- ba25e2b 2.0.0 (@nfroidure)
- 7dfe459 Adding metapak-nfroidure (@nfroidure)
- 3dad25a Adds an option to avoid hooks at build fix #12 (@nfroidure)
- 783d0fd 1.0.0 (@nfroidure)
- 5899e2e Fixing lil tweaks and adding linting rules (@nfroidure)
- #7 Added options.remote for alternative remote repos (@nksoff)
- 8d3cfdd add options.remote for alternative remote repos (@nksoff)
- b59a368 0.0.2 (@nfroidure)
- #3 adding note about using in gulp (@matmuchrapna)
- 5036436 adding note about using in gulp (@iamstarkov)
- #2 Add Simple Command Line Interface (@jlord)
- a1824bc update readme
- 2fe2583 add bin to package.json
- 6f7d9d7 add command line file
- #1 Update Readme: use --save-dev instead of --save (@robinboehm)
- 8266b5f Update Readme: use --save-dev instead of --save (@robinboehm)
- a7b6407 First commit (@nfroidure)