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125 lines (92 loc) · 7.23 KB

File metadata and controls

125 lines (92 loc) · 7.23 KB


Most observations can be verified in index*.log commited on corresponding date.



The code in index.js was adopted:

  • to include a command line option --no-lenient, allowing to modify the default lenient: true Comunica option given as the default in previous versions
  • to include a command line option --query, allowing to select particular queries rather than going over all 48
  • to include a command line option --repeat, allowing to repeat each query as many times as expected to be needed to show inconsistent results.

The dependencies were updated and reinstalled to use latest "graphql-ld-comunica": "^1.2.2".

All tests were run using node version lts/gallium -> v16.18.1.

Previous logfiles were deleted, to reduce focus.

Observations for lenient: true

With Comunica option lenient: true, the inconsistency resulting from source remains.

This can be seen in file index-v16-18-1-lenient-some-repeat10.log, generated by executing

NODE_ENV=production node ./index.js --query 6 10 19 29 47 --repeat 10 --log verbose 2>&1 | tee index-v16-18-1-lenient-some-repeat10.log

or in file with Comunica logging index-v16-18-1-lenient-some-repeat10-logc-debug.log, generated by executing

NODE_ENV=production node ./index.js --query 6 10 19 29 47 --repeat 10 --log verbose --logc debug 2>&1 | tee index-v16-18-1-lenient-some-repeat10-logc-debug.log.

Find inconsistencies by searching for the string is not equal to.

Note the random behaviour (inconsistencies not necessarily at the same query for the two logfiles).

Also note that in the second file, an inconsistency is always preceeded by a Comunica logging ERROR: request to failed, reason: socket hang up.

Observations for lenient: false

With Comunica option lenient: false, Comunica terminates by throwing a socket hang up error on one of the requests to

This can be seen in file index-v16-18-1-not-lenient-some-repeat10.log, generated by executing

NODE_ENV=production node ./index.js --no-lenient --query 6 10 19 29 47 --repeat 10 --log verbose 2>&1 | tee index-v16-18-1-not-lenient-some-repeat10.log

or in file with Comunica logging index-v16-18-1-not-lenient-some-repeat10-logc-debug.log, generated by executing

NODE_ENV=production node ./index.js --no-lenient --query 6 10 19 29 47 --repeat 10 --log verbose --logc debug 2>&1 | tee index-v16-18-1-not-lenient-some-repeat10-logc-debug.log.


Additional loggings with Comunica logging level debug, on request:

  • index-logc-debug-1.log, index-logc-debug-2.log: two runs (giving different results), run with commandline NODE_ENV=production node ./index.js --log verbose --logc debug 2>&1 | tee <logfile>.log.
  • index-logc-debug-3-not-lenient.log: third run with same commandline as above, but code modified to set Comunica's lenient option false.


  • (1) Following differences in output data between first and second run:
    • in first run, "id": "" is missing from the output of query 30/48.
    • in second run, "id": "" is missing from the output of query 10/48.
    • in second run, "id": "" is missing from the output of query 47/48.
  • (2) Multiple occurrences of ERROR: socket hang up in first and second run, not immediately correlated to the missing output given above.
  • (3) One occurrence of ERROR: connect ETIMEDOUT in second run, during query 47/48.
  • (4) Interesting stacktrace when app ends in third run (Comunica not in lenient mode):
    (node:2896) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: socket hang up
    at connResetException (internal/errors.js:607:14)
    at TLSSocket.socketOnEnd (_http_client.js:493:23)
    at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:327:22)
    at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1327:12)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:80:21)
    (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
    (node:2896) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see (rejection id: 33264)
    (node:2896) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.


All previous observations were based on running this app with node v14.16.1. Today, repeated with all latest node lts versions vxx.yy.z (xx = 10, 12, 14 and 16). Saved each logging output separately in index-vxx-yy-z.log files. See those log files for detailed differences.


Next overview diagrams were derived from the log files.

For interpretation, it is interesting to know (see also knows-query-data.js) that:

  • Queries 1-38 ar for routes /education/master-thesis/{year}/{slug} (10 datasources)
  • Query 46 is for route /education/master-theses (10 datasources, same as for queries 1-38)
  • Query 47 is for route /teams (26 datasources)

Heap used


Query duration



  • (1) Heap usage differences per node version are very different, but the peak value is comparable (1300 vs 1500 MB roughly). Perhaps only due to different garbage collector behaviour...
  • (2) Execution time differences per node version are neglectible.


  • (1) Calling v8.writeHeapSnapshot() after first query, results in premature node exit, even without error message. Last lines of (verbose) logging output:
    info: Memory usage after handling query 1/48: 
          rss 255.07 MB
          heapTotal 135.85 MB
          heapUsed 108.06 MB
          external 1.9 MB
          arrayBuffers 0.46 MB
    info: Started writing heap snapshot to file heap-1.heapsnapshot
  • (2) Confirmation of all observations of 2021-04-29, even when adding NODE_ENV=production in front of the node command line. It is very remarkable that exactly the same queries have excessive execution times (> 230 seconds).
  • (3) Differences in output data for 2 master theses: contactPoint concerning (compared with previously committed index.log)


  • (1) First commit today: remarkable difference with observations (2) and (3) of 2021-04-29:
    • Suddenly total duration now 167 seconds, no excessive individual query execution times!
  • (2) Second commit today: observations (2) and (3) again in line with those of 2021-04-29.
    • Due to behaviour of datasources??? or network???


  • (1) Big memory usage (up to 1600 MB)
  • (2) Runs slow (over 2000 seconds to fetch all KNoWS data)
    • Mind the individual query execution times. Following ones have excessive execution times (> 230 seconds), compared to others (a few seconds): 5/48, 10/48, 15/48, 20/48, 25/48, 30/48, 35/48, 46/48
  • (3) It takes about 4 minutes between final log message ("Ending app...") and node application exit