A Golang health check client that exposes an echo handler for concurrently handling dependency health checks
Here's a very basic example of how we might set up the healthcheck
import github.com/music-tribe/healthcheck
hcClient := healthcheck.NewClient("<myServiceName>")
db := database.New()
app := application.New(db)
e := echo.New()
appHealthCheckTest := healthcheck.NewTest(
func(ctx context.Context) error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
// the app has it's own simple health check function
return app.Health()
// imagine each dependency we want to test exposes a healthcheck test
ctx := context.Background()
e.GET("/readiness", hcClient.HttpHandler(ctx, appHealthCheckTest, db.HealthCheckTest)
Healthcheck tests are simple to create. They're just objects that contain a name and a simple method for checking some parameter within your dependency. Here's a simple way to write a database connection test...
type Database struct {...}
func (db *Database) HealthCheckTest() healthcheck.Test {
method := func(ctx context.Context) error {
return db.session.Ping()
return healthcheck.NewTest("database ping", method)
// the test would be injected as below
ctx := context.Background()
e.GET("/readiness", hcClient.HttpHandler(ctx, db.HealthCheckTest())