diff --git a/.github/workflows/brand-plugin-test.yml b/.github/workflows/brand-plugin-test.yml
index 8c56251..203665c 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/brand-plugin-test.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/brand-plugin-test.yml
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ jobs:
module-repo: ${{ github.repository }}
module-branch: ${{ needs.setup.outputs.branch }}
plugin-repo: 'bluehost/bluehost-wordpress-plugin'
- plugin-branch: 'feature/solutions'
secrets: inherit
# hostgator:
diff --git a/includes/js/debug.json b/tests/cypress/fixtures/entitlements.json
similarity index 100%
rename from includes/js/debug.json
rename to tests/cypress/fixtures/entitlements.json
diff --git a/tests/cypress/integration/solutions-app.cy.js b/tests/cypress/integration/solutions-app.cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe5cb9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cypress/integration/solutions-app.cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+const entitlementsFixture = require( '../fixtures/entitlements.json' );
+describe( 'My Plugins and Tools in Plugin App', function () {
+ beforeEach( () => {
+ cy.visit( '/wp-admin/index.php' );
+ } );
+ // check that it does not display when capabilities.hasSolution is false
+ it( 'My Plugins & Tools nav does not display without solution', () => {
+ cy.visit(
+ '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=' + Cypress.env( 'pluginId' ) + '#/',
+ {
+ onLoad() {
+ cy.window().then( ( win ) => {
+ win.NewfoldRuntime.capabilities.hasSolution = false;
+ } );
+ },
+ }
+ );
+ cy.get( 'a.wppbh-app-navitem[href="#/my_plugins_and_tools"]' ).should(
+ 'not.exist'
+ );
+ } );
+ // check that my plugins and tools displays when capabilities.hasSolution is true
+ it( 'My Plugins & Tools nav displays with Solution', () => {
+ cy.visit(
+ '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=' + Cypress.env( 'pluginId' ) + '#/',
+ {
+ onLoad() {
+ cy.window().then( ( win ) => {
+ win.NewfoldRuntime.capabilities.hasSolution = true;
+ } );
+ },
+ }
+ );
+ cy.get( 'a.wppbh-app-navitem[href="#/my_plugins_and_tools"]' ).should(
+ 'be.visible'
+ );
+ } );
+ // check that entitlement categories load in accordions
+ it( 'Entitlements Display with Solution', () => {
+ cy.visit(
+ '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=' +
+ Cypress.env( 'pluginId' ) +
+ '#/my_plugins_and_tools',
+ {
+ onLoad() {
+ cy.window().then( ( win ) => {
+ win.NewfoldRuntime.capabilities.hasSolution = true;
+ } );
+ },
+ }
+ );
+ cy.intercept(
+ {
+ method: 'GET',
+ url: /newfold-solutions(\/|%2F)v1(\/|%2F)entitlements/,
+ },
+ {
+ body: entitlementsFixture,
+ delay: 100,
+ }
+ ).as( 'getEntitlements' );
+ cy.wait( '@getEntitlements' );
+ cy.get( 'a.wppbh-app-navitem[href="#/my_plugins_and_tools"]' ).should(
+ 'be.visible'
+ );
+ cy.get( '.newfold-entitlements-container' )
+ .contains( 'h2', 'Plugins & Tools' )
+ .scrollIntoView()
+ .should( 'be.visible' );
+ cy.get( '.nfd-core-tool-mypluginsntools' )
+ .contains( 'h2', 'Core Tools' )
+ .scrollIntoView()
+ .should( 'be.visible' );
+ // accordion closed
+ cy.get( '.nfd-core-tool-mypluginsntools' )
+ .contains( 'h3', 'Jetpack' )
+ .should( 'not.exist' );
+ // test accordion functionality
+ cy.get( '.nfd-core-tool-mypluginsntools' )
+ .contains( 'h2', 'Core Tools' )
+ .click();
+ // accordion opened
+ cy.get( '.nfd-core-tool-mypluginsntools' )
+ .contains( 'h3', 'Jetpack' )
+ .scrollIntoView()
+ .should( 'be.visible' );
+ } );
+ // test entitlement button case states
+ // 1. plugin already installed and active
+ // 2. plugin already installed but not active
+ // 3. free plugin not installed, needs appropriate installer attributes
+ // 4. premium plugin not installed, needs appropriate pls attributes
+} );
diff --git a/tests/cypress/integration/solutions-plugins.cy.js b/tests/cypress/integration/solutions-plugins.cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94ff13d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cypress/integration/solutions-plugins.cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+const entitlementsFixture = require( '../fixtures/entitlements.json' );
+describe( 'My Plugins and Tools in Plugin App', function () {
+ // path to the entitlements json to load into transient
+ const entitlementsjson =
+ 'vendor/newfold-labs/wp-module-solutions/tests/cypress/fixtures/entitlements.json';
+ after( () => {
+ cy.exec(
+ `npx wp-env run cli wp option delete _transient_nfd_site_capabilities`
+ );
+ cy.exec( `npx wp-env run cli wp option delete _transient_newfold_solutions` );
+ cy.exec( `npx wp-env run cli wp option delete nfd_data_token` );
+ } );
+ // check that it does not display when capabilities.hasSolution is false
+ it( 'My Plugins & Tools tab does not display without solution', () => {
+ cy.exec(
+ `npx wp-env run cli wp option delete _transient_nfd_site_capabilities`
+ );
+ cy.exec( `npx wp-env run cli wp option delete _transient_newfold_solutions` );
+ // need a cli command to set a capability before a test
+ cy.visit( '/wp-admin/plugin-install.php' );
+ // check that my plugins and tools tab displays when capabilities.hasSolution is true
+ cy.get(
+ '#adminmenu a[href="plugin-install.php?tab=nfd_my_plugins_and_tools"]'
+ ).should( 'not.exist' );
+ cy.get( '.plugin-install-nfd_my_plugins_and_tools' ).should(
+ 'not.exist'
+ );
+ } );
+ it( 'My Plugins & Tools exists', () => {
+ // drop test entitlements into transient
+ cy.exec(
+ `npx wp-env run cli wp option set _transient_newfold_solutions --format=json < ${ entitlementsjson }`
+ );
+ // spoof hiive connection
+ cy.exec( `npx wp-env run cli wp option set nfd_data_token 'xyc123'` );
+ // Set hasSolution:true in capabilities
+ cy.exec(
+ `npx wp-env run cli wp option set _transient_nfd_site_capabilities '{"hasSolution": true}' --format=json`
+ );
+ // Set a long timeout for the transients
+ cy.exec(
+ `npx wp-env run cli wp option set _transient_timeout_newfold_solutions 4102444800`
+ );
+ cy.exec(
+ `npx wp-env run cli wp option set _transient_timeout_nfd_site_capabilities 4102444800`
+ );
+ // reload plugin install page
+ cy.reload( true );
+ cy.visit( '/wp-admin/plugin-install.php' );
+ // check that my plugins and tools tab displays when capabilities.hasSolution is true
+ cy.get(
+ '#adminmenu a[href="plugin-install.php?tab=nfd_my_plugins_and_tools"]'
+ ).should( 'be.visible' );
+ // check that entitlement plugins load
+ cy.visit( '/wp-admin/plugin-install.php?tab=nfd_my_plugins_and_tools' );
+ cy.get( '.plugin-install-nfd_my_plugins_and_tools' ).should(
+ 'be.visible'
+ );
+ cy.get( '.nfd-solutions-availble-list' )
+ .contains( 'h3', 'Jetpack' )
+ .scrollIntoView()
+ .should( 'be.visible' );
+ cy.get( '.nfd-solutions-availble-list' )
+ .contains( 'h3', 'Yoast SEO' )
+ .scrollIntoView()
+ .should( 'be.visible' );
+ } );
+ // test each entitlement button case state
+ // 1. plugin already installed and active
+ // 2. plugin already installed but not active
+ // 3. free plugin not installed, needs appropriate installer attributes
+ // 4. premium plugin not installed, needs appropriate pls attributes
+} );