The primary purpose of this notebook is to outline the typical structure of a Jupyter Notebook module and demonstrate various useful stylings and functionalities that can be used when building out your modules. By following the examples and guidelines provided, you will learn how to:
- Organize your module notebook.
- Employ useful jupyter notebook functionalities and stylings.
- Embed images and videos.
- Incorporate quizzes and flashcards.
- Produce a variety of Python and R data visuals.
- Typical Notebook Section Structure
- Additional Notebook Options & Functionalities
- Notebook Embeddings
- Quizzes & Flashcards
- Data Figures & Graphics
Provides a typical notebook structure that outlines the sections that should be included within a module notebook, their typical order, and the standard information that should be present within each section. This section of the template is only a guide or starting place and deviations from the structure welcomed.
Use this section as a quick reference for various text styling, cell alerts, integrated tables, interactive text, and displaying links.
Use this section to learn how to embed images, videos (both online and locally downloaded), .html files, and a functional IGV browser.
This section outlines how to embed quizzes and flashcards into your notebook from .html files. Additional references are provided for building your quizzes and flashcards in .json format and converting them to an .html file.
Provides multiple examples for coding and rendering visualizations within your notebook using Python. The example visualizations include volcano plots, heatmaps, and biological networks. Additionally, a link is provided within this section to a notebook to produce various visualizations in R.