因为MySQL的默认隔离级别是可重复读(REPEATABLE READ),解决了不可重复读的问题,不可重复读的问题本质其实就是事务必须提交,数据才可见,而这又是为了解决脏读问题。MySQL是利用MVCC(多版本控制并发)机制来实现不同隔离级别下不同的效果,绝大多数数据库都是采用MVCC来解决这个问题。
按照维基百科的介绍来讲,MVCC(多版本并发控制,Multiversion concurrency control)就是一个事务执行的时候,它的读取操作不是直接读取数据库中的数据,而是基于数据建立一份快照,而每个快照都会有一个版本。而如果一个事务是执行写操作,也不是真的写,而是创建一个新的快照版本,到提交的时候才真正的写覆盖。
The query sees the changes made by transactions that committed before that point of time, and no changes made by later or uncommitted transactions. The exception to this rule is that the query sees the changes made by earlier statements within the same transaction. This exception causes the following anomaly: If you update some rows in a table, a SELECT sees the latest version of the updated rows, but it might also see older versions of any rows. If other sessions simultaneously update the same table, the anomaly means that you might see the table in a state that never existed in the database.
If the transaction isolation level is REPEATABLE READ (the default level), all consistent reads within the same transaction read the snapshot established by the first such read in that transaction. You can get a fresher snapshot for your queries by committing the current transaction and after that issuing new queries.
A事务 | B事务 |
begin; | |
select * from table1; 无数据 | |
begin; | |
insert into table1(score) values(20); 插入一条id为6的数据 | |
select * from table1; 无数据 | |
insert into table1(score) values(25); 插入一条id为7的数据 | |
commit; | |
commit; | |
select * from table1; 两条数据都查询到了 |
A事务 | B事务 |
begin; | |
select * from table2; 建立快照 | |
insert into table1(score) values(1); | |
select * from table1; 查不到数据 |
A事务 | B事务 |
insert into table1(score) values(1); | |
select * from table1; 已经建立快照,所以查不到数据 |
The snapshot of the database state applies to SELECT
statements within a transaction, not necessarily to DML
statements. If you insert or modify some rows and then
commit that transaction, a DELETE or UPDATE statement issued
from another concurrent REPEATABLE READ transaction could
affect those just-committed rows, even though the session
could not query them. If a transaction does update or delete
rows committed by a different transaction, those changes do
become visible to the current transaction. For example, you might encounter a situation like the following:
SELECT COUNT(c1) FROM t1 WHERE c1 = 'xyz';
-- Returns 0: no rows match.
DELETE FROM t1 WHERE c1 = 'xyz';
-- Deletes several rows recently committed by other transaction.
SELECT COUNT(c2) FROM t1 WHERE c2 = 'abc';
-- Returns 0: no rows match.
UPDATE t1 SET c2 = 'cba' WHERE c2 = 'abc';
-- Affects 10 rows: another txn just committed 10 rows with 'abc' values.
SELECT COUNT(c2) FROM t1 WHERE c2 = 'cba';
-- Returns 10: this txn can now see the rows it just updated.
A事务 | B事务 |
begin; | |
select * from table1; 没有数据 | |
insert into table1(score) values(1); | |
select * from table1; 没有数据 | |
delete from table1 where id>0; 提示影响了一行数据 | |
select * from table1; 可以查到数据 | |
commit; | |
select * from table1; 数据被删除了 |