This workflow maps read-pairs to reference genome and produces the transcript
- CWLtool
- Docker
Download this tutorial:
$sudo add-apt-repository universe $sudo apt update $sudo apt install subversion #cloning this tutorial $svn checkout
To install Docker and CWL, you can visit our Cheatsheet listed below:
Starting folder CWL-RNAseq should look like this:
. └── CWL-RNAseq ├── create_bam.cwl ├── create_transcript.cwl ├── CWL-RNAseq.cwl ├── CWL-RNAseq.yml ├── data │ ├── sample_1.fq │ ├── sample_2.fq │ ├── sample.fa │ └── sample.gtf ├── hisat2_align.cwl └── index_build.cwl
Let's run it by using:
$cwltool CWL-RNAseq.cwl CWL-RNAseq.yml
If you receive this error: "docker: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix"
$sudo groupadd docker $sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER} close and reopen VM then run the script again
After CWLtool finishes:
- CWL-RNAseq.cwl is the main cwl file that connects all other cwl tools together
- CWL-RNAseq.yml is the file that contains all the inputs that are necessary to run the pipeline
- index_build.cwl builds index files from a Fasta file, using Hisat2-build
- hisat2_align.cwl builds a sam file from forward and reverse reads, and the indices built from previous step, using Hisat2
- create_bam.cwl builds a bam file from the newly built sam file, using Samtools
- create_transcript.cwl creates transcript from the bam file from previous step, using Stringtie
Let's take a look at the folder after cwltool finishes:
. └── CWL-RNAseq ├── create_bam.cwl ├── create_transcript.cwl ├── CWL-RNAseq.cwl ├── CWL-RNAseq.yml ├── data │ ├── sample_1.fq │ ├── sample_2.fq │ ├── sample.fa │ └── sample.gtf ├── [final_ref.gtf] ├── [final_transcript.gtf] ├── [final.tsv] ├── hisat2_align.cwl ├── [hisat2_align_out] │ ├── [hisat2_align_out.log] │ └── [sample.sam] ├── [hisat2_build.log] ├── index_build.cwl ├── [sample] │ ├── [index.1.ht2] │ ├── [index.2.ht2] │ ├── [index.3.ht2] │ ├── [index.4.ht2] │ ├── [index.5.ht2] │ ├── [index.6.ht2] │ ├── [index.7.ht2] │ └── [index.8.ht2] └── [sample.bam]