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diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/icons/icons.md b/docs/src/pages/components/icons/icons.md
index b5fef3f966b2c8..bc02e572d2ed6a 100644
--- a/docs/src/pages/components/icons/icons.md
+++ b/docs/src/pages/components/icons/icons.md
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Material-UI provides icons support in three ways:
## Material Icons
-Material Design has standardized over 1,000 official icons, each in five different "themes" (see below). For each SVG icon, we export the respective React component from the `@material-ui/icons` package. You can search the full list of these icons in our [built-in search page](/components/material-icons/).
+Material Design has standardized over 1,000 official icons, each in five different "themes" (see below). For each SVG icon, we export the respective React component from the @material-ui/icons package. You can [search the full list of these icons](/components/material-icons/).
### Usage
@@ -38,30 +38,64 @@ The safest is Option 1 but Option 2 can yield the best developer experience.
Make sure you follow the [minimizing bundle size guide](/guides/minimizing-bundle-size/#option-2) before using the second approach.
The configuration of a Babel plugin is encouraged.
-Each icon also has a "theme": `Filled` (default), `Outlined`, `Rounded`, `Two tone` and `Sharp`. If you want to import the icon component with a "theme" different than default, append the "theme" name to the icon name. For example `@material-ui/icons/Delete` icon with:
+Each icon also has a "theme": Filled (default), Outlined, Rounded, Two tone and Sharp. If you want to import the icon component with a theme other than default, append the theme name to the icon name. For example `@material-ui/icons/Delete` icon with:
-- `Filled` "theme" (default) is exported as `@material-ui/icons/Delete`,
-- `Outlined` "theme" is exported as `@material-ui/icons/DeleteOutlined`,
-- `Rounded` "theme" is exported as `@material-ui/icons/DeleteRounded`,
-- `Two tone` "theme" is exported as `@material-ui/icons/DeleteTwoTone`,
-- `Sharp` "theme" is exported as `@material-ui/icons/DeleteSharp`.
+- Filled theme (default) is exported as `@material-ui/icons/Delete`,
+- Outlined theme is exported as `@material-ui/icons/DeleteOutlined`,
+- Rounded theme is exported as `@material-ui/icons/DeleteRounded`,
+- Twotone theme is exported as `@material-ui/icons/DeleteTwoTone`,
+- Sharp theme is exported as `@material-ui/icons/DeleteSharp`.
-Note: The Material Design specification names the icons using "snake_case" naming (for example `delete_forever`, `add_a_photo`), while `@material-ui/icons` exports the respective icons using "PascalCase" naming (for example `DeleteForever`, `AddAPhoto`). There are three exceptions to this naming rule: `3d_rotation` exported as `ThreeDRotation`, `4k` exported as `FourK`, and `360` exported as `ThreeSixty`.
+> Note: The Material Design specification names the icons using "snake_case" naming (for example `delete_forever`, `add_a_photo`), while `@material-ui/icons` exports the respective icons using "PascalCase" naming (for example `DeleteForever`, `AddAPhoto`). There are three exceptions to this naming rule: `3d_rotation` exported as `ThreeDRotation`, `4k` exported as `FourK`, and `360` exported as `ThreeSixty`.
{{"demo": "pages/components/icons/SvgMaterialIcons.js"}}
## SvgIcon
-If you need a custom SVG icon (not available in Material Icons) you should use the `SvgIcon` wrapper.
-The `SvgIcon` component takes the SVG `path` element as its child and converts it to a React component that displays this SVG icon, and allows the icon to be styled and respond to mouse events.
-SVG elements should be scaled for a 24x24px viewport.
+If you need a custom SVG icon (not available in the Material Icons [default set](/components/material-icons/)) you can use the `SvgIcon` wrapper.
+This component extends the native `