The DS3231 is a cheap and widely available i2c RTC module available in various form-factors. It uses i2c address 0x68.
My favorite variant is one that fits on the Pi2+ header and includes a soldered-on rechargeable battery.
i2c bus with address 0x68 free.
You need to know the name of the i2c bus as described in the devices
device-tree. You can consult your devices device tree or poke around
The i2c bus must be enabled, status = "okay"
, this will currently be forced
due to how the DT simple-overlay is structured, but is not intentional, expect
it to change and enable your i2c bus if it is not already enabled.
The board contributor should have defined user-exposed i2c interfaces at
Finally, enable the dtOverlay with:
host = nixosSystem {
modules = [
# Note: The deviceBuilder API should be considered unstable.
(nixos-sbc.deviceBuilder.rtc.ds3231 ({config}: {i2cConfig = config.sbc.board.i2c.devices.i2c0;}))