Strictly needed is only git and node.js. Several extensions of vscode are quite essential, such as the auto-formatter Prettier.
On windows download and install from
We currently use version 14 of and might soon switch to version 16.
Therefore, it is best to install it via a version management tool, such as nvm-windows for Windows or nvm for Linux or Mac. It is easier to install them, if there is no node version installed, previously. Follow the instructions on their pages and then
nvm install 14.16.1
nvm use 14.16.1
The last command might need admin priviledges.
Install it from
After cloning the repository, open the new directory in vscode. It will suggest to install all recommended extensions.
Whenever you save a file it will be automatially formatted by Prettier. That way we do not fuss with formatting, but with the content.
To run #ich-kann-klima on your local machine, clone the repository, install dependencies and start the frontend's dev server:
git clone
cd ich-kann-klima
npm install # Install dependencies
npm run dev # Run frontend
The frontend runs on port 3000 by default. Click on http://localhost:3000` to show the game.
To start a local backend call
npm run server:start &
and configure your browser to use this backend by entering this command into your dev tools:
localStorage.setItem("backendURL", "/api")
To build backend and frontend for production use, call npm run build
The built files are located in dist
and can be used by starting npm start
Create a docker image by calling npm run docker:build
- it will be tagged as ichkannklima
Then, run it in your own docker environment by creating a local folder to store game data and start a docker container:
mkdir docker-data
npm run docker:start
Then, start a browser and open http://localhost:3000
This repository uses GitHub Actions to build and deploy the frontend to GitHub Pages. So, every time you push to main
a pipeline is started which runs the test, builds the production version and copies the generated files to gh-pages
Additionally, a Docker image is created and pushed to Docker Hub.
See .github/workflows
how this is done.
In development mode "Peek" is displayed in the upper right corner. Click on it to reveal
a whole bunch of information about the current game state.
In production this can be enabled by setting the key devMode
to true
the local store of the web browser:
localStorage.setItem("devMode", "true")
This can be done by selecting "Inspect" or "Untersuchen" in the context menu of the web page.
Then locate the local storage (firefox: "Web-Storage", chrome: "Application").
It should contain a key game
Add a key (double click or plus sign) and change it to devMode
and change its value to true
Issues to work on can be found with this query:
open, not marked with later
, and not assigned.