Part of the Sparta family. A standalone CLI and library that uses AWS KMS to encrypt secrets into Go variables that can be committed to SCM.
- Create an AWS KMS key
- Encrypt plaintext (either string or filepath) using the new key ARN or GUID
$ go run main.go encrypt help
Error: Provide either --value or --file plaintext input value
SpartaVault encrypt [flags]
-f, --file string Path to file whose contents should be encrypted
-k, --key string AWS KMS Keyname (ARN or GUID) to use for encryption
-n, --name string go Property name for encrypted value
-v, --value string String value value to encrypt
Provide either --value or --file plaintext input value
exit status 255
go run main.go encrypt --key 4f2f62e1-41e0-49e2-8da4-3a7ec511f498 --value "Hello World" --name "testKey"
----- BEGIN SNIPPET -----
package main
import (
spartaVault ""
var testKey = &spartaVault.KMSEncryptedValue{
KMSKeyARNOrGuid: "4f2f62e1-41e0-49e2-8da4-3a7ec511f498",
PropertyName: "testKey",
Key: "AQEDAHi8zBTBrgXJ4OyfnaJ8C9B2H/WAF54D9vPaarH9Dob2wwAAAH4wfAYJKoZIhvcNAQcGoG8wbQIBADBoBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHgYJYIZIAWUDBAEuMBEEDAWYup2u/ZdD4VRV3gIBEIA76z9NVXE3m8AhK6SdT8yEOmu0pXf3CBcUJ4DSAiwYQt4Y3mDePdLfGlkTbratRExo33Zzse8m/G4G6iI=",
Nonce: "VDS+3LffkcSUGEpc",
Value: "U4RQWOVsYyGiaJ2VhGXeWhO5Gd3+6uhaiqcg",
Created: "2016-09-20T05:57:42-07:00",
// Usage:
// func main() {
// plaintextValue, _ := testKey.Decrypt()
// fmt.Printf("Decrypted: %s\n", plaintextValue)
// }
----- END SNIPPET -----
go run main.go encrypt --key 4f2f62e1-41e0-49e2-8da4-3a7ec511f498 --file "main.go" --name "testKey"
----- BEGIN SNIPPET -----
package main
import (
spartaVault ""
var testKey = &spartaVault.KMSEncryptedValue{
KMSKeyARNOrGuid: "4f2f62e1-41e0-49e2-8da4-3a7ec511f498",
PropertyName: "testKey",
Nonce: "k8uPquOblLxKmjCO",
Value: "VH2QwL43aTf52ztt7lrf2kL2CBwh2cROd0efI7q+/NrP4+FQfXUhKq8uYRHy7mQdds2ZHo7EZG8EQ4Bsy4a4xRq0fa8q/SLdj7aRbzqwjg44hbO7vBl6WnQQGGkqHRM12jdjwK1x0sy0eZ2Nln2sGQcV6+RseDY=",
Created: "2016-09-18T03:58:12-07:00",
// Usage:
// func main() {
// plaintextValue, _ := testKey.Decrypt()
// fmt.Printf("Decrypted: %s\n", plaintextValue)
// }
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