Before you get started you will want to register your extension in the Muxy Dashboard
Simply copy the GameLink folder into your new or existing Unity project, in the Packages/
GameLinkTestScene.unity shows example usages of GameLink. Be sure to set your GameLink ClientId in the CMuxyGameLink component.
Documentation for the GameLink C# library beyond example usages is currently non-existent, but you may refer to the C++ documentation for the time being as the two libraries are very close in usage. C# documentation is currently being worked on and will be coming soon enough.
This package does not work out-of-the box for Unity 2018 and older versions. To use this library, copy this repository into a folder in the Packages/
of your unity project, and then copy the correct dll (Likely Runtime/x64/cgamelink.dll
) to the root of your project directory.
Overall, the resulting folder structure should look like:
| Unity2018Project.sln
| cgamelink.dll
+-- Assets
| | ...
+-- Packages
| | ...
| +-- Gamelink
| | +-- GameLink~
| | +-- Runtime
| | +-- SampleScene
| | +-- Walkthrough~