diff --git a/ntc_templates/templates/index b/ntc_templates/templates/index index 80521ace45..65ef99bcd5 100644 --- a/ntc_templates/templates/index +++ b/ntc_templates/templates/index @@ -740,9 +740,14 @@ mikrotik_routeros_ping.textfsm, .*, mikrotik_routeros, [[/]]pin[[g]] oneaccess_oneos_show_voice_voip-call_active_all.textfsm, .*, oneaccess_oneos, sh[[ow]] voice voip-call active oneaccess_oneos_show_cellular-radio_equipment.textfsm, .*, oneaccess_oneos, sh[[ow]] cell[[ular-radio]] equipment oneaccess_oneos_show_voice_voip-call_any_all.textfsm, .*, oneaccess_oneos, sh[[ow]] voice voip-call any all +oneaccess_oneos_show_cellular-radio_network.textfsm, .*, oneaccess_oneos, sh[[ow]] cell[[ular-radio]] network oneaccess_oneos_show_cellular-radio_context.textfsm, .*, oneaccess_oneos, sh[[ow]] cell[[ular-radio]] context -oneaccess_oneos_cat_bsa_bsaboot.inf.textfsm, .*, oneaccess_oneos, cat (\/|)(BSA|bsa)(\/| )bsa(B|b)oot.inf +oneaccess_oneos_show_ip_as-path-access-list.textfsm, .*, oneaccess_oneos, sh[[ow]] ip as-path-access-list +oneaccess_oneos_show_ip_access-lists.textfsm, .*, oneaccess_oneos, sh[[ow]] ip access-lists[[s]] oneaccess_oneos_show_vrrp_interface.textfsm, .*, oneaccess_oneos, sh[[ow]] vrrp int[[erface]] +oneaccess_oneos_cat_bsa_bsaboot.inf.textfsm, .*, oneaccess_oneos, cat (\/|)(BSA|bsa)(\/| )bsa(B|b)oot.inf +oneaccess_oneos_show_interfaces.textfsm, .*, oneaccess_oneos, sh[[ow]] interface[[s]] +oneaccess_oneos_show_helpers.textfsm, .*, oneaccess_oneos, sh[[ow]] helpers oneaccess_oneos_hostname.textfsm, .*, oneaccess_oneos, hostname oneaccess_oneos_ls.textfsm, .*, oneaccess_oneos, ls( -[lh][lh]? )?.* diff --git a/ntc_templates/templates/oneaccess_oneos_show_cellular-radio_network.textfsm b/ntc_templates/templates/oneaccess_oneos_show_cellular-radio_network.textfsm new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..73913d357f --- /dev/null +++ b/ntc_templates/templates/oneaccess_oneos_show_cellular-radio_network.textfsm @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +Value Required OPERATOR (.*) +Value SIGNAL_STRENGTH (.*) +Value RSSI (\S+) +Value RSRQ (\S+) +Value RSRP (\S+) +Value SNR (\S+) +Value RADIO_TECHNOLOGY (\S+) +Value REGISTER_STATE (\S+) +Value ATTACH_STATE (\S+) +Value RESETS_LOSS_REGISTRATIONS (\d+) +Value RESETS_FAILED_REGISTRATIONS (\d+) +Value RESETS_MODEM (\d+) +Value RESETS_UNKNOWN (\d+) +Value LAC (.*) +Value CELL_ID (\d+) +Value TAC (\d+) +Value PLMN (\d+) + +Start + ^\s*Current\sselected\soperator\s+:\s+${OPERATOR} + ^\s*Signal\sstrength\s+:\s+${SIGNAL_STRENGTH} + ^\s*RSSI\s+:\s+${RSSI} + ^\s*RSRQ\s+:\s+${RSRQ} + ^\s*RSRP\s+:\s+${RSRP} + ^\s*SNR\s+:\s+${SNR} + ^\s*Current\sradio\saccess\stechnology\s+:\s+${RADIO_TECHNOLOGY} + ^\s*Circuit-switched\sregister\sstate\s+:\s+${REGISTER_STATE} + ^\s*Packet-switched\sattach\sstate\s+:\s+${ATTACH_STATE} + ^\s*Reset\son\sloss\sof\s(?:GPRS\s)?registration\s+:\s+${RESETS_LOSS_REGISTRATIONS} + ^\s*Reset\son\sfailed\sinitial\sregistration\s+:\s+${RESETS_FAILED_REGISTRATIONS} + ^\s*Hardware\sreset\sof\smodem\s+:\s+${RESETS_MODEM} + ^\s*Unknown\sreset\sof\smodem\s+:\s+${RESETS_UNKNOWN} + ^\s*.*\(LAC\)\s+:\s+${LAC} + ^\s*Cell\sID\s+:\s+${CELL_ID} + ^\s*.*\(TAC\)\s+:\s+${TAC} + ^.*Public Land Mobile Network.*:\s+${PLMN} + ^\s*Total\s+Ec/Io\s+: + ^\s*Statistics: + ^\s*Details: + ^\s*Toggle\s+w_disable\s+of\s+modem\s+: + ^\s*$$ + ^. -> Error diff --git a/ntc_templates/templates/oneaccess_oneos_show_helpers.textfsm b/ntc_templates/templates/oneaccess_oneos_show_helpers.textfsm new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..300d53f2ff --- /dev/null +++ b/ntc_templates/templates/oneaccess_oneos_show_helpers.textfsm @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +Value Required INTERFACE (.*) +Value List HELPERS (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) + +Start + ^ip\s+forward-protocol + ^${INTERFACE}:\s\d+\sbroadcasts\sforwarded + ^\s*${HELPERS}\s*$$ -> Record + ^\s*${HELPERS} -> Continue + ^(\s*\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\s+){1}${HELPERS}\s*$$ -> Record + ^(\s*\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\s+){1}${HELPERS} -> Continue + ^(\s*\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\s+){2}${HELPERS}\s*$$ -> Record + ^(\s*\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\s+){2}${HELPERS} -> Continue + ^(\s*\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\s+){3}${HELPERS}\s*$$ -> Record + ^\s*$$ + ^. -> Error diff --git a/ntc_templates/templates/oneaccess_oneos_show_interfaces.textfsm b/ntc_templates/templates/oneaccess_oneos_show_interfaces.textfsm new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..39da825001 --- /dev/null +++ b/ntc_templates/templates/oneaccess_oneos_show_interfaces.textfsm @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +Value Required INTERFACE (\S+(?:\s\S+)?) +Value FLAGS (.*) +Value IF_INDEX (\d+) +Value DESCRIPTION (.*) +Value LINK_STATUS (up|down) +Value PROTOCOL_STATUS (up|down) +Value PROMISCUOUS_MODE (\S+) +Value ENCAPSULATION (.+?) +Value VLAN_ID (\d+) +Value IPV4_MTU (\d+) +Value IPV6_MTU (\d+) +Value UPTIME (\S+) +Value DOWNTIME (\S+) +Value STATUS_CHANGES (\d+) +Value NEGOTIATION ([aA]uto|no|[Uu]nknown) +Value DUPLEX (full|half|[Uu]nknown) +Value IPV4 (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\/\d+|unnumbered) +Value IPV4_UNNUMBERED_INTF (.*) +Value IPV4_UNNUMBERED_IP (\S+) +Value IPV4_GATEWAY (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) +Value IPV4_BROADCAST (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) +Value List IPV4_SECONDARY (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\/\d+) +Value List IPV6 (\S+) +Value TUNNEL_SOURCE (\S+) +Value TUNNEL_DESTINATION (\S+) +Value TUNNEL_PROTOCOL (\S+) +Value TUNNEL_TRANSPORT (\S+) +Value TUNNEL_PROTECTION_MODE (\S+) +Value TUNNEL_PROTECTION_PROFILE (\S+) +Value TUNNEL_VRF (\S+) +Value FIREWALL_ZONE (.*) +Value MAC_ADDRESS ([a-fA-F0-9]{2}:[a-fA-F0-9]{2}:[a-fA-F0-9]{2}:[a-fA-F0-9]{2}:[a-fA-F0-9]{2}:[a-fA-F0-9]{2}) +Value ARP_TIMEOUT (\d+) +Value BANDWIDTH_KBPS (\d+|unknown) +Value BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_KBPS (\d+) +Value SFP_MEDIATYPE (\S+) +Value INPUT_RATE (\d+) +Value OUTPUT_RATE (\d+) +Value INPUT_PPS (\d+) +Value OUTPUT_PPS (\d+) +Value INPUT_LOAD_PCT (\d+(\.\d+)?) +Value OUTPUT_LOAD_PCT (\d+(\.\d+)?) +Value CONGESTION_DROPPED_RX (\d+) +Value CONGESTION_DROPPED_CPU (\d+) +Value CONGESTION_DROPPED_TOTAL (\d+) +Value BRIDGE_GROUP (\d+) +Value OUTPUT_QUEUE_STRATEGY (.+) +Value OUTPUT_QUEUE_LENGTH (\d+) +Value OUTPUT_QUEUE_DEPTH (\d+) +Value SHAPER_PACKETS_DEQUEUED (\-?\d+) +Value SHAPER_BURST_CURRENT (\d+) +Value SHAPER_BURST_MAX (\d+) +Value RELIABILITY_VALUE (\d+) +Value RELIABILITY_MAX (\d+) +Value INPUT_PACKETS (\d+) +Value INPUT_BYTES (\d+) +Value INPUT_QDROPS (\d+) +Value INPUT_BROADCASTS (\d+) +Value INPUT_MULTICASTS (\d+) +Value INPUT_ERRORS (\d+) +Value INPUT_DISCARDS (\d+) +Value INPUT_MAC_ACL_DISCARDS (\d+) +Value INPUT_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS (\d+) +Value OUTPUT_PACKETS (\d+) +Value OUTPUT_BYTES (\d+) +Value OUTPUT_QDROPS (\d+) +Value OUTPUT_BROADCASTS (\d+) +Value OUTPUT_MULTICASTS (\d+) +Value OUTPUT_ERRORS (\d+) +Value OUTPUT_DISCARDS (\d+) +Value VRF (\S+) + + +Start + ^\S+(?:\s\S+)?\s+is\s+(?:up|down),\s+line\s+protocol.*$$ -> Continue.Record + ^${INTERFACE}\s+is\s+${LINK_STATUS},\s+line\s+protocol\s+is\s+${PROTOCOL_STATUS}\s*$$ + ^\s+Flags:\s\(\S+\)\s${FLAGS},\sinterface\sindex\sis\s${IF_INDEX} + ^\s+Description:\s*${DESCRIPTION} + ^\s+Promiscuous\smode\s${PROMISCUOUS_MODE} + ^\s+Encapsulation:\s${ENCAPSULATION}\sVirtual\sLAN,\sVLAN\sID\s${VLAN_ID} -> Continue + ^\s+Encapsulation:\s${ENCAPSULATION},\s -> Continue + ^.*\sIPv4\sMTU\s${IPV4_MTU}\sbytes -> Continue + ^.*\sIPv6\sMTU\s${IPV6_MTU}\sbytes -> Continue + ^.*\s+MTU\s${IPV4_MTU}\sbytes + ^\s+Firewalls?\szone:\s${FIREWALL_ZONE} + ^\s+This\sinterface\sis\sassociated\sto\sVRF\s${VRF} + ^\s+Up-time\s${UPTIME},\sstatus\schange\scount\s${STATUS_CHANGES} + ^\s+Down-time\s${DOWNTIME},\sstatus\schange\scount\s${STATUS_CHANGES} + ^\s+${NEGOTIATION}[\-\s]negotiation,\s+${DUPLEX}[\-\s]duplex + ^\s+${NEGOTIATION}[\-\s]negotiation,\s+duplex[\-\s]${DUPLEX} + ^\s+negotiation\s+${NEGOTIATION},\s+duplex\s+${DUPLEX} + ^\s+Internet\saddress\sis\s${IPV4},\sdestination\saddress\sis\s${IPV4_GATEWAY} + ^\s+Internet\saddress\sis\s${IPV4},\sbroadcast\saddress\sis\s${IPV4_BROADCAST} + ^\s+Internet\saddress\sis\s${IPV4} + ^\s+Secondary\saddress\sis\s${IPV4_SECONDARY} + ^\s+Interface\sis\s${IPV4},\suse\saddress\sof\s${IPV4_UNNUMBERED_INTF}\(${IPV4_UNNUMBERED_IP}\) + ^\s+IPv6\saddress\sis\s${IPV6} + ^\s+Hardware\saddress\sis\s${MAC_ADDRESS},\sARP\stimeout\s${ARP_TIMEOUT}\ssec + ^\s+Line\sspeed\s${BANDWIDTH_KBPS}(\skbps,\sbandwidth\slimit\s${BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_KBPS}\skbps)? + ^\s+[Mm]edia\-type\s${SFP_MEDIATYPE} + ^\s+Mean\sinput/output\srate\s+${INPUT_RATE}/${OUTPUT_RATE}\sbits/s,\s${INPUT_PPS}/${OUTPUT_PPS}\s.* + ^\s+Mean\sinput/output\sload\spercentage\s+${INPUT_LOAD_PCT}/${OUTPUT_LOAD_PCT}\spercent.* + ^\s+Congestion\sManagement\sDropped\spackets:\s+RX:${CONGESTION_DROPPED_RX},\s*CPU:${CONGESTION_DROPPED_CPU},\s*Total:${CONGESTION_DROPPED_TOTAL} + ^\s+Bridged\sto\sgroup\s${BRIDGE_GROUP} + ^\s+Tunnel\ssource\s${TUNNEL_SOURCE},\sdestination\s${TUNNEL_DESTINATION} + ^\s+Tunnel\sprotocol/transport\s${TUNNEL_PROTOCOL}/${TUNNEL_TRANSPORT} + ^\s+Tunnel\sprotection\svia\s${TUNNEL_PROTECTION_MODE}\s\(profile\s\"${TUNNEL_PROTECTION_PROFILE}\"\) + ^\s+This\sinterface\sis\sassociated\sto\sTunnel\sVRF\s${TUNNEL_VRF} + ^\s+Output\squeuing\sstrategy:\s*${OUTPUT_QUEUE_STRATEGY},\s*output\squeue\slength/depth\s${OUTPUT_QUEUE_LENGTH}/${OUTPUT_QUEUE_DEPTH} + ^\s+Output\squeuing\sstrategy:\s*${OUTPUT_QUEUE_STRATEGY} + ^\s+Shaper:\spackets\sdequeued\s${SHAPER_PACKETS_DEQUEUED},\sburst\(current/max\)\s${SHAPER_BURST_CURRENT}/${SHAPER_BURST_MAX} + ^\s+Reliability:\s*${RELIABILITY_VALUE}/${RELIABILITY_MAX} + ^\s+IN:\s*${INPUT_PACKETS}\spackets,\s${INPUT_BYTES}\sbytes,\s${INPUT_QDROPS}\squeue\sdrops -> IN + ^\s+OUT:\s*${OUTPUT_PACKETS}\spackets,\s${OUTPUT_BYTES}\sbytes,\s${OUTPUT_QDROPS}\squeue\sdrops -> OUT + ^\s+Keepalive + ^\s+\d+\s+bad\s+checksum, + ^\s*$$ + ^. -> Error + +IN + ^\s+${INPUT_BROADCASTS}\sbroadcasts,\s*${INPUT_MULTICASTS}\smulticasts,\s*${INPUT_ERRORS}\serrors,\s*${INPUT_DISCARDS}\sdiscards(,\s*${INPUT_MAC_ACL_DISCARDS}\smac\sacl\sdiscards)? + ^\s+${INPUT_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS}\sunknown\sprotocols -> Start + ^\s*$$ + ^. -> Error + +OUT + ^\s+${OUTPUT_BROADCASTS}\sbroadcasts,\s*${OUTPUT_MULTICASTS}\smulticasts,\s*${OUTPUT_ERRORS}\serrors,\s*${OUTPUT_DISCARDS}\sdiscards -> Start + ^\s*$$ + ^. -> Error diff --git a/ntc_templates/templates/oneaccess_oneos_show_ip_access-lists.textfsm b/ntc_templates/templates/oneaccess_oneos_show_ip_access-lists.textfsm new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3fdf5e3200 --- /dev/null +++ b/ntc_templates/templates/oneaccess_oneos_show_ip_access-lists.textfsm @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +Value Required,Filldown ACL_TYPE (standard|extended) +Value Required,Filldown ACL_NAME (\S+) +Value LINE_NUM (\d+) +Value ACTION (permit|deny) +Value PROTOCOL (\S+) +Value PROTOCOL_NR (\d+) +Value SRC_HOST (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) +Value SRC_ANY (any) +Value SRC_NETWORK (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) +Value SRC_WILDCARD (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) +#Value SRC_NETWORK_OBJECT_GROUP_NAME (\S+) +Value SRC_PORT_MATCH (eq|neq|precedence|range|tos|lt|gt) +Value SRC_PORT (\d+|[a-z]+) +Value SRC_PORT_RANGE_START ((?<=range\s)\S+) +Value SRC_PORT_RANGE_END (\S+) +Value DST_HOST (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) +Value DST_ANY (any) +Value DST_NETWORK (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) +Value DST_WILDCARD (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) +#Value DST_NETWORK_OBJECT_GROUP_NAME (\S+) +Value DST_PORT_MATCH (eq|neq|precedence|range|tos|lt|gt) +Value DST_PORT (\d+|[a-z]+) +Value DST_PORT_RANGE_START ((?<=range\s)\S+) +Value DST_PORT_RANGE_END (\S+) +#Value SERVICE_OBJECT_GROUP_NAME (\S+) +#Value FLAGS_MATCH (match-all|match-any) +#Value TCP_FLAG (((\+|-|)ack(\s*?)|(\+|-|)established(\s*?)|(\+|-|)fin(\s*?)|(\+|-|)fragments(\s*?)|(\+|-|)psh(\s*?)|(\+|-|)rst(\s*?)|(\+|-|)syn(\s*?)|urg(\s*?))+) +Value LOG (log) +#Value LOG_TAG (\S+) +#Value ICMP_TYPE (administratively-prohibited|echo|echo-reply|mask-request|packet-too-big|parameter-problem|port-unreachable|redirect|router-advertisement|router-solicitation|time-exceeded|ttl-exceeded|unreachable) +#Value TIME (\S+) +#Value STATE (inactive|active) +Value MATCHES (\d+) + +Start + ^ip\saccess-list\s(standard|extended) -> Continue.Clearall + ^ip\saccess-list\s${ACL_TYPE}\s${ACL_NAME}\s* -> Record ONEOS6 + ^IP\saccess\slist\s(standard|extended) -> Continue.Clearall + ^IP\saccess\slist\s${ACL_TYPE}\s${ACL_NAME}\s* -> Record ONEOS5 + ^interface.* + ^For info on.* + ^\s*$$ + ^.* -> Error "Could not parse line:" + +ONEOS6 + ^\s+${LINE_NUM}\s+${ACTION}(?:\s+${PROTOCOL})?\s+(?:${PROTOCOL_NR}\s)?${SRC_NETWORK}\s+${SRC_WILDCARD}(${SRC_PORT}|)(\s+${DST_NETWORK}\s+${DST_WILDCARD}|)(\s+${DST_PORT}|)(\s+${LOG}|)(?:\s+\(${MATCHES}\s+matches\)|)\s* -> Record + ^\s*$$ -> Start + ^.* -> Error "Could not parse line:" + +ONEOS5 + ^${ACTION}\s+(${PROTOCOL}\s+|)(host\s+${SRC_HOST}|${SRC_ANY}|${SRC_NETWORK}\s+${SRC_WILDCARD})(\s+${SRC_PORT_MATCH}\s+|)(${SRC_PORT_RANGE_START}\s+${SRC_PORT_RANGE_END}|${SRC_PORT}|)\s+(host\s+${DST_HOST}|${DST_ANY}|${DST_NETWORK}\s+${DST_WILDCARD})(\s+${DST_PORT_MATCH}\s+(${DST_PORT_RANGE_START}\s+${DST_PORT_RANGE_END}|${DST_PORT}|)|)(\s+${LOG}|)(?:\s+\(${MATCHES}\s+matches\)|) -> Record + ^\s*$$ -> Start + ^.* -> Error "Could not parse line:" + +EOF diff --git a/ntc_templates/templates/oneaccess_oneos_show_ip_as-path-access-list.textfsm b/ntc_templates/templates/oneaccess_oneos_show_ip_as-path-access-list.textfsm new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a3476cbabd --- /dev/null +++ b/ntc_templates/templates/oneaccess_oneos_show_ip_as-path-access-list.textfsm @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +Value Required NAME (\S+) +Value Required,List ENTRIES (.*) + +Start + ^AS\spath\saccess\slist\s${NAME}$$ -> ASPATH + ^. -> Error + +ASPATH + ^[\s\t]+${ENTRIES}.* + ^\s+$$ -> Record Start + ^AS\spath -> Continue.Record + ^AS\spath\saccess\slist\s${NAME}$$ -> ASPATH + ^. -> Error diff --git a/tests/hp_comware/display_lldp_neighbor-information_verbose/hp_comware_display_lldp_neighbor-information_verbose.raw b/tests/hp_comware/display_lldp_neighbor-information_verbose/hp_comware_display_lldp_neighbor-information_verbose.raw index 57dbf0dbb2..8650b757ee 100644 --- a/tests/hp_comware/display_lldp_neighbor-information_verbose/hp_comware_display_lldp_neighbor-information_verbose.raw +++ b/tests/hp_comware/display_lldp_neighbor-information_verbose/hp_comware_display_lldp_neighbor-information_verbose.raw @@ -140,4 +140,4 @@ LLDP agent nearest-bridge: PSE pairs control ability : Yes Power pairs : Signal Port power classification : Class 0 - Maximum frame size : 9216 \ No newline at end of file + Maximum frame size : 9216 diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_cellular-radio_network/show_cellular-radio_context.oneos5.raw b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_cellular-radio_network/show_cellular-radio_context.oneos5.raw new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..43d0351654 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_cellular-radio_network/show_cellular-radio_context.oneos5.raw @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ + Current selected operator : Dummy Provider + Signal strength : Good + Total Ec/Io : + RSSI : -58 dBm + RSRQ : -9 dB + RSRP : -91 dBm + SNR : 23 dB + Current radio access technology : 4G + Circuit-switched register state : Registered + Packet-switched attach state : Attached + +Statistics: + Reset on loss of GPRS registration : 1 + Reset on failed initial registration : 0 + Hardware reset of modem : 0 + Unknown reset of modem : 505 + Toggle w_disable of modem : 0 + +Details: + Location Area Code (LAC) : + Cell ID : 18224898 + Tracking Area Code (TAC) : 18300 + Current Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN = MCC+MNC) : 20610 diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_cellular-radio_network/show_cellular-radio_context.oneos5.yml b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_cellular-radio_network/show_cellular-radio_context.oneos5.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..10a47ebf6f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_cellular-radio_network/show_cellular-radio_context.oneos5.yml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +--- +parsed_sample: + - operator: "Dummy Provider" + signal_strength: "Good" + rssi: "-58" + rsrq: "-9" + rsrp: "-91" + snr: "23" + radio_technology: "4G" + register_state: "Registered" + attach_state: "Attached" + resets_loss_registrations: "1" + resets_failed_registrations: "0" + resets_modem: "0" + resets_unknown: "505" + lac: "" + cell_id: "18224898" + tac: "18300" + plmn: "20610" diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_cellular-radio_network/show_cellular-radio_context.oneos6.raw b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_cellular-radio_network/show_cellular-radio_context.oneos6.raw new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..55d819a964 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_cellular-radio_network/show_cellular-radio_context.oneos6.raw @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ + Current selected operator : Dummy Provider + Signal strength : Good + Total Ec/Io : + RSSI : -70 dBm + RSRQ : -9 dB + RSRP : -96 dBm + SNR : 6 dB + Current radio access technology : 4G + Circuit-switched register state : Registered + Packet-switched attach state : Attached + +Statistics: + Reset on loss of registration : 0 + Reset on failed initial registration : 0 + Hardware reset of modem : 0 + Unknown reset of modem : 0 + +Details: + Location Area Code (LAC) : + Cell ID : 18242055 + Tracking Area Code (TAC) : 20300 + Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN = MCC+MNC) : 20610 diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_cellular-radio_network/show_cellular-radio_context.oneos6.yml b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_cellular-radio_network/show_cellular-radio_context.oneos6.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..79162de682 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_cellular-radio_network/show_cellular-radio_context.oneos6.yml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +--- +parsed_sample: + - operator: "Dummy Provider" + signal_strength: "Good" + rssi: "-70" + rsrq: "-9" + rsrp: "-96" + snr: "6" + radio_technology: "4G" + register_state: "Registered" + attach_state: "Attached" + resets_loss_registrations: "0" + resets_failed_registrations: "0" + resets_modem: "0" + resets_unknown: "0" + lac: "" + cell_id: "18242055" + tac: "20300" + plmn: "20610" diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_helpers/show_helpers.oneos5.raw b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_helpers/show_helpers.oneos5.raw new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4285b70ab9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_helpers/show_helpers.oneos5.raw @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +ip forward-protocol udp 137 +ip forward-protocol udp 138 +ip forward-protocol udp 67 +ip forward-protocol udp 68 +ip forward-protocol udp 69 +ip forward-protocol udp 37 +ip forward-protocol udp 42 +ip forward-protocol udp 49 +ip forward-protocol udp 53 +Bvi 1: 0 broadcasts forwarded + +Bvi 2: 0 broadcasts forwarded + +Bvi 3: 0 broadcasts forwarded + diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_helpers/show_helpers.oneos5.yml b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_helpers/show_helpers.oneos5.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a3ffbb14f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_helpers/show_helpers.oneos5.yml @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- +parsed_sample: + - interface: "Bvi 1" + helpers: + - "" + - "" + - "" + - interface: "Bvi 2" + helpers: + - "" + - "" + - "" + - interface: "Bvi 3" + helpers: + - "" + - "" + - "" diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_helpers/show_helpers.oneos6.raw b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_helpers/show_helpers.oneos6.raw new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4285b70ab9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_helpers/show_helpers.oneos6.raw @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +ip forward-protocol udp 137 +ip forward-protocol udp 138 +ip forward-protocol udp 67 +ip forward-protocol udp 68 +ip forward-protocol udp 69 +ip forward-protocol udp 37 +ip forward-protocol udp 42 +ip forward-protocol udp 49 +ip forward-protocol udp 53 +Bvi 1: 0 broadcasts forwarded + +Bvi 2: 0 broadcasts forwarded + +Bvi 3: 0 broadcasts forwarded + diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_helpers/show_helpers.oneos6.yml b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_helpers/show_helpers.oneos6.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a3ffbb14f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_helpers/show_helpers.oneos6.yml @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +--- +parsed_sample: + - interface: "Bvi 1" + helpers: + - "" + - "" + - "" + - interface: "Bvi 2" + helpers: + - "" + - "" + - "" + - interface: "Bvi 3" + helpers: + - "" + - "" + - "" diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb140.raw b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb140.raw new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..026914ba5d --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb140.raw @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ +GigabitEthernet 0/0 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x8063) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 111 + Promiscuous mode active + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 396d21h16m, status change count 3 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:02:bb:4f, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Auto-negotiation, full-duplex, flowcontrol disabled + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Mean input/output rate 504776/397392 bits/s, 226/198 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.050/0.039 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Congestion Management Dropped packets: RX:0, CPU:0, Total:0 + Bridged to group 1 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + Reliability: 255/255 + IN: 4578563266 packets, 2133875155484 bytes, 0 queue drops + 735617600 broadcasts, 136187244 multicasts, 0 errors, 164 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 3838465524 packets, 2752454327149 bytes, 3357 queue drops + 20941718 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 1 discards, 0 collisions +GigabitEthernet 0/1 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x8063) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 112 + Promiscuous mode active + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 11d21h45m, status change count 31 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:06:bb:4f, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Auto-negotiation, full-duplex, flowcontrol disabled + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Mean input/output rate 243736/256456 bits/s, 152/114 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.024/0.025 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Congestion Management Dropped packets: RX:0, CPU:0, Total:0 + Bridged to group 2 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + Reliability: 255/255 + IN: 1125009328 packets, 189632230943 bytes, 0 queue drops + 745390714 broadcasts, 123018268 multicasts, 0 errors, 887632010 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 887631923 unknown protocols + OUT: 351229701 packets, 302436379177 bytes, 23658 queue drops + 2298782 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 collisions +GigabitEthernet 0/2 is up, line protocol is down + Flags: (0x8023) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 113 + Promiscuous mode active + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, MTU 1500 bytes + Down-time 448d10h36m, status change count 0 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:0a:bb:4f, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.000/0.000 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Congestion Management Dropped packets: RX:0, CPU:0, Total:0 + Bridged to group 1 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + Reliability: 255/255 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 collisions +GigabitEthernet 0/3 is up, line protocol is down + Flags: (0x8023) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 114 + Promiscuous mode active + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, MTU 1500 bytes + Down-time 448d10h36m, status change count 0 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:0e:bb:4f, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.000/0.000 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Congestion Management Dropped packets: RX:0, CPU:0, Total:0 + Bridged to group 1 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + Reliability: 255/255 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 collisions +FastEthernet 1/0 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x8063) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 106 + Description: *** WAN INTERFACE *** + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, MTU 1546 bytes + Up-time 448d10h36m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:12:bb:4f, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Auto-negotiation, full-duplex, flowcontrol enabled + Line speed 100000 kbps + Media-type rj45 + Mean input/output rate 229312/237176 bits/s, 104/102 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.229/0.237 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Congestion Management Dropped packets: RX:0, CPU:0, Total:0 + Output queuing strategy: cbq + Reliability: 255/255 + IN: 3777818556 packets, 2813130486707 bytes, 0 queue drops + 608769 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 608769 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 608769 unknown protocols + OUT: 3537518750 packets, 1904299986411 bytes, 1944226 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 114820 discards, 0 collisions +FastEthernet 1/0.10 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x8063) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 22017 + Description: *** VDSL2 SHARED VLAN *** + Encapsulation: 802.1Q Virtual LAN, VLAN ID 10, MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 448d10h36m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:12:bb:4f, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Line speed 100000 kbps + Mean input/output rate 229312/237176 bits/s, 104/102 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.229/0.237 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Congestion Management Dropped packets: RX:0, CPU:0, Total:0 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + Reliability: 255/255 + IN: 3777209791 packets, 2812914388764 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 3539577808 packets, 1907203054251 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 3 errors, 0 discards, 0 collisions +Dialer 1 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x90f1) POINT-TO-POINT MULTICAST, interface index is 11101 + Description: *** VT096413 - GS99999941512 - IP-VPN - ['VDSL2 SHARED VLAN'] - NOS-EMLP-01/ANT-EMLP-01 - LOOPBACK + Encapsulation: Point-to-Point Protocol, MTU 1492 bytes + Up-time 196d20h26m, status change count 7 + Internet address is, destination address is + Line speed 100000 kbps, bandwidth limit 70000 kbps + Mean input/output rate 240208/217472 bits/s, 104/102 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.240/0.310 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Congestion Management Dropped packets: RX:0, CPU:0, Total:0 + Output queuing strategy: fifo+shaper, output queue length/depth 0/126 + Shaper: packets dequeued -763131925, burst(current/max) 874602/875000 + Reliability: 255/255 + IN: 3769467815 packets, 2899812744256 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 3531835372 packets, 1821912521847 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Loopback 0 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x80e9) LOOPBACK MULTICAST, interface index is 9902 + MTU 32768 bytes + Up-time 448d10h36m, status change count 0 + Internet address is + IPv6 address is ::1/128 + IPv6 address is fe80::1/64 + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.000/0.000 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Congestion Management Dropped packets: RX:0, CPU:0, Total:0 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + IN: 1749 packets, 164332 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 1749 packets, 164332 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Loopback 1 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x80e9) LOOPBACK MULTICAST, interface index is 9903 + Firewall zone: management + Description: *** VT096413 - GS99999941512 *** + MTU 32768 bytes + Up-time 448d10h36m, status change count 0 + Internet address is + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 6280/6280 bits/s, 9/9 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.000/0.000 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Congestion Management Dropped packets: RX:0, CPU:0, Total:0 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + IN: 6346421 packets, 472102678 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 6346427 packets, 472103054 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Bvi 1 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x8063) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 9501 + Description: Connection to Customer LAN + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 396d21h16m, status change count 3 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:02:bb:4f, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Internet address is, broadcast address is + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Mean input/output rate 504776/397352 bits/s, 226/198 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.000/0.000 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Congestion Management Dropped packets: RX:0, CPU:0, Total:0 + Bridged to group 1 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + IN: 4578208775 packets, 2133846516522 bytes, 0 queue drops + 735617627 broadcasts, 136187246 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 683928098 unknown protocols + OUT: 3814474945 packets, 2750982891198 bytes, 0 queue drops + 20941724 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 1 errors, 22341208 discards +Bvi 55 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x8063) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 9555 + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 11d21h45m, status change count 31 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:06:bb:4f, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Internet address is, broadcast address is + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Mean input/output rate 186144/256456 bits/s, 113/114 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.000/0.000 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Congestion Management Dropped packets: RX:0, CPU:0, Total:0 + Bridged to group 2 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + IN: 237375069 packets, 58811387749 bytes, 0 queue drops + 182857 broadcasts, 19575274 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 18243239 unknown protocols + OUT: 351253527 packets, 302442538460 bytes, 0 queue drops + 2298786 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 1 errors, 2496554 discards +Null 0 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x80e1) MULTICAST, interface index is 9901 + MTU 32768 bytes + Up-time 448d10h36m, status change count 0 + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.000/0.000 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Congestion Management Dropped packets: RX:0, CPU:0, Total:0 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb140.yml b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb140.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..de662a1830 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb140.yml @@ -0,0 +1,857 @@ +--- +parsed_sample: + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/0" + duplex: "full" + negotiation: "Auto" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "111" + description: "" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "active" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "396d21h16m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "3" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:02:bb:4f" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "1000000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "504776" + output_rate: "397392" + input_pps: "226" + output_pps: "198" + input_load_pct: "0.050" + output_load_pct: "0.039" + congestion_dropped_rx: "0" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "0" + congestion_dropped_total: "0" + bridge_group: "1" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "4578563266" + input_bytes: "2133875155484" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "735617600" + input_multicasts: "136187244" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "164" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "3838465524" + output_bytes: "2752454327149" + output_qdrops: "3357" + output_broadcasts: "20941718" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "1" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/1" + duplex: "full" + negotiation: "Auto" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "112" + description: "" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "active" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "11d21h45m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "31" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:06:bb:4f" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "1000000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "243736" + output_rate: "256456" + input_pps: "152" + output_pps: "114" + input_load_pct: "0.024" + output_load_pct: "0.025" + congestion_dropped_rx: "0" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "0" + congestion_dropped_total: "0" + bridge_group: "2" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "1125009328" + input_bytes: "189632230943" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "745390714" + input_multicasts: "123018268" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "887632010" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "887631923" + output_packets: "351229701" + output_bytes: "302436379177" + output_qdrops: "23658" + output_broadcasts: "2298782" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/2" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "113" + description: "" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "down" + promiscuous_mode: "active" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "" + downtime: "448d10h36m" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:0a:bb:4f" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "0.000" + output_load_pct: "0.000" + congestion_dropped_rx: "0" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "0" + congestion_dropped_total: "0" + bridge_group: "1" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "0" + input_bytes: "0" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "0" + output_bytes: "0" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/3" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "114" + description: "" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "down" + promiscuous_mode: "active" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "" + downtime: "448d10h36m" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:0e:bb:4f" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "0.000" + output_load_pct: "0.000" + congestion_dropped_rx: "0" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "0" + congestion_dropped_total: "0" + bridge_group: "1" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "0" + input_bytes: "0" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "0" + output_bytes: "0" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "FastEthernet 1/0" + duplex: "full" + negotiation: "Auto" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "106" + description: "*** WAN INTERFACE ***" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1546" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "448d10h36m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "1" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:12:bb:4f" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "100000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "rj45" + input_rate: "229312" + output_rate: "237176" + input_pps: "104" + output_pps: "102" + input_load_pct: "0.229" + output_load_pct: "0.237" + congestion_dropped_rx: "0" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "0" + congestion_dropped_total: "0" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "cbq" + output_queue_length: "" + output_queue_depth: "" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "3777818556" + input_bytes: "2813130486707" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "608769" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "608769" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "608769" + output_packets: "3537518750" + output_bytes: "1904299986411" + output_qdrops: "1944226" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "114820" + vrf: "" + - interface: "FastEthernet 1/0.10" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "22017" + description: "*** VDSL2 SHARED VLAN ***" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "802.1Q Virtual LAN" + vlan_id: "10" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "448d10h36m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "1" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:12:bb:4f" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "100000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "229312" + output_rate: "237176" + input_pps: "104" + output_pps: "102" + input_load_pct: "0.229" + output_load_pct: "0.237" + congestion_dropped_rx: "0" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "0" + congestion_dropped_total: "0" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "3777209791" + input_bytes: "2812914388764" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "3539577808" + output_bytes: "1907203054251" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "3" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Dialer 1" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "POINT-TO-POINT MULTICAST" + if_index: "11101" + description: "*** VT096413 - GS99999941512 - IP-VPN - ['VDSL2 SHARED VLAN'] -\ + \ NOS-EMLP-01/ANT-EMLP-01 - LOOPBACK" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "Point-to-Point Protocol" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1492" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "196d20h26m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "7" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "" + arp_timeout: "" + bandwidth_kbps: "100000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "70000" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "240208" + output_rate: "217472" + input_pps: "104" + output_pps: "102" + input_load_pct: "0.240" + output_load_pct: "0.310" + congestion_dropped_rx: "0" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "0" + congestion_dropped_total: "0" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo+shaper" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "-763131925" + shaper_burst_current: "874602" + shaper_burst_max: "875000" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "3769467815" + input_bytes: "2899812744256" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "3531835372" + output_bytes: "1821912521847" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Loopback 0" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "LOOPBACK MULTICAST" + if_index: "9902" + description: "" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "32768" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "448d10h36m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: + - "::1/128" + - "fe80::1/64" + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "" + arp_timeout: "" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "0.000" + output_load_pct: "0.000" + congestion_dropped_rx: "0" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "0" + congestion_dropped_total: "0" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "" + reliability_max: "" + input_packets: "1749" + input_bytes: "164332" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "1749" + output_bytes: "164332" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Loopback 1" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "LOOPBACK MULTICAST" + if_index: "9903" + description: "*** VT096413 - GS99999941512 ***" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "32768" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "448d10h36m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "management" + mac_address: "" + arp_timeout: "" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "6280" + output_rate: "6280" + input_pps: "9" + output_pps: "9" + input_load_pct: "0.000" + output_load_pct: "0.000" + congestion_dropped_rx: "0" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "0" + congestion_dropped_total: "0" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "" + reliability_max: "" + input_packets: "6346421" + input_bytes: "472102678" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "6346427" + output_bytes: "472103054" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Bvi 1" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "9501" + description: "Connection to Customer LAN" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "396d21h16m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "3" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:02:bb:4f" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "1000000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "504776" + output_rate: "397352" + input_pps: "226" + output_pps: "198" + input_load_pct: "0.000" + output_load_pct: "0.000" + congestion_dropped_rx: "0" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "0" + congestion_dropped_total: "0" + bridge_group: "1" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "" + reliability_max: "" + input_packets: "4578208775" + input_bytes: "2133846516522" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "735617627" + input_multicasts: "136187246" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "683928098" + output_packets: "3814474945" + output_bytes: "2750982891198" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "20941724" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "1" + output_discards: "22341208" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Bvi 55" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "9555" + description: "" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "11d21h45m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "31" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:06:bb:4f" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "1000000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "186144" + output_rate: "256456" + input_pps: "113" + output_pps: "114" + input_load_pct: "0.000" + output_load_pct: "0.000" + congestion_dropped_rx: "0" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "0" + congestion_dropped_total: "0" + bridge_group: "2" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "" + reliability_max: "" + input_packets: "237375069" + input_bytes: "58811387749" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "182857" + input_multicasts: "19575274" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "18243239" + output_packets: "351253527" + output_bytes: "302442538460" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "2298786" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "1" + output_discards: "2496554" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Null 0" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "MULTICAST" + if_index: "9901" + description: "" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "32768" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "448d10h36m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "" + arp_timeout: "" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "0.000" + output_load_pct: "0.000" + congestion_dropped_rx: "0" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "0" + congestion_dropped_total: "0" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "" + reliability_max: "" + input_packets: "0" + input_bytes: "0" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "0" + output_bytes: "0" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb150.raw b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb150.raw new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c4b6c4da65 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb150.raw @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +GigabitEthernet 0/0 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 524288 + Description: *** LAN INTERFACE *** + Promiscuous mode active + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 7d16h18m, status change count 3 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:0f:f4:56, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Auto-negotiation, full-duplex + Line speed 1000000 kbps + media-type rj45 + Bridged to group 1 + Mean input/output rate 175872/174288 bits/s, 104/103 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 32071720 packets, 6390984357 bytes, 0 queue drops + 223105 broadcasts, 485683 multicasts, 0 errors, 25 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 29278879 packets, 5037622271 bytes, 0 queue drops + 19550 broadcasts, 2 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +GigabitEthernet 0/1 is up, line protocol is down + Flags: (0x1081) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 528384 + Description: *** LAN INTERFACE *** + Promiscuous mode active + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Down-time 46d22h7m, status change count 0 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:13:f4:56, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Unknown negotiation, duplex-unknown + Line speed unknown + media-type rj45 + Bridged to group 1 + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +GigabitEthernet 0/2 is up, line protocol is down + Flags: (0x1081) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 532480 + Description: *** LAN INTERFACE *** + Promiscuous mode active + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Down-time 46d22h7m, status change count 0 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:17:f4:56, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Unknown negotiation, duplex-unknown + Line speed unknown + media-type rj45 + Bridged to group 1 + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +GigabitEthernet 0/3 is up, line protocol is down + Flags: (0x1081) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 536576 + Description: *** LAN INTERFACE *** + Promiscuous mode active + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Down-time 46d22h7m, status change count 0 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:1b:f4:56, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Unknown negotiation, duplex-unknown + Line speed unknown + media-type rj45 + Bridged to group 1 + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +GigabitEthernet 1/0 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 589824 + Description: *** WAN INTERFACE *** + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, IPv4 MTU 1550 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 46d22h7m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:1f:f4:56, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Auto-negotiation, full-duplex + Line speed 1000000 kbps + media-type rj45 + Mean input/output rate 186728/186520 bits/s, 115/113 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: cbq, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 35088705 packets, 5965567349 bytes, 0 queue drops + 1328658 broadcasts, 2036367 multicasts, 0 errors, 3366651 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 35167795 packets, 6548403039 bytes, 11 queue drops + 942 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +GigabitEthernet 1/0.300 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 590124 + Description: *** To NOS-ASR-01 Bundle-Ether1006.1041 VT111387 *** + Encapsulation: 802.1Q Virtual LAN, VLAN ID 300, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 46d22h6m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:1f:f4:56, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Internet address is, broadcast address is + Line speed 1000000 kbps, bandwidth limit 2000 kbps + Mean input/output rate 185544/186520 bits/s, 114/113 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 31722054 packets, 5352095889 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 35167806 packets, 6548407077 bytes, 0 queue drops + 942 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 4 discards +Bvi 1 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST, interface index is 268439552 + Description: ***LAN*** + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 7d16h18m, status change count 3 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:0f:f4:56, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Internet address is, broadcast address is + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Bridged to group 1 + Mean input/output rate 175864/174288 bits/s, 104/103 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 32071564 packets, 6387759974 bytes, 0 queue drops + 222958 broadcasts, 485677 multicasts, 0 errors, 202589 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 29278879 packets, 5037622271 bytes, 0 queue drops + 19550 broadcasts, 2 multicasts, 0 errors, 52 discards +Null 0 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x1000) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 1879048192 + Description: Null 0 + Up-time 46d22h7m, status change count 0 + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Loopback 1 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x41) LOOPBACK ARP, interface index is 1912602625 + Description: * VT111387 - - GS20210143583 * + IPv4 MTU 32768 bytes, IPv6 MTU 32768 bytes + Up-time 46d22h6m, status change count 1 + Internet address is + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb150.yml b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb150.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..285372cd2d --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb150.yml @@ -0,0 +1,641 @@ +--- +parsed_sample: + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/0" + duplex: "full" + negotiation: "Auto" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "524288" + description: "*** LAN INTERFACE *** " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "active" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "1500" + uptime: "7d16h18m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "3" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:0f:f4:56" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "1000000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "rj45" + input_rate: "175872" + output_rate: "174288" + input_pps: "104" + output_pps: "103" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "1" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "32071720" + input_bytes: "6390984357" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "223105" + input_multicasts: "485683" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "25" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "29278879" + output_bytes: "5037622271" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "19550" + output_multicasts: "2" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/1" + duplex: "unknown" + negotiation: "Unknown" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "528384" + description: "*** LAN INTERFACE *** " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "down" + promiscuous_mode: "active" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "1500" + uptime: "" + downtime: "46d22h7m" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:13:f4:56" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "rj45" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "1" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "0" + input_bytes: "0" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "0" + output_bytes: "0" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/2" + duplex: "unknown" + negotiation: "Unknown" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "532480" + description: "*** LAN INTERFACE *** " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "down" + promiscuous_mode: "active" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "1500" + uptime: "" + downtime: "46d22h7m" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:17:f4:56" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "rj45" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "1" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "0" + input_bytes: "0" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "0" + output_bytes: "0" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/3" + duplex: "unknown" + negotiation: "Unknown" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "536576" + description: "*** LAN INTERFACE *** " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "down" + promiscuous_mode: "active" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "1500" + uptime: "" + downtime: "46d22h7m" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:1b:f4:56" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "rj45" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "1" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "0" + input_bytes: "0" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "0" + output_bytes: "0" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 1/0" + duplex: "full" + negotiation: "Auto" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "589824" + description: "*** WAN INTERFACE *** " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "1500" + uptime: "46d22h7m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "1" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:1f:f4:56" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "1000000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "rj45" + input_rate: "186728" + output_rate: "186520" + input_pps: "115" + output_pps: "113" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "cbq" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "35088705" + input_bytes: "5965567349" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "1328658" + input_multicasts: "2036367" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "3366651" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "35167795" + output_bytes: "6548403039" + output_qdrops: "11" + output_broadcasts: "942" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 1/0.300" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "590124" + description: "*** To NOS-ASR-01 Bundle-Ether1006.1041 VT111387 *** " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "802.1Q Virtual LAN" + vlan_id: "300" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "1500" + uptime: "46d22h6m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "1" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:1f:f4:56" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "1000000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "2000" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "185544" + output_rate: "186520" + input_pps: "114" + output_pps: "113" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "31722054" + input_bytes: "5352095889" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "35167806" + output_bytes: "6548407077" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "942" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "4" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Bvi 1" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST" + if_index: "268439552" + description: "***LAN*** " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "1500" + uptime: "7d16h18m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "3" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:0f:f4:56" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "1000000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "175864" + output_rate: "174288" + input_pps: "104" + output_pps: "103" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "1" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "32071564" + input_bytes: "6387759974" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "222958" + input_multicasts: "485677" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "202589" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "29278879" + output_bytes: "5037622271" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "19550" + output_multicasts: "2" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "52" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Null 0" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "1879048192" + description: "Null 0 " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "46d22h7m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "" + arp_timeout: "" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "0" + input_bytes: "0" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "0" + output_bytes: "0" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Loopback 1" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "LOOPBACK ARP" + if_index: "1912602625" + description: "* VT111387 - - GS20210143583 * " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "32768" + ipv6_mtu: "32768" + uptime: "46d22h6m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "1" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "" + arp_timeout: "" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "0" + input_bytes: "0" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "0" + output_bytes: "0" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb154.raw b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb154.raw new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9a4b4f708d --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb154.raw @@ -0,0 +1,472 @@ +GigabitEthernet 0/0 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 524288 + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 15d13h58m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:14:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Auto-negotiation, full-duplex + Line speed 1000000 kbps + media-type rj45 + Mean input/output rate 10376/0 bits/s, 9/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 12518391 packets, 1271686154 bytes, 0 queue drops + 3484256 broadcasts, 8964165 multicasts, 0 errors, 739144 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 18391 packets, 4319614 bytes, 0 queue drops + 6040 broadcasts, 10366 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +GigabitEthernet 0/0.11 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 524299 + Description: ***New-VLAN*** + Encapsulation: 802.1Q Virtual LAN, VLAN ID 11, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 15d13h57m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:14:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Bridged to group 11 + Mean input/output rate 912/0 bits/s, 1/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 2006169 packets, 147626481 bytes, 0 queue drops + 697829 broadcasts, 1297736 multicasts, 0 errors, 90 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 10959 packets, 3637675 bytes, 0 queue drops + 452 broadcasts, 10075 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +GigabitEthernet 0/0.16 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 524304 + Description: ***IoT-VLAN*** + Encapsulation: 802.1Q Virtual LAN, VLAN ID 16, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 15d13h57m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:14:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Bridged to group 16 + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 951933 packets, 60291014 bytes, 0 queue drops + 2916 broadcasts, 948052 multicasts, 0 errors, 92 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 890 packets, 57830 bytes, 0 queue drops + 820 broadcasts, 28 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +GigabitEthernet 0/0.30 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 524318 + Description: ***Wired-Data*** + Encapsulation: 802.1Q Virtual LAN, VLAN ID 30, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 15d13h57m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:14:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Bridged to group 30 + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 1067723 packets, 83911652 bytes, 0 queue drops + 75977 broadcasts, 985997 multicasts, 0 errors, 3641 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 2150 packets, 137293 bytes, 0 queue drops + 2020 broadcasts, 56 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +GigabitEthernet 0/0.32 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 524320 + Description: ***Wireless-Data*** + Encapsulation: 802.1Q Virtual LAN, VLAN ID 32, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 15d13h57m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:14:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Bridged to group 32 + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 1224347 packets, 97452034 bytes, 0 queue drops + 183480 broadcasts, 1011526 multicasts, 0 errors, 28132 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 1498 packets, 352048 bytes, 0 queue drops + 401 broadcasts, 195 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +GigabitEthernet 0/0.100 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 524388 + Description: ***Detron management*** + Encapsulation: 802.1Q Virtual LAN, VLAN ID 100, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 15d13h57m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:14:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Bridged to group 100 + Mean input/output rate 6984/0 bits/s, 2/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 3423184 packets, 584129862 bytes, 0 queue drops + 2482067 broadcasts, 940888 multicasts, 0 errors, 8 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 313 packets, 14422 bytes, 0 queue drops + 124 broadcasts, 2 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +GigabitEthernet 0/0.111 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 524399 + Description: ***VLAN Voice*** + Encapsulation: 802.1Q Virtual LAN, VLAN ID 111, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 15d13h57m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:14:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Bridged to group 111 + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 946934 packets, 58999003 bytes, 0 queue drops + 3578 broadcasts, 941005 multicasts, 0 errors, 1175 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 1210 packets, 57232 bytes, 0 queue drops + 1175 broadcasts, 6 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +GigabitEthernet 0/0.255 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 524543 + Description: ***Renewi-internet-only*** + Encapsulation: 802.1Q Virtual LAN, VLAN ID 255, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 15d13h57m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:14:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Bridged to group 255 + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 958692 packets, 63289510 bytes, 0 queue drops + 905 broadcasts, 957262 multicasts, 0 errors, 1 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 313 packets, 14422 bytes, 0 queue drops + 155 broadcasts, 2 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +GigabitEthernet 0/0.256 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 524544 + Description: ***Guest-internet-only*** + Encapsulation: 802.1Q Virtual LAN, VLAN ID 256, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 15d13h57m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:14:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Bridged to group 256 + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 1200265 packets, 104533834 bytes, 0 queue drops + 37427 broadcasts, 1142644 multicasts, 0 errors, 16925 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 1058 packets, 48692 bytes, 0 queue drops + 893 broadcasts, 2 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +GigabitEthernet 0/1 is up, line protocol is down + Flags: (0x1081) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 528384 + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Down-time 15d13h58m, status change count 0 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:18:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Unknown negotiation, duplex-unknown + Line speed unknown + media-type rj45 + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +GigabitEthernet 0/2 is up, line protocol is down + Flags: (0x1081) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 532480 + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Down-time 15d13h58m, status change count 0 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:1c:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Unknown negotiation, duplex-unknown + Line speed unknown + media-type rj45 + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +GigabitEthernet 0/3 is up, line protocol is down + Flags: (0x1081) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 536576 + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Down-time 15d13h58m, status change count 0 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:20:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Unknown negotiation, duplex-unknown + Line speed unknown + media-type rj45 + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +GigabitEthernet 1/0 is up, line protocol is down + Flags: (0x1081) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 589824 + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Down-time 15d13h58m, status change count 0 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:24:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Unknown negotiation, duplex-unknown + Line speed unknown + media-type rj45 + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Bvi 11 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST, interface index is 268480512 + Description: ***New-VLAN*** + Encapsulation: 802.1Q Virtual LAN, VLAN ID 11, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 15d13h58m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:14:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Internet address is, broadcast address is + Secondary address is + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Bridged to group 11 + Mean input/output rate 912/0 bits/s, 1/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 2006079 packets, 147611735 bytes, 0 queue drops + 697827 broadcasts, 1297732 multicasts, 0 errors, 746458 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 10959 packets, 3637675 bytes, 0 queue drops + 452 broadcasts, 10075 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Bvi 16 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST, interface index is 268500992 + Description: ***IoT-VLAN*** + Encapsulation: 802.1Q Virtual LAN, VLAN ID 16, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 15d13h58m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:14:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Internet address is, broadcast address is + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Bridged to group 16 + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 951841 packets, 60270731 bytes, 0 queue drops + 2916 broadcasts, 948051 multicasts, 0 errors, 675839 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 890 packets, 57830 bytes, 0 queue drops + 820 broadcasts, 28 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Bvi 30 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST, interface index is 268558336 + Description: ***Wired-Data*** + Encapsulation: 802.1Q Virtual LAN, VLAN ID 30, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 15d13h58m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:14:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Internet address is, broadcast address is + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Bridged to group 30 + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 1064082 packets, 83308854 bytes, 0 queue drops + 75977 broadcasts, 985996 multicasts, 0 errors, 705770 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 2150 packets, 137293 bytes, 0 queue drops + 2020 broadcasts, 56 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Bvi 32 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST, interface index is 268566528 + Description: ***Wireless-Data*** + Encapsulation: 802.1Q Virtual LAN, VLAN ID 32, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 15d13h58m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:14:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Internet address is, broadcast address is + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Bridged to group 32 + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 1196215 packets, 93448622 bytes, 0 queue drops + 183480 broadcasts, 1011526 multicasts, 0 errors, 711906 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 1498 packets, 352048 bytes, 0 queue drops + 401 broadcasts, 195 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Bvi 100 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST, interface index is 268845056 + Description: ***Detron management*** + Encapsulation: 802.1Q Virtual LAN, VLAN ID 100, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 15d13h58m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:14:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Internet address is, broadcast address is + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Bridged to group 100 + Mean input/output rate 6984/0 bits/s, 2/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 3423176 packets, 584129223 bytes, 0 queue drops + 2482062 broadcasts, 940885 multicasts, 0 errors, 3122704 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 313 packets, 14422 bytes, 0 queue drops + 124 broadcasts, 2 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Bvi 111 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST, interface index is 268890112 + Description: ***VLAN Voice*** + Encapsulation: 802.1Q Virtual LAN, VLAN ID 111, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 15d13h58m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:14:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Internet address is, broadcast address is + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Bridged to group 111 + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 945759 packets, 58912718 bytes, 0 queue drops + 3578 broadcasts, 941004 multicasts, 0 errors, 671817 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 1210 packets, 57232 bytes, 0 queue drops + 1175 broadcasts, 6 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Bvi 255 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST, interface index is 269479936 + Description: ***Renewi-internet-only*** + Encapsulation: 802.1Q Virtual LAN, VLAN ID 255, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 15d13h58m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:14:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Internet address is, broadcast address is + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Bridged to group 255 + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 958691 packets, 63289446 bytes, 0 queue drops + 905 broadcasts, 957261 multicasts, 0 errors, 672044 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 313 packets, 14422 bytes, 0 queue drops + 155 broadcasts, 2 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Bvi 256 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10c1) BROADCAST MULTICAST, interface index is 269484032 + Description: ***Guest-internet-only *** + Encapsulation: 802.1Q Virtual LAN, VLAN ID 256, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 15d13h57m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:14:74:86, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Internet address is, broadcast address is + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Bridged to group 256 + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 1183340 packets, 102663453 bytes, 0 queue drops + 37427 broadcasts, 1142643 multicasts, 0 errors, 790937 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 1058 packets, 48692 bytes, 0 queue drops + 893 broadcasts, 2 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Virtual-Ethernet 1 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10d3) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 402657280 + Description: * - VT113486obile access 4G - UNTRUST - IP-VPN - 4G * + This interface is associated to VRF UNTRUST + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, IPv4 MTU 1500 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 7d18h14m, status change count 13 + Internet address is, broadcast address is + Line speed 50000 kbps + Mean input/output rate 13104/13400 bits/s, 11/8 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 503303 packets, 68017904 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 6 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 577910 packets, 95350536 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 2 discards +Null 0 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x1000) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 1879048192 + Description: Null 0 + Up-time 15d13h58m, status change count 0 + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Loopback 1 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x41) LOOPBACK ARP, interface index is 1912602625 + Description: * VT113486 - GS20220145291 * + IPv4 MTU 32768 bytes, IPv6 MTU 32768 bytes + Up-time 15d13h57m, status change count 1 + Internet address is + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Loopback 2 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x41) LOOPBACK ARP, interface index is 1912602626 + Description: * Customer * + IPv4 MTU 32768 bytes, IPv6 MTU 32768 bytes + Up-time 15d13h57m, status change count 1 + Internet address is + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Loopback 21 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x41) LOOPBACK ARP, interface index is 1912602645 + Description: * - Mobile access 4G - ANT BGP peer ip * + IPv4 MTU 32768 bytes, IPv6 MTU 32768 bytes + Up-time 15d13h57m, status change count 1 + Internet address is + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Loopback 91 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x41) LOOPBACK ARP, interface index is 1912602715 + Description: * - Mobile access 4G - NOS BGP peer ip * + IPv4 MTU 32768 bytes, IPv6 MTU 32768 bytes + Up-time 15d13h57m, status change count 1 + Internet address is + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Tunnel 21 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10d3) POINT-TO-POINT MULTICAST, interface index is 1912668181 + Description: * VT113486 - Mobile access 4G - Tunnel to ANT-IPSEC-02 - IP-VPN - 4G * + Encapsulation: TUNNEL, IPv4 MTU 1434 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1476 bytes + Tunnel source, destination + Tunnel protocol/transport GRE/IP + Tunnel protection via IPsec (profile "CM-VPN-ANT1") + This interface is associated to Tunnel VRF UNTRUST + Up-time 7d18h14m, status change count 21 + Interface is unnumbered, use address of Loopback 1( + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 95951 packets, 11888424 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 97372 packets, 11696336 bytes, 0 queue drops + 99 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 2 discards +Tunnel 91 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x10d3) POINT-TO-POINT MULTICAST, interface index is 1912668251 + Description: * VT113486 - Mobile access 4G - Tunnel to NOS-IPSEC-02 - IP-VPN - 4G * + Encapsulation: TUNNEL, IPv4 MTU 1434 bytes, IPv6 MTU 1476 bytes + Tunnel source, destination + Tunnel protocol/transport GRE/IP + Tunnel protection via IPsec (profile "CM-VPN-NOS1") + This interface is associated to Tunnel VRF UNTRUST + Up-time 1d15h45m, status change count 45 + Interface is unnumbered, use address of Loopback 1( + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 13088/13392 bits/s, 11/8 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Reliability: 255/255 + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/0 + IN: 379133 packets, 51559304 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 1 discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 444480 packets, 78321920 bytes, 0 queue drops + 40046 broadcasts, 15 multicasts, 0 errors, 52 discards diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb154.yml b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb154.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc70867ce4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb154.yml @@ -0,0 +1,2064 @@ +--- +parsed_sample: + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/0" + duplex: "full" + negotiation: "Auto" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "524288" + description: "" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "1500" + uptime: "15d13h58m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "1" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:14:74:86" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "1000000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "rj45" + input_rate: "10376" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "9" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "12518391" + input_bytes: "1271686154" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "3484256" + input_multicasts: "8964165" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "739144" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "18391" + output_bytes: "4319614" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "6040" + output_multicasts: "10366" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/0.11" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "524299" + description: "***New-VLAN*** " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "802.1Q Virtual LAN" + vlan_id: "11" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "1500" + uptime: "15d13h57m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "1" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:14:74:86" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "1000000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "912" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "1" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "11" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "2006169" + input_bytes: "147626481" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "697829" + input_multicasts: "1297736" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "90" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "10959" + output_bytes: "3637675" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "452" + output_multicasts: "10075" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/0.16" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "524304" + description: "***IoT-VLAN*** " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "802.1Q Virtual LAN" + vlan_id: "16" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "1500" + uptime: "15d13h57m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "1" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:14:74:86" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "1000000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "16" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "951933" + input_bytes: "60291014" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "2916" + input_multicasts: "948052" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "92" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "890" + output_bytes: "57830" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "820" + output_multicasts: "28" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/0.30" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "524318" + description: "***Wired-Data*** " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "802.1Q Virtual LAN" + vlan_id: "30" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "1500" + uptime: "15d13h57m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "1" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:14:74:86" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "1000000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "30" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "1067723" + input_bytes: "83911652" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "75977" + input_multicasts: "985997" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "3641" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "2150" + output_bytes: "137293" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "2020" + output_multicasts: "56" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/0.32" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "524320" + description: "***Wireless-Data*** " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "802.1Q Virtual LAN" + vlan_id: "32" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "1500" + uptime: "15d13h57m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "1" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:14:74:86" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "1000000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "32" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "1224347" + input_bytes: "97452034" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "183480" + input_multicasts: "1011526" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "28132" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "1498" + output_bytes: "352048" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "401" + output_multicasts: "195" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/0.100" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "524388" + description: "***Detron management*** " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "802.1Q Virtual LAN" + vlan_id: "100" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "1500" + uptime: "15d13h57m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "1" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:14:74:86" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "1000000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "6984" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "2" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "100" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "3423184" + input_bytes: "584129862" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "2482067" + input_multicasts: "940888" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "8" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "313" + output_bytes: "14422" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "124" + output_multicasts: "2" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/0.111" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "524399" + description: "***VLAN Voice*** " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "802.1Q Virtual LAN" + vlan_id: "111" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "1500" + uptime: "15d13h57m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "1" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:14:74:86" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "1000000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "111" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "946934" + input_bytes: "58999003" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "3578" + input_multicasts: "941005" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "1175" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "1210" + 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input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "255" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "958692" + input_bytes: "63289510" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "905" + input_multicasts: "957262" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "1" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "313" + output_bytes: "14422" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "155" + output_multicasts: "2" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/0.256" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "524544" + description: "***Guest-internet-only*** " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "802.1Q Virtual LAN" + vlan_id: "256" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "1500" + uptime: "15d13h57m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "1" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:14:74:86" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "1000000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "256" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "1200265" + input_bytes: "104533834" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "37427" + input_multicasts: "1142644" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "16925" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "1058" + output_bytes: "48692" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "893" + output_multicasts: "2" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/1" + duplex: "unknown" + negotiation: "Unknown" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "528384" + description: "" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "down" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "1500" + uptime: "" + downtime: "15d13h58m" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:18:74:86" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "rj45" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "0" + input_bytes: "0" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + 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+ bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "rj45" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "0" + input_bytes: "0" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "0" + output_bytes: "0" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/3" + duplex: "unknown" + negotiation: "Unknown" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "536576" + description: "" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "down" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "1500" + uptime: "" + downtime: "15d13h58m" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:20:74:86" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "rj45" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "0" + input_bytes: "0" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "0" + output_bytes: "0" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 1/0" + duplex: "unknown" + negotiation: "Unknown" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "589824" + description: "" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "down" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "1500" + uptime: "" + downtime: "15d13h58m" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:24:74:86" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "rj45" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "0" + input_bytes: "0" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + 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"912" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "1" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "11" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "2006079" + input_bytes: "147611735" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "697827" + input_multicasts: "1297732" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "746458" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "10959" + output_bytes: "3637675" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "452" + output_multicasts: "10075" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Bvi 16" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST" + if_index: "268500992" + description: "***IoT-VLAN*** " + 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ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:14:74:86" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "1000000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "30" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "1064082" + input_bytes: "83308854" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "75977" + input_multicasts: "985996" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "705770" + 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"1000000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "32" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "1196215" + input_bytes: "93448622" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "183480" + input_multicasts: "1011526" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "711906" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "1498" + output_bytes: "352048" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "401" + output_multicasts: "195" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Bvi 100" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST 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firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:14:74:86" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "1000000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "255" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "958691" + input_bytes: "63289446" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "905" + input_multicasts: "957261" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "672044" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "313" + output_bytes: "14422" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "155" + output_multicasts: "2" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" 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"" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "256" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "1183340" + input_bytes: "102663453" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "37427" + input_multicasts: "1142643" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "790937" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "1058" + output_bytes: "48692" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "893" + output_multicasts: "2" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Virtual-Ethernet 1" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "402657280" + description: "* - VT113486obile access 4G - UNTRUST - IP-VPN - 4G * " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + 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"fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "0" + input_bytes: "0" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "0" + output_bytes: "0" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Loopback 2" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "LOOPBACK ARP" + if_index: "1912602626" + description: "* Customer * " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "32768" + ipv6_mtu: "32768" + uptime: "15d13h57m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "1" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + 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output_packets: "0" + output_bytes: "0" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Loopback 21" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "LOOPBACK ARP" + if_index: "1912602645" + description: "* - Mobile access 4G - ANT BGP peer ip * " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "32768" + ipv6_mtu: "32768" + uptime: "15d13h57m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "1" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "" + arp_timeout: "" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "0" + input_bytes: "0" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "0" + output_bytes: "0" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Loopback 91" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "LOOPBACK ARP" + if_index: "1912602715" + description: "* - Mobile access 4G - NOS BGP peer ip * " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "32768" + ipv6_mtu: "32768" + uptime: "15d13h57m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "1" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "" + arp_timeout: "" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "0" + input_bytes: "0" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "0" + output_bytes: "0" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Tunnel 21" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "POINT-TO-POINT MULTICAST" + if_index: "1912668181" + description: "* VT113486 - Mobile access 4G - Tunnel to ANT-IPSEC-02 - IP-VPN\ + \ - 4G * " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "TUNNEL" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1476" + ipv6_mtu: "1476" + uptime: "7d18h14m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "21" + ipv4: "unnumbered" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "Loopback 1" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "GRE" + tunnel_transport: "IP" + tunnel_protection_mode: "IPsec" + tunnel_protection_profile: "CM-VPN-ANT1" + tunnel_vrf: "UNTRUST" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "" + arp_timeout: "" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "95951" + input_bytes: "11888424" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "97372" + output_bytes: "11696336" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "99" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "2" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Tunnel 91" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "POINT-TO-POINT MULTICAST" + if_index: "1912668251" + description: "* VT113486 - Mobile access 4G - Tunnel to NOS-IPSEC-02 - IP-VPN\ + \ - 4G * " + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "TUNNEL" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1476" + ipv6_mtu: "1476" + uptime: "1d15h45m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "45" + ipv4: "unnumbered" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "Loopback 1" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "GRE" + tunnel_transport: "IP" + tunnel_protection_mode: "IPsec" + tunnel_protection_profile: "CM-VPN-NOS1" + tunnel_vrf: "UNTRUST" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "" + arp_timeout: "" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "13088" + output_rate: "13392" + input_pps: "11" + output_pps: "8" + input_load_pct: "" + output_load_pct: "" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "0" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "379133" + input_bytes: "51559304" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "1" + input_mac_acl_discards: "" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "444480" + output_bytes: "78321920" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "40046" + output_multicasts: "15" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "52" + vrf: "" diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb4g.raw b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb4g.raw new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b64f63776c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb4g.raw @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +GigabitEthernet 0/0 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x8063) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 111 + Description: Connection to Customer LAN + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 90d17h48m, status change count 1 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:05:1d:9a, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Internet address is, broadcast address is + Auto-negotiation, full-duplex, flowcontrol enabled + Line speed 1000000 kbps + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.000/0.000 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + Reliability: 255/255 + IN: 1595000 packets, 104199354 bytes, 0 queue drops + 26164 broadcasts, 1567985 multicasts, 0 errors, 12 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 16 unknown protocols + OUT: 975 packets, 184194 bytes, 0 queue drops + 98 broadcasts, 14 multicasts, 0 errors, 2 discards, 0 collisions +GigabitEthernet 0/1 is down, line protocol is down + Flags: (0x8022) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 112 + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, MTU 1500 bytes + Down-time 90d17h48m, status change count 0 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:09:1d:9a, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.000/0.000 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + Reliability: 255/255 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 collisions +GigabitEthernet 0/2 is down, line protocol is down + Flags: (0x8022) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 113 + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, MTU 1500 bytes + Down-time 90d17h48m, status change count 0 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:0d:1d:9a, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.000/0.000 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + Reliability: 255/255 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 collisions +GigabitEthernet 0/3 is down, line protocol is down + Flags: (0x8022) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 114 + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, MTU 1500 bytes + Down-time 90d17h48m, status change count 0 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:11:1d:9a, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.000/0.000 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + Reliability: 255/255 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 collisions +GigabitEthernet 1/0 is up, line protocol is down + Flags: (0x8023) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 116 + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, MTU 1500 bytes + Down-time 90d17h48m, status change count 0 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:15:1d:9a, ARP timeout 7200 sec + negotiation unknown, duplex unknown + Line speed unknown + Media-type rj45 + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.000/0.000 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + Reliability: 255/255 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 collisions +Loopback 0 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x80e9) LOOPBACK MULTICAST, interface index is 9902 + MTU 32768 bytes + Up-time 90d17h48m, status change count 0 + Internet address is + IPv6 address is ::1/128 + IPv6 address is fe80::1/64 + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.000/0.000 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + IN: 792892 packets, 50304174 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 792892 packets, 50304174 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Loopback 1 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x80e9) LOOPBACK MULTICAST, interface index is 9903 + Description: VT93757 + MTU 32768 bytes + Up-time 90d17h48m, status change count 0 + Internet address is + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 8064/8064 bits/s, 11/11 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.000/0.000 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + IN: 1205685 packets, 94253106 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 1205685 packets, 94253106 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Loopback 21 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x80e9) LOOPBACK MULTICAST, interface index is 9923 + Description: *** Mobile access 4G - BGP PEER LOOPBACK *** + MTU 32768 bytes + Up-time 90d17h48m, status change count 0 + Internet address is + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.000/0.000 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + IN: 547665 packets, 27577399 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 547665 packets, 27577399 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Loopback 91 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x80e9) LOOPBACK MULTICAST, interface index is 9993 + Description: *** Mobile access 4G - BGP PEER LOOPBACK *** + MTU 32768 bytes + Up-time 90d17h48m, status change count 0 + Internet address is + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.000/0.000 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + IN: 547767 packets, 27648173 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 547767 packets, 27648173 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Tunnel 21 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x80f1) POINT-TO-POINT MULTICAST, interface index is 9822 + This interface is associated to Tunnel VRF UNTRUST + Encapsulation: TUNNEL, MTU 1434 bytes + Keepalive not set + Tunnel source, destination + Tunnel protocol/transport GRE/IP + Up-time 1d22h3m, status change count 87 + Interface is unnumbered, use address of Loopback 1 ( + Line speed 50000 kbps + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.000/0.000 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + IN: 548361 packets, 53110629 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 0 unknown protocols + 0 bad checksum, 0 bad key id, 0 bad sequence + OUT: 553132 packets, 66072336 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Tunnel 91 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x80f1) POINT-TO-POINT MULTICAST, interface index is 9892 + This interface is associated to Tunnel VRF UNTRUST + Encapsulation: TUNNEL, MTU 1434 bytes + Keepalive not set + Tunnel source, destination + Tunnel protocol/transport GRE/IP + Up-time 04:03:43, status change count 267 + Interface is unnumbered, use address of Loopback 1 ( + Line speed 50000 kbps + Mean input/output rate 13016/16640 bits/s, 11/12 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.026/0.033 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + IN: 1752769 packets, 208283715 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 0 unknown protocols + 0 bad checksum, 0 bad key id, 0 bad sequence + OUT: 1896077 packets, 284630648 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +Null 0 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x80e1) MULTICAST, interface index is 9901 + MTU 32768 bytes + Up-time 90d17h48m, status change count 0 + Line speed unknown + Mean input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.000/0.000 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards +virtual-ethernet 1 is up, line protocol is up + Flags: (0x8063) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 10701 + Description: *** Mobile access 4G testing - WAN INTF *** + This interface is associated to VRF UNTRUST + Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, MTU 1500 bytes + Up-time 47d12h55m, status change count 5 + Hardware address is 70:fc:8c:21:1d:9a, ARP timeout 7200 sec + Internet address is, broadcast address is + Line speed 50000 kbps + Mean input/output rate 25040/39352 bits/s, 19/20 packets/s (over the last 4 seconds) + Mean input/output load percentage 0.050/0.078 percent (over the last 4 seconds) + Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126 + IN: 2484298 packets, 371202556 bytes, 0 queue drops + 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards, 0 mac acl discards + 0 unknown protocols + OUT: 2679534 packets, 421781451 bytes, 0 queue drops + 2220 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 8 discards diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb4g.yml b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb4g.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fe5794d9c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_interfaces/show_interfaces.lbb4g.yml @@ -0,0 +1,927 @@ +--- +parsed_sample: + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/0" + duplex: "full" + negotiation: "Auto" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "111" + description: "Connection to Customer LAN" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "90d17h48m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "1" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:05:1d:9a" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "1000000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "0.000" + output_load_pct: "0.000" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "1595000" + input_bytes: "104199354" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "26164" + input_multicasts: "1567985" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "12" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "16" + output_packets: "975" + output_bytes: "184194" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "98" + output_multicasts: "14" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "2" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/1" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "112" + description: "" + link_status: "down" + protocol_status: "down" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "" + downtime: "90d17h48m" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:09:1d:9a" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "0.000" + output_load_pct: "0.000" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "0" + input_bytes: "0" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "0" + output_bytes: "0" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/2" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "113" + description: "" + link_status: "down" + protocol_status: "down" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "" + downtime: "90d17h48m" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:0d:1d:9a" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "0.000" + output_load_pct: "0.000" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "0" + input_bytes: "0" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "0" + output_bytes: "0" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 0/3" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "114" + description: "" + link_status: "down" + protocol_status: "down" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "" + downtime: "90d17h48m" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:11:1d:9a" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "0.000" + output_load_pct: "0.000" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "0" + input_bytes: "0" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "0" + output_bytes: "0" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "GigabitEthernet 1/0" + duplex: "unknown" + negotiation: "unknown" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "116" + description: "" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "down" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "" + downtime: "90d17h48m" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:15:1d:9a" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "rj45" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "0.000" + output_load_pct: "0.000" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "255" + reliability_max: "255" + input_packets: "0" + input_bytes: "0" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "0" + output_bytes: "0" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Loopback 0" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "LOOPBACK MULTICAST" + if_index: "9902" + description: "" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "32768" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "90d17h48m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: + - "::1/128" + - "fe80::1/64" + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "" + arp_timeout: "" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "0.000" + output_load_pct: "0.000" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "" + reliability_max: "" + input_packets: "792892" + input_bytes: "50304174" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "792892" + output_bytes: "50304174" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Loopback 1" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "LOOPBACK MULTICAST" + if_index: "9903" + description: "VT93757" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "32768" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "90d17h48m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "" + arp_timeout: "" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "8064" + output_rate: "8064" + input_pps: "11" + output_pps: "11" + input_load_pct: "0.000" + output_load_pct: "0.000" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "" + reliability_max: "" + input_packets: "1205685" + input_bytes: "94253106" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "1205685" + output_bytes: "94253106" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Loopback 21" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "LOOPBACK MULTICAST" + if_index: "9923" + description: "*** Mobile access 4G - BGP PEER LOOPBACK ***" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "32768" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "90d17h48m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "" + arp_timeout: "" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "0.000" + output_load_pct: "0.000" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "" + reliability_max: "" + input_packets: "547665" + input_bytes: "27577399" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "547665" + output_bytes: "27577399" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Loopback 91" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "LOOPBACK MULTICAST" + if_index: "9993" + description: "*** Mobile access 4G - BGP PEER LOOPBACK ***" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "32768" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "90d17h48m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "" + arp_timeout: "" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "0.000" + output_load_pct: "0.000" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "" + reliability_max: "" + input_packets: "547767" + input_bytes: "27648173" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "547767" + output_bytes: "27648173" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Tunnel 21" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "POINT-TO-POINT MULTICAST" + if_index: "9822" + description: "" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "TUNNEL" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1434" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "1d22h3m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "87" + ipv4: "unnumbered" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "Loopback 1 " + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "GRE" + tunnel_transport: "IP" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "UNTRUST" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "" + arp_timeout: "" + bandwidth_kbps: "50000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "0.000" + output_load_pct: "0.000" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "" + reliability_max: "" + input_packets: "548361" + input_bytes: "53110629" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "553132" + output_bytes: "66072336" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Tunnel 91" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "POINT-TO-POINT MULTICAST" + if_index: "9892" + description: "" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "TUNNEL" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1434" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "04:03:43" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "267" + ipv4: "unnumbered" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "Loopback 1 " + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "GRE" + tunnel_transport: "IP" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "UNTRUST" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "" + arp_timeout: "" + bandwidth_kbps: "50000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "13016" + output_rate: "16640" + input_pps: "11" + output_pps: "12" + input_load_pct: "0.026" + output_load_pct: "0.033" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "" + reliability_max: "" + input_packets: "1752769" + input_bytes: "208283715" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "1896077" + output_bytes: "284630648" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "Null 0" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "MULTICAST" + if_index: "9901" + description: "" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "32768" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "90d17h48m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "0" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "" + arp_timeout: "" + bandwidth_kbps: "unknown" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "0" + output_rate: "0" + input_pps: "0" + output_pps: "0" + input_load_pct: "0.000" + output_load_pct: "0.000" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "" + reliability_max: "" + input_packets: "0" + input_bytes: "0" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "0" + output_bytes: "0" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "0" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "0" + vrf: "" + - interface: "virtual-ethernet 1" + duplex: "" + negotiation: "" + flags: "BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP" + if_index: "10701" + description: "*** Mobile access 4G testing - WAN INTF ***" + link_status: "up" + protocol_status: "up" + promiscuous_mode: "" + encapsulation: "Ethernet v2" + vlan_id: "" + ipv4_mtu: "1500" + ipv6_mtu: "" + uptime: "47d12h55m" + downtime: "" + status_changes: "5" + ipv4: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_intf: "" + ipv4_unnumbered_ip: "" + ipv4_gateway: "" + ipv4_broadcast: "" + ipv4_secondary: [] + ipv6: [] + tunnel_source: "" + tunnel_destination: "" + tunnel_protocol: "" + tunnel_transport: "" + tunnel_protection_mode: "" + tunnel_protection_profile: "" + tunnel_vrf: "" + firewall_zone: "" + mac_address: "70:fc:8c:21:1d:9a" + arp_timeout: "7200" + bandwidth_kbps: "50000" + bandwidth_limit_kbps: "" + sfp_mediatype: "" + input_rate: "25040" + output_rate: "39352" + input_pps: "19" + output_pps: "20" + input_load_pct: "0.050" + output_load_pct: "0.078" + congestion_dropped_rx: "" + congestion_dropped_cpu: "" + congestion_dropped_total: "" + bridge_group: "" + output_queue_strategy: "fifo" + output_queue_length: "0" + output_queue_depth: "126" + shaper_packets_dequeued: "" + shaper_burst_current: "" + shaper_burst_max: "" + reliability_value: "" + reliability_max: "" + input_packets: "2484298" + input_bytes: "371202556" + input_qdrops: "0" + input_broadcasts: "0" + input_multicasts: "0" + input_errors: "0" + input_discards: "0" + input_mac_acl_discards: "0" + input_unknown_protocols: "0" + output_packets: "2679534" + output_bytes: "421781451" + output_qdrops: "0" + output_broadcasts: "2220" + output_multicasts: "0" + output_errors: "0" + output_discards: "8" + vrf: "UNTRUST" diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_access-lists/show_ip_access-lists.oneos5.raw b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_access-lists/show_ip_access-lists.oneos5.raw new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2f7e507c80 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_access-lists/show_ip_access-lists.oneos5.raw @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +interface Bvi 20, inbound IP access list GUEST_WIFI_IN + +IP access list extended GRE-Tunnel21 +permit gre host host log (0 matches) + +IP access list extended GRE-Tunnel11 +permit gre host host log (0 matches) + +IP access list extended GUEST_WIFI_IN +deny any (0 matches) +deny any (0 matches) +deny any (0 matches) +permit any any (5164438 matches) + +IP access list standard 52 +permit any (4519825 matches) + +IP access list extended MANAGEMENT_IN +permit tcp any eq ssh (2896 matches) +permit tcp any eq telnet (0 matches) +permit tcp any eq ssh (0 matches) +permit tcp any eq telnet (0 matches) +permit tcp any eq ssh (0 matches) +permit tcp any eq telnet (0 matches) +permit tcp any eq ssh (0 matches) +permit tcp any eq telnet (0 matches) +permit tcp host eq telnet (0 matches) +permit tcp any eq ssh (0 matches) +permit tcp any eq telnet (0 matches) +deny any any (0 matches) + +For info on ACLs used by IPSEC, please refer to show crypto acl [detail ] command. diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_access-lists/show_ip_access-lists.oneos5.yml b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_access-lists/show_ip_access-lists.oneos5.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c32920f35c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_access-lists/show_ip_access-lists.oneos5.yml @@ -0,0 +1,578 @@ +--- +parsed_sample: + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "GRE-Tunnel21" + line_num: "" + action: "" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "GRE-Tunnel21" + line_num: "" + action: "permit" + protocol: "gre" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "log" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "GRE-Tunnel11" + line_num: "" + action: "" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "GRE-Tunnel11" + line_num: "" + action: "permit" + protocol: "gre" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "log" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "GUEST_WIFI_IN" + line_num: "" + action: "" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "GUEST_WIFI_IN" + line_num: "" + action: "deny" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "any" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "GUEST_WIFI_IN" + line_num: "" + action: "deny" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "any" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "GUEST_WIFI_IN" + line_num: "" + action: "deny" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "any" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "GUEST_WIFI_IN" + line_num: "" + action: "permit" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "any" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "any" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "5164438" + - acl_type: "standard" + acl_name: "52" + line_num: "" + action: "" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "" + - acl_type: "standard" + acl_name: "52" + line_num: "" + action: "permit" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "any" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "4519825" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "" + action: "" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "" + action: "permit" + protocol: "tcp" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "any" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "eq" + dst_port: "ssh" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "2896" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "" + action: "permit" + protocol: "tcp" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "any" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "eq" + dst_port: "telnet" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "" + action: "permit" + protocol: "tcp" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "any" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "eq" + dst_port: "ssh" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "" + action: "permit" + protocol: "tcp" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "any" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "eq" + dst_port: "telnet" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "" + action: "permit" + protocol: "tcp" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "any" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "eq" + dst_port: "ssh" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "" + action: "permit" + protocol: "tcp" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "any" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "eq" + dst_port: "telnet" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "" + action: "permit" + protocol: "tcp" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "any" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "eq" + dst_port: "ssh" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "" + action: "permit" + protocol: "tcp" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "any" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "eq" + dst_port: "telnet" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "" + action: "permit" + protocol: "tcp" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "eq" + dst_port: "telnet" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "" + action: "permit" + protocol: "tcp" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "any" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "eq" + dst_port: "ssh" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "" + action: "permit" + protocol: "tcp" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "any" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "eq" + dst_port: "telnet" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "" + action: "deny" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "any" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "any" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_access-lists/show_ip_access-lists.oneos6.raw b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_access-lists/show_ip_access-lists.oneos6.raw new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..92567f137d --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_access-lists/show_ip_access-lists.oneos6.raw @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +ip access-list standard 52 + 1 permit (988908 matches) + +ip access-list standard 5 + 1 permit (0 matches) + +ip access-list extended GRE-Tunnel21 + 1 permit ip 47 log (0 matches) + +ip access-list extended GRE-Tunnel91 + 1 permit ip 47 log (0 matches) + +ip access-list extended MANAGEMENT + 1 permit ip (1273326 matches) + 2 permit ip (0 matches) + +ip access-list extended REAL-TIME + +ip access-list extended PREMIUM + +ip access-list extended GOLD + +ip access-list extended SILVER + +ip access-list extended BRONZE + +ip access-list extended MANAGEMENT_IN + 1 permit tcp 22 (1128 matches) + 2 permit tcp 23 (0 matches) + 3 permit tcp 22 (0 matches) + 4 permit tcp 23 (0 matches) + 5 permit tcp 22 (0 matches) + 6 permit tcp 23 (0 matches) + 7 permit tcp 22 (0 matches) + 8 permit tcp 23 (0 matches) + 9 permit tcp 22 (0 matches) + 10 permit tcp 23 (0 matches) + 11 permit tcp 23 (0 matches) + 12 permit tcp 23 (0 matches) + 13 permit tcp 22 (0 matches) + 14 permit tcp 23 (0 matches) + 15 deny ip (0 matches) diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_access-lists/show_ip_access-lists.oneos6.yml b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_access-lists/show_ip_access-lists.oneos6.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0e706417c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_access-lists/show_ip_access-lists.oneos6.yml @@ -0,0 +1,770 @@ +--- +parsed_sample: + - acl_type: "standard" + acl_name: "52" + line_num: "" + action: "" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "" + - acl_type: "standard" + acl_name: "52" + line_num: "1" + action: "permit" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "988908" + - acl_type: "standard" + acl_name: "5" + line_num: "" + action: "" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "" + - acl_type: "standard" + acl_name: "5" + line_num: "1" + action: "permit" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "GRE-Tunnel21" + line_num: "" + action: "" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "GRE-Tunnel21" + line_num: "1" + action: "permit" + protocol: "ip" + protocol_nr: "47" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "log" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "GRE-Tunnel91" + line_num: "" + action: "" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "GRE-Tunnel91" + line_num: "1" + action: "permit" + protocol: "ip" + protocol_nr: "47" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "log" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT" + line_num: "" + action: "" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT" + line_num: "1" + action: "permit" + protocol: "ip" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "1273326" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT" + line_num: "2" + action: "permit" + protocol: "ip" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "REAL-TIME" + line_num: "" + action: "" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "PREMIUM" + line_num: "" + action: "" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "GOLD" + line_num: "" + action: "" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "SILVER" + line_num: "" + action: "" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "BRONZE" + line_num: "" + action: "" + protocol: "" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "" + - 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src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "23" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "7" + action: "permit" + protocol: "tcp" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "22" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "8" + action: "permit" + protocol: "tcp" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "23" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "9" + action: "permit" + protocol: "tcp" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "22" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "10" + action: "permit" + protocol: "tcp" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "23" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "11" + action: "permit" + protocol: "tcp" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "23" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "12" + action: "permit" + protocol: "tcp" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "23" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "13" + action: "permit" + protocol: "tcp" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "22" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "14" + action: "permit" + protocol: "tcp" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "23" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" + - acl_type: "extended" + acl_name: "MANAGEMENT_IN" + line_num: "15" + action: "deny" + protocol: "ip" + protocol_nr: "" + src_host: "" + src_any: "" + src_network: "" + src_wildcard: "" + src_port_match: "" + src_port: "" + src_port_range_start: "" + src_port_range_end: "" + dst_host: "" + dst_any: "" + dst_network: "" + dst_wildcard: "" + dst_port_match: "" + dst_port: "" + dst_port_range_start: "" + dst_port_range_end: "" + log: "" + matches: "0" diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_as-path-access-list/show_ip_as-path-access-list.oneos5.raw b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_as-path-access-list/show_ip_as-path-access-list.oneos5.raw new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..848969e923 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_as-path-access-list/show_ip_as-path-access-list.oneos5.raw @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +AS path access list 102 + permit ^$ diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_as-path-access-list/show_ip_as-path-access-list.oneos5.yml b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_as-path-access-list/show_ip_as-path-access-list.oneos5.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..96b39fa8e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_as-path-access-list/show_ip_as-path-access-list.oneos5.yml @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +--- +parsed_sample: + - name: "102" + entries: + - "permit ^$" diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_as-path-access-list/show_ip_as-path-access-list.oneos6.raw b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_as-path-access-list/show_ip_as-path-access-list.oneos6.raw new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..848969e923 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_as-path-access-list/show_ip_as-path-access-list.oneos6.raw @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +AS path access list 102 + permit ^$ diff --git a/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_as-path-access-list/show_ip_as-path-access-list.oneos6.yml b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_as-path-access-list/show_ip_as-path-access-list.oneos6.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..96b39fa8e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/oneaccess_oneos/show_ip_as-path-access-list/show_ip_as-path-access-list.oneos6.yml @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +--- +parsed_sample: + - name: "102" + entries: + - "permit ^$"