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Releases: nawawi/docket-cache


19 May 20:04
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Release 21.08.10

  • Changed: Disable "CHUNKCACHEDIR" by default. Let's users choose it depending on their hosting environment.

Release 21.08.09

  • Fixed: WP_Object_Cache::maybe_expire() -> missing preg_match parameter.

Thanks to @carmpocalypse for bug report.


19 May 13:30
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Release 21.08.08

  • Fixed: Don't remove cron event without a hook, let's WordPress handles it.
  • Fixed: WP_Object_Cache::dc_close() -> Only run one time per instance.
  • Fixed: WP_Object_Cache::maybe_expire() -> Check cache key.
  • Changed: Disable "Auto Remove Stale Cache" by default. Let's users choose it depending on their cpu/storage speeds limit.


13 May 16:33
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Release 21.08.07

  • Fixed: Tweaks::wpembed() -> body_class missing seconds arguments that require by some themes.
  • Fixed: Tweaks::wpembed() -> Disable body_class filter, cause unpredictable syntax error on some themes.

Thanks to simonhawketts for bug report.


13 May 04:37
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Release 21.08.06

  • Fixed: WP_Object_Cache::dc_close() -> Remove stale cache abandoned by WordPress, WooCommerce, Advanced Post Cache after doing cache invalidation.
  • Fixed: WP_Object_Cache::dc_get() -> The transient should return false if does not have a value or has expired.
  • Fixed: WP_Object_Cache::dc_get() -> Run maybe_unserialize to check and unserialize string data when failed to convert into an array.
  • Fixed: WP_Object_Cache::dc_save() -> Reduce cache miss if contain objects of headers remote requests.
  • Fixed: WP_Object_Cache::dc_save() -> Return true and avoid storing on disk if the transient has no value.
  • Fixed: WP_Object_Cache() -> dc_precache_load(), dc_precache_set() -> Do check precache max list.
  • Fixed: Tweaks() -> wpbrowsehappy(),wpservehappy() -> Use the pre_site_transient filter instead of blocking API requests, makes the query monitor happy.
  • Fixed: RecursiveDirectoryIterator -> Do check max_execution_time to avoid a fatal timeout.
  • Fixed: WP_Object_Cache() -> dc_precache_load(), dc_precache_set() -> Do check max_execution_time to avoid a fatal timeout.
  • Fixed: Event() -> optimizedb(), garbage_collector() -> Do check max_execution_time to avoid a fatal timeout.
  • Fixed: CronAgent::run_wpcron() -> Do check max_execution_time to avoid a fatal timeout.
  • Fixed: Tweaks::wpembed() -> Invalid body_class hook arguments.
  • Fixed: Plugin::get_opcache_status() -> OPcache File Cache Only -> Use getATime instead of getMTime to match with in-memory last_used_timestamp.
  • Fixed: Overview -> Object Cache -> Data is not updated when opcache is not available.
  • Fixed: Overview -> Flush Object Cache -> Immediately remove the cache file instead of truncate.
  • Added: WP-CLI command -> flush:transient, flush:advcpost, flush:menucache.
  • Added: wp_cache_flush_runtime(), wp_cache_*_multiple() functions.
  • Added: wp_cache_flush_group_match() -> Remove cache file match with the group name in files.
  • Added: WP_Object_Cache::dc_stalecache_filter() -> Capture cache key pattern match with the stale cache.
  • Added: WP_Object_Cache::add_stalecache() -> Set a list of stale cache to remove when Object Cache shutdown.
  • Added: Configuration -> Admin Interface -> Additional Flush Cache Action Button.
  • Added: Configuration -> Cache Options -> Post Caching Any Post Type.
  • Added: Configuration -> Storage Options -> Chunk Cache Directory, Auto Remove Stale Cache, Cache Files Limit, Cache Disk Limit.
  • Added: Opcache Viewer -> Possible to display a notice if the current site path has been blacklisted in opcache.blacklist_filename directive.
  • Added: DOCKET_CACHE_CHUNKCACHEDIR constant to enable chunk cache files into a smaller directory to avoid an excessive number of cache files in a single directory.
  • Added: DOCKET_CACHE_ADVCPOST_POSTTYPE constant to allow cache other post types.
  • Added: DOCKET_CACHE_ADVCPOST_POSTTYPE_ALL constant to allow cache any post types.
  • Added: DOCKET_CACHE_FLUSH_STALECACHE constant to enable auto remove stale cache.
  • Added: DOCKET_CACHE_PRECACHE_MAXLIST constant to limit cache entries per URL.
  • Added: DOCKET_CACHE_IGNORE_REQUEST constant to bypass object cache match key from POST, GET variables.

Thanks to Jordan from websavers for improvement feedback.


21 Apr 18:36
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Release 21.08.05

  • Fixed: object-cache.php -> Checking is file object-cache-delay.txt.
  • Fixed: OPcacheView::get_usage() -> checking if opcache_statistics, memory_usage exists.
  • Fixed: Compability with OPcache File Cache Only (opcache.file_cache_only=1).
  • Added: Woo Tweaks -> Deactivate WooCommerce WP Dashboard -> Disable setup widget.
  • Added: Woo Tweaks -> Misc WooCommerce Tweaks -> Enable WooCommerce no-cache headers.
  • Added: Woo Tweaks -> Misc WooCommerce Tweaks -> Remove the WooCommerce usage tracker cron event.
  • Added: WP Tweaks -> Deactivate Browse Happy Checking.
  • Added: WP Tweaks -> Deactivate Serve Happy Checking.
  • Added: Filesystem::opcache_filecache_only() -> Determine OPcache in File Cache Only.
  • Added: Filesystem::opcache_filecache_scanfiles() -> Listing OPcache file cache.
  • Added: Filesystem::opcache_filecache_flush() -> Remove OPcache single file cache.
  • Added: Filesystem::opcache_filecache_reset() -> Empty OPcache file cache directory.
  • Updated: Symfony component -> symfony/polyfill-php80, symfony/var-exporter.
  • Updated: Advanced Post Caching tooltip description.
  • Updated: WP_Object_Cache::dc_precache() -> Ignore precache for /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php, /wp-cron.php, /xmlrpc.php, /robots.txt, /favicon.ico.
  • Updated: OPcache viewer -> layout for OPcache File Cache Only.

Thanks to 123nadav and jibsoux for improvement feedback.


04 Feb 19:04
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Release 21.08.04

  • Added: WordPress Menu Caching.
  • Added: DOCKET_CACHE_MENUCACHE constant.


29 Nov 12:52
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Release 21.08.03

  • Fixed: Filesystem::is_opcache_enable() -> do checking PHP INI disable_functions directive.
  • Fixed: Overview -> if OPcache enable and opcache_get_status function disabled, only show "Enabled".
  • Fixed: Flush OPcache -> show notice if opcache_reset function disabled.
  • Fixed: OPcache Viewer -> show notice if opcache_get_status, opcache_get_configuration function disabled.
  • Fixed: docketcache_runtime() -> only valid for PHP >= 7.2.5.


27 Aug 15:10
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Release 21.08.02

  • Fixed: opcacheviewer -> some filter parameters do not escape.

Thanks to Erwan from WPScan.


27 Aug 11:41
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Release 21.08.01

  • Changed: plugin options -> check critical version, disabled by default.
  • Changed: Mark 21.08.1 as a stable release.


20 Jul 10:12
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Release 21.02.08

  • Fixed: Tweaks::http_headers_expect() -> only visible to wp < 5.8 since already included in core.
  • Fixed: Filesystem::is_request_from_theme_editor() -> checking if from plugin-editor.
  • Fixed: nwdcx_unserialize() -> checking if ABSPATH and WPINC defined.
  • Tested up to 5.8.