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Can we turn Elegant Scipy into a Jupyter-book?


This document is a Bash Jupyter notebook that you can run interactively in Jupyter - simply click on the Binder link above.

Create an environment with latest Jupyter Book and Jupytext

Here I will assume that you are working in a conda or a virtual environment. You could have used, for instance

conda create -n jpbook -y
conda activate jpbook


virtualenv jpbook
source jpbook/bin/activate

In this environment we install the latest version of Jupytext

git clone
pip install ./jupytext

And of Jupyter Book

git clone
pip install ./jupyter-book

Download Elegant-Scipy

git clone

We also install the book requirements. We could have created a separate env for that, but for simplicity we use the same environment as above

pip install -r elegant-scipy/requirements.txt
python -m ipykernel install --name elegant-scipy-kernel --user

Turn Elegant Scipy into a Jupyter Book

In this paragraph we try to reproduce the folder structure of a Jupyter Book.

jupyter-book create samplebook
cd samplebook
rm -rf content _bibliography requirements.txt
mv Makefile MakefileJB
cd ..

mv samplebook/* elegant-scipy/
rmdir samplebook

Create the Table of Contents

echo '# Say we start with the Acknowledgements
- title: Elegant Scipy
  url: /acknowledgements
  not_numbered: true

# External link
- title: GitHub repository
  external: true
  not_numbered: true

# Adds a search bar link
- title: Search
  search: true

# Divider for meta-pages and content page
- divider: true

# An now the chapters
- title: Preface
  url: /preface
  not_numbered: true
- title: Quantile Normalization with NumPy and SciPy
  url: /ch2
  not_numbered: true
- title: Epilogue
  url: /epilogue
  not_numbered: true
' > elegant-scipy/_data/toc.yml

Create the _config.yml file

echo '#######################################################################################
# Jekyll site settings
title: Elegant Scipy
author: Juan Nunez-Iglesias (@jni), Harriet Dashnow (@hdashnow), and Stéfan van der Walt (@stefanv)

baseurl: "/" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog. If there is no subpath for your site, use an empty string ""
url: "YOUR URL" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g.

textbook_logo_link        :  # A link for the logo.

# Interact link settings

# General interact settings
use_jupyterlab                   : false  # If 'true', interact links will use JupyterLab as the interface

# Jupyterhub link settings
use_jupyterhub_button            : false  # If 'true', display a button that will direct users to a JupyterHub (that you provide)

# Binder link settings
use_binder_button                : false  # If 'true', add a binder button for interactive links
binder_repo_org                  : "elegant-scipy"  # The username or organization that owns this repository
binder_repo_name                 : "elegant-scipy"  # The name of the repository on the web

# Jupyter Book settings
content_folder_name : "markdown"
' > elegant-scipy/_config.yml

Fix the notebook configuration

The notebooks expect the data and style folders at the same level. Here we add a few symbolic links, but maybe (as Jupyter Book copies those folders) it would be better to change the notebooks to leave the folders where they are:

cd elegant-scipy/markdown
ln -s ../data/ data
ln -s ../style/ style
cd ../..

Change the extension to either md or ipynb

# Convert all notebooks to ipynb/md 
# ** ?? --execute not working on ch1.markdown ??
cd elegant-scipy/markdown
jupytext --to ipynb --set-kernel elegant-scipy-kernel --execute ch2.markdown

# ** ?? .markdown extension is not accepted by JupyterBook ?
mv acknowledgements.markdown
mv preface.markdown
mv epilogue.markdown
cd ../..

Compile our book

Finally, we build the book with

jupyter-book build elegant-scipy

The intermediate result is a collection of .md files in elegant-scipy/_build

ls -l elegant-scipy/_build

Prune and publish the book

To start with, we revert the changes in the Markdown folder:

cd elegant-scipy
git checkout -- markdown
cd markdown/
rm data style *.md *.ipynb
cd ..
git diff

Then we remove unnecessary files from the _build folder:

cd _build
rm -rf data style sparse_table.txt
cd ..

Finally we publish the resulting site on github:

git add .
git commit -m 'Elegant Scipy as a Jupyter Book'

git remote remove origin
git remote add origin [email protected]:mwouts/elegant-scipy-as-a-jp-book.git
git push -u origin master

Now our repo is online cf.

However I'm not sure where to find it on GitHub Pages... Maybe a variation of ?