this is pure compile time, so "data" here are C++ types
Some examples:
Float::Type phi=1.618;
using MCU_8BITS=True;
using idx_t=MCU_BITS::Bind<As<uint8_t>>::Bind<Int>::App::Type;
//alternative syntax:
using sz_t=Expr<MCU_8BITS,As<uint8_t>,Int>::App::Type;
//syntactic sugar
using port_t=If<MCU_8BITS>::Then<Char>::Else<Int>::App::Type;
Using a curry template that can turn any c++ template of types into a curried version, adding ::Bind member types. This also reduces the original template to a single type, making it possible to compose and combine them again in new operations.
Just because non-curried version are so easy to write in C++, but we absolutely need them currying.
Function application is Lazy.
name | lambda | description |
I | λx.x | Identity |
M | λf.ff | Self application |
K | λab.a | first = functional boolean True |
KI | λba.a | second = functional boolean false |
C | λfab.fba | flip = functional negation |
B | λfgo.f(g o) | function composition |
V | λabf.fab | pair = functional data structure |
V | λabf.fab | pair = functional data structure |
Y | λf.(λo.f(o o)) (λo.f(o o)) | Recursion |
Id o
- identity
Flip f a b
- swap 2 arguments of a given function f a b -> f b a
Pair a b f
- data constructor, holds a pair of 2 types to deliver them later to the reader function f
(Pair a b) f -> f a b
Fst p
- get the first of a pair p
Snd p
- get the second of a pair p
provides a c++ primitive type wrapper
As< type >
extract with ::Type
StaticValue< type , value >
extract with ::value()
static function
note: can only host constexpr
StaticText< pointer to some static text >
a specialization for handling strings as dependent types in C++11
curry< «return type», «func. type», «func. ptr», «nr of arguments», [«bounded arguments type list...»] >
(this is an experimental feature expect heavy changes).
transform a C++ constexpr returning function into a lambda curried function that can be used as a lambda term.
inline int _test(int a,int b) {return a*b;}
using test=curry<int,decltype(&_test),_test,2>;
cout<<"call c++ function test(3,5) "<<test::Bind<StaticValue<int,3>>::Bind<StaticValue<int,5>>::value()<<endl;
cout<<"call c++ function Expr<test,3,5> "<<Expr<test,StaticValue<int,3>,StaticValue<int,5>>::value()<<endl;
implemented operators And
, Or
, Not
, BEq
(boolean equality) along with functional boolean versions True
and False
.. N9
for convenience
Succ n
get the successor of numeral n
Pred n
get the predecessor of numeral n
Is0 n
check if numeral n
is zero
using Peano numbers to convert Numeral to constexpr values
toInt< type >() a convenience to print numerals
numerals will yield the corresponding value
Add a b
Sub a b
Mul a b
Pow b e
Fact n
, LEq
, GEq
, LT
, GT
, NEq
empty list.
Cons h t
use o
as list t
Head l
get list l
first element (fails compilation if empty).
Tail l
get list l
tail, yields empty list when empty.
Null l
check if l
is empty.
Drop n l
drops first n
(as numeral) elements from the list l
Concat a b
join to lists
Length l
length of a list
Index l i
get liost element by index/composition
Last l
get last element of list or Nil
Init l
list without last element
reverse a finite list
NatsN n
numerals infinite list starting at n
numerals infinite list starting at N1
TakeR n l
take n elements of a list in reverse order
Take n l
take n elements of a list
Range s e
list of numerals from s
to e
Map f l
map a function f
over list l
Filter f l
filter a list l
with function f
FoldL f n l
fold left a list l
using 'binary' function f
starting with n
FoldR f n l
right fold a list l
using 'binary' function f
starting with n
Zip a b
build a list of pairs from elements of lists A and B, until one of them ends.
List< elements[,..] >
utility to construct lists as:
using L1=List<A,B,C>;
using same_as_L1=Const::Bind<A>::Bind<Const::Bind<B>::Bind<Const::Bind<C>::Bind<Nil>>>;
using or_this_way=Expr<Cons,A,Expr<Cons,B,Expr<Cons,C,Nil>>>;
Curry template
for currying template<typename...> class
Lambda Calculus
Collected Lambda Calculus Functions
Lambda Calculus Examples
Lazy or Eager? Order of Evaluation in Lambda Calculus and OCaml - The Always Learning Marty
Lambda the Ultimate | Programming Languages Weblog
Lambda calculus definition
Fixed-point combinator