import struct import sys import math import numpy import os.path import cmath import filters #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.optimize import scipy.signal import iridium F_SEARCH = 100 def normalize(v): m = max(v) return [x/m for x in v] class ComplexSyncSearch(object): def __init__(self, sample_rate, verbose=False): self._sample_rate = sample_rate self._samples_per_symbol = self._sample_rate / iridium.SYMBOLS_PER_SECOND self._sync_words = [{},{}] self._sync_words[iridium.DOWNLINK][0] = self.generate_padded_sync_words(-F_SEARCH, F_SEARCH, 0, iridium.DOWNLINK) self._sync_words[iridium.DOWNLINK][16] = self.generate_padded_sync_words(-F_SEARCH, F_SEARCH, 16, iridium.DOWNLINK) self._sync_words[iridium.DOWNLINK][64] = self.generate_padded_sync_words(-F_SEARCH, F_SEARCH, 64, iridium.DOWNLINK) self._sync_words[iridium.UPLINK][16] = self.generate_padded_sync_words(-F_SEARCH, F_SEARCH, 16, iridium.UPLINK) self._verbose = verbose def generate_padded_sync_words(self, f_min, f_max, preamble_length, direction): s1 = -1-1j s0 = -s1 if direction == iridium.DOWNLINK: sync_word = [s0] * preamble_length + [s0, s1, s1, s1, s1, s0, s0, s0, s1, s0, s0, s1] elif direction == iridium.UPLINK: sync_word = [s1, s0] * (preamble_length / 2) + [s1, s1, s0, s0, s0, s1, s0, s0, s1, s0, s1, s1] sync_word_padded = [] for bit in sync_word: sync_word_padded += [bit] sync_word_padded += [0] * (self._samples_per_symbol - 1) filter = filters.rrcosfilter(161, 0.4, 1./iridium.SYMBOLS_PER_SECOND, self._sample_rate)[1] sync_word_padded_filtered = numpy.convolve(sync_word_padded, filter, 'full') sync_words_shifted = {} for offset in range(f_min, f_max): shift_signal = numpy.exp(complex(0,-1)*numpy.arange(len(sync_word_padded_filtered))*2*numpy.pi*offset/float(self._sample_rate)) sync_words_shifted[offset] = sync_word_padded_filtered * shift_signal sync_words_shifted[offset] = numpy.conjugate(sync_words_shifted[offset][::-1]) return sync_words_shifted def estimate_sync_word_start(self, signal, direction): sync_middle, confidence, _ = self.estimate_sync_word(signal, self._sync_words[direction][16][0]) # Compensate for the 16 symbols of preamble sync_start = sync_middle + 2 * self._samples_per_symbol return sync_start, confidence def estimate_sync_word(self, signal, preamble): c = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(signal, preamble, 'same') sync_middle = numpy.argmax(numpy.abs(c)) return sync_middle, numpy.abs(c[sync_middle]), numpy.angle(c[sync_middle]) def estimate_sync_word_freq(self, signal, preamble_length, direction): if preamble_length not in self._sync_words[direction]: return None, None, None sync_words = self._sync_words[direction][preamble_length] if self._verbose: #plt.plot([x.real for x in signal]) #plt.plot([x.imag for x in signal]) offsets = range(-F_SEARCH, F_SEARCH) cs = [] phases = [] #print 'signal len', len(signal) #print 'sync word led', len(sync_word_shifted[0]) for offset in offsets: _, c, phase = self.estimate_sync_word(signal, sync_words[offset]) cs.append(c) phases.append(phase) #plt.plot(normalize(cs)) #plt.plot(phases) print "best freq (brute force):", offsets[numpy.argmax(cs)] #print "phase:", math.degrees(phases[numpy.argmax(cs)]) #print "current phase:", math.degrees(estimate(signal, 0)[1]) #return offsets[numpy.argmax(cs)] def f_est(freq, preambles): #print freq #c = numpy.correlate(signal, preambles[int(freq+0.5)], 'same') f_index = int(freq+0.5) c = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(signal, preambles[int(freq+0.5)], 'same') return -numpy.max(numpy.abs(c)) freq = int(scipy.optimize.fminbound(f_est, -(F_SEARCH - 1), (F_SEARCH - 1), args = (sync_words,), xtol=1) + 0.5) if self._verbose: print "best freq (optimize):", freq if self._verbose: freq = numpy.argmax(cs) - F_SEARCH if abs(freq) == F_SEARCH - 1: return None, None, None _, confidence, phase = self.estimate_sync_word(signal, sync_words[freq]) if self._verbose: print "phase:", phase return freq, phase, confidence