Releases: mtedone/podam
Releases · mtedone/podam
- Allow to change default method comparator to custom one
- Possibility to clear memoization cache
- setNumberOfCollectionElements was moved to DataProviderStrategy interface
- PodamFactory.populatePojo for hydrating already instantiated objects
- Support for custom constraints
- Support for bean validation annotations
- Improved memoization
- Memoization disabled for arrays, collections and maps content
- Improved memoization
- Guaranteed order of extra methods execution
- Fixed bug with resorting to external factory
- Set memoization to true by default
- ClassInfoStrategy allows specification of methods to be executed for POJO after instantiation and population.
- User to order attribute exclusion by name in ClassInfoStrategy
- Fixed unsafe read-only fields filling
- POJOs produced by external factory not populated in main factory as this might cause a PodamMockeryException
- User to override ClassAttributeApprover implementation in ClassInfoStrategy to customize selection attributes for manufacturing
- PODAM now can construct POJO as factory parameter, which are enumerations.
- Now filling also complex attributes (objects, collections, maps) with only getter, but no setter
- PodamFactory.manufacturePojoWithFullData() added to API to produce the POJO with the most arguments
- Stabler constructor sorting
- Fixed array of objects manufacturing
- Fixed loop in map generic types resolution
- Fix for collections and maps implementing map and collection interfaces indirectly
- Support for non-standard collection and map types
- Better support for immutable collections
- Fixed problems with genetic type resolution in constructors and static methods
- Fixed problem with generic array types in constructors and static methods
- Skipping methods starting with "set" and having non single parameter instead of throwing exception
- Properly handle immutable default values
- Properly handle default values for collection and map types