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187 lines (133 loc) · 7.78 KB

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187 lines (133 loc) · 7.78 KB


  • This is a Next.js React web application, written in TypeScript.
  • U.S. Web Design System provides themeable styling and a set of common components.
  • React-USWDS provides React components already with USWDS theming out of the box. For a reference point starting out, see react-uswds-hello.tsx which includes examples of react-uswds component usage.
  • Storybook is included as a frontend workshop.

Directory structure

├── .storybook        # Storybook configuration
├── public            # Static assets
├── src               # Source code
│   ├── app           # Routes, layouts, and loading screens
│   │   ├── api       # Custom request handlers
│   │   ├── layout.tsx # Root layout, wraps every page
│   │   └── page.tsx  # Homepage
|   ├── adapters      # External service adapters
│   ├── components    # Reusable UI components
│   ├── i18n          # Internationalization
│   │   ├── config.ts  # Supported locales, timezone, and formatters
│   │   └── messages  # Translated strings
│   ├── styles        # Sass & design system settings
│   └── types         # TypeScript type declarations
├── stories           # Storybook pages
└── tests             # Test setup and helpers

💻 Development

Next.js provides the React framework for building the web application. Routes are defined in the app/ directory. Pages are automatically routed based on the directory name. For example, app/[locale]/about/page.tsx would render at /about (for English) or /es-US/about (for Spanish).

Learn more about developing Next.js applications ↗️

Getting started

The application can be ran natively or in a Docker container.


From the app/ directory:

  1. Install dependencies
    npm install
  2. Optionally, disable telemetry data collection
    npx next telemetry disable
  3. Run the local development server
    npm run dev
  4. Navigate to localhost:3000 to view the application
Other scripts
  • npm run build - Builds the production Next.js bundle
  • npm start - Runs the Next.js server, after building the production bundle


Alternatively, you can run the application in a Docker container.

From the app/ directory:

  1. (Optional) If your machine doesn't include Node, and you'd like tools like VS Code to provide intellisense & type checking, run the following command to install the packages locally:
    make container-npm-install
  2. Run the local development server
    make dev
  3. Navigate to localhost:3000 to view the application
Other scripts
  • make release-build - Creates the Docker image for deployment to the cloud

🖼️ Storybook

Storybook is a frontend workshop for developing and documenting pages and components in isolation. It allows you to render the same React components and files in the src/ directory in a browser, without the need for a server or database. This allows you to develop and manually test components without having to run the entire Next.js application.

See the Storybook Next.js documentation for more information about using Storybook with Next.js

Similar to the Next.js application, Storybook can be ran natively or in a Docker container.


From the app/ directory:

  1. npm run storybook
  2. Navigate to localhost:6006 to view
Other scripts
  • npm run storybook-build - Exports a static site to storybook-static/


Alternatively, you can run Storybook in a Docker container.

From the app/ directory:

  1. make storybook
  2. Navigate to localhost:6006 to view

🐛 Testing

Jest is used as the test runner. Tests are managed as .test.ts (or .test.tsx) files and are colocated with the files they reference (for unit tests).

To run tests:

  • npm test - Runs all tests and outputs test coverage report
  • npm run test-update - Updates test snapshots
  • npm run test-watch - Runs tests in watch mode. Tests will re-run when files are changed, and an interactive prompt will allow you to run specific tests or update snapshots.

A subset of tests can be ran by passing a pattern to the script. For example, to only run tests in app/components:

npm run test-watch -- app/components

Testing React components

React Testing Library (RTL) provides the utilities for rendering and querying, and jest-axe is used for accessibility testing. Refer to their docs to learn more about their APIs, or view an existing test for examples.

@testing-library/react methods should be imported from tests/react-utils in order for internationalization to work within your tests:

- import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
+ import { render, screen } from 'tests/react-utils';

it("renders submit button", () => {
  render(<Page />)

    screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Submit" })

🤖 Type checking, linting, and formatting

  • TypeScript is used for type checking.
    • npm run ts:check - Type checks all files
    • npm run i18n-types - Updates the i18n TypeScript declaration. You only need to run this if you've added a new English locale file (JSON files in public/locales/en-US). This runs automatically when you start the development server or build the application.
  • ESLint is used for linting. This helps catch common mistakes and encourage best practices.
    • npm run lint - Lints all files and reports any errors
    • npm run lint-fix - Lints all files and fixes any auto-fixable errors
  • Prettier is used for code formatting. This reduces the need for manual formatting or nitpicking and enforces a consistent style.
    • npm run format: Formats all files
    • npm run format-check: Check files for formatting violations without fixing them.

Optionally, configure your code editor to auto run these tools on file save. Most code editors have plugins for these tools or provide native support.

VSCode instructions
  1. Install the Prettier and ESLint extensions.

  2. Add the following to a .vscode/settings.json file, in whichever directory you open in VSCode (root or this directory):

      "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
        "source.fixAll.eslint": true
      "editor.formatOnSave": true,
      "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
      "eslint.workingDirectories": ["./app"],
      "typescript.validate.enable": true

Learn more about these settings

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