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FreeNAS 11 Installation using a Jail

Pez Cuckow edited this page Sep 7, 2017 · 4 revisions

Adapted from FreeNAS 9.3 and 9.10 Jail Installation and FreeNAS 9.10 BSD Jail.

  1. Create a jail

    • Jails > Add Jail
    • Jail:
      • Jail Name: Homebridge
      • Template: ---
      • IPv4 address: <static_ip>
      • Autostart: Yes
      • VIMAGE: Yes
  2. Open a Shell to the Jail

    • SSH into your FreeNas Box
    • Lookup the jail id of the HomeBridge jail
    $ jls
       JID  IP Address      Hostname                      Path
        17   homebridge                    /mnt/Jails/homebridge
  3. Login to that jail (optionally specifying a shell)

    $ jexec 17 csh
  4. Update any packages in that shell (optional, but good practice)

    pkg update && pkg upgrade
  5. Install and activate system dependencies

    pkg install -y node npm dbus avahi-libdns gcc
    sysrc dbus_enable="YES"
    sysrc avahi_daemon_enable="YES"
    ln -s /usr/local/include/avahi-compat-libdns_sd/dns_sd.h /usr/include/dns_sd.h
    service dbus start
    service avahi-daemon start
  6. Install homebridge itself

    Note the --unsafe-perm, which allows access to /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/mdns/.node-gyp

    npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge
    mkdir ~/.homebridge
    cp /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/config-sample.json ~/.homebridge/config.json
  7. Install homebridge plugins of your choice

    You can explore all available plugins at the NPM website by searching for the keyword homebridge-plugin.

    For example:

    npm install -g homebridge-nest
  8. Modify the config.json with your settings.

    nano ~/.homebridge/config.json
  9. Test it's working by running it manually

    $ homebridge
    No plugins found. See the README for information on installing plugins.
    Loaded config.json with 1 accessories and 1 platforms.

    Use CTRL+C to kill homebridge.

    As long as homebridge boots, any errors you see are likely due to your config, check the install instructions of the plugins you added!

  10. (Optional) Install a process manager to keep homebridge running (and started on jail boot)

    npm install -g pm2
    pm2 startup rcd
    sysrc pm2_enable="YES"
  11. (Optional) Once homebridge is working, set it up to always run using pm2

    pm2 start homebridge -- -D
    pm2 save

Common Errors

gyp WARN EACCES user "root" does not have permission to access the dev dir

Make sure you're using the --unsafe-perm flag

Cannot find module '../build/Release/dns_sd_bindings'

You need to re-insall the mdns dependency:

$ cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge
$ npm install --unsafe-perm mdns
$ npm rebuild --unsafe-perm
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