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- What is AWS Transfer Family?
- How AWS Transfer Family works
- Setting up
- Tutorial: Getting started with AWS Transfer Family
- Creating a server
- Create an AS2-enabled server configuration
- Managing users
- Using logical directories to simplify your Transfer Family directory structures
- Transferring files using a client
- AWS Transfer Family managed workflows
- Managing servers
- Managing access controls
- Monitoring server usage
- Security in AWS Transfer Family
- Data protection in AWS Transfer Family
- Identity and access management for AWS Transfer Family
- Logging and monitoring in AWS Transfer Family
- Compliance validation for AWS Transfer Family
- Resilience in AWS Transfer Family
- Infrastructure security in AWS Transfer Family
- Add a web application firewall
- Cross-service confused deputy prevention
- AWS managed policies for AWS Transfer Family
- Troubleshooting
- API reference
- Welcome to the AWS Transfer Family API
- Actions
- CreateAccess
- CreateAgreement
- CreateConnector
- CreateProfile
- CreateServer
- CreateUser
- CreateWorkflow
- DeleteAccess
- DeleteAgreement
- DeleteCertificate
- DeleteConnector
- DeleteHostKey
- DeleteProfile
- DeleteServer
- DeleteSshPublicKey
- DeleteUser
- DeleteWorkflow
- DescribeAccess
- DescribeAgreement
- DescribeCertificate
- DescribeConnector
- DescribeExecution
- DescribeHostKey
- DescribeProfile
- DescribeSecurityPolicy
- DescribeServer
- DescribeUser
- DescribeWorkflow
- ImportCertificate
- ImportHostKey
- ImportSshPublicKey
- ListAccesses
- ListAgreements
- ListCertificates
- ListConnectors
- ListExecutions
- ListHostKeys
- ListProfiles
- ListSecurityPolicies
- ListServers
- ListTagsForResource
- ListUsers
- ListWorkflows
- SendWorkflowStepState
- StartFileTransfer
- StartServer
- StopServer
- TagResource
- TestIdentityProvider
- UntagResource
- UpdateAccess
- UpdateAgreement
- UpdateCertificate
- UpdateConnector
- UpdateHostKey
- UpdateProfile
- UpdateServer
- UpdateUser
- Data Types
- As2ConnectorConfig
- CopyStepDetails
- CustomStepDetails
- DeleteStepDetails
- DescribedAccess
- DescribedAgreement
- DescribedCertificate
- DescribedConnector
- DescribedExecution
- DescribedHostKey
- DescribedProfile
- DescribedSecurityPolicy
- DescribedServer
- DescribedUser
- DescribedWorkflow
- EfsFileLocation
- EndpointDetails
- ExecutionError
- ExecutionResults
- ExecutionStepResult
- FileLocation
- HomeDirectoryMapEntry
- IdentityProviderDetails
- InputFileLocation
- ListedAccess
- ListedAgreement
- ListedCertificate
- ListedConnector
- ListedExecution
- ListedHostKey
- ListedProfile
- ListedServer
- ListedUser
- ListedWorkflow
- LoggingConfiguration
- PosixProfile
- ProtocolDetails
- S3FileLocation
- S3InputFileLocation
- S3Tag
- ServiceMetadata
- SshPublicKey
- Tag
- TagStepDetails
- UserDetails
- WorkflowDetail
- WorkflowDetails
- WorkflowStep
- Making API Requests
- Common Parameters
- Common Errors
- Document history for AWS Transfer Family
- AWS glossary