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Elm Plugin for Protocol Buffers build status

This protoc plug-in generates Elm modules from .proto specification files. The generated modules make use of the elm-protocol-buffers library to handle the (de)serialization. They can be used to transmit bytes over HTTP(S) or via web-sockets.

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) generation is supported but experimental. If you encounter issues, please open a issue. In the meantime, you can disable gRPC generation with the environment variable NO_GRPC=true. If used, you need to add a dependency on the elm-grpc library.

Take a look here for a general introduction on Protocol Buffers.


This package is a plug-in for protoc, make sure you have installed it and protoc is available on your path. After installing protoc-gen-elm globally from NPM, protoc will automatically find the binary when you add the --elm_out flag to your command.

npm install --global protoc-gen-elm

Alternatively, you can add protoc as a dev-dependency to your project. This should be the preferred way if you want to build your project in CI. If you wrap the call to protoc in some npm script, it should still work as expected.

npm install --save-dev protoc-gen-elm

You can now turn any .proto file into an Elm module. A similar approach can be used to generate code for C++, Dart, Go, Java, Python, Ruby, C#, Objective C, JavaScript, PHP or another language to build a compliant back-end server!

protoc --elm_out=. api.proto


The following table gives an overview of how .proto types correspond to Elm types and what their default values are.

.proto type Elm type Default value**
package The name of the module Proto
double Float 0
float Float 0
int32 Int 0
int64 Int64* 0
uint32 Int 0
uint64 Int64* 0
sint32 Int 0
sint64 Int64* 0
fixed32 Int 0
fixed64 Int64* 0
bool Bool False
string String ""
bytes Bytes.Bytes Empty bytes sequence
required a a No default
optional a a Default of a
repeated a List a []
enum Custom type First element
message Record All fields take their default value
a Maybe Record Nothing
oneof Custom type with an associated data Nothing
map<k, v> Dict.Dict k v Dict.empty
service Grpc.Rpc req res*** No default
reserved N/A
extensions N/A

*) 64-bit integers are defined in elm-protocol-buffers in Protobuf.Types.Int64.

**) Some default values can be overridden in proto2 specifications. This is currently not supported.

***) Rpc is implemented via the elm-grpc library.

Explanations about the generated code

In general, the generated code tries to be close to what the code looks like in other languages while still being ideomatic Elm code. Elm's concept of "Only one solution to solve" a problem has several consequences here.


  • Protobufs messages are product types, enums and oneofs are union types.
  • Each message and enum generates encode[name] and decode[name] functions, which integrate seamlessly with elm-protocol-buffers
  • Each message and enum generates a default[name] function, which sets the defaults as seen in the table above
  • enums and oneofs generate fromInternal[name] and toInternal[name] functions. These are needed for use inside of other messages (you will see why in the section "Module Nesting")
  • For serialization, using toInternal[name] can be skipped by using lowercase enum constructor functions. I.e. for an ADT constructor MyCons of a data type MyDataType a function myCons is generated, which is equivalent to MyCons >> toInternalMyDataType.

Module Nesting

Protobufs have their own module system, which is different from Elms. Here are some interesting points about it:

  • Modules are defined by packages and not by files
  • Protoc disallows circular imports of packages
  • Declarations can be nested inside of messages, which pretty much makes an inline module
  • There are no visibility modifiers. You can access all declarations inside of a message from outside and the other way around

Elm disallows circular imports as well, luckily protoc helps us out here on the package front. However, Elm does not have supported for nested modules, which is a problem.

For an illustration why, see the following example

// file: test.proto
package test;

enum Outer { A = 0 }

message Scope {
  enum Inner { B = 0 }
  message InnerMsg {
    Outer outer = 1;
    Inner inner = 2;

  InnerMsg msg = 1;

Obviously there are two modules here: test and test.Scope. We generate two Elm files:

// file: Test.elm
import Test.Scope

type Outer = A

type alias Scope = {
  inner : Test.Scope.InnerMsg
// file: Test/Scope.elm
import Test

type Inner = B

type alias InnerMsg = {
  outer : Test.Outer,
  inner : Inner

This might look fine on first glance, but if we try to compile this we get a compile error. Why? Because the two modules are mutually recursive.

The only solution to this problem is making a large module for each package, so this is exactly what we do. But if we want to keep the nice, short names, we will get name conflicts. Protoc has no problems with identical names as long as they are in different scopes.

Therefore, we hide the large modules as .Internals_.elm modules, which you should not need to use and re-export from other modules with nicer names from there. The only downside: We lose the ability to pattern match on types, since we can not alias constructors. So that's the complete explanation why the fromInternal and toInternal functions exist.

Recursive Data Types

For ease of construction, protoc-gen-elm prefers to generate type aliases instead of nominal types. Type aliases have one downside though: they cannot be recursive. Otherwise, the Elm compiler would have to do infinite work to expand the type. So if you have a recursive type like this:

message Rec {
  repeated Rec rec = 1;

we generate

type alias Rec = { rec : List Rec_ }

type Rec_ = Rec_ Rec

and corresponding wrapRec and unwrapRec functions.


If your .proto file includes a service declaration, an Elm module will be generated based on package and the services name.

This file:

package some_package

service SomeService {}

will generate a Proto/SomePackage/SomeService.elm module.

The code that needs to be generated inside is actually rather small. A gRPC call just needs

  • the package name
  • the method name
  • the service name
  • references to the en/decoder functions

The rest of the work is done by the elm-grpc package. It provides functions to convert the generated Grpc.Rpc instances into Cmds and Tasks, as well as setting the usual Http Request fields (headers, timeout, tracker etc.)

Live Example

To run a minimal live example in your browser, follow the instructions in /example/grpc/ For a more advanced/realistic example, look at /example/tonic_vite/

Well-known types

If you want to use protobufs well-known-types, you need to include the paths to the proto files in the compilation.

Example: If this is your proto file test.proto which uses the well-known type Timestamp,

import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";

message TestMessage {
  google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;

the protoc invocation will need to include the path to the well-known types .proto file.

protoc --elm_out=. test.proto /usr/local/include/google/protobuf/timestamp.proto


  • All limitations of elm-protocol-buffers apply;
  • This is still a beta release. Please report any issues you have generating your Elm modules;


Note: Currently, this project won't run on Windows (WSL works) because of shell scripts/executable js files.

Execute npm install, npm run build and npm test and you should be good to go. You will need protoc installed and on your PATH.

  • The plugin logic is written in Elm itself. To be executable via node, there is a index.js wrapper. It converts the incoming bytes to base64, because there currently is no way to directly send the type Bytes through a port.
  • Main.elm essentially wires up the binding to JS: A request is received through a port, gets decoded, processed and then sent through another port.
  • For decoding the protoc request, it uses "itself", meaning that upgrading protoc versions should be done by running the plugin against the new include files from protoc to generate the new encoders/decoders (use the script).
  • A Mapper converts the request into a convenient internal structure
  • A Generator then uses this internal structure to build an Elm AST which is then pretty-printed to a file.

Run to build the elm code into index.min.js (which is imported by the entrypoint index.js).

To analyse the protoc requests, there are debug.js, DebugMain and files. Run, then use debug.js in place of index.js when running protoc. This should dump the deserialized request into debug.log. You can then put this into the Elm repl for example or use it as input for tests.


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  • Elm 91.5%
  • TypeScript 6.4%
  • JavaScript 1.0%
  • Rust 0.7%
  • Shell 0.3%
  • HTML 0.1%