Implementation of Preventing-Useless-Checkpoints using Helary Algorithm
Implemented as part of Course work Advanced Operating Systems in The University of Texas at Dallas in Spring 2014 Under the prof Neeraj Mittal.
Project Description: In this project, you have to implement a communication-based distributed algorithm for avoiding useless checkpoints. To that end, first implement a distributed application that takes two parameters: mean inter message transmission time (MTT) and mean inter independent checkpointing time (ICT). The first parameter denotes the mean time between two successive message transmissions by a node. The second parameter denotes the mean time between two successive independent checkpoints by a node. Assume that inter message transmission time at a node is exponentially distributed with mean MTT, and inter independent checkpointing time is uniformly distributed in the range [0.5 · ICT, 1.5 · ICT]. You can assume that the communication topology is a complete graph. Next, implement Helary et al.’s algorithm for preventing a checkpoint from becoming useless, and evaluate its performance (in terms of number of forced checkpoints) experimentally. This algorithm is based on logical clock and was discussed in the class. Measure the variation in the number of forced checkpoints taken by nodes with the increase in: (i) the mean inter message transmission time, and (ii) the mean inter independent checkpointing time. Show the results using a graph. Note that you should only vary one parameter at a time. Also, each data point in a graph should be obtained by averaging over several runs.
Project is entirely designed in the Java SCTP protocol is used for socket programming heavy multi threading is used while implementation.
For any more questions or details contact author @ Neilesh Chorakhalikar : [email protected]