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api to create a meta-analysis specification

This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 1.0
  • Package version: 0.0.1
  • Generator version: 7.11.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit


Python 3.8+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import neurosynth_compose_sdk


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import neurosynth_compose_sdk


Execute pytest to run the tests.

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import neurosynth_compose_sdk
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = neurosynth_compose_sdk.Configuration(
    host = ""

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with neurosynth_compose_sdk.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = neurosynth_compose_sdk.AnnotationsApi(api_client)

        # GET a list of annotations
        api_response = api_instance.annotations_get()
        print("The response of AnnotationsApi->annotations_get:\n")
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling AnnotationsApi->annotations_get: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AnnotationsApi annotations_get GET /annotations GET a list of annotations
AnnotationsApi annotations_id_get GET /annotations/{id} GET information about an annotation
AnnotationsApi annotations_id_put PUT /annotations/{id} Update an Annotation
AnnotationsApi annotations_post POST /annotations Create a new Annotation
ComposeApi annotations_get GET /annotations GET a list of annotations
ComposeApi annotations_id_get GET /annotations/{id} GET information about an annotation
ComposeApi annotations_id_put PUT /annotations/{id} Update an Annotation
ComposeApi annotations_post POST /annotations Create a new Annotation
ComposeApi meta_analyses_get GET /meta-analyses GET a list of meta-analyses
ComposeApi meta_analyses_id_get GET /meta-analyses/{id} GET meta-analysis information
ComposeApi meta_analyses_id_put PUT /meta-analyses/{id} Update a meta-analysis
ComposeApi meta_analyses_post POST /meta-analyses Create a new meta-analysis
ComposeApi meta_analysis_results_get GET /meta-analysis-results Your GET endpoint
ComposeApi meta_analysis_results_id_get GET /meta-analysis-results/{id} Your GET endpoint
ComposeApi meta_analysis_results_id_put PUT /meta-analysis-results/{id}
ComposeApi meta_analysis_results_post POST /meta-analysis-results
ComposeApi projects_get GET /projects Your GET endpoint
ComposeApi projects_id_delete DELETE /projects/{id}
ComposeApi projects_id_get GET /projects/{id} Your GET endpoint
ComposeApi projects_id_put PUT /projects/{id}
ComposeApi projects_post POST /projects
ComposeApi specifications_get GET /specifications Get a list of Specifications
ComposeApi specifications_id_get GET /specifications/{id} Get information about a Specification
ComposeApi specifications_id_put PUT /specifications/{id} Update Meta-Analysis specification
ComposeApi specifications_post POST /specifications Create a Specification
ComposeApi studysets_get GET /studysets Get a list of Studysets
ComposeApi studysets_id_get GET /studysets/{id} Get information about a Studyset
ComposeApi studysets_id_put PUT /studysets/{id} Update a Studyset
ComposeApi studysets_post POST /studysets Create a new Studyset
DefaultApi meta_analyses_id_delete DELETE /meta-analyses/{id}
DefaultApi studyset_references_get GET /studyset-references Your GET endpoint
DefaultApi studyset_references_id_get GET /studyset-references/{id} Your GET endpoint
GetApi annotations_get GET /annotations GET a list of annotations
GetApi annotations_id_get GET /annotations/{id} GET information about an annotation
GetApi meta_analyses_get GET /meta-analyses GET a list of meta-analyses
GetApi meta_analyses_id_get GET /meta-analyses/{id} GET meta-analysis information
GetApi meta_analysis_results_get GET /meta-analysis-results Your GET endpoint
GetApi meta_analysis_results_id_get GET /meta-analysis-results/{id} Your GET endpoint
GetApi projects_get GET /projects Your GET endpoint
GetApi projects_id_get GET /projects/{id} Your GET endpoint
GetApi specifications_get GET /specifications Get a list of Specifications
GetApi specifications_id_get GET /specifications/{id} Get information about a Specification
GetApi studysets_get GET /studysets Get a list of Studysets
GetApi studysets_id_get GET /studysets/{id} Get information about a Studyset
MetaAnalysesApi meta_analyses_get GET /meta-analyses GET a list of meta-analyses
MetaAnalysesApi meta_analyses_id_get GET /meta-analyses/{id} GET meta-analysis information
MetaAnalysesApi meta_analyses_id_put PUT /meta-analyses/{id} Update a meta-analysis
MetaAnalysesApi meta_analyses_post POST /meta-analyses Create a new meta-analysis
MetaAnalysesApi meta_analysis_results_get GET /meta-analysis-results Your GET endpoint
MetaAnalysesApi meta_analysis_results_id_get GET /meta-analysis-results/{id} Your GET endpoint
MetaAnalysesApi meta_analysis_results_id_put PUT /meta-analysis-results/{id}
MetaAnalysesApi meta_analysis_results_post POST /meta-analysis-results
PostApi annotations_post POST /annotations Create a new Annotation
PostApi meta_analyses_post POST /meta-analyses Create a new meta-analysis
PostApi meta_analysis_results_post POST /meta-analysis-results
PostApi projects_post POST /projects
PostApi specifications_post POST /specifications Create a Specification
PostApi studysets_post POST /studysets Create a new Studyset
ProjectsApi projects_get GET /projects Your GET endpoint
ProjectsApi projects_id_delete DELETE /projects/{id}
ProjectsApi projects_id_get GET /projects/{id} Your GET endpoint
ProjectsApi projects_id_put PUT /projects/{id}
ProjectsApi projects_post POST /projects
PutApi annotations_id_put PUT /annotations/{id} Update an Annotation
PutApi meta_analyses_id_put PUT /meta-analyses/{id} Update a meta-analysis
PutApi meta_analysis_results_id_put PUT /meta-analysis-results/{id}
PutApi projects_id_put PUT /projects/{id}
PutApi specifications_id_put PUT /specifications/{id} Update Meta-Analysis specification
PutApi studysets_id_put PUT /studysets/{id} Update a Studyset
SpecificationsApi specifications_get GET /specifications Get a list of Specifications
SpecificationsApi specifications_id_get GET /specifications/{id} Get information about a Specification
SpecificationsApi specifications_id_put PUT /specifications/{id} Update Meta-Analysis specification
SpecificationsApi specifications_post POST /specifications Create a Specification
StudysetsApi studysets_get GET /studysets Get a list of Studysets
StudysetsApi studysets_id_get GET /studysets/{id} Get information about a Studyset
StudysetsApi studysets_id_put PUT /studysets/{id} Update a Studyset
StudysetsApi studysets_post POST /studysets Create a new Studyset
UsersApi users_get GET /users GET list of Users
UsersApi users_id_get GET /users/{id} Get User Info by User ID
UsersApi users_id_put PUT /users/{id} Update User Information
UsersApi users_post POST /users Create A New User

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: Bearer authentication


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Compose-Upload-Key
  • Location: HTTP header


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