s",
 			ProxyNextUpstreamTries:   0,
 			ProxyTimeout:             "10m",
+			HealthCheck:              nil,
@@ -244,9 +247,10 @@ func TestGenerateTransportServerConfigForUDP(t *testing.T) {
 				Upstreams: []conf_v1alpha1.Upstream{
-						Name:    "udp-app",
-						Service: "udp-app-svc",
-						Port:    5001,
+						Name:        "udp-app",
+						Service:     "udp-app-svc",
+						Port:        5001,
+						HealthCheck: &conf_v1alpha1.HealthCheck{},
 				UpstreamParameters: &conf_v1alpha1.UpstreamParameters{
@@ -304,6 +308,7 @@ func TestGenerateTransportServerConfigForUDP(t *testing.T) {
 			ProxyNextUpstreamTimeout: "0s",
 			ProxyNextUpstreamTries:   0,
 			ProxyTimeout:             "10m",
+			HealthCheck:              nil,
@@ -345,6 +350,115 @@ func TestGenerateUnixSocket(t *testing.T) {
+func TestGenerateTransportServerHealthChecks(t *testing.T) {
+	upstreamName := "dns-tcp"
+	tests := []struct {
+		upstreams []conf_v1alpha1.Upstream
+		expected  *version2.StreamHealthCheck
+		msg       string
+	}{
+		{
+			upstreams: []conf_v1alpha1.Upstream{
+				{
+					Name: "dns-tcp",
+					HealthCheck: &conf_v1alpha1.HealthCheck{
+						Enabled:  false,
+						Timeout:  "30s",
+						Jitter:   "30s",
+						Port:     80,
+						Interval: "20s",
+						Passes:   4,
+						Fails:    5,
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			expected: nil,
+			msg:      "health checks disabled",
+		},
+		{
+			upstreams: []conf_v1alpha1.Upstream{
+				{
+					Name:        "dns-tcp",
+					HealthCheck: &conf_v1alpha1.HealthCheck{},
+				},
+			},
+			expected: nil,
+			msg:      "empty health check",
+		},
+		{
+			upstreams: []conf_v1alpha1.Upstream{
+				{
+					Name: "dns-tcp",
+					HealthCheck: &conf_v1alpha1.HealthCheck{
+						Enabled:  true,
+						Timeout:  "40s",
+						Jitter:   "30s",
+						Port:     88,
+						Interval: "20s",
+						Passes:   4,
+						Fails:    5,
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			expected: &version2.StreamHealthCheck{
+				Enabled:  true,
+				Timeout:  "40s",
+				Jitter:   "30s",
+				Port:     88,
+				Interval: "20s",
+				Passes:   4,
+				Fails:    5,
+			},
+			msg: "valid health checks",
+		},
+		{
+			upstreams: []conf_v1alpha1.Upstream{
+				{
+					Name: "dns-tcp",
+					HealthCheck: &conf_v1alpha1.HealthCheck{
+						Enabled:  true,
+						Timeout:  "40s",
+						Jitter:   "30s",
+						Port:     88,
+						Interval: "20s",
+						Passes:   4,
+						Fails:    5,
+					},
+				},
+				{
+					Name: "dns-tcp-2",
+					HealthCheck: &conf_v1alpha1.HealthCheck{
+						Enabled:  false,
+						Timeout:  "50s",
+						Jitter:   "60s",
+						Port:     89,
+						Interval: "10s",
+						Passes:   9,
+						Fails:    7,
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			expected: &version2.StreamHealthCheck{
+				Enabled:  true,
+				Timeout:  "40s",
+				Jitter:   "30s",
+				Port:     88,
+				Interval: "20s",
+				Passes:   4,
+				Fails:    5,
+			},
+			msg: "valid 2 health checks",
+		},
+	}
+	for _, test := range tests {
+		result := generateTransportServerHealthCheck(upstreamName, test.upstreams)
+		if diff := cmp.Diff(test.expected, result); diff != "" {
+			t.Errorf("generateTransportServerHealthCheck() '%v' mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", test.msg, diff)
+		}
+	}
 func intPointer(value int) *int {
 	return &value
diff --git a/internal/configs/version2/nginx-plus.transportserver.tmpl b/internal/configs/version2/nginx-plus.transportserver.tmpl
index 286fbf51e4..1c593f3d23 100644
--- a/internal/configs/version2/nginx-plus.transportserver.tmpl
+++ b/internal/configs/version2/nginx-plus.transportserver.tmpl
@@ -30,6 +30,12 @@ server {
     proxy_pass {{ $s.ProxyPass }};
+    {{ if $s.HealthCheck }}
+    health_check interval={{ $s.HealthCheck.Interval }} port={{ $s.HealthCheck.Port }} 
+        passes={{ $s.HealthCheck.Passes }} jitter={{ $s.HealthCheck.Jitter }} fails={{ $s.HealthCheck.Fails }} {{ if $s.UDP }}udp{{ end }};
+    health_check_timeout {{ $s.HealthCheck.Timeout }};
+    {{ end }}
     proxy_timeout {{ $s.ProxyTimeout }};
     proxy_connect_timeout {{ $s.ProxyConnectTimeout }};
diff --git a/internal/configs/version2/stream.go b/internal/configs/version2/stream.go
index 469fd669d8..da065791c5 100644
--- a/internal/configs/version2/stream.go
+++ b/internal/configs/version2/stream.go
@@ -37,6 +37,18 @@ type StreamServer struct {
 	ProxyNextUpstream        bool
 	ProxyNextUpstreamTimeout string
 	ProxyNextUpstreamTries   int
+	HealthCheck              *StreamHealthCheck
+// StreamHealthCheck defines a health check for a StreamUpstream in a StreamServer.
+type StreamHealthCheck struct {
+	Enabled  bool
+	Interval string
+	Port     int
+	Passes   int
+	Jitter   string
+	Fails    int
+	Timeout  string
 // TLSPassthroughHostsConfig defines a mapping between TLS Passthrough hosts and the corresponding unix sockets.
diff --git a/internal/configs/version2/templates_test.go b/internal/configs/version2/templates_test.go
index da972cc897..fab7ffe4f4 100644
--- a/internal/configs/version2/templates_test.go
+++ b/internal/configs/version2/templates_test.go
@@ -342,6 +342,15 @@ var transportServerCfg = TransportServerConfig{
 		ProxyNextUpstream:        true,
 		ProxyNextUpstreamTimeout: "10s",
 		ProxyNextUpstreamTries:   5,
+		HealthCheck: &StreamHealthCheck{
+			Enabled:  false,
+			Timeout:  "5s",
+			Jitter:   "0",
+			Port:     0,
+			Interval: "5s",
+			Passes:   1,
+			Fails:    1,
+		},
diff --git a/pkg/apis/configuration/v1alpha1/types.go b/pkg/apis/configuration/v1alpha1/types.go
index b078ae4921..a70d77f66f 100644
--- a/pkg/apis/configuration/v1alpha1/types.go
+++ b/pkg/apis/configuration/v1alpha1/types.go
@@ -77,11 +77,23 @@ type TransportServerListener struct {
 // Upstream defines an upstream.
 type Upstream struct {
-	Name        string `json:"name"`
-	Service     string `json:"service"`
-	Port        int    `json:"port"`
-	FailTimeout string `json:"failTimeout"`
-	MaxFails    *int   `json:"maxFails"`
+	Name        string       `json:"name"`
+	Service     string       `json:"service"`
+	Port        int          `json:"port"`
+	FailTimeout string       `json:"failTimeout"`
+	MaxFails    *int         `json:"maxFails"`
+	HealthCheck *HealthCheck `json:"healthCheck"`
+// HealthCheck defines the parameters for active Upstream HealthChecks.
+type HealthCheck struct {
+	Enabled  bool   `json:"enable"`
+	Timeout  string `json:"timeout"`
+	Jitter   string `json:"jitter"`
+	Port     int    `json:"port"`
+	Interval string `json:"intervals"`
+	Passes   int    `json:"passes"`
+	Fails    int    `json:"fails"`
 // UpstreamParameters defines parameters for an upstream.
diff --git a/pkg/apis/configuration/v1alpha1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go b/pkg/apis/configuration/v1alpha1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go
index 0adca67c12..d46d30ec7c 100644
--- a/pkg/apis/configuration/v1alpha1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go
+++ b/pkg/apis/configuration/v1alpha1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go
@@ -105,6 +105,22 @@ func (in *GlobalConfigurationSpec) DeepCopy() *GlobalConfigurationSpec {
 	return out
+// DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
+func (in *HealthCheck) DeepCopyInto(out *HealthCheck) {
+	*out = *in
+	return
+// DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new HealthCheck.
+func (in *HealthCheck) DeepCopy() *HealthCheck {
+	if in == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	out := new(HealthCheck)
+	in.DeepCopyInto(out)
+	return out
 // DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
 func (in *Listener) DeepCopyInto(out *Listener) {
 	*out = *in
@@ -260,6 +276,11 @@ func (in *Upstream) DeepCopyInto(out *Upstream) {
 		*out = new(int)
 		**out = **in
+	if in.HealthCheck != nil {
+		in, out := &in.HealthCheck, &out.HealthCheck
+		*out = new(HealthCheck)
+		**out = **in
+	}
diff --git a/pkg/apis/configuration/validation/transportserver.go b/pkg/apis/configuration/validation/transportserver.go
index f4065eb462..2a3162c9af 100644
--- a/pkg/apis/configuration/validation/transportserver.go
+++ b/pkg/apis/configuration/validation/transportserver.go
@@ -154,11 +154,35 @@ func validateTransportServerUpstreams(upstreams []v1alpha1.Upstream, fieldPath *
 		for _, msg := range validation.IsValidPortNum(u.Port) {
 			allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(idxPath.Child("port"), u.Port, msg))
+		allErrs = append(allErrs, validateTSUpstreamHealthChecks(u.HealthCheck, idxPath.Child("healthChecks"))...)
 	return allErrs, upstreamNames
+func validateTSUpstreamHealthChecks(hc *v1alpha1.HealthCheck, fieldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
+	allErrs := field.ErrorList{}
+	if hc == nil {
+		return allErrs
+	}
+	allErrs = append(allErrs, validateTime(hc.Timeout, fieldPath.Child("timeout"))...)
+	allErrs = append(allErrs, validateTime(hc.Interval, fieldPath.Child("interval"))...)
+	allErrs = append(allErrs, validateTime(hc.Jitter, fieldPath.Child("jitter"))...)
+	allErrs = append(allErrs, validatePositiveIntOrZero(hc.Fails, fieldPath.Child("fails"))...)
+	allErrs = append(allErrs, validatePositiveIntOrZero(hc.Passes, fieldPath.Child("passes"))...)
+	if hc.Port > 0 {
+		for _, msg := range validation.IsValidPortNum(hc.Port) {
+			allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fieldPath.Child("port"), hc.Port, msg))
+		}
+	}
+	return allErrs
 func validateTransportServerUpstreamParameters(upstreamParameters *v1alpha1.UpstreamParameters, fieldPath *field.Path, protocol string) field.ErrorList {
 	allErrs := field.ErrorList{}
diff --git a/pkg/apis/configuration/validation/transportserver_test.go b/pkg/apis/configuration/validation/transportserver_test.go
index 2a30173ce3..36231b9bac 100644
--- a/pkg/apis/configuration/validation/transportserver_test.go
+++ b/pkg/apis/configuration/validation/transportserver_test.go
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ func TestValidateTransportServerUpstreamsFails(t *testing.T) {
 	for _, test := range tests {
 		allErrs, resultUpstreamNames := validateTransportServerUpstreams(test.upstreams, field.NewPath("upstreams"))
 		if len(allErrs) == 0 {
-			t.Errorf("validateTransportServerUpstreams() returned errors no errors for the case of %s", test.msg)
+			t.Errorf("validateTransportServerUpstreams() returned no errors for the case of %s", test.msg)
 		if !resultUpstreamNames.Equal(test.expectedUpstreamNames) {
 			t.Errorf("validateTransportServerUpstreams() returned %v expected %v for the case of %s", resultUpstreamNames, test.expectedUpstreamNames, test.msg)
@@ -387,6 +387,127 @@ func TestValidateListenerProtocol(t *testing.T) {
+func TestValidateTSUpstreamHealthChecks(t *testing.T) {
+	tests := []struct {
+		healthCheck *v1alpha1.HealthCheck
+		msg         string
+	}{
+		{
+			healthCheck: nil,
+			msg:         "nil health check",
+		},
+		{
+			healthCheck: &v1alpha1.HealthCheck{},
+			msg:         "non nil health check",
+		},
+		{
+			healthCheck: &v1alpha1.HealthCheck{
+				Enabled:  true,
+				Timeout:  "30s",
+				Jitter:   "5s",
+				Port:     88,
+				Interval: "10",
+				Passes:   3,
+				Fails:    4,
+			},
+			msg: "valid Health check",
+		},
+	}
+	for _, test := range tests {
+		allErrs := validateTSUpstreamHealthChecks(test.healthCheck, field.NewPath("healthCheck"))
+		if len(allErrs) > 0 {
+			t.Errorf("validateTSUpstreamHealthChecks() returned errors %v  for valid input for the case of %s", allErrs, test.msg)
+		}
+	}
+func TestValidateTSUpstreamHealthChecksFails(t *testing.T) {
+	tests := []struct {
+		healthCheck *v1alpha1.HealthCheck
+		msg         string
+	}{
+		{
+			healthCheck: &v1alpha1.HealthCheck{
+				Enabled:  true,
+				Timeout:  "-30s",
+				Jitter:   "5s",
+				Port:     88,
+				Interval: "10",
+				Passes:   3,
+				Fails:    4,
+			},
+			msg: "invalid timeout",
+		},
+		{
+			healthCheck: &v1alpha1.HealthCheck{
+				Enabled:  true,
+				Timeout:  "30s",
+				Jitter:   "5s",
+				Port:     4000000000000000,
+				Interval: "10",
+				Passes:   3,
+				Fails:    4,
+			},
+			msg: "invalid port number",
+		},
+		{
+			healthCheck: &v1alpha1.HealthCheck{
+				Enabled:  true,
+				Timeout:  "30s",
+				Jitter:   "5s",
+				Port:     40,
+				Interval: "10",
+				Passes:   -3,
+				Fails:    4,
+			},
+			msg: "invalid passes value",
+		},
+		{
+			healthCheck: &v1alpha1.HealthCheck{
+				Enabled:  true,
+				Timeout:  "30s",
+				Jitter:   "5s",
+				Port:     40,
+				Interval: "10",
+				Passes:   3,
+				Fails:    -4,
+			},
+			msg: "invalid fails value",
+		},
+		{
+			healthCheck: &v1alpha1.HealthCheck{
+				Enabled:  true,
+				Timeout:  "30s",
+				Jitter:   "5s",
+				Port:     40,
+				Interval: "ten",
+				Passes:   3,
+				Fails:    4,
+			},
+			msg: "invalid interval value",
+		},
+		{
+			healthCheck: &v1alpha1.HealthCheck{
+				Enabled:  true,
+				Timeout:  "30s",
+				Jitter:   "5sec",
+				Port:     40,
+				Interval: "10",
+				Passes:   3,
+				Fails:    4,
+			},
+			msg: "invalid jitter value",
+		},
+	}
+	for _, test := range tests {
+		allErrs := validateTSUpstreamHealthChecks(test.healthCheck, field.NewPath("healthCheck"))
+		if len(allErrs) == 0 {
+			t.Errorf("validateTSUpstreamHealthChecks() returned no error for invalid input %v", test.msg)
+		}
+	}
 func TestValidateUpstreamParameters(t *testing.T) {
 	tests := []struct {
 		parameters *v1alpha1.UpstreamParameters