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File metadata and controls

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🚀 Deployment in production and administration

Instructions to deploy Eurydice manually are available below.

👷‍♀️ Manual deployment with docker compose

  • compose.yml allows for launching a local development environment

    • docker compose up -d
  • allows for launching the origin or destination production stack

    1. Configure the environment variables (more details below)
    2. Create the directories configured in the environment variables
    3. Set permissions to allow read/write access to these directories for the UID configured in the environment variables

    If you don't need elk logging:

    1. Configure the database by applying the migrations:

      • Origin:
        docker compose -f --profile origin run --rm db-migrations-origin
      • Destination (on another machine):
        docker compose -f --profile destination run --rm db-migrations-destination
    2. Launch the stack:

      • Origin:
        docker compose -f --profile origin up -d
      • Destination (on another machine):
        docker compose -f --profile destination up -d

    If you want elk logging:

    1. Configure the database by applying the migrations:

      • Origin:
        docker compose -f --profile origin-with-elk-logging run --rm db-migrations-origin-with-elk
      • Destination (on another machine):
        docker compose -f --profile destination-with-elk-logging run --rm db-migrations-destination-with-elk
    2. Launch the stack:

      • Origin:
        docker compose -f --profile origin-with-elk-logging up -d
      • Destination (on another machine):
        docker compose -f --profile destination-with-elk-logging up -d
      • Note: Additional environment variables are needed: see the list below. You will need an API key: more details below.

    Optional admin user

    1. (optional) Create an administrator user for accessing the admin interface at /admin (default credentials are admin/admin)
      • Origin:
        docker compose -f exec backend-origin make superuser
      • Destination (on another machine):
        docker compose -f exec backend-destination make superuser

⚙️ Environment Variables

The .env file should be placed in the directory from which you are running docker compose (usually next to the compose.yml file). You can also name the file as you wish and point compose to it using the --env-file flag.

The following environment variables should be configured for the deployment (variables without a default value are mandatory):

Variable Default value Description
EURYDICE_VERSION latest Tag for the Eurydice docker image (list of tags)
LIDI_VERSION latest Tag for the lidis/r docker images (list of tags)
LOCAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY Docker image registry: hostname of the registry that hosts Docker images for eurydice and lidi
REMOTE_DOCKER_REGISTRY Docker image registry: hostname for other docker images (e.g.
PUID 1000 Numeric identifier to the user under which the services of will run
PGID 1000 Numeric identifier for the group under which the services will run
GUNICORN_CONFIGURATION "" Gunicorn commandline arguments
EURYDICE_IPV4_SUBNET Range of IP addresses that will be assigned to containers within the eurydice network
BACKEND_HOSTNAMES localhost Hostname(s) for the backend API separated by a comma: ,
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS "" Additionnal origin(s) for CSRF validation, separated by a comma: ,. SEE Django documentation Must include scheme ("http://", "https://") . May be left empty.
FRONTEND_HOSTNAMES localhost Hostname(s) for the frontend UI separated by a space:
KIBANA_HOSTNAME localhost Hostname for the Kibana UI.
LIDIR_HOST Lidir hostname
LIDIR_PORT 11011 Lidir port number
LIDI_UDP_MTU 1500 Value for lidi option --from_udp_mtu (see
LIDI_ENCODING_BLOCK_SIZE 60000 Value for lidi option --encoding_block_size (see
LIDI_REPAIR_BLOCK_SIZE 6000 Value for lidi option --repair_block_size (see
LIDIS_DOCKER_HOST, host-gateway(sender) Host interface on which lidis will listen and to which the sender will connect
MINIO_ENABLED true Enables usage of minio. If minio is disabled, eurydice will store transferable data on the filesystem. See TRANSFERABLE_STORAGE_DIR and MINIO_ENDPOINT. Disabling minio and using the filesystem is only supported on the destination side.
TRANSFERABLE_STORAGE_DIR Host path to the directory containing transferable data, if minio is disabled data
MINIO_ENDPOINT minio:9000 Hostname and port of the s3 storage server. By default, uses the minio container embedded in the compose stack
MINIO_DATA_DIR Host path to the directory containing minio data
MINIO_CONF_DIR Host path to the directory containing the minio configuration
DB_DATA_DIR Host path to the directory containing the database's data
LOG_LEVEL INFO Django and Eurydice Log Level
LOG_TO_FILE true If true, python processes will configure their logger to log into json files. See PYTHON_LOGS_DIR .
PYTHON_LOGS_DIR Host path to the directory containing python logs. Each service will write into their own sub-directory, as such: ${PYTHON_LOGS_DIR}/sender-logs/log.json
RUST_LOG See Rust log level (i.e. Lidi log level)
DB_LOGS_DIR Host path to the directory containing the database's logs
ELK_VERSION 7.17.11 Version of Filebeat service. Should match the version of the targeted elastic service.
FILEBEAT_CONFIG_PATH Host path to the filebeat config. Set this variable if you use the filebeat service (--profile *-with-elk-logging).
FILEBEAT_LOGS_DIR Host path to the directory containing logs created by filebeat . Set this variable if you use the filebeat service (--profile *-with-elk-logging).
FILEBEAT_DATA_DIR Host path to the directory containing filebeat's persistent data files . Set this variable if you use the filebeat service (--profile *-with-elk-logging).
ELASTICSEARCH_API_KEY "" API key used by filebeat to publish logs to elasticsearch. Set this variable if you use the filebeat service (--profile *-with-elk-logging).
ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS Elasticsearch URL. Set this variable if you use the filebeat service (--profile *-with-elk-logging). Should start with https.
ELASTICSEARCH_CERT_PATH /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt Absolute path to certificate that should be used to connect to elastic search. Set this variable if you use the filebeat service (--profile *-with-elk-logging).
MINIO_SECRET_KEY Secret key for Minio's S3 API
MINIO_EXPIRATION_DAYS 8 Expiration delay for Minio objects, in days, after which they will automatically be deleted on the origin side. Default is 8. (On the destination side, this expiration delay is automatically computed to be S3REMOVER_EXPIRE_TRANSFERABLES_AFTER + 1 day, rounded down a day.)
EURYDICE_TRANSFERABLE_MAX_SIZE 54975581388800 File upload size limit on the origin side. Should be less than your storage capacity. Default is 50TiB, the maximum size that Minio can handle.
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY Django secret key django
DB_PASSWORD PostgreSQL database password d'Eurydice
USER_ASSOCIATION_TOKEN_SECRET_KEY Secret key for generating association tokens (must be the same for the origin and destination APIs)
S3REMOVER_RUN_EVERY 1min Run frequency for the S3Remover (service which removes minio objects and sets Transferable to EXPIRED on the destination side)
S3REMOVER_EXPIRE_TRANSFERABLES_AFTER 7days Duration before which files received on the destination side are marked as EXPIRED.
S3REMOVER_POLL_EVERY 200ms Maximum acceptable duration between the S3Remover receiving a SIGINT signal and the process' termination
DBTRIMMER_RUN_EVERY 6h Launch frequency for the DBTrimmer (service which removes old transferables from the database)
DBTRIMMER_TRIM_TRANSFERABLES_AFTER 7days Availability duration for a transferable's metadata once it has been sent, received, or if either have failed (after this duration, a transferable will 404 if request)
DBTRIMMER_POLL_EVERY 200ms Maximum acceptable duration between the DBTrimmer receiving a SIGINT signal and the process' termination
SENDER_RANGE_FILLER_CLASS UserRotatingTransferableRangeFiller Changes the Sender's Transferable fetch strategy. Available choices are UserRotatingTransferableRangeFiller (default, attempts to fairly distribute bandwidth for Transferables among Users) or FIFOTransferableRangeFiller (faster implementation that ignores User priority; good for single-user usages).
REMOTE_USER_HEADER_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED False Enable authentication through the HTTP header set by HTTP_X_REMOTE_USER ⚠️ beware of associated security implications
REMOTE_USER_HEADER HTTP_X_REMOTE_USER Select the remote user authentication method, note the HTTP_ prefix for HTTP header based authentication
THROTTLE_RATE 30/second File upload rate limiting
RECEIVER_BUFFER_MAX_ITEMS 4 Maximum amount of incoming transferables awaiting processing that the receiver can hold before dropping incoming data. Should roughly match (MEM_LIMIT_RECEIVER / 2 * TRANSFERABLE_RANGE_SIZE)
CPUS_BACKEND See CPU docker limit for each backend service
CPUS_DATABASE See CPU docker limit for database service
CPUS_<CONTAINER_NAME> See CPU docker limit
MEM_LIMIT_BACKEND See Memory docker limit for each backend service
MEM_LIMIT_DATABASE See Memory docker limit for database service
MEM_LIMIT_<CONTAINER_NAME> See Memory docker limit
SHM_SIZE_DATABASE See Shared memory docker limit for the database container
EURYDICE_CONTACT See Contact information, useful to report bugs for example. It is displayed in the API documentation.
EURYDICE_CONTACT_FR See Contact information in French. It is displayed in the frontend.
UI_BADGE_CONTENT See Configurable banner to be displayed on the front page in the frontend.
UI_BADGE_COLOR See Color for the configurable frontpage banner. List of available colors:
METRICS_SLIDING_WINDOW See Duration used to compute metrics for /metrics endpoints.
USER_ASSOCIATION_TOKEN_EXPIRES_AFTER See Expiration delay of user association token.
HTTP_SERVICES_BIND_HOST TCP bind address for docker services.

Warning: make sure that DBTRIMMER_TRIM_TRANSFERABLES_AFTER is greater than TRANSFERABLE_HISTORY_DURATION. If DBTRIMMER_TRIM_TRANSFERABLES_AFTER is less than TRANSFERABLE_HISTORY_DURATION, the DBTrimmer on the destination side will remove transferables that the history from the origin will recreate. This will lead to previously deleted transferables being marked as ERROR on the destination side.

History management

In some cases, the origin-side database may end up holding millions of Transferable entries. Combined with a long history duration, this may lead to the sender generating enormous quantities of data, just to send the history.

If that happens, you may want to consider using a much smaller history duration, while keeping the same DBTRIMMER_TRIM_TRANSFERABLES_AFTER. This will allow you to manually ask the sender to send a complete history only when needed, with the following command:

docker compose -f exec sender python send_history --duration 7days

👤 UID, GID and bind mounts

The PUID and PGID variables must have read/write permissions on the directories defined in the other variables.

Storing data

If MINIO_ENABLED is false, Eurydice will attempt to use the filesystem as storage, instead of a remote s3 storage server. TRANSFERABLE_STORAGE_DIR should be set to the path to a directory.


If LOG_TO_FILE is true, Eurydice will write additional logs at ${PYTHON_LOGS_DIR}/<service>-logs/log.json. This is useful when using a -with-elk-logging profile, so that filebeat may read, process and share applicative logs to a remote elk server.

🖥️ Reverse Proxy

Eurydice needs to be setup behind a reverse proxy to work securely and optimally. Setting up a reverse proxy will also enable authentication at the reverse proxy level rather than relying on the application's authentication mechanism.

The application's services are exposed on localhost by the It is advised to route them like so:

  • Web UI at http://localhost:8888
    • Should handle requests who don't match the rules for the services below
  • API at http://localhost:8080
    • Should handle requests whose path is prefixed by /api /admin /static
  • Minio at http://localhost:9000
    • Should handle requests whose path is prefixed by /minio (the /minio prefix should be removed by the reverse proxy)
  • pgadmin at http://localhost:5050
    • Should handle requests whose path is prefixed by /pgadmin (the /pgadmin prefix should be removed by the reverse proxy)
    • The reverse proxy should only allow authenticated users on this endpoint as all pgadmin authentication is disabled

The reverse proxy should also serve all endpoints over TLS. It should also set the X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Forwarded-For and X-Forwarded-Host headers to forward information from the original request to the services.

⚠️ Security risks associated with HTTP header authentication

Warning: django normalizes HTTP headers. So it is important to make sure that a user cannot forge an authentication HTTP header that would be considered safe by the reverse proxy, but would in fact be normalized by Django into a valid authentication header

This risk can be mitigated by configuring which header is used for authenticating the header with the REMOTE_USER_HEADER variable. This environment variable could for example be set to a purely alphanumeric value (not affected by normalization) which could not easily be guessed by the user. In such a scenario, one would still need to make sure that the reverse proxy correctly prevents users from submitting their own authentication header.

🛣️ Basic authentication

Warning: Basic HTTP authentication passes your credentials over the network as clear text. As such, it is NOT the recommended method of authentication. If you need to run Eurydice using basic auth, at least use HTTPS.

In case you are unable to setup a reverse proxy and remote user authentication, Eurydice may support Basic HTTP Authentication.

Basic HTTP Authentication is enabled when the REMOTE_USER_HEADER_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED variable is set to false.

If REMOTE_USER_HEADER_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED is set to false the app won't use kerberos. Kerberos and basic auth cannot be used simultaneously.

Elasticsearch API key

To send applicative logs into an ELK you need an API key for a user with following role restrictions:

  "filebeat_writer": {
    "cluster": ["monitor", "read_ilm", "read_pipeline"],
    "index": [
        "names": ["eurydice-*"],
        "privileges": ["view_index_metadata", "create_doc", "auto_configure"]