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Releases: n7consulting/Incipio


02 Sep 14:42
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Jeyser CRM Phosphorus

Security, Charts & UI improvements, bug fixes

This version contains security fixes for our dependencies, update as soon as possible


Please make sure that you've updated to Jeyser 2.6.0 before upgrading to this new version.

# Be sure to regularly update your server: sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade && sudo apt autoremove

# Update docker-compose
curl -L$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

# Get new Jeyser version
cd /var/www/Incipio
chown -R $USER var/install var/migrations
git checkout master
git pull --prune # if that step fails, reach us out on gitter
git checkout v2.7.0

# Update containers
docker-compose stop web traefik
docker-compose rm -f web traefik
sed -i "s/--logLevel=DEBUG/--logLevel=ERROR/g" docker-compose.yml
sed -i 's/image: traefik:.*/image: traefik:1\.6\.6/' docker-compose.yml
sed -i 's/--web/--metrics.prometheus --ping/' docker-compose.yml

docker pull php:7.1-apache
docker-compose build web
docker-compose up -d

# Migrate & Clear cache
docker-compose exec web php bin/console -n doctrine:migration:migrate
docker-compose exec web composer clear-cache-prod
docker-compose restart web


Comparison between 2.6.0 and 2.7.0

The main points are (ordered by importance):

  • Update Symfony & Traefik to remove security flaws
  • Improve user experience on charts (thank you @Olivier-R and M-Gate for this contribution)
  • Reduce Traefik log level to save disk space
  • General UI improvement (Thanks @PitouGames and Ouest Insa for this contribution)
  • Complete transition migration
  • Fix bug to bring skills chart back
  • Add field to edit member skills from its profile
  • Update installation script to support Ubuntu 18 (16 still supported though)
  • Default logs and shortname are jeyser's, not N7 Consulting's anymore to reduce potential confusion.
  • Fix bug preventing user from removing a related document


03 Jun 17:26
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Jeyser CRM Silicon

Maintenance, UI & doctypes improvements, many things about Docker & security


Please make sure that you've updated to Jeyser 2.5.0 before upgrading to that new version

# Be sure to regularly update your server: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt autoremove
cd /var/www/Incipio
git checkout master
git pull --prune # if that step fails, reach us out on gitter
git checkout v2.6.0

# Update containers
docker-compose stop traefik web mailer
docker-compose rm -f traefik web mailer
sed -i "s/traefik:\(morbier\|raclette\|camembert\|roquefort\|cancoillote\)/traefik:tetedemoine/g" docker-compose.yml
sed -i "s/--logLevel=DEBUG/--logLevel=ERROR/g" docker-compose.yml
docker image prune -af
docker-compose build # It might take a while to complete
docker-compose up -d

# Clear cache
docker-compose exec web composer clear-cache-prod
docker-compose restart web

# When you browse to your Jeyser installation page, don't forget to clear your browser cache to enjoy improved styles. Otherwise Jeyser might look ugly.
# Note : Don't worry about a "Error parsing header X-XSS-Protection: 1; (...) The default protections will be applied." in Chrome console, it's a Chrome bug.


Comparison between 2.5.0 and 2.6.0

  • Fix bugs & add robustness
  • Improve UI (thank you @PitouGames & Ouest Insa for this contribution)
  • Improve BV, FA & FS doctypes. (This won't be effective on already installed Jeyser, download and add them manually)
  • Fix installation process by pinning mysql version in docker-compose
  • Update dependencies to latest version (prevent from known vulnerabilities)
  • Reduce web server image size
  • Improve application security by adding several HTTP headers
  • Add tests (and that's good) (thank you @thomashoarau & N7 Consulting for this contribution)


18 Feb 20:00
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Jeyser CRM Aluminium

Mostly about GDPR implementation. We abide by the law.

Warning: Jeyser now implements the GDPR. It's available in the Vie privée tab of the Jeyser left bar.
Now it's your responsibility to define the process aroud the privacy module. For instance you have to give (on the user administration page) the ROLE_RGPD to the responsible of GDPR applications.

Danger: Jeyser abides by the GDPR. However, it is your responsibility to apply the process for other data sources such as cloud file storage and so on.


Please make sure that you've updated to Jeyser 2.4.1 before updating to that new version

Apply this migration only if your dashboard displays Jeyser 2.4.1.
If it does not apply the 2.4.1 migration before

# Be sure to regularly update your server: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
cd /var/www/Incipio
git checkout master
git pull # if that step fails, reach us out on gitter
git checkout v2.5.0

# Important, or automatic SSL certificate will end up being broken: update traefik container.
docker-compose stop traefik
docker-compose rm traefik
sed -i "s/traefik:\(morbier\|raclette\|camembert\|roquefort\)/traefik:cancoillotte/g" docker-compose.yml
sed -i "s/--acme.onDemand=true/--acme.onDemand=true --acme.httpChallenge.entryPoint=http/g" docker-compose.yml

# Update web container
docker-compose build web
docker-compose stop web
docker-compose rm -f web
docker-compose up -d

# Clear cache
docker-compose exec web composer clear-cache-prod
docker-compose restart web


Comparison between 2.4.1 and 2.5.0

  • Add GDPR compliance. To match CNJE requirements, you have to update before the first of March 2018.
  • Update to latest Traefik version to fix potential SSL certificate issues
  • Add BV doctype. (This won't be effective on already installed Jeyser, download it and it manually).
  • Update to Symfony 3.4. It is expected that this version is a little slower than previous version. it will be fixed later on with the migration of Jeyser to Symfony 4.
  • Minor improvement on error handling in BV module
  • Add numerous behavioural tests (no business impact, only for developers)

Magnesium Patch-1

23 Jan 07:25
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Oops, a critical error on Etude creation. Sorry

Please make sure that you've updated to Jeyser 2.4.0 before applying that patch

Apply this migration only if your dashboard displays Jeyser 2.4.0.
If it does not apply the 2.4.0 migration before


cd /var/www/Incipio
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout v2.4.1
docker-compose exec web composer clear-cache-prod
docker-compose restart web # to reset permissions on cache
# Be sure to regularly update your server: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade


  • Fix bug on Etude Creation


21 Jan 08:19
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Jeyser CRM Magnesium

A pretty consistent update


As described in the README and our website, we will release a version implementing the GDPR by the 18th of February 2018. Read more


Warning: As usual, don't copy paste the whole block, do it line after line.

cd /var/www/Incipio
git checkout master

# save config file and update it
cp var/key_value_store/config.json ./config.json.old
git checkout var/key_value_store/config.json
git pull
mv ./config.json.old var/key_value_store/config.json
# update the config file
sed -i "s/\"tva\"/\"fraisDossierDefaut\": 90,\"pourcentageAcompteDefaut\":0.4,\"tva\"/g" var/key_value_store/config.json

# apply database migrations
# Add fraisDossierDefaut and pourcentageAcompteDefaut Parameter to available parameters
docker-compose exec web php bin/console doctrine:migrations:execute -n 20171123202155
# Cascade delete between Etude & CC
docker-compose exec web php bin/console doctrine:migrations:execute -n 20180110191604 
# Remove unused prestation type
docker-compose exec web php bin/console doctrine:migrations:execute -n 20180112211714
docker-compose exec web composer clear-cache-prod
docker-compose restart web


Comparaison entre 2.3.1 et 2.4.0

  • Add helpers to get MontantHT & NbrJeh directly from a GroupePhase.
    Example: Before in your doctype: Had to use a counter to display the number of JEH in a group of phase
    {% for phase in groupe.phases %}
       {%set nombreJEH = nombreJEH + phase.nbrJEH %}
    {% endfor %}
    Nombre JEH groupe {{groupe.titre }}: {{ nombreJEH }}
      Nombre JEH groupe {{ groupe.titre }}: {{groupe.NbrJeh}}
    The new doctypes takes advantages of that feature. Don't hesitate to have a look.
  • Improve documentation and release a brand new website
  • Fix bug on Avenant modification
  • Improve Avenant management
  • Change favicon and add mobile device icons
  • Improve provided doctypes (CC, AP). have a look at them it might help you.
  • Add Facture (Invoices) doctypes
  • Fix broken link to documentation
  • Improve error handling in etude management module
  • Improve skill visualization view to have a better handling of a large amount of data.
  • Keep opened tab in the URL for Etude view. You can now refresh the Etude view page and get the same opened tab. Makes link sharing easier.
  • Frais de dossier and pourcentage d'acompte (sound french ? ;) ) default values can be set in the admin parameters.
  • Display Etude removal button only for admins
  • Display Etude progress on Vu CA page.
  • A contact client can be removed from its modification page
  • Fix Etude removal bug (Thanks Supaero)
  • Improve AvMission management
  • Default JEH value set to 340
  • As usual, codebase improvement (code quality and so on) and user interface consistency improvement

Sodium Patch-1

19 Nov 19:44
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Mostly about some minor security fixes in Symfony


Just run

cd /var/www/Incipio
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout v2.3.1
docker-compose exec web composer clear-cache-prod
docker-compose restart web # to reset permissions on cache
# Be sure to regularly update your server: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade


  • Update Symfony. Use latest version without known vulnerabilities
  • Fix date choice on RM
  • Fix end date of a Phase when delay is null


30 Oct 21:17
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Jeyser CRM Sodium

This is not the minor release we were looking for. Technically it should be a patch. However, because there are some changes in the database schema and in several containers structure, doing a minor release is more relevant. Learn about semver


# Be sure to regularly update your server: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
cd /var/www/Incipio
git checkout master
git pull # if that step fails, reach us out on gitter
git checkout v2.3.0

# Remove validation field from database
docker-compose exec web php bin/console doctrine:migrations:execute 20171022125205

# Update traefik container
docker-compose stop traefik
docker-compose rm traefik
sed -i "s/traefik:\(morbier\|raclette\|camembert\)/traefik:roquefort/g" docker-compose.yml

# Update mailer container
docker-compose stop mailer
docker-compose rm mailer
docker rmi $(docker images incipio_mailer -q)
docker-compose build mailer # it can take a while
docker-compose up -d

# Clear cache
docker-compose exec web composer clear-cache-prod
docker-compose restart web

As usual, don't copy paste the full snippet above on your server, do it line after line.


Detailed changelog

  • Update to traefik roquefort (1.4)
  • Improve demonstration data
  • Fix provided doctypes
  • Fix Gantt display
  • Reduce mailer container image size & enlarge accepted ip range
  • Remove query source on Facture index view
  • Minor coding stuff (typing, codestyle ...)


As stated before, this is quite unexpected. Sorry for the 2 minor releases in less than a month.


19 Oct 06:35
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Jeyser CRM Neon

Tenth release of Jeyser CRM

This is a big update, adding several new & cool features and a major bug fix on Tresorerie. Update quickly, it worth it!


That release changes the database schema to remove Devco's tables and improve Facture removal.

If you use the docker installation, run the following commands:

# Be sure to regularly update your server: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
cd /var/www/Incipio
git checkout master
git pull # if that step fails, reach us out on gitter
git checkout v2.2.0
# remove the web container
docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm web
docker rmi $(docker images incipio_web -q)
rm -rf var/cache/prod
docker-compose build web
docker-compose up -d
# If the following migration fails, don't worry.
docker-compose exec web php bin/console doctrine:migrations:execute 20170916083250
# This one shouldn't
docker-compose exec web php bin/console doctrine:migrations:execute 20171011071219
docker-compose exec web composer clear-cache-prod
docker-compose restart web


Detailed changelog

Chronologically ordered, non-exhaustive:

  • Update Symfony to 3.3.10
  • Remove warning message about composer (details in #141 & #143)
  • Fix unauthorized error page (#121)
  • Update Monolog to 3.1 to avoid 404 error mail
  • Fix errors in AP Doctype
  • User Interface improvements:
    • Remove all back to etude links, browsing should be done through breadcrumbs at the top right corner
    • Improve several views: Proces Verbal, Phase, Suivi, Facture, BV, Tresorerie
    • Change menu tree on letfbar to reduce clicks for treso pages.
    • Fix TVA management page
    • Make navbar visible for mobile on Etude page
    • Remove unused N7Consulting/DevcoBundle
  • Rework the welcome page:
    • Display main statistics for ROLE_TRESO and ROLE_SUIVEUR member, updated every hour
    • When connected as admin, compare installed version with latest available (#156)
  • Improve robustness: add validators on several entities
  • Allow Facture de solde removal
  • Repare on the fly Prospect and Employee addition with Etude and PV.
  • Don't display current date on old Etude gantt chart: if the last action on the etude is more than 6 months old, the current date is not displayed anymore. (#151)
  • Fix major bug on Facture de solde: montant a deduire (acompte) is not ignored anymore.

    That bug affects every known version of Jeyser and even Incipio
  • Fix several minor bugs
  • Add details on email for errors. (#163)
  • Add a mechanism to rotate log files (#152)
  • Take server response into account on progress modification (#31)
  • Improve code quality: make comments consistent, remove unused files, use paramconverter, order translations keys alphabetically


The Siaje importer is not ready yet and might be postponed to another release to give us enough time for testing. In a word, 2.3 is coming soon.

Fluor patch-2

27 Aug 12:51
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Patch installation, fix errors in AP demo doctype, improvements


Just run

cd /var/www/Incipio
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout v2.1.2
docker-compose exec web composer clear-cache-prod
docker-compose restart web # to reset permissions on cache
# Be sure to regularly update your server: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade


Modifications since Jeyser 2.1.1 (Anti-chronological order)

  • Fix errors on AP demo doctype
  • Improve code consistency & quality (remove unused code and files, use php-cs-fixer for a consistent code style among the whole application ...)
  • Add constraints on Poste creation (no more 500 errors because of a null description field)
  • UI consistency for AP and CC form
  • Creation and modification dates are not overrided if already set. (no influence on your business, will be useful for devs)
  • Repair command to create demo data
  • Add a script to fully reload database (useful for devs)
  • Fix errors on parameters view
  • Put text in translation files for PersonneBundle
  • Rework errors pages and use the technical contact for support mail
  • Improve responsive design on prospect view
  • Slash in Etude names are now forbidden
  • Add new URSSAf cotisation rate (impact only new installations of Jeyser)

Note Thank you Olivier-R and M-Gate for your contributions 👍

Fluor patch-1

09 Jul 08:48
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Patch document upload


Just run

cd /var/www/Incipio
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout v2.1.1
docker-compose exec web composer clear-cache-prod
docker-compose restart web # to reset permissions on cache


  • Fix document upload for an Etude + small UI improvements
  • Update dependencies, namely Symfony to 3.3.4
  • Remove config.json from indexed file to simplify update process. We still distribute it to keep CI working.

Note Thank you Ouest Insa for your bug report