An effective,fast,stable log extension for PHP
@author Chitao.Gao [[email protected]]
- Synopsis
- Install
- Use age
The log journal,which is usually the operate record of the system,software and the application record. Through the analysis of the log,it can facilitate users to understand the operation of the system,software and the application situation. If your application log is rich enough,it can also analyze the previous use’s operation behavior,type ,regional distribution or other more information. The application log also points the multiple levels at the same time, you can easily get the application analysis of health status, timely find problems and quick positioning, and solve the problem, remedy the loss.
The error_log, syslog function which built in PHP is powerful and excellent performance, but due to various defects (error_log have no error level, no fixed format, syslog regardless of module, and mix with system log ), reducing a lot of flexibility , and can't meet the application requirements.
The good news is that there are a number of third-party log class library established to make up for the defects, such as log4php, plog, Analog (of course, there are many applications in the project development of the log class). Of which log4php is the most famous and excellent design, perfect document format , powerful function,which is recommanded.
But log4php did very badly in terms of performance, below chart is SeasLog with log4php ab concurrent performance test (test environment: Ubuntu12.04 standalone, I3 CPU, memory16g,hard disk SATA 7200) :
So is there a log of libraries meet the following requirements:
- Modules, classification
- Simple configuration(preferably without configuration)
- Clear log format and easy understanding
- Simple application and well performance
just meet these demands.
- In the PHP project, record the log specification and repidly.
- Configure the default log directory and module
- Specified log directory and capture current configuration
- Preliminary analysis of the early warning framework
- Efficient log buffer and convenient buffer debug
- Follow the PSR-3 log interface specification
- Automatically record error information
- Automatically record abnormal information
- Support Connect the TCP port, send with RFC5424
- Support Connect the UDP port, send with RFC5424
- Support RequestId differentiated requests
- Support for log template customizations
- Convenient, standarded log records
- Efficient mass log analysis
- Configurable, multi-channel log warning
$ /path/to/phpize
$ ./configure --with-php-config=/path/to/php-config
$ make && make install
$ pecl install seaslog
Go to PECL/SeasLog and find .dll to install. PECL/SeasLog Windows Dll
;configuration for php SeasLog module
extension =
;Default Log Base Path
seaslog.default_basepath = "/var/log/www"
;Default Logger Path
seaslog.default_logger = "default"
;The DateTime Style. Default "Y-m-d H:i:s"
seaslog.default_datetime_format = "Y-m-d H:i:s"
;Default Log template.
;Default "%T | %L | %P | %Q | %t | %M"
seaslog.default_template = "%T | %L | %P | %Q | %t | %M"
;Switch use the logger with folder.
;1-Y(Default) 0-N
seaslog.disting_folder = 1
;Switch use the logger with type.
;1-Y 0-N(Default)
seaslog.disting_type = 0
;Switch use the logger with hour.
;1-Y 0-N(Default)
seaslog.disting_by_hour = 0
;Switch use the log buffer with memory.
;1-Y 0-N(Default)
seaslog.use_buffer = 0
;The buffer size
seaslog.buffer_size = 100
;disable buffer in cli
;1-Y 0-N(Default)
seaslog.buffer_disabled_in_cli = 0
;Record logger level.
;Default 8 (All of them).
; Tips: The configuration item has changed since the 1.7.0 version.
; Before the 1.7.0 version, the smaller the value, the more logs are taken according to the level:
; 0-all 1-debug 2-info 3-notice 4-warning 5-error 6-critical 7-alert 8-emergency
; Before the 1.7.0 version, Default 0 (All of them).
seaslog.level = 8
;Log function recall depth
;Will affected variable `LineNo` in `%F`
;Default 0
seaslog.recall_depth = 0
;Automatic Record notice with default logger
;1-Y 0-N(Default)
seaslog.trace_notice = 0
;Automatic Record warning with default logger
;1-Y 0-N(Default)
seaslog.trace_warning = 0
;Automatic Record final error with default logger.
;1-Y(Default) 0-N
seaslog.trace_error = 1
;Automatic Record exception with default logger.
;1-Y 0-N(Default)
seaslog.trace_exception = 0
;Switch the Record Log Data Store.
;1File 2TCP 3UDP (Switch default 1)
seaslog.appender = 1
;Record Log Retry Count
;Default 0 (Do Not Retry)
seaslog.appender_retry = 0
;If you use Record TCP or UDP, configure this remote ip.
;Default ""
seaslog.remote_host = ""
;If you use Record TCP or UDP, configure this remote port.
;Default 514
seaslog.remote_port = 514
;If you use Record TCP or UDP, configure this remote timeout.
;Default 1 second
seaslog.remote_timeout = 1
;Trim the \n and \r in log message.
;1-On 0-Off(Default)
seaslog.trim_wrap = 0
;Switch throw SeasLog exception.
;1-On(Default) 0-Off
seaslog.throw_exception = 1
;Switch ignore SeasLog warning.
;1-On(Default) 0-Off
seaslog.ignore_warning = 1
;Switch Performance Tracking 1-On 0-Off(Default)
seaslog.trace_performance = 0
;Performance Tracking Sample Rate Per Thousand.
;10(Default). 10 conceptions per thousand
seaslog.trace_performance_sample_rate = 10
;Performance Tracking Start With Depth Level. 1(Default)
seaslog.trace_performance_start_depth = 1
;Performance Tracking Depth Level. 5(Default)
seaslog.trace_performance_max_depth = 5
;Maximum number of functions per layer in descending order of wall_time for performance tracking.
;Top default top5
seaslog.trace_performance_max_functions_per_depth = 5
;The record threshold of the current request execution time for performance tracking.
;Only when the request execution time is greater than that value.
;1000(ms Default)
seaslog.trace_performance_min_wall_time = 1000
;The record threshold of execution time of each method in performance tracking.
;Only when the execution time of each method is greater than that value.
;10(ms Default)
seaslog.trace_performance_min_function_wall_time = 10
seaslog.disting_folder = 1
Switch use Logger DisTing by folder, it’s meaning SeasLog will create the file deistic by folder, and when this configure close SeasLog will create file use underline connect Logger and Time like default_20180211.log.
seaslog.disting_type = 1
Switch use Logger DisTing by type, it’s meaning SeasLog will create the file deistic info\warn\error and the other type.
seaslog.disting_by_hour = 1
Switch use Logger DisTing by hour. It’s meaning SeasLog will create the file each one hour.
seaslog.use_buffer = 1
Switch the configure use_buffer on. The use_buffer switch default off. If switch use_buffer on, SeasLog prerecord the log with memory, and them would be rewritten down into the Data Store by request shutdown or php process exit (PHP RSHUTDOWN or PHP MSHUTDOWN).
seaslog.buffer_size = 100
Configure the buffer_size with 100. The buffer_size default 0, it’s meaning don’t use buffer. If buffer_size > 0, SeasLog will rewritten down into the Data Store when the prerecorded log in memory count >= this buffer_size,and then refresh the memory poll.
seaslog.buffer_disabled_in_cli = 1
Switch the configure buffer_disabled_in_cli on. The buffer_disabled_in_cli switch default off. If switch buffer_disabled_in_cli on, and running in cli, seaslog.use_buffer setting will be discarded, Seaslog write to the Data Store IMMEDIATELY.
seaslog.level = 8
Default logger level.The Default value was 8, it’s meaning SeasLog will record all of the level.
seaslog.level = 0
SeasLog will record which level EMERGENCY.
seaslog.level = 1
SeasLog will record which level EMERGENCY,ALERT.
seaslog.level = 2
SeasLog will record which level EMERGENCY,ALERT,CRITICAL.
seaslog.level = 3
SeasLog will record which level EMERGENCY,ALERT,CRITICAL,ERROR.
seaslog.level = 4
seaslog.level = 5
seaslog.level = 6
seaslog.level = 7
seaslog.throw_exception = 1
Open an exception that throws the SeasLog to throw itself. When the directory authority or the receive server port is blocked, throw an exception; do not throw an exception when closed.
seaslog.ignore_warning = 1
Open a warning to ignore SeasLog itself. When directory permissions or receive server ports are blocked, they are ignored; when closed, a warning is thrown.
seaslog.trace_performance = 1
Open the performance tracing. Performance log such as:
2019-01-30 11:46:53 | INFO | 91390 | 5c518ea46e010 | 1548848813.299 | {"main()":{"wt":8848,"mu":20712},"1":[{"cm":"Class0::Method0","ct":2,"wt":2007,"mu":192},{"cm":"Class1::Method1","ct":1,"wt":1002,"mu":192},{"cm":"Class2::Method2","ct":1,"wt":1001,"mu":192},{"cm":"Class3::Method3","ct":1,"wt":1000,"mu":192},{"cm":"Class4::Method4","ct":1,"wt":1000,"mu":192}],"2":[{"cm":"Class5::Method5","ct":1,"wt":1000,"mu":192}],"3":[{"cm":"Class5::Recursion","ct":1,"wt":1000,"mu":3248}],"4":[{"cm":"Class5::Recursion","ct":1,"wt":1000,"mu":2952}],"5":[{"cm":"Class5::Recursion","ct":1,"wt":1000,"mu":2656}]}
cm => function_name (ClassName::MethodName)
wt => wall_time (ms)
mu => memory_usage (byte)
ct => call_times (function call times)
Many friends mentioned the need for custom log templates during their use,
so SeasLog
began with the 1.7.2 version and has the ability to allow users to customize the template for the log.
At the same time, many preset variables that are preset by SeasLog
can be used in the template,please referenceDefault variable table.
Default log template is:
seaslog.default_template = "%T | %L | %P | %Q | %t | %M"
, -
that's mean,default log style is:
{dateTime} | {level} | {pid} | {uniqid} | {timeStamp} | {logInfo}
If you custom log template, such as:
seaslog.default_template = "[%T]:%L %P %Q %t %M"
that's will mean,log style was custom as:
[{dateTime}]:{level} {pid} {uniqid} {timeStamp} {logInfo}
The following default variables are provided, which can be used directly in the log template and replaced as a corresponding value when the log is eventually generated.
- Level.%M
- Message.%T
- DateTime. Such as2017-08-16 19:15:02
,affected byseaslog.default_datetime_format
- Timestamp. Such as1502882102.862
,accurate to milliseconds.%Q
- RequestId. To distinguish a single request, such as not invoking theSeasLog::setRequestId($string)
function,the unique value generated by the built-instatic char *get_uniqid ()
function is used when the request is initialized.%H
- HostName.%P
- ProcessId.%D
- Domain:Port. Such
; When Cli, Such ascli
- Request URI. Such as/app/user/signin
; When Cli it's the index script, Such asCliIndex.php
- Request Method. Such asGet
; When Cli it's the command script, Such as/bin/bash
- Client IP; When Cli it'slocal
- FileName:LineNo. Such asUserService.php:118
- MemoryUsage. byte. Callzend_memory_usage
- PeakMemoryUsage. byte. Callzend_memory_peak_usage
- Class::Action. Such asUserService::getUserInfo
. in procedural programming, it falls back to function name.
SeasLog exposes log level by eight levels.
- "DEBUG" - Detailed debug information.Fine-grained information events.
- "INFO" - Interesting events.Emphasizes the running process of the application.
- "NOTICE" - Normal but significant events.Information that is more important than the INFO level during execution.
- "WARNING" - Exceptional occurrences that are not errors.Potentially aberrant information that needs attention and needs to be repaired.
- "ERROR" - Runtime errors that do not require immediate action but should typically.
- "CRITICAL" - Critical conditions.Need to be repaired immediately, and the program component is unavailable.
- "ALERT" - Action must be taken immediately.Immediate attention should be given to relevant personnel for emergency repairs.
- "EMERGENCY" - System is unusable.
string('DEBUG') debug level
string('INFO') info level
string('NOTICE') notice level
provides such a set of functions that you can easily get and set the root directory, log module directory, fast write and statistics.
Believe that from the following pseudo code comments, you can quickly get function information, specific use will follow.
* @author [email protected]
* Date: 14-1-27 16:47
define('SEASLOG_ALL', 'ALL');
define('SEASLOG_INFO', 'INFO');
class SeasLog
public function __construct()
#SeasLog init
public function __destruct()
#SeasLog distroy
* Set The basePath
* @param $basePath
* @return bool
static public function setBasePath($basePath)
return TRUE;
* Get The basePath
* @return string
static public function getBasePath()
return 'the base_path';
* Set The requestID
* @param string
* @return bool
static public function setRequestID($request_id){
return TRUE;
* Get The requestID
* @return string
static public function getRequestID(){
return uniqid();
* Set The logger
* @param $module
* @return bool
static public function setLogger($module)
return TRUE;
* Manually release stream flow from logger
* @param $model
* @param $logger
* @return bool
static public function closeLoggerStream($model = SEASLOG_CLOSE_LOGGER_STREAM_MOD_ALL, $logger)
return true;
* Get The lastest logger
* @return string
static public function getLastLogger()
return 'the lastLogger';
* Set The DatetimeFormat
* @param $format
* @return bool
static public function setDatetimeFormat($format)
return TRUE;
* Get The DatetimeFormat
* @return string
static public function getDatetimeFormat()
return 'the datetimeFormat';
* Set Reqeust Variable
* @param $key
* @param $value
* @return bool
static public function setRequestVariable($key, $value)
return true;
* Get Reqeust Variable
* @param $key
* @return string
static public function getRequestVariable($key)
return '';
* Count All Types(Or Type)Log Lines
* @param string $level
* @param string $log_path
* @param null $key_word
* @return array | long
static public function analyzerCount($level = 'all', $log_path = '*', $key_word = NULL)
return array();
* Get The Logs As Array
* @param $level
* @param string $log_path
* @param null $key_word
* @param int $start
* @param int $limit
* @return array
static public function analyzerDetail($level = SEASLOG_INFO, $log_path = '*', $key_word = NULL, $start = 1, $limit = 20, $order = SEASLOG_DETAIL_ORDER_ASC)
return array();
* Get The Buffer In Memory As Array
* @return array
static public function getBuffer()
return array();
* Flush The Buffer Dump To Writer Appender
* @return bool
static public function flushBuffer()
return TRUE;
* Record Debug Log
* @param string|array $message
* @param array $context
* @param string $module
static public function debug($message, array $context = array(), $module = '')
* Record Info Log
* @param string|array $message
* @param array $context
* @param string $module
static public function info($message, array $context = array(), $module = '')
#$level = SEASLOG_INFO
* Record Notice Log
* @param string|array $message
* @param array $context
* @param string $module
static public function notice($message, array $context = array(), $module = '')
* Record Warning Log
* @param string|array $message
* @param array $context
* @param string $module
static public function warning($message, array $context = array(), $module = '')
* Record Error Log
* @param string|array $message
* @param array $context
* @param string $module
static public function error($message, array $context = array(), $module = '')
* Record Critical Log
* @param string|array $message
* @param array $context
* @param string $module
static public function critical($message, array $context = array(), $module = '')
* Record Alert Log
* @param string|array $message
* @param array $context
* @param string $module
static public function alert($message, array $context = array(), $module = '')
* Record Emergency Log
* @param string|array $message
* @param array $context
* @param string $module
static public function emergency($message, array $context = array(), $module = '')
* The Common Record Log Function
* @param $level
* @param string|array $message
* @param array $context
* @param string $module
static public function log($level, $message, array $context = array(), $module = '')
$basePath_1 = SeasLog::getBasePath();
$basePath_2 = SeasLog::getBasePath();
string(19) "/log/seaslog-ciogao"
string(14) "/log/base_test"
Use the Function
will get the value ofseaslog.default_basepath
what configured in php.ini(seaslog.ini).
Use the Function
will change the value of functionSeasLog::getBasePath()
$lastLogger_1 = SeasLog::getLastLogger();
$lastLogger_2 = SeasLog::getLastLogger();
string(7) "default"
string(15) "testModule/app1"
Similar to basePath,
Use the Function
will get the value ofseaslog.default_logger
what configured in php.ini(seaslog.ini).
Use the Function
will change the value of functionSeasLog::getLastLogger()
We have been set the basePath and logger, and then the logger path has be all ready,
logSeasLog will record which level 目录 = basePath / logger / {fileName}.log Log filename, begin with
.It will be{fileName}
,because today is 02-18-2014.
Would you remember that seaslog.disting_type
in php.ini
Switch Default seaslog.disting_type = 0
, If we used SeasLog
today, the log file will been finally:
- LogFile = basePath / logger / 20140218.log
If seaslog.disting_type = 1
, the log file would be looks like
infoLogFile = basePath / logger / 20140218.INFO.log
warnLogFile = basePath / logger / 20140218.WARNING.log
erroLogFile = basePath / logger / 20140218.ERROR.log
There are two prototypes of functions for logging:
SeasLog::log($level, $messages[, $context, $logger])
SeasLog::$level($messages[, $context, $logger])
$level - See the 8 levels listed above
$messages - You can use two types of
, andarray
accepts only one dimensional array.
$context - Only accept one-dimensional array to replace placeholder of log in $messages.
$logger - You can temporarily specify a logger for the current operation without changing the value of the getLastLogger method.
SeasLog::log(SEASLOG_ERROR,'this is a error test by ::log');
SeasLog::debug('this is a {userName} debug',array('{userName}' => 'neeke'));
SeasLog::info('this is a info log');
SeasLog::notice('this is a notice log');
SeasLog::warning('your {website} was down,please {action} it ASAP!',array('{website}' => '','{action}' => 'rboot'));
SeasLog::error('a error log');
SeasLog::critical('some thing was critical');
SeasLog::alert('yes this is a {messageName}',array('{messageName}' => 'alertMSG'));
SeasLog::emergency('Just now, the house next door was completely burnt out! {note}',array('{note}' => 'it`s a joke'));
$aMessages = array('test log from array abc {website}','test log from array def {action}');
$aContent = array('website' => '','action' => 'rboot'));
These functions can receive `logger` cased by the third param all the time.
Tips: `last_logger == ‘default’` will be used same to:
SeasLog::error('test error 3');
The `logger` cased by the third param would be used right this right now, like a temp logger, when the function SeasLog::setLogger() called in pre content.
Log style affected by
. As the default,seaslog.default_template = "%T | %L | %P | %Q | %t | %M"
that's mean,as the default,log record style is:{dateTime} | {level} | {pid} | {uniqid} | {timeStamp} | {logInfo}
. About custom log template,and how to use default variable table,see Custom log template
2014-07-27 08:53:52 | ERROR | 23625 | 599159975a9ff | 1406422432.786 | this is a error test by log
2014-07-27 08:53:52 | DEBUG | 23625 | 599159975a9ff | 1406422432.786 | this is a neeke debug
2014-07-27 08:53:52 | INFO | 23625 | 599159975a9ff | 1406422432.787 | this is a info log
2014-07-27 08:53:52 | NOTICE | 23625 | 599159975a9ff | 1406422432.787 | this is a notice log
2014-07-27 08:53:52 | WARNING | 23625 | 599159975a9ff | 1406422432.787 | your was down,please rboot it ASAP!
2014-07-27 08:53:52 | ERROR | 23625 | 599159975a9ff | 1406422432.787 | a error log
2014-07-27 08:53:52 | CRITICAL | 23625 | 599159975a9ff | 1406422432.787 | some thing was critical
2014-07-27 08:53:52 | EMERGENCY | 23625 | 599159975a9ff | 1406422432.787 | Just now, the house next door was completely burnt out! it is a joke
2014-07-27 08:53:52 | DEBUG | 23625 | 599159975a9ff | 1406422432.787 | test log from array abc
2014-07-27 08:53:52 | DEBUG | 23625 | 599159975a9ff | 1406422432.787 | test log from array def rboot
SeasLog will send log to tcp://remote_host:remote_port or udp://remote_host:remote_port server, when seaslog.appender
configured to 2 (TCP)
or 3 (UDP)
send log to TCP/UDP,style follow RFC5424 log style is formatted by SeasLog with send header:<PRI>1 {timeStampWithRFC3339} {HostName} {loggerName}[{pid}]: {logInfo}
affected byseaslog.default_template
The log style finally formatted such as:
<15>1 2017-08-27T01:24:59+08:00 vagrant-ubuntu-trusty test/logger[27171]: 2016-06-25 00:59:43 | DEBUG | 21423 | 599157af4e937 | 1466787583.322 | this is a neeke debug
<14>1 2017-08-27T01:24:59+08:00 vagrant-ubuntu-trusty test/logger[27171]: 2016-06-25 00:59:43 | INFO | 21423 | 599157af4e937 | 1466787583.323 | this is a info log
<13>1 2017-08-27T01:24:59+08:00 vagrant-ubuntu-trusty test/logger[27171]: 2016-06-25 00:59:43 | NOTICE | 21423 | 599157af4e937 | 1466787583.324 | this is a notice log
`SeasLog' caches the stream handle opened by the log logger to save the overhead of creating a stream. The handle will be automatically released at the end of the request. If in CLI mode, the process will also automatically release when it exits. Or you can use the following functions to manually release(manually release function needs to update SeasLog 1.8.6 or updated version).
Manually release all of the logger stream handle:
Manually release the specified logger stream handle:
SeasLog::closeLoggerStream(SEASLOG_CLOSE_LOGGER_STREAM_MOD_ASSIGN, 'logger_name');
get count value of grep -wc
use system pipe and return to PHP (array or int).
$countResult_1 = SeasLog::analyzerCount();
$countResult_2 = SeasLog::analyzerCount(SEASLOG_WARNING);
$countResult_3 = SeasLog::analyzerCount(SEASLOG_ERROR,date('Ymd',time()));
array(8) {
get count value of grep -w
use system pipe and return array to PHP.
$detailErrorArray_inAll = SeasLog::analyzerDetail(SEASLOG_ERROR);
$detailErrorArray_today = SeasLog::analyzerDetail(SEASLOG_ERROR,date('Ymd',time()));
SeasLog::analyzerDetail(SEASLOG_ERROR) == SeasLog::analyzerDetail(SEASLOG_ERROR,'*');
Get all log list of the level SEASLOG_ERROR under this logger:
array(6) {
[0] =>
string(83) "2014-02-24 00:14:02 | ERROR | 8568 | 599157af4e937 | 1393172042.717 | test error 3 "
[1] =>
string(83) "2014-02-24 00:14:04 | ERROR | 8594 | 5991576584446 | 1393172044.104 | test error 3 "
[2] =>
string(83) "2014-02-24 00:14:04 | ERROR | 8620 | 1502697015147 | 1393172044.862 | test error 3 "
[3] =>
string(83) "2014-02-24 00:14:05 | ERROR | 8646 | 599159975a9ff | 1393172045.989 | test error 3 "
[4] =>
string(83) "2014-02-24 00:14:07 | ERROR | 8672 | 599159986ec28 | 1393172047.882 | test error 3 "
[5] =>
string(83) "2014-02-24 00:14:08 | ERROR | 8698 | 5991599981cec | 1393172048.736 | test error 3 "
Get all log list of the level SEASLOG_ERROR under this logger and today.
array(2) {
[0] =>
string(83) "2014-02-24 00:14:02 | ERROR | 8568 | 599157af4e937 | 1393172042.717 | test error 3 "
[1] =>
string(83) "2014-02-24 00:14:04 | ERROR | 8594 | 5991576584446 | 1393172044.104 | test error 3 "
You can also get this month log list:
$detailErrorArray_mouth = SeasLog::analyzerDetail(SEASLOG_ERROR,date('Ym',time()));
wait_analyz_log_path = /log/base_test
;Switch open fork thread 1-Y 0-N
fork_open = 1
;thread count
fork_count = 3
email[smtp_host] =
email[smtp_port] = 25
email[subject_pre] = Alert Mail Title -
email[smtp_user] = [email protected]
email[smtp_pwd] = seaslog#demo
email[mail_from] = [email protected]
email[mail_to] = [email protected]
email[mail_cc] = [email protected]
email[mail_bcc] =
; enum
test1[module] = test/bb
test1[level] = SEASLOG_ERROR
test1[bar] = 1
test1[mail_to] = [email protected]
test2[module] = 222
test2[level] = SEASLOG_WARNING
test2[mail_to] = [email protected],[email protected]
test3[module] = 333
test3[level] = SEASLOG_CRITICAL
test4[module] = 444
test4[level] = SEASLOG_EMERGENCY
test5[module] = 555
test5[level] = SEASLOG_DEBUG
;Run this shell every day at three clock in the morning.
0 3 * * * /path/to/php /path/to/SeasLog/Analyzer/SeasLogAnalyzer.php