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WordPress WonderBlocks Module

Version Number License

Dynamic WordPress patterns library for WordPress sites at Newfold Digital.

Module Responsibilities

  • Show "WonderBlocks" button in page and site editors (using Gutenberg).
  • Add CSS utility classes that can be used on frontend and when editing pages with Gutenberg.
  • When the "WonderBlocks" button is clicked, a modal is opened displaying WonderBlocks patterns and templates that can be inserted into the page editor when clicked on.
  • When WooCommerce plugin is active, additional "Product" patterns and templates are available in the modal.
  • When in Site Editor, "Headers" and "Footers" categories are available in the modal.
  • Register WonderBlocks patterns to WordPress.
  • Show a CTA next to the "Add New Page" on the edit.php?post_type=page page.
  • When the CTA is clicked, a new page is created and the WonderBlocks modal is automatically opened with the "Templates" tab pre-selected.
  • When the module is active it hides Wonder Theme patterns from the default WordPress Patterns library.

Critical Paths


  1. Add the Newfold Satis to your composer.json.
composer config repositories.newfold composer
  1. Require the newfold-labs/wp-module-patterns package.
composer require newfold-labs/wp-module-patterns


GitHub Auth Token

Add GitHub Auth Token to .npmrc for private repo access.

  1. Generate a GitHub personal access token if you haven't:
    GitHub Token Settings.

  2. Locate the .npmrc file in your project.

  3. Add your GitHub token in .npmrc:

  4. Save the file.

Local cloud-patterns platform

If using local cloud-patterns platform, define NFD_DATA_WB_DEV_MODE as true in wp-config.php. This will switch the API fetch source from to localhost:8888 and disable caching of the results.

Add this line to your wp-config.php:

define('NFD_DATA_WB_DEV_MODE', true);

With NFD_DATA_WB_DEV_MODE enabled, all API requests will be directed to localhost:8888 instead of the production server, and the responses will not be cached, facilitating easier development and testing.

Run the module in dev mode

npm run start


To ensure a smooth and error-free release, follow these detailed instructions closely.

Initial Setup

  1. Checkout a new branch for the release using the format release/<new_version>.

  2. Run npm install to install necessary npm packages.

  3. Execute composer install to install PHP dependencies.

Build Script

  1. Run npm run set-version-bump to automatically bump the version (point version is default) and update build and language files all at once. If this script is used, skip the manual version update step and the build steps below.

Version Updates

It is essential to verify that the version has been appropriately incremented in both the PHP and JavaScript components. Specifically, ensure that:

  1. PHP constant NFD_WONDER_BLOCKS_VERSION has been updated to the intended release version on line 18 of the file /bootstrap.php. This PHP constant dictates the expected location of build files for the module. For example:
define( 'NFD_WONDER_BLOCKS_VERSION', '0.1.16' );
  1. JavaScript release version aligns with the desired release by checking line 3 in the package.json file. For example:
"version": "0.1.16",


Manually prepare the release:

  1. Run npm run lint:js to ensure JavaScript code quality.

  2. Delete the old build files from the /build directory.

  3. Execute npm run build to build the most recent set of build files.

  4. Run composer run i18n to update language files.

  5. Run composer run clean to ensure that PHP code standards are met.

Ensure that these files are committed to the repository, as they are essential components to be incorporated into the upcoming release.

Final Steps

  1. Commit all changes and push them to the repository.

  2. Create a Pull Request (PR) to the main branch for peer approval. Teammates can check out this branch to verify everything is in order.

  3. After approval, merge the PR into the main branch.

Create a Release on GitHub

  1. Go to New Release.

  2. Ensure the tag number matches the updated version.

  3. Set the title as Version <new_version>.

  4. Generate release notes and publish the release.

  5. Confirm that <new_version> exists on both GitHub Tags and Satis.

More on Newfold WordPress Modules