Goal is to try new things and get feedback from users without breaking existing behavior.
Anything in this section can change without backward compatibity or even completely removed.
DANGER ZONE: Code may not work as expected.
Goal: reduce user confusion and maintanence burden by restructuring CLI interface for better matching use cases and related options
- Each use case is matched to command
- Customizations are available as options
Use Cases:
- Maintain local copy/backup of iCloud: COPY command
- Use iCloud as a transfer meduim to local storage (and clean iCloud afterwards): MOVE command
Othrogonal Needs:
- Scheduled sync: WATCH command
- management of persistent credentials: AUTH command
- monitoring/notification/alerting: TBD
Legacy command (compatible with prior versions):
docker run -it --rm icloudpd:icloudpd icloudpd --help
docker run -it --rm icloudpd:icloudpd icloud --help
icloudpd-1.17.1-windows-amd64 --help
docker run -it --rm icloudpd:icloudpd
icloudpd-ex-1.17.1-windows-amd64 --help
docker run -it --rm icloudpd:icloudpd copy [email protected] /path/to/{album}/{date_created:%Y/%Y-%m}
icloudpd-ex-1.17.1-windows-amd64 copy [email protected] /path/to/{album}/{date_created:%Y/%Y-%m}