This lib aims to be a comprehensive PHP SDK for the Rados Gateway Admin API.
This lib is designed to be installed using Composer
"require": {
"myena/php-rgw-api": "4.*"
- All object-containing responses are modeled (list)
- Entire request chain is fully modeled, with required parameters being type-hinted (e.g. UserRootLink::Info)
- All models have full swagger-php markup
- Includes undocumented
endpoints - Parameter validation (link) with hopefully useful error messages
More details on each component can be found below, however here is a quick fill-in-the-blank example:
$config = new \MyENA\RGW\Config([
'address' => '',
'adminPath' => '',
'apiKey' => '',
'apiSecret' => '',
$client = new \MyENA\RGW\Client($config, new \MyENA\RGW\Signature\V2Signature());
[$users, $err] = $client->Metadata()->User()->List()->execute();
if (null !== $err) {
// and whatever else you wanna do...
You must first construct a Config:
$config = new \MyENA\RGW\Config([
'address' => '', // REQUIRED
'apiKey' => '', // REQUIRED
'apiSecret' => '', // REQUIRED
'adminPath' => '', // optional, whatever your admin ops path is
'silent' => false // optional, silences all logging
The optional 2nd argument in the Config constructor accepts any object implementing the Guzzle ClientInterface. If left null, a new Guzzle Client with no options will be constructed.
The optional 3rd argument in the Config constructor accepts any object implementing the Psr LoggerInterface. If left null, a new Psr NullLogger will be constructed.