ML Ops is gaining a lot of popularity. This example showcases a key piece you can use to construct your automation pipeline. As we can see in the following architecture diagram, you will be deploying an AWS Step Funciton Workflow containing AWS Lambda functions that call Amazon S3, Amazon Personalize, and Amazon SNS APIs.
The AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) is an open-source framework for building serverless applications. It provides shorthand syntax to express functions, APIs, databases, and event source mappings. With just a few lines per resource, you can define the application you want and model it using YAML. During deployment, SAM transforms and expands the SAM syntax into AWS CloudFormation syntax, enabling you to build serverless applications faster.
Install the AWS SAM CLI. This will install the necessary tools to build, deploy, and locally test your project. In this particular example we will be using AWS SAM to build and deploy only. For additional information please visit our documentation.
Create a S3 Bucket following these instructions, this bucket will host your training file.
You can find a sample testing file movie-lens-100k.csv in the /test-data directory of this repo. You can find a more detailed tutorial on how to transform your data and manually train your Amazon Personalize campaings in the following Notebook
Upload the movie-lens-100k.csv file to the previously created S3 bucket
In order to deploy the project you will need to run the following commands:
- Clone this repo
git clone
- Navigate into personalize-step-functions directory
cd personalize-step-functions
- Build your SAM project. Installation instructions
sam build
- Deploy your project. SAM offers a guided deployment option, note that you will need to provide your email address as a parameter to receive a notification.
sam deploy --guided
- Navigate to your email inbox and confirm your subscription to the SNS topic
AWS Step Functions lets you coordinate multiple AWS services into serverless workflows so you can build and update apps quickly. Using Step Functions, you can design and run workflows that stitch together services, such as AWS Lambda, AWS Fargate, and Amazon SageMaker, into feature-rich applications. Workflows are made up of a series of steps, with the output of one step acting as input into the next.
Now that you have successfully deploy the project please navigate to AWS Step Functions console to get started. Here you will see your newly create State Machine. Before we trigger our State Machine we need to prepare the input.
During this section we will be modifying the following JSON object
"Bucket": "BUCKET_NAME",
"Key": "movie-lens-100k.csv",
"SchemaName": "SCHEMA_EXAMPLE",
"Schema": {
"type": "record",
"name": "Interactions",
"namespace": "com.amazonaws.personalize.schema",
"fields": [
"name": "USER_ID",
"type": "string"
"name": "ITEM_ID",
"type": "string"
"name": "TIMESTAMP",
"type": "long"
"version": "1.0"
"DatasetGroupName": "DATA_SET_GROUP_EXAMPLE",
"DatasetType": "INTERACTIONS",
"ImportJobName": "IMPORT_JOB_EXAMPLE",
"SolutionName": "SOLUTION_NAME",
"CampaignName": "CAMPAIGN_NAME",
"RecipieName": "aws-hrnn",
"MinProvisionedTPS": 1
If you are using the sample data provided in earlier steps, most of the values in this JSON object can stay the same. The most important values you need to modify are the Bucket and Key which point your State Machine to the location of your training data in your S3 location.
The rest of this section dives deeper into what each of the parameters mean for your Personalize training automation.
- Modify the Bucket parameter with the name of your S3 Bucket that will host your data.
If you are using the csv file from the prerequisites section you can keep the current Key parameter; assuming you uploaded the file in the parent directory. If you are using your own training data, please modify the Key parameter with the directory structure leading where you training csv file resides.
A core component of how Personalize understands your data comes from the Schema that is defined below. This configuration tells the service how to digest the data provided via your CSV file. Note the columns and types align to what was in the file you created above.
- Enter a unique SchemaName, if you are using the test file from the prerequisites you can keep the Schema structure as define bellow.
The largest grouping in Personalize is a Dataset Group, this will isolate your data, event trackers, solutions, and campaigns. Grouping things together that share a common collection of data.
- Modify the DatasetGroupName name below if you'd like.
Amazon Personalize recognizes three types of historical datasets. Each type has an associated schema with a name key whose value matches the dataset type. The three types are: Users, Items, and Interactions. For more information about Datasets please visit the following dataset documentation.
- If you are utilizing the example file provided above you can keep the DatasetType. Feel free to modify the DatasetName, and ImportJobName values.
In Amazon Personalize a trained model is called a Solution, each Solution can have many specific versions that relate to a given volume of data when the model was trained.
- Modify the SolutionName parameter if you would like to.
Amazon Personalize provides predefined recipes, based on common use cases, for training models. A recipe is a machine learning algorithm or algorithm variant that you use with settings, or hyperparameters, and a dataset group to train an Amazon Personalize model. With recipes, you can create a personalization system without prior machine learning experience. For more information on available recipies please visit our recipies documentation
- If you are using the example file you can keep the RecipieName, and MinProvisionedTPS parameters as defined bellow.
A campaign is used to make recommendations for your users. We are creating a campaign by deploying your solution version. For more information visit our campaign documentation
- Modify the CampaignName parameter if you would like to.
- Select your newly created State Machine by navigating to your AWS Step Functions Console
- Click on Start Execution
- Provide a name for you execution
- For your input value please provide the JSON object from the above section.
- Wait for the workflow to be completed, this process will take anywhere between 50 minutes to an hour
- You will receive an email with your Campaign ARN, make sure you have confirm the subscription of your email address
Congratulations! You have successfully trained a Personalize model and created a Campaign. You can get recommendations leveraging your campaign ARN or by visiting the Amazon Personalize Console Dataset Group Campaign section.
For additional information on Getting Recommendations please visit our documentation or one of our walkthrough notebook examples.