this application is based on Docker's example voting app. The app let you vote between two different things (default Cats vs. Dogs).
The Application is a demo that let you use build an advanced composition that uses Python, Redis, Postgres, Node.js and .Net.
- A Python webapp which lets you vote between two options
- A Redis queue which collects all the new votes
- A .Net worker which consumes votes and stores them in…
- A Postgres database backed by a Docker volume
- A Node.js webapp which shows the results of the voting in real time (this repository)
Fork this repository.
Add this repository to your Codefresh:
You can now configure your image:
- Make sure you know your image name. You will use it later in the composition. In our example it's superfresh/cfexampleresult. you can change it to whatever you like as long as it in the format of <name_1>/<name_2> usually indicating repository owner name and repository name.
- Press Build. Select the current pipeline and the master branch.
- When the build is finished you can press the View Image button and see the result. make sure that the image name is correct and the tag is master.
- Make sure you know your image name. You will use it later in the composition. In our example it's superfresh/cfexampleresult. you can change it to whatever you like as long as it in the format of <name_1>/<name_2> usually indicating repository owner name and repository name.
Now let's create the composition
- Create a new composition and give it a name (voting-app in our example)
- Press
and enter this composition. The composition support docker compose syntax. make sure you user your own image name instead ofsuperfresh/cfexampleresult:master
version: '2' services: result: image: 'superfresh/cfexampleresult:master' command: nodemon --debug server.js ports: - '80' links: - 'db:db' worker: image: 'containers101/cf-example-worker:master' links: - 'db:db' - 'redis:redis' redis: image: 'redis:alpine' ports: - '6379' vote: image: 'containers101/cf-example-vote:master' command: python ports: - '80' links: - 'redis:redis' db: image: 'postgres:9.4'
* Save the composition and then launch it by pressing the missile button.

5. Check your composition:
* go to the environment view and you can see that your composition is up.
* press the `more info` link to see the containers.

* You can open and see your app in the link for the voting app, and in the result app.

6. More configuration to composition:
* go back to the composition and add environment variables to the composition. It should look like this (again, make sure you use your own image name):
version: '2' services: result: image: 'superfresh/cfexampleresult:master' command: nodemon --debug server.js ports: - '80' links: - 'db:db' environment: - OPTION_A=$VOTE_OPTION_A - OPTION_B=$VOTE_OPTION_B worker: image: 'containers101/cf-example-worker:master' links: - 'db:db' - 'redis:redis' redis: image: 'redis:alpine' ports: - '6379' vote: image: 'containers101/cf-example-vote:master' command: python environment: - OPTION_A=$VOTE_OPTION_A - OPTION_B=$VOTE_OPTION_B ports: - '80' links: - 'redis:redis' db: image: 'postgres:9.4'
* Add 2 Composition Variables to VOTE_OPTION_A and VOTE_OPTION_B with values that you choose.

* Save and Launch the app as before and open the application. You will now see the two options.
Containers 101 is online/offline meetup group based in Mountain View that provides guides and helps developers work with Containers. Created by Codefresh which provides environments for every commit, Docker CI and CD, and an embedded registry.
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