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Configuration Control Board Meeting Minutes for March 25, 2020

Gerardo E. Cruz-Ortiz edited this page Apr 7, 2020 · 1 revision

Milestone Tentative Dates

  • “End-of-Summer Release”, 2019
    • OSAL Apache 2.0 software release pending OPC approval
      • Approved 5.0 with NOSA, requested re-evaluation for Apache 2.0
    • Rest of the framework (aka “cFE”) released as Apache 2.0
    • Draft VDD Complete
  • cfe 7.0.0 – Winter 2020 (really CCB choice)
    • Update date Sometime between after Summer 2020
  • “Certifiable framework” - focus for delivery Summer 2020
    • TBD open tickets

Other topics:

  • Shared folder for meeting notes?
    • Not an issue if we are not posting any sensitive/ITAR data/info
    • Action to look into Github as an option
  • Removing task list at the end of the agenda.
    • Action - CCB members to review list to check for relevance (Due date ?)
      • Please email Gerardo with any items that should be converted to issues in Github.
    • By and large the group thinks that most of the items are no longer relevant.
  • Data call:
  • Github project:

Tickets needing CCB action/notification

  1. Closed:
  1. Integration Candidate 20200318
  1. Review PRs:
  1. Review issues

ADDED ISSUE - vxworks osapi.c OS_Milli2Ticks() problems #104 - APPROVED

General Discussion:

  1. Talked about coming up with a “update checklist” for API developers: a. UTs b. Functional Tests c. Coverage Test d. Requirements e. Documentation
  2. Jake is going to submit a pull request to deprecate several issues. I wasn’t fast enough to grab all of the issue numbers but it looked like you commented on all the applicable ones.
  3. There was a lengthy discussion about an email chain…I jumped off before they finished.

Invite list

Name Role Tickets Org Present
Leor Bleier Developer 556; 559 GSFC\582 x

Name Role Tickets Org Present

  • GSFC
    • Jacob Hageman (cFS Framework Lead) x
    • Jonathan Wilmot (cFS Architect)
    • Alan Cudmore (cFS Architect) x
    • Gerardo Cruz-Ortiz (cFS Management) x
    • Dan Knutsen (cFS Developer) x
    • Jay Czarnecki (Software Process Imp) x
    • Beth Timmons (GSFC Apps) x
    • Dwaine Molock (Project Developer) x
    • Anhelina Yurkova (cFS Test Automation)
  • JSC
    • Steve Duran (PSP, OSAL Developer)
    • Ron Maglothin (Lunar CATALYST Developer)
    • Allen Brown (AES Developer)
    • Thomas Brain (AES Integration)
    • Tam Ngo AES Lead x
    • Carrejo, Daniel Systems
    • Schlesinger, Adam Avionics and Software
    • Thad Flemming
  • ARC
    • Chris Knight (SBN Developer & Research) x
    • Joseph (Pat) Castle
    • Michael Scott
    • Craig Pires
  • LaRC
    • Chris Thames (Lead/FSW Management) x
    • Noah Ryan (Software Developer)
  • MSFC
    • Deanna Whitehead
    • Stefanie Justice
    • Lisa Vanderaar (Software lead)
  • GRC
    • Joe Hickey (cFS Developer) x
  • IV&V
    • Matt Grubb (SmallSat baseline, build testing)
    • Chris Monaco
  • Guest
    • Dave McComas (GSFC)
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