Migration from the previous version of ng-apimock is pretty straight forward if you follow these steps.
- convert your mocks to the new json format
- update your serve script for the middleware
- update your serve script for the dev-interface
- update your test framework plugin
- report any issues
The the new version of ng-apimock has some new features such as request body and header matching, you need to update your mocks. A converter has been provided for you that takes care of this. You can use the converter like this:
const converter = require('@ng-apimock/core').converter;
converter.convert('src', // the directory where your old mock.json files are located
'dest', // the directory where the converted mock files are written to
'**/*.json'); // the optional glob pattern (defaults to: **/*.mock.json)
Each file that matches the pattern will be converted and writen to the destination directory.
The new version of ng-apimock has modular setup. This means that you can choose which plugin to use. You can use the core like this:
const apimock = require('@ng-apimock/core');
And the core's processor like this:
src: 'your/mocks/directory', // the directory where your mock.json files are located
patterns: { // optional
mocks: '**/*.json', // your optional mock.json glob pattern (defaults to: '**/*.mock.json')
presets: '**/*.json', // your optional preset.json glob pattern (defaults to: '**/*.preset.json')
And the core's middleware like this:
const connect = require('connect');
const app = connect();
Because of the modular setup of ng-apimock you can choose to use the dev-interface for local development. You can serve the dev-interface like this:
const devInterface = require('@ng-apimock/dev-interface');
const connect = require('connect');
const app = connect();
app.use('/dev-interface/', serveStatic(devInterface));
You can use the protractor-plugin like this:
exports.config = {
plugins: [{
package: '@ng-apimock/protractor-plugin',
options: {
globalName: 'ngApimock'
And from your tests like this:
import {Client} from '@ng-apimock/protractor-plugin';
declare const ngApimock: Client; // match the global name
it('...', () => {
You can use the webdriver-plugin like this:
exports.config = {
plugins: {
'@ng-apimock/webdriverio-plugin': {
globalName: 'client'
And from your tests like this:
import {Client} from '@ng-apimock/base-client';
declare const client: Client; // match the global name.
it('...', () => {
Please report any issue you find.