10-Understanding audio data for deep learning
11- Preprocessing audio data for deep learning
12- Music genre classification: Preparing the dataset
13- Implementing a neural network for music genre classification
14- Solving overfitting in neural networks
15- How does a convolutional neural network work
16- How to implement a CNN for music genre classification
17- Recurrent Neural Networks explained easily
18- LSTM networks explained easily
19- How to implement an RNN-LSTM for music genre classification
2-Ai, machine learning and deep learning
3-Implementing an artificial neuron from scratch
4- Vector and matrix operations
5- Computation in neural networks
6- Implementing a neural network from scratch
7- Bagkpropagation and gradient descent
8- Training a neural network: Implementing back propagation from scratch
9- How to imlement a simple neural network with TensorFlow
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parent directory Feb 16, 2020
Feb 16, 2020
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